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Volume XLVI
18 Somerset Street, Boston.
Address, Foster's, on Gen. William Whipple, 92
Alden Family, 269
Alsop and Harlakenden, 369
Alsop, Pedigree of, 3 >*'>
America, Titled Families in, 91
Ancestors, Maternal, of James Russell Lowell. 92 j
Ancestry, English, of the Higginson Family, 117
Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company
Relic of, 398
Autobiography of Major Gen. Daniel Denison
Bachiler, Stephen, 58, 15?, 24(3, 345
Barton, John, 85
Battles and Casualties of Mass. Regiment
during the War id" the Rebellion, list of. 31
Bible Family Records, 380, 274
Biographical Sketches (see also Necrology) —
Corey, Arthur Deioraine, 1('£
Cutts, Hampden, 297
Dean, Sarah Bridges, 298
Forsyth, Frederic. 205
Gardiner, David Lion. 398
King. Hannah (Cleveland), 293
Osgood. James Ripley, 298
Richardson, Charles Benjamin, 109
Tra^k, Marv Fliery Rogers, 109
Wheldon, William Gray, 206
Withington, Elizabeth, 110
Births, Dates wanted, 2/ 1
Book Notices—
Ad.ims's History of Braintree, Mass., 197
Adams's Phases of Sexual' Morality and
Church Discipline, 1.3
Appleton's Merriam Family, 203
Arnold's Vital Record of Rhode Island, 253
Austin's Ancestral Dictionary, 105
Bates's History of Westborough, Mass., 100
Beckwith's Keckwivn Family, 202
Bisuham's Bispham Faniily," 104
Biaydes's Geneal 'gia Bedfordiefcsis, 93
Booth's Booth Family. 2'j:i
Breck's Magoun Family, 202
Brockway's Brockway Family, 104
Barrage's John Hancock, 101
Carpenter's Hoagland Family, 292
Ca*-'e-Browne's History of Boxlev Parish,
En;?-, 410
Clark's Stephens Family, 292
Clutterbuck's Archives of Andover, Eng.,
197 ■
Conrad's Kunders Famiiv, 202
Daniels's Historv of Oxford, Mass., 286
Davis's Barbados in 1651, 414
Davis's Capitulation to the French at
Demerara, 4!4
Davis's St. Kilts, 414
De Forest's History of Westborough, Mass..
Dimoud's Dimond Famiiv, 104
Dudley's Dudlev Family, 202
Eaton Family Reunion, 105
Eaton's Church of England in Nova Scotia,
E^tabrook's Estabrook Family, 202
Farnsworth's Farnsworth Family, 104
Fields History of Haddam and East Had-
dam, Conn.., 289
Book Notices—
Foundnfhm of the French Power in the
West Indies, 4 14
French on the name French, 414
Genesis of the Massachusetts Town, 285
Greenwood's ('apt John Elliott, 105
Guild's Strobridge and Morrison Families,
Hakes on the Discovery of America, 413
Hartweil Family Reunion, 105
Hayden's Virginia Genealogies, 99
Hayden's Washington Family, 102
Higginson's Youi g Folks' History of the
United States, 200
Hills's First Re-union of the Hills Family,
Hoar's Will of Charles Hoare of Gloucester,
England 105
Hooker's Reunion of the Hooker Family,105
Hudson's Annals of Sudbury, Wayluni and
Maynard, Mass., 100
Hunt's Fragments of Revolutionary His-
tory, 201
Inscrintious on T< inbstones and Monu-
ments a' Elizabeth, N. J,., 411
Jewell's Spencer Family of Maryland. 201
Journal by George Washington, while bur-
veving in the Northern Neck of Virginia.
Kelk-y's Kelley Family, 293
King's King Family, 2. 3, 414
Kingsley's How Yale grew to be a National
University, 102
Kihgsley on Weedeh's Economic and Social
History of New England, 102
Labbertdn's New Historical Atlas and Gen-
eral Historv, 103
Ladd's Ladd "Family, 104
Lane Genealogies, 292
Lapham's Clason Family, 202
Lapham's History of Bethel, Maine, 288
Leavitt's Starkey and Lawrence Families,
Lee of Virginia, 203
Memorial of Seymour W. and Fidelia (Hall)
Baldwin, 101
Merrill's Mifflin Family, 104
More's More Family, 29?
Moses's Mo.-es Family, 202
Notes on the Gill Family, 292
OUu Souvenir, 2*. '3
Parkman's Montcalm and Wolfe. 201
Pedigree of King ot Lynn, Mass,, 414
Pelo'ubet's Records of I'eioubet Family, ?93
Perry's Library an-i Cabinet of the Rhode
Island Historical Society, 290
j Perry's Official Tour in Tunis. 28J
I Pierce's Forbes and Forbush Genealogy, 202
j Putnam on the S'rince Family, 105
Putnam's Monthly Hi*t orteal'Magazine, 221
Putnam's Putnam Famiiv. 104., -93
Ranek's Tra\ eilti g i hurch, 103
Reade's Hildreth Family, 2V3
Records of the b irst Church at Dorchester/??
Records of tie 1'emberton Family, 414
Reunion of the Fatcn Family, 105
Eexford's Kexford Family, 105
Index of Subjects.
Book Notices-
Robinson's Vermont, 289
Rodenbough's Autumn Leaves from Family
Tree*, 202
Rust's Rust Family, 104
Ryland's Lancashire Church Notes and
Tricking of Arms, 290
Saunders's Columbus, -100
Seccombe's Discourse on Business and
Diversion, 4i:-t
Sessions's Sessions Family, 104
Sharpens Seymour, Conn., 289
Sheppai d's Sheppard Family, 202
Silsby's Tributes to .Shakespeare, 292
Smith's John Smith Family, 105
Sonierville Journal, Souvenir of the Semi-
centennial, 291
Southern Historical Society's Papers, 29C
Stanton's Stanton Family, '.'02
Stark on the Bahama Islands, 103
Stoddard's Allen family, 292
Taft Reunion, August l'l, 1891, 293
Thomas's Thomas Family, 104
Thurston Genealogies, 414
Toner's Wills of the American Ancestors of
General George Washington, 102
Town Records of Manchester, Mass., Vol-
ume II., 200
Troup's >.'otta on Doctor Matthew SutcliJe,
Underwood's Pollard Family, 105
Virginia Historical Society Proceedings, 411 j
Walworth's Battles of Saratoga, 304
Washington's Washington Family, 102
Waters's Genealogical Cleanings in Eng-
land, 291
Weaver's Richard Bruton, 412
Weaver's Thomas Chard, 412
Weeden's Economic and Social History of
New England, 102
Weekes's H'eekos Family, 292
Weeks's Lost Colony of Roanoke, 102
Wheeler's. Wheeler and Warren Families,
Whitmore on Mother Goose's Melody, 201
Winckiey Family, Additional Notes on the,
Winsor's Passant of ^airt Lusson, 412
Woodward'.- Hartford Bank, 413
Year Book of the Connecticut Society of the
Sons of the American Revolution for 1831,
Year Book of the New York Society of the
Sons of the Revolution, 199
Boston, Original Documents relating.to, 121,254
Boston, Siege of, &6
Brentiyood, N, H., The Friends in, 252
Bridgeware,--, Record of Marriages in East Par-
ish of, 55, 107
Buckminster, Martha (Vose), 271
Centenary of Kentucky's Admission to the
Union, 405
Chandler, Query, 89
Channing, Note, 179
Chase, Isaac, Query, 400
Christian Names of Marshall P. Wilder, 90
Church, Query, 88
Church Kegbters, Extracts from, 118
Clarke, Richard, of Boston, 92
Ciaybrooke, England, Extracts from Parish
Registers, 1!8
Connecticut Flection Sermons, 123
Correction, John Tra-k, 91
Crane, Henry, of Dorchester, Ma39., and some
of his Descendants, 216
Deacons of First Church, Dorchester, 183
Deaths, 108, 205, 297
Description of New England, A few Notes on \
Maverick's, 90
Denison, 273, 352 |
Denison, Daniel, Autobiography of, 127
Denny, Samuel, Letter, 1778, 269 !
Descendants of Henry Crane of Dorchester, 216
Descendants of George Lawrence, 149
Diary, Ebenezer Dibble's, Extracts from, 399
Dibble's Diary, Extracts from, 399
Documents, Original, 1077-17'Jl, 172
Documents, Original, relating to Boston, Mass.,
121, 254
Dodge Family of Essex County, Mass., 383
Dorchester, First Church, Deacons of, 183
Dorchester, First Emigration to Windsor, 183
Dorchester, Morton and Taylor Estates in, 78
Early Military Order of Washington, 30
Election Sermons, 123
English Ancestry of the Higginson Family, 117
Lee, Thotras, 106
Thomas, Azubah, 85
Esther, 85
Hannah, 85
Robert Bailey, 85
Wiiiiam, ^5
Essex County, Mass., Inhabitants of, 1526-1800.
Estates in Dorchester. The Old Morton and
Taylor, 78
Exhibitions of Harvard College prior to 1800,
Family Records, Bible, ISO, 274
Fen wick Letters and Hartford Treaty, 354
First Church Founded by New-Euglaud people
in Kings Co., N. S., 219
Foster's Address on Gen. Wdliam Whipple. 92
Fountain, Aaron, Query, 400
Friends in Brentwood, N. H., 252
Genealogical Gleanings in England, 44, 151,299.
Genealogical Queries, 400 [417
Alsop, 368
Brackenbury, 178
Crane, 216
Dodjje, 383
Harlakenden, 369
King, 370
Lawrence, 149
Otis, 211
Femberton, 392
Pratt, 173
Star key, 144
Street, 256
Tren'ce, 173
Wver, 178
Genealogies in preparation —
Chase, 405
Chute, 276
Coutant, 189
Cutts, 276
Dodge, 275
Elder, 92
Fairchild, 189
Fountain, 405
Glascock, 405
Grosvenor, t7Q
Lee, 189
Markham, 276
Mathewsou, 92
Pillsburv, 189
Poole, 189
Savary. 189
Sproule, 92
Gerrymander, The, 374
Gill Lineage, 212
Gouiding, Palmer, Petition of, 215
Great House at Strawberry Bank, 86
Greene, Katharine, Query, 181
Hackett, Query, 400
Harlakenden Records, 369
Hartford Treaty and Fenwick Letters, 354
Harvard C"Hege, Exhibitions of prior to 1800,
Heraldry, King, 84 [233
Index of Subjects,
Herrick Genealogy, 189
Higginson Family, English Ancestry of, 117
Hihlreth Family of Lowell, Mass., 275
Historical Intelligence, 91, 1*>9, 275, 403
Historical Memoranda, 8f> ■
Historical Societies, Proceedings of—
Kansas State Historical, 193
Maine Genealogical, 191, 277
Maine Historical, 94, 192, 277
New-England Historic Genealogical, 93, 190
New-Haven Colon v Historical, 93
Old Colon v Historical, 94, 191, 277, 405
Rhode Island, Historical, 94, 192, 278, 406
Virginia Historical, 192,278
Wisconsin State Historical, 103
History, Local, in Preparation, 190
Taunton, Mass., 190
Gerrymander, 377
Skeleton of, 382
Autographs :
Fowler, Samuel Page, 339
Healy, John Plummer, 207
Jackson, Henry, 111
Sewall, Joseph, 3
Maps :
Map of Essex County, Gerrymandered, 380
Coast of Maine, 182, 272
Fowler. Samuel Page, 339
Healy, John Plummer, 207
Jackson, Henry, 111
Sewall, Joseph, 3
Tabular Pedigrees:
A 1 sop, 306
Burnell, 156
Denis on, 353
Jadwin, 312
Lee, 72
Moriey, 156
Springett, 306
Street, 256
Willis, 329 [275
Inhabitants of Essex County, Mas3., 1626 — 1800,
Inquest upon the body of Lydia Pickering of
Salem, 179
Inscriptions, see Epitaphs.
Intentions ol Marriage, Lincoln County, Me., 11
Jackson, Col. Joseph, Portrait of, 271
Jackson, Gen. Joseph, Query, 272
Jacobs, Query, 400
Jones, Richard Query, 131
Judges who have "served 30 years or mere, 268
Judicial Terms, Long, 2»37
Kekamochange, Qu?ry, 131
Kentucky's Admission to the Union, Centenary
of, 4u5
King Farniiv, 370
King, Heraldry of, 84
King's County, N. S., First
New-England peopl
Church founded by
Latham, 180
Lawrence, George. Descendants of, 149
Lechmere, Note, ISO
Lee of Virguda, 64, iol
Letter of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew to Richard
Clarke, 15
Letter Revolutionary of Col. Samuel Denny, 269
Carv, Jonathan, 140
Denison, Daniel, 127
Denny, Samuel, 209
Dummer, William, 25, 27, 228
Feuwick, George, 356-358
Gray, John, 25. 363
Gyles, John, 232, 309
Heath, Joseph, 28, 141
Kinckes, Samuel, 29, 229
Lee, Harry, 166
Mather, Cotton. 115
Mayhew, Jonathan, 15
Mcintosh, Hen, 23
Minot, John, 361
Penhallow, John, 29
Rotch, William, 174-177
Schuyler, John, 14 2
Veau'dreuil, Philippe de Rigaud, 26, 137
Walford, Emma M., 53
Washington, John, 51
Wentworth, John, 363
Westbrook, Thomas, 22-24, 26, 28, 29, 143,
230, 231, 233
Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and other?,
22, 136, 226, WJ
Lineage, Gill, 212
List of Battles and Casualties of Massachusetts
Regiments during War of the Rebellion, 31
Local History in Preparation, 190
Lowell, James Russeil, Maternal Ancestors of,
Maltby, Harriet Elizabeth, Query, 400
Marriage, Intentions of, Lincoln Co., Me., 11
3Iarriages, Records of, in East Parish of Bridge-
water, 5-5, 167
Maryland, sources of Genealogical Information
in, 403
Mass. Regiments during the War of the Re-
hellion, list of Battles and Casualties of, 31
Mass. Society for Promoting Agriculture, 181
.Maternal Ancestors of James Kusseli Lowell, 92
Mather, Cotton, and the Royal Society, 114
Maverick's Description of New England, Notes
on, 00
Members of the New-England Historic Genea-
logical Society, 457
Fowler, Samuel Page, 339
Healy, John Plummer, 207
Jackson, Henry, 111
Odeil, William Hunter, 20
Sewall, Joseph, 3
Memoranda, Historical, 86
Military Order of Washington, 30
Morenouso, Taber, {>S
Morton and Taylor Estates in Dorchester, 78
Narragansets, Hartford Treaty with, and Fen-
wick Letters, 354
Necrology of the New-England Historic Genea-
logies. Society —
Alien, Nathan, 281
Allibone, Samuel Austin, 233
Amory.. Thomas Coffin, 279
Ballou, Frederic Milton, 282
Cariton, William Tolman, 95
Cushman, David Quimby, 281
Dwight, Benjamin Wood bridge, 4€S
Forbes, Robert Bennef, 280
Huhbard. Fordvce Mitchell, 284
Hutchings, William Vincent, 406
Hyde, George Baxter, 408
Marvin, Abijah Perkins, 283
Nash, Gilbert, 194
Pratt, Eieazer Franklin, 196
Smithett, William Thomas, 284
Squier; Ephraim George, 194
Storer, Henry Gookin, 96
Torrey, Eberiezer, 196
New England, Notes on Maverick's Description
of, 91
New England, The Starkovs of, 144
Notes and Queries, 84, 17«', 267, 398
Nova feeeua, First Church of New-England
people, 213
Odel!, Query, 400
Oliver, Sote, 180
Origin and Genealogy of the Hi'.dreth Familv
of Lowell, Mass., Capt. Reade on, 275
Origina] Documents, 1677-37dl, 172
Original Documents relating to Boston, Mass..
Otis Family of Montreal, 211
Index of Subjects.
Palmer, 88
Parentage of Nicholas Street of New Haven,
Conn., 2,">6
Parish Krister?, 73, 75, 162, 258
Peaslee, Note, 269
Pedigree of Denison, 352
Peirce, Abraham, Query, 400
Perr.berton Family, 392
Perry, Elisha, Query, 400
Petition of Palmer Goulding, 215
Pickering, Lydia, Inquest upon the body of, 179
Pillsburv Family, Quarter Millenary, 91
Poole, Henry, Will of, 244
Portrait of Col. Joseph Jackson, 271
Portraits wantec, 181, 271
Pratt and Trerice, 173
Property of Intended wife, Quitclaim to, 399
Queries. 88, 180,269,400
Quitcl aim to Property of Intended Wife, 39ii
Reade, Capt., nn Hildreth Family, 275
Reading, tterks. Eng., Parish Register, 92
Recent Publications^ 107, 205, 293, 413
Record of Marriages in East Parish of Bridge-
water, Mass., 55, 167
Records of Family Bible, ISO, 274
Records of the Episcopal Church at Striughton,
Mass... 14, 133, 351
Register of St. Botolph, Bisbopsgate, London,
Eng., 275
Register of St. Mary's Parish Church, Reading,
Berks., Eng., 92
Relic of Ancient and Honorable Artillery Corn-
pan v, 398
Replies, 89, 181, 2:2, 401
Rotch, William, Extracts from Letters of, 174
Royal Society and Cotton Mather, 114
Salisbury, Mr. and Mrs. Edward E., Fivmily
History, 91
Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, Corrections
'and Auditions. 185
Clarke, Nathaniel, 188
Weymouth Families, 185
Settlers" on St. George's River, 119
Sewall, Key, Joseph, His Youth and Early
Mawhood, 3
Siege of Boston, 86
Simancas Map and Weymouth's Discovery, 181,
272. 401
Sloei'.m, Query, 400
St. Botolph Parish Register, London, Eng., 275 !
St. Mary's Parish Church, Reading, Berks., j
Eng., Register of, 92
Societies, Proceedings of. See Historical So- I
Sources of Genealogical Information in Mary-
land, 403
Stoughtou Episcopal Church, Records of, 14,
133, 351
Starkeys of New England, 144
strawberry Bank. Great House at, 86
Street, Nicholas, of New Haven, Conn., Paren-
tage Of, 250
Taber— Morenouse, 88
Terms, Long Judicial, 267
Thomas, Robert Bailey. 85
.Titled Families in America, 91
Tra>ke, John, Correction, 91
Traske, John, Senior, of Beverly, 39
Trerice and Pratt, 173
■Twining Family, Query, 400
Union, Centenary of Kentucky's Admission to
the, 405
Yirginia, Lee of, 64, 161
Warren and Waters, 87
-Washington Ancestrv, 48
Washington, Early Military Order of, 30
■Waatangtonte Ycuth, 273
Waterhouse and Whitehouse, 89
Waters'? Genealogical Gleanings in England, 44,
151, 299, 417
Abington, John ('1692), 330
Aldworth (Aldworthe), Krancis, (1623), «2
John (1615), 441
Margerie (H302), 410
Thomas (159*), 440
Alexander, John (16i'8), 331
Allen, .James (1056 , 33 )
William (1647), 331
Arayand, Isaac (1738), 332
Anderson, Henry ( 1675), 334
John (16:7;. 3 15
Andrewes, Johane (1594), 333
John (1648), 333
Lancelot (1626), 418
Aptacrpe, Edward (1643), 432
John (1646), 433
Simon (1653), 433
Stephen (1615), 431
Baker, John (1661), 303
Nicholas (1753), 440
Barnard, Elizabeth I Hitiy), 428
Beale, Christopher (1651), 336
Best, John (1(566), 44
Bigge, John (1035), 435
Bodes, John (1665), 336
Bolton, Robert (1646), 316
Bovey, Ursula (1643), 445
Brett, Thomas ; 16:;6), o07
Browne, Sara (1643), 337
Susan (1626), 314
Bulckley, Nathaniel, 3i i
Buruell, Barbara (1631), 155
John (1603), 154
(1621), 155
C/tropdfm. Elizabeth, viscountess (1643), 446
Chadoner, William (1620), 442
Clarke, Agnes (1647). 453
Cox, William (1633), 425
Coxe, Susann (1634), 425
Curtis, Catherine (1622), 48
De Butt, Giles (16si), 304
Drake, Francis (15C-3), 310
(1633), 310
East, Nicholas (1649), 432
Elbridge, Giles (164<), i43
John (1646), 444
Fenn, Robert (1655J,334
Feme. John (1619), 431
Fitch, Thomas (lt>32), 323
Glover, William (h OS), 312
Goitye, Edmund (1614), 319
Grahme, Ranald (1679), 49
Grigges, Richard (1664), 315
Griggs, Thomas (1665), 315
Grigson, Richard (1040), 151
Guise, William (1640), 47
Guyse, John (1614), 47
Gyse, William (1650), 4S
Harwood, Elizabeth (16*6), 433
Hay ward, Elizabeth [1667), 448
Higgtnson, Humphrie (1665-6), 452
Hooke. Cici'y (1660), 448
Thomas (1677), 448
Jadwin, Elizabeth (1637), 311
Kempster, John (16.86), 155
Knigut, Francis (1616), 441
Lane, Jeremie (1 £46), 435
John (1638), 427
Legge, William (1670), 50
Mansfeilde, John (1601), 324
Maplett, John (1670), i-53
Marshall, Easter (iie«'er), 46
Martin, Richard (1659), 45*
Mott, Mark; (1630), 320
Nash (Nasshe), Anthony (1622), 426
Thomas (1642), 426
Neve, Elizabeth (164 ! , -ho
Parker, John (1639). 308
Joseph (1642), 309
Judith (16*9), 433
Pennington, Mary (1680), .305
Index of Subjects.
Waters's Genealogical Gleanings in England-
Pindar, Michael (1646), 445
Quiney, Adrian (1692). 429
Raymond, George (1617), 313
Rogers, Joane (1640), 452
Richard (1578), 449
(1636), 450
William (1625), 450
Sadler, John (1658), 429
(1698), 430
Roger (1578), 424
Smith, Alice (1584), 419
(1632), 422
Francis (16123). 421
Smithe, John (1601), »23
Smyth, John (1612), 420
Spencer, Francis (1636), 435
John (1656), 45
Margaret (1636), 435
Street, Richard 1 1626), 418
Sylvester, Giles, 46
Sym, John (1637), 316
Tew, Richard (1673), 453
Tomlins, Samuel (1661), 328
Thomas (1665), 417
Tookie, Ann (1671), 456
Job (1669), 456
Topping, Richard (1657), 336
Wftite, Joseph (1669), 318
Margaret (1675), 319
Ward, Anne (1634), 317
Edward (1646), 314
John (1662). 315
Nathaniel (1657)-, 319
Warde, Edward (1620), 314
Watson, John (1583), 420
Robert (1563), 418
Thomas (1567), 419
Wayte, John (1664), 318
West, William (1686), 434
Willes, Richard (1597), 326
Willis, Ambrose (15S9), 325
Richard (1639), 326
Willys, George (1644), 327
Williams, Daniel (1711), 436
Dighton and Lugg, 46
Wflson, Thoma. (1657), 454
Winge, Symon (1625), 153
Wood, John (1615), 313
Waters's Genealogical Gleanings in England-
Woodward, John (1612), 48
Wvllys, Richard (1529), 325
Weeks, 87
Whipple, Gen. William, Foster's address on, 92
Whit.-on's Ray, 84.
Wilder, Marshall P., his Christian Names, 90
Willard, Query, 399
Willoughby, Queries, 87
Wills, Administrations and Abstracts-
See also Waters's Gleanings.
Bowber, Joan, 265
Griffith, Thomas (1679), 77
(1681), 78
Grigson. John (1629), 73
Hitchcock, Thomas (1578), 74
Lee, Anne (1625), 73
Folke (1611), 163
Francis (1618), 72
George (1605), 72
Gilbert (1610). 162
(1621), 165
Hancock (1706), 75
Humt'rie f 1645), 163
Richard (1663), 68
Waiter (1661), 164
Leigh, Sarah (171 1), 75
Lockey, Edward (1667), 154
Elizabeth, 77
John. 77
Poole, Henry (1643), 244
Shingleton, William, als. Lea, 74
Speght, Thomas (1620;, 74
Streat, Thomas (15><3), 263
Streate, Joane (1620), 264
Johane (1583). 263
Nicholas (1616), 267
Strentt, Johane (1566). 263
Street, Marv (1625), 267
Nicholas (1632), 264
Streete, Nicholas (1606), 266
Strete, John (1508), 265
Marmaduke, 264
Richard (1591), 263
Robert (1536), 266
Thomas (152-),265
Windsor and Dorchester Churches., J83
Woodbridge, 87
Wyer and Brackenbury, 178
JANUARY, 1892,
By Hamilton Andrews Hill, A.M., of Boston, Mass.
"Instead of the fathers, the children." Such a succession used
to show itself with almost the uniformity of law in the New-England
churches, when the population was homogeneous, and before the
emigration set strongly in from the country towns to the seaboard,
and from the seaboard to the West, changing all the old condi-
tions. Examples might be taken from nearly all the historic
churches, which it would be interesting to collate and dwell upon.
A reference to one of these churches — the Old South, in Boston
— will illustrate the character of the succession to which we re-
fer. The third minister of this church, the Rev. Ebenezer Pember-
ton, was the child of parents whose names are enrolled among its
founders, and he was baptized by its first pastor, the Rev. Thomas
Thacher. The Rev. Joseph Sewall, who became Mr. Pemberton's
colleague and successor, was a grandson of one of the founders, John
Hull, and the son of a father who lived to complete fifty-three years
of membership in the church, and he had himself been baptised by
its second minister, the Rev, Samuel Willard. Mr. Sewall, in turn,
baptized his son Samuel, and, on the fiftieth anniversary of his own
ordination and installation, welcomed him to official relations with
himself as deacon. Deacon Samuel SewalFs son-in-law, Samuel
Salisbury, and his grandson, Josiah Salisbury, became deacons in
the Old South in the years that followed; and his great-grandson,
Edward Elbridge Salisbury, who, happily, still survives, was reared
in and joined himself to the fellowship of the old church in which,
from the days of John Hull to his own time, there had, in his line,
I been a seed to serve God in all the generations. Other instances of
the kind might be taken from the history of the same church. What
we have recorded is introductory to a brief sketch of one person in
the sacred succession, one link in the unbroken chain, which we have
traced and followed,
vol. xlvi. 1
4 Rev. Joseph Sewall. [Jan.
Joseph Sewall, eighth child and sixth son of Judge Samuel
Sewall and his wife Hannah, daughter of John Hull, the mint-
master, was born in Boston, August 15, 1(588. Four days later,
he was baptized in the Old South Meeting-house by the Rev. Mr.
Willard, and was named Joseph, "in hope3," wrote his father in
his diary, "of the accomplishment of the Prophesy, Ezek. 37th
and such like : and not out of respect to any Relation, or other per-
son, except the first Joseph." Of his early childhood we have occa-
sional glimpses in the same diary, of which we wiii give only one
here :
" 1692, Nov. 6. Joseph threw a knop of Brass and hit his Sister Betty
ou the forhead, so as to make it bleed and swell ; upon which, and for his
playing at Prayer-time, and eating when Return Thanks, I whipped him
pretty smartly. When I first went in (call'd by his grandmother) he
sought to shadow and hide himself from me behind the head of the cradle:
which gave me the sorrowful remembrance of Adam's carriage."
The name of Joseph Sewall appears in the catalogue of the Boston
Latin School under date of 1696, but he could not have remained there
long at that time, for, in the summer of the same year, he became
a scholar of Mr. Peter Burr, and was under him for three years.
After graduating at Harvard College (1690), Mr. Burr taught a
private school in Boston for several years ; he returned to his native
State, Connecticut, in 1699, and later became a judge of the
Superior Court there. He joined the Old South Church, February
4, 1693-4, with six others ; among them, Josiah and Abiah, parents
of Benjamin Franklin.
In one of Judge SewalFs account books, now belonging to the
New-England Historic Genealogical Society, we find the following
charges :
Joseph Sewall Dr
1696. August, Began.
Feb. 11. To Mr Peter Burr for half a
year's Schooling 1.00.0
Jan. 2. To Cash pd. Mr Burr for
Schooling 1.10.0
8r. 22 To ditto in full till Aug. 11th
last past 30s 1.10.0
Au2. 2.8. To Mr Petei
ye breaking up his School ;
which he saith is to be
this week 2.00,0
This account, like many another in the good judged books, ia
balanced " By profit and loss, freely given." t
1892.] Rev. Joseph Sewall. 5
TVe suppose that Joseph returned to the Latin School in the
autumn of 1699, remaining there until he was ready to enter college.
The long period of Ezekiel Cheever's head-mastership was drawing
towards its close. In a letter to Mr. Burr, March 31, 1701, Judge
Sewall wrote: "Joseph presents his service to you. I hope he
thrives in his Learning ; yet I fear his genius is not so well under-
stood by his present Instructors as was by you."
On the resignation of Dr. Increase Mather as president of
f Harvard College in 1701, Mr. Willard was made vice-president;
and he would have been called to the presidency, but this involved
the resignation of his pastorate in Boston and his removal to Cam-
bridge, to which he would not consent. He was president of the
College in all but name until after commencement in 1708. Of
Joseph Sewall'8 departure from school and entrance upon college life
at Cambridge, his father has left us the following details :
1703. June 28. " I have my son Joseph to Cambridge in Austin's
Calash, where he is examined by Mr. Jonathan Remington in presence of
the President and Mr Flynt. He answer'd well to 31r Remingtons Critical
Examination. Mr Willard gave him for his Theme, Qmnis in Ascanio
chari stat cura Parentis"
July 5. " I had my son to Cambridge again in Austin's Calash. Paid
Andrew Bordman [Steward from 1703 to 1747,] his Cautionary Three
pounds, in order to my son Joseph's being Admitted. Went to M1 Fiynt's
Chamber, where Col. Wainwrigbt's Son [Francis] and others were upon
Examination. When that was doing, and over, Mr Willard eall'd for
Joseph's Theme. Read it, gave it to Mr Flynt. then in Mr Fiynt's
Study, The President and Fellows sign'd his Laws; President said, jour
son is now one of us, and he is welcom. I thanked him: and took leave."
July 24. " Joseph takes leave of his Master and Scholars in a short
August 11. "I went to Cambridge to make sure a study for Joseph in
Mr Remington's Chamber."
August 16. "In the afternoon I had Joseph in a Calash from Charles-
town to Cambridge, carried only his little Trunk with us with a few Books
and Linen; Went into Hall and heard Mr Willard expound the 123
[Psalm.] Tis the first exercise of this year, and the first time of Joseph's
going to prayer in the Hall."
August 23. " I went to Cambridge, to see Joseph settled in his study,
help'd to open his Chest."
Joseph Se wall's theme, written as part of his examination for
college, has not been preserved ; but he copied into a book, which
lies before us, several Latin themes, composed, as it would seem,
during the spring of 1703. We give the subjects of these, because
they throw some light upon the methods of instruction then in vogue
in the Boston Latin School :
Nihil est ab omni parte beatum.
JVil non mortale tenemus.
Omnium Eerum Vicissitude.
Ver tempus anni jucundissi/mum.
Nulla salus hello pacem te poscimus omnes.
Begina pecunia quid non?
Amor populi tutrta magistratuum
Trahit sua quemque Voiuptas.
6 Rev. Joseph Sewall. [Jan.
Our good friend, the present master of the Latin School, to whom
we have submitted these themes, and several short epistles also
written in Latin at about the same time, speaks highly of all these
productions, and says that he should regard them as very creditable
to any boy, and especially so to one not yet fifteen years of age.
We know little about Joseph Sewall's life while in college. In
1706 he joined the church in Cambridge of which the Rev. William
Brattle was then the pastor. In January of the same year, follow-
ing the example of his father and his grandfather, he began to keep
a diary (for the first year and longer in Latin),* and he continued
the habit, with occasional interruptions, during the greater part of
his life. As a diarist, however, he was far behind Samuel Sewall
and John Hull. The manuscript volumes which he left behind him
are most disappointing ; they mention few names, and fewer inci-
dents, particularly during his residence in Cambridge, and contain
little except a record of his daily spiritual exercises and experiences,
with occasional notes of sermons by Mr. Brattle and others. He
subjected himself to the most rigid introspection, analyzing his
thoughts and motives with merciless severity ; arid he put upon paper
the results of these microscopic observations, with catalogues of all
his sins, those of omission and those of commission being separately
classified. In reading his inexorable judgments upon himself, we
have been reminded of what Macaulay says of John Bunyan and
his harsh and unsparing self-accusations : *f Many excellent persons,
whose moral character from boyhood to old age has been free from
any stain discernible to their fellow creatures, have in their auto-
biographies and diaries, applied to themselves, and doubtless with
sincerity, epithets as severe as could be applied to Titus Oakes or
Mrs. Brownrigg. It is quite certain that Bunyan was, at eighteen,
what, in any but the most austerely puritanical circles, would have
been considered as a young man of singular gravity and innocence."
Mr. Sewall's class, that of 1707, closed its course of college study
several months before commencement-day. On the fly-leaf of one
of the diaries we find the following :
" Mr. Remington's Speech to his Pupills at their dismission March 5,
" 1. You know how you have spent your time; if idlely redeem the little
that remains, for the eyes of your Parents are upon you; learning will be
of use to you in every condition.
"2. See you carry it decently and as becometh you, without haughtiness.
"3. Come into Prayers duly; this will set an example to your Juniors;
show that you do it for conscience sake.
" 4. Beware of Drinking and Card Playing. These make the Colledge
* One of the "laws and liberties" of the College, which appears upon its records in
the Latin as well as in the English language, was, " That the scholars shall never use their
mother tongue, except that in public exercises of oratory, or such like, they be called to
make them in English." _ i
The first graduation exercise in the English language was at commencement, 1763.
1892.] Rev. Joseph Sewall. 7
" 5. Subordinate all other studies to that you especially apply yourself
to. Get some Author's Scheme perfect.
" 6. Above all Study Christ; there is great sweetness and profit in this
" Concl. I shall rejoice at your Prosperity and Welfare. "
On the 28th of March, Judge Sewall tells us, Joseph " pronoun c'd
his valedictory Oration." In his own diary, under this date, the
young man says : "Assisted in pronouncing my oration. Praise
God, and see you trust in him alone. God ordered it so as that I
had not occasion for pride. Pray and see you do not expect applause
from men."
On the 8th of April, Judge Sewall writes again :
" I go to Cambridge and carry Joseph a small piece of Plate to present
his Tutor with. Bottom mark'd, March 5, 1706-7, which was the day his
Tutor took Leave of them ; price 39s. 2d. View'd his Chamber in the
President's House, which I like."
Whether it wras the custom at the period of which we are writing,
for the regular studies of the Senior Class to terminate in the spring,
and what the seniors did between March and July, we are unable to
say ; but most, if not all, of them remained at Cambridge for post-
graduate studies, after they had taken their first degree, and those
who were expecting to enter the ministry studied divinity. The
room which Joseph Sewall was now to occupy was in the house
built by President Dunster " by solicitations among his friends and
by personal sacrifices ; " * during the administrations of Dr. Mather
and Mr. Willard, only a portion of it had been required for the
president's use. It was pulled down to make way for the new
building, Massachusetts Hall, erected in 1720.
1707, April 15. " I discoursed a long time with Wigglesworth, Oaks,
Webb, concerning our Christian duties, as forsaking the word wholly,
living to and loving God, Christ, watchfullness over each other, &c."
April 16. "The President's life and recovery and the College for their
reformation and welfare are strongly to be prayd for." Joseph Sewall.
July 2. " Commencement Day is fair and pleasant. . . . Got
Joseph a Table, and Bread, which he wanted before. Went into the
Meeting-house about 11. M* Willard pray'd. M* Wigglesworth began to
dispute; before he had done, the Governor came; when the first Question
was dispatch'd, the Orator was called forth: His Oration was very well
accepted; I was concern'd for my son, who was not well, lest he should
have fail'd ; but God helped him. . . . My Son held the first Ques-
tion in the Afternoon ; Anima non fit ex Traduce. . . . My Son was
the first that had a degree given him in the New Meeting house. . . .
Mr Willard made an excellent Prayer at Conclusion." Samuel SewalL
• When, in the autumn of 16-54, President Dunster was removed from office because of
"is repugnance to the rite of infant baptism, he pleaded pathetically with the General
Court that he might not. be turned out of house and home as winter was approaching, and,
m his " considerations," said : " The house I have builded, upon very damagefui conditions
to myself, out of love for the College, taking country pay in lieu of bills of exchange on
•England, or the house would not have been built; and a considerable part of it was given
sae, at my request, out of respect to myself, albeit for the College."
8 Rev, Joseph Sewall, [Jan.
On the following clay, the Rev. Solomon Stoddard preached the
Thursday lecture in Boston, and took occasion to speak against
"excess in commencement entertainments." Whether he meant the
public dinner or private "spreads" does not appear; but Judire
Sewall's reference to a " table and bread " for his eon's use is
Mr. Willard went to Cambridge on Monday, August 11, at the
opening of the autumn term, but was taken ill nnd was obliged to
return to Boston before prayer-time. On the following day he felt
so much worse that he sent his resignation to the Governor and
Council orally by Judge Sewall. He continued in failing health
until the 12th of September, when he died very suddenly. Mr. John
Leverett was chosen to the presidency of the College on the 28th of
November 3. " I visited Mr Pemberton. Some of his instructions such
as these. 1. Lay the foundation in Systematical! Divinity. 2. Church
History profitable, Jewish Antiquities. 3. Academicall Studies now to be
fixed in the memory so that they may be retain'd. ... 4. Get a
knowledge of the arguments of every Chapter in Scripture, the time of
writing, occasion &c. 5. Study not Divinity as Vintners taste Wine; apply
it to yourself. Mr Leverett commended for a President. 6. Natural]
Philosophy good." Josepii Sewall.
Mr. Leverett was installed on the 14th of January, and Edward
Holyoke, of the Class of 1705, and Joseph Sewall, pronounced
Latin orations. The latter took his second degree July 5, 1710.*
His father's diary, which contains much more information about him
than we can gather irom his own, gives the closing words of his
thesis, the subject of which seems to have been, the Divine Authority
of the Sabbath: — ideoqae etsi inaudiatur Lugduni Batavorum\
etsi enarretur Luletioi Parisiorum; etsi audiant JS'ostrates
doctissimi, sive Oxonienses, sive Gcmtabrigienses ; attamen
Clamabo, Sabbat tenuis Septenarius existit jure Divino, et
Mr. Sewall continued to reside in Cambridge until June, 1712,
but we do not find his name on the list of tutors. He preached once
or twice at the Old South, and once at Cambridge, before he took
his master's degree ; and from time to time, during the next two
years, he supplied the pulpits of the various pastors in Boston and
neighboring towns. In more than one letter at this period, Judge
Sewall speaks of his son as " a probationer in the work of the minis-
try." In the Scotch Church, this name is given to a young man
who holds a certificate from his professor, testifying to his good
character and qualifications for preaching. Scott tells us that
Dominie Sampson was a probationer in divinity before he became a
* "When President Leverett died, in 1724, Mr. Sewall was invited to be his successor; he
declined, and Mr. Colinan was chosen; he also declined, and the choice then re!! on Mr.
Wadsworth of the First Church, Boston, win) accepted. Mr. Sewall was a member of the
corporation of Harvard College from 1728 to 1765.
1892.] Rev. Joseph Sewall. 9
tutor in the family of the Bertrams. It was not until 1790 that
clerical associations in Massachusetts assumed the function of " appro-
bating" or "licensing'' young men to preach ; although, as the late
Dr. Joseph S. Clark insisted, these associations have not claimed,
and never rightfully can claim, the authority implied in the word
Early in December, 1711, Mr. Sewall went to Salem, and, as the
result of his prea hing there, received an invitation to settle as pas-
tor of a church about to be gathered in the middle district in that
town. He says : "I declined it, though not without pain. Their
expressions of love and respect were truly affecting and extraor-
dinary." At the same time, or previously, there seems to have been
a desire on the part of some to settle him at Brattle Street Church,
Boston, as colleague with the Rev. Benjamin Colman, for whom he
had preached several times. "September 23. Messrs. Coleraan,
Palmer, Davenport speak to me about settling in their Church ; they
say that the most seem to be inclin'd to it, tho as yet no Church
Vote hath passed about it." We have found no other reference to
this proposition, except the following in a letter addressed by Mr.
Sewall to Mr. Colman from Cambridge, February 22, 1711-12:
" I received your courteous Letter this morning, and could not read it with-
out a deep sense of the great respect shewn me in it, which I must acknow-
ledge to Be much above my merit. I humbly thank you and the Gentlemen
concerned for the honor you did me in the privat motions, which your Letter
makes mention of. I can't tell how God will dispose of me ; but desire to
resign myself tc his care and Providence in all things. It will be a great
satisfaction to me, if I may always enjoy that Affection which you are
pleased so generously to express in your Letter ; and I hope I shall ever
retain a gratefull Remembrance of it."*
It was the policy of the Old South Church, during the first century
of its existence, to have two pastors of like functions and with equal
authority ; there were intervals of time when it had one only, yet it so
happened that from the installation of Mr. Thacher in 1670 to that of
Mr. Bacon and Mr. Hunt on the same day in the autumn of 1771,
every minister who was settled there was settled as an associate. From
Mr. Thacher's settlement until Dr. Sewall's death in 1769, the Church
was never without at least one pastor. Since the death of Mr.
Willard in 1707, Mr. Pemberton had been alone in the work; and,
after Mr. Sewall began to preach, it was natural that his friends in
the Church should think of him as a colleague. At a meeting, March
19, 1712, two candidates were put in nomination, Mr. Sewall, and
Mr. Joseph Stevens, afterward of Charlestown ; at a succeeding
meeting, April 25th, the former had forty-seven votes, and was
chosen, and the latter had twenty. Early in the summer of this
* See SetcalFs Letter Book, Vol. I., pp. 414, 415. Three years later, the Rev. William
Cooner was settled as colleague pastor at Brattle Street. His wife was Judith, youngest
child of Judge Sewall.
10 Rev. Joseph Sewall. [Jan,
year Mr. Sewall had a severe illness, and his formal acceptance of
the call was not presented to the Church until October. His ordi-
nation did not take place until the autumn of the next year. In the
great fire of October, 1711, the First Church and Congregation lost
their meeting-house, and for the next year and a half they worshipped
at Brattle Street and the Old South ; their two ministers, Mr. Wads-
worth and Mr. Bridge, preaching alternately at the two places with
Mr. Colman and Air. Pemberton. While this pleasant arrange-
ment continued, Air. Sewall's services were not required at the Old
South ; but after the completion and occupancy of the new house of
worship, which came to be known as the Old Brick, A lay, 1713,
Mr. Pemberton, whose health was poor, needed the assistance of his
colleague-elect, and preparations were made for the ordination of the
latter. This took place on the 13th of September, Air. Sewall
having supplied the pulpit in turn with the older minister during the
summer. Drs. Increase and Cotton Alather took part in the ser-
vices, and Air. Pemberton gave the charge, in the course of which
he made a strong plea for the antiquity and validity oi* New England
ordination. Air. Sewall preached the sermon, according to the
custom of the time, and a version of the twenty-third Psalm was
sung by the congregation. The young pastor, who had just com-
pleted his twenty-fifth year, preached on the next Sunday from the
text, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sins of the
world." The ministry thus auspiciously entered upon continued t
without interruption for fifty-six years. Its history is recorded else-
where, and we will make no reference to it. here, except to say a
word, in passing, of the colleague pastorate of Air. Sewall and Air,
Thomas Prince, — friends from youth and college classmates, — which
lasted from 1718 until the death of the latter in 1758, — "furnishing
an example," says Dr. Wisner, " of mutual affection and union of
purpose and pursuit, to which the annals of collegiate charges will
be searched for a parallel, I fear, almost in vain."
On the 29th of October, 1713, Air. Sewall was married by Air.
Pemberton to Elizabeth, daughter of the Hon. John Walley, for
many years an associate of Judge Sewall on the bench of the Super-
ior Court of Judicature of Alassachusetts Bay, and a very distin-
guished man. Air. Pemberton having moved into the new parsonage
at the head of Milk Street, Air. Sewall and his bride took possession
of the old parsonage on the Green, the historic building in which
Governor Wintlirop, the Rev. John Norton and Air. Willard had
lived and died.
We present a portrait of Air. Sewall after a picture painted by
John Smibert, a Scotchman, who came to New England in 1728,
and to Boston in 1730, in which latter year he became a member of
the Old South Church. Air. Sewall was then forty-two years old,
and this seems to be about the age represented in our portrait.
Sraibert was the first portrait painter of any skill whom Boston had
1892.] Marriages hi Lincoln Co., Me. 11
known. In later years he went to the West Church, of which the
Rev. William Hooper was then the minister. His portraits of the
two ministers of Brattle Street Church, Mr. Column and Mr.
Cooper, are familiar to us all in the engravings of Peter Pelham,
the step-father of Copley.
Communicated by Benjamin N. Goodale, Esq., of Saco, Me.
[The second date, where it occurs, is the endorsed daie of marriage].
I SEND some old Lincoln County intentions of marriage. They
were among papers in my care. I do not know if they are on
record, but probably most of them are. They may be of use to
Readjield. — Feb. 5, 1792. — Mr. Jeremiah Ellsworth.
Miss Sally Doddge of Miriletown.
Harp&weU.— Jan. 10, 1793.— Mr. Daniel Webber of H.
Mrs. Abigal Sylvestor of Pownalborough.
Bristol — Sept. 26, 1794. — Mr. Stephen Stewart of B.
Miss Doley Horin of Pownalborough.
Edgecomb. — Nov. 12, 1794. — Solomon Gove Juar.
Rath Baker, both of this town.
Dresden. — May 18, 1795. — Mr. Stephen Munro Junior.
Miss Mary Stilpiien, both of D.
New Milford. — Aug. 17, 1798. — Mr. David Vinicg.
(JaD. 14). — Mrs. Jenny Gonell, both of New M.
Pittston. — Jan. 19, 1792. — Mr. Thomas Palmer.
Miss Sarah Parsons of Newcastle. -
" Jan. 14, 1793. — Mr. Joshua Folingsby Little.
Miss Rebekah Dow, of Balls Town.
" Sept. 30, 1794.— Mr. Joseph Pulcifer Junr.
Miss Mercy Brown, of Bailstown.
" Nov. 10, 1794.— Mr. Jonathan Moody.
Miss Sally Palmer, both of P.
" Dec. 4, 1797.— Mr. Samuel Palmer.
Miss Abigal Pratt, both of P.
WiscasseL—Jfm. 9, 1799.— Mr. William Wyman.
(m. Jan. 10, 1799). — Miss Nancy Coffin, both of this town.
WiscasseL— Mar. 24, 1804.— Mr. Thomas DorreL
(Ap. 14).— Mrs. Elizabeth Todd.
" June 23, 1804.— Mr. Francis Seuil.
(June 23, 1804).— Mrs. Hannah Chace, both of W.
" Dec. 19, 1804.— Mr. Michael Wharton.
(Dec. 20, 1804).— Miss Betsey Grover, both of W.
Bailstown.— Feb. 24, 1791.— James Wears.
Elizabeth Cunningham, both of B.
12 Marriages in Lincoln Co., Me. [Jan.
BaUstown.—'NoY. 5, 1792.— Mr. John McCurdy.
(Dec. 13). — Mrs. Mary Reves, both of this plantation.
" Dec. 20, 1792.— Mr. Moses Noyce, of Ballstown.
(Jan. 17, 1793).— Mrs. Sarah Kiah, of Pownalborough.
" Dec. 28, 1792.— Mr. William Heel.
(Jan. 10, 1793). — Mrs. Susannah Shepherd, both of this planta-
« Jan. 14, 1793.— Mr. Jacob Rowell.
(Jan. 17, 1793). — Mrs. Lucia Vining, both of this plantation.
" Feb. 4, 1793. — Mr. Joshua follensbury Little, of Pittstown.
Mrs. Rebekah Dow, of this plantation.
u Mar. 18, 1793.— Mr. Timothy Plumer.
Mrs, Hannah Hutcbins, both of this plantation.
" Mar. 28, 1793.— Mr. Winthrope Weeks.
Mrs. Hannah Hogskins, both of this plantation.
" Sept. 26, 1793.— Mr. Nehimiah Blake.
(Nov. 15, 1793).— Mrs. Anna Tibetts, both of Great Pond Set-
" Oct. 22, 1793.— Mr. James Reves Jun.
(Jan. 3, 1794). — Mrs. Lucia Trask, both of this plantation.
« Dec. 13, 1793.— Mr. John James.
(Jan. 2, 1794). — Mrs. Sarah Hutcbins, both of Great Pond
« Mar. 8, 1794.— Mr. Abner Ford Jun.
(Mar. 10, 1794). — Mrs. Susannah Fowles, both of this plantation.
« Aug. 11, 1794,— Mr. John Parker.
Mrs. Lydia Rollens, both of B.
" Sept. 20, 1794.— Mr. George Manson. >
Mrs. Susannah Coopper.
" Oct. 4, 1794.— Mr. Michael Glidden.
(Oct. 10, 1794).— Mrs. Sally Hankley, both of B.
" Oct. 20, 1794.— Mr. Joseph Pulsepher Junr of Pittstown.
Mrs. Mercy Brown, of B.
Nov. 15, 1794.— Mr. Ebenezer Rollens.
Miss Hannah Aulny, both of B.
" July 29, 1795.— Mr. James Peasley.
Mrs. Ruth Peasley, both of this plantation.
" Sept. 16, 1795.— Mr. Solomon Potter.
Mrs. Rachel Bartlett, both of this plantation.
" Nov. 16, 1795.— Mr. Ezra Baley, of Newmillford.
(Nov. 23 or 24). — Mrs. Nancv Heath, of this plantation.
" feb. 15, 1796.— Mr. Jacob Rowell.
Mrs. Hannah Reves, both of this plantation.
" Mar. 10, 1796.— Mr. John Woodman Jr.
Mrs. Betsey Bourn, both of this plantation.
" Mar. 10, 1796.— Mr. Jonathan Peasley.
Mrs. Katherine Murphy, both of this planta-
" Mar. 17, 1796.— Mr. Nathan Longfellow Jun., of this planta-
(Mar. 31). — Mrs. Elizabeth Jewett, of Newmilford.
" Mar. 22, 1796.— Mr. Daniel Hay ward.
Mrs. Hannah Greenlief, both of this planta-
1892.] Marriages in Lincoln Co., Me. 13
Ballstown. — May 14, 1796. — Mr. James Murphy Junr.
Mrs. Rebekah Laitain, both of this plantation.
" Sept. 4, 1796. — Mr. Nathaniel Noyce, of this plantation.
Mrs. Anna (Currier ? ) of Newmillford.
Pownalboro. — Ap. 18, 1791. — Mr. Joel Pelton, of Seven mile Brook.
Mis3 Anna Cottra, of P.
Pounalbour0. — Mar. 10, 1792. — James Norrass.
Mary Eckorn.
Pownalboro.— Oct, 30, 1792. — Mr. Asa Smith, Junr.
(Nov. 29, '92).— Miss Nancy Singelton, both of P.
" Dec. 3, 1792. — Mr. Isaac Brawn.
(Dec. 25, 1792). — Miss Betsey Coockson, both of Ballstown.
" Jan. 14, 1793. — Mr. Moses Noyes, of Ballstown.
(Jan. 17, '93). — Miss Sarah Currier, of Pownalborough.
" Jan. 16, 1793.— Mr. Daniel Webber Junr., of Harps well.
(Jan. 24). — Miss Abigail Sylvester, of Pownalborough,
" Jan. 21, 1793.— Mr. Nathan Dow.
Miss Betsey Prible, both of Pownalborough.
" Ap. 12, 1793. — Joseph Arnold, of Pownalborough.
Betsey Whittin, of (Great Pond so called).
" Sept. 3, 1794.— Mr. William Hodge.
Miss Polly Avirell, both of Pownalborough.
" Nov. 26, 1794,— Mr. Stephen Stewart, of Bristol.
Miss Dolly Horn, of Pownalborough.
" Nov. 2, 1795.— Mr. Joseph Carleton Junr.
Miss Rebecca Erskin, both of Pownalborough.
" May 15, 1800.— Mr. Moses Owen.
(May 15, 1800). — Mrs. Ami Herrington, both of Pownalbor-
« Ap. 6, 1801.— Mr. Peter Johnson.
(Ap. 7, 1801). — Miss Polly Lake, both of Pownalborough.
New Castle. — Mar. 15, 1790. — Mr. John Bradstreet, of Sheepscut great
Abigail Gleddin, of Ball-Town.
" Sept. 29, 1790.— Mr. Daniel Clough.
(Oct. 19). — Miss Jude Greely, both of this Town.
" Nov. 13, 1790.— Joseph Bartlet.
(Nov. 18). — Nancy Muney, both of Ball-Town.
" Nov. 30, 1790.— Mr. Benjamin Plumer.
(Dec. 16).— Miss Nancy Bevis, both of Ball-Town.
" Dec. 21,1790.— Mr. Francis Choat.
. Miss Susanna Heath, of Ball-Town.
" Feb. 24, 1791.— Mr. James Wier (endorsed Wyer).
Miss Betsey Cuningham, both of Ball-Town.
" Sept. 1, 1791. — Mr. Ebenezer Fiibrook (endorsed Phill-
Sarah Osborn, both of Ball-Town.
« Sept. 29, 1791.— Mr. Benjamin Noice (endorsed Noyce).
-Miss Lois Turner, both of this town.
" Dec. 31, 1791.— Mr. Isaac Davis.
' Miss Elizabeth Boyaoton, both of Ball-Town.
« Jan. 24, 1792.— Thomas Palmer, of Pitts Town.
Sarah Parsons, of this Town.
14 episcopal Records at Stoughton. [Jan.
New Castle.— Mar. 28, 1792.— Mr. John Huchings.
Miss Joanna Weeks, both of Sheepscut Pond.
« Mar. 6, 1794.— Mr. John Bumford.
(Mar. 6, '94).— -Miss Polly Averel.
" Dec. 18, 1794.— Mr. Jacob Creesey.
Miss Polley Quisrg, both of this town,
« Dec. 27, 1794.— Mr. William Maicher.
Miss Abigail Berstow, both of this Town.
" Mar. 23, 1796.— Mr. Edward Parsons, of New Milf&rd,
(endorsed Pearson).
Miss Phebe Quigg, of this Town.
[From a manuscript copy in the possession of the N.-E. Historic Genealogical Society.]
These records were kept chiefly by the Rev. William Clark, a
missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in
Foreign Parts. The original was formerly in the possession of the
late Rev. Samuel B. Babcock, D.D., of Dedham, Mass.
May 29, 1791. — Mary Rengamina Wbodbridge of Abel & Anna Alleyne.
Richard Lewis of — Rebeeca Chanler.
May 15, 1792.— Hariot Bradley Fulton born Nov. 6, 1789.
August, 1792. — Esther of John & Rebecca Sprague.
Nov. 14, 1792. — Thomas Harbin of Abel & Anna Alleyne.
Sept. 5, 1793. — Charles of and Rebecca Chanler.
Aug. 24, 1794. — Sarah Hannah Boise of Abel and Anna Alleyne,
June 23, 1794. — Clarisa of Jeremiah and Nancy Brown.
Feb. 25, 1794. — Maria of Samuel and May Nickolson.
July 29, 1794.— Nathan of Nathan & Ruth Kingsbury.
July 25, 1794. — Joseph C. of David & Ruth Noyes.
Mar. 8, 1795. — Elizabeth Delene of John and Rebecca. Sprague and
Lawrence of John and Rebecca Sprague.
June 4, 1795. — John Martin of John and Jane Stafford.
Aug. 11, 1795. — Thomas of Thomas and Eunice Crehore and
Eunice of Thomas and Eunice Crehore. I
Nov. 8, 1795. — Tila of Josiah and Tila Hayden.
George of Richard and Tila Clark.
Lydia of Richard and Tila Clark.
Apr. 7, 1796. — Martha Fisher of Nathan & Ruth Kingsbury.
July 20, 1796. — Abel Dudley of Abel ac Anna Alleyne.
Nov. 8, 1795. — Tila Hayward of Richard and Tila Clark (omitted above).
Aug. 21, 1796. — Elizabeth of and Rebecca Chanler.
June 6, 1796. — Kata of Ezekiel & Mary Kingsbury.
Daniel of Ezekiel and Mary Kingsbury.
Ezekiel of Ezekiel and Mary Kingsbury
and Joel of Ezekiel & Mary Kingsbury.
£To be continued.]
1892.] Letter of Rev. Jonathan May hew. 15
CLARKE, 17(55.
Communicated by Daniel Denison Slade, M.D., of Chestnut Hill.
There mental freedom first lier power displayed
And called a Mayhew to religion's aid.
For this great truth, he boldly led the van,
That private judgment iras a right of man.
The following letter from Dr. Jonathan Mayhew to Richard
Clarke, Esq., was recently found among some of my ancestral pa-
pers. It probably has never been read by any beyond the immediate
family circle of him to whom it was addressed. It would certainly
seem unnecessary in this connection to give more than a passing
notice of the parties concerned, so well known must they be to the
generality of the readers of the Register. Dr. Jonathan Mayhew
was, at the date of the letter, pastor of the West Church in Boston.
He was admitted by all to be a man of great sincerity and purity,
as well as of boldness and independence in the expression of his
views. The clergy of his day were generally friends of civil liberty,
and Dr. Mayhew was one of the most ardent and active among
them. It was he that preached the famous sermon in 1750, on the
Sabbath following the anniversary of the death of Charles I., which
was very properly then called j< the morning gun of the Revolution."
The Sunday before the riots in Ajgust, 1765, caused by the
arrival of the stamped papers, he preached from Galatians v. 12, 13,
"I would they were even cut off which trouble you. For brethren,
ye have been called unto liberty ; only use not liberty for an occa-
sion to the flesh ; but by love serve one another." It was at some
expressions used in this discourse that Mr. Richard Clarke, one of
his parishioners, took offence and afterward absented himself from
the church, as shown by the letter here published.
In 1756 Dr. Mayhew was married to Elizabeth, daughter of John
Clark, Esq., of Boston, by whom he had two children. His un-
timely death at the age of 44, and in the'20th year of his ministry,
was a severe loss to the cause of civil and religious liberty, as well
as to his immediate family and friends, and to his society who con-
sidered his death as almost irreparable. One of his cotemporaries
in the ministry thus speaks of him : "Of a noble genius, acquainted
with the best learning, a most laborious student, a polite writer, a
strong defender of the rights and liberties of the state and church,
and notwithstanding his different sentiments from me, I esteem him
a truly pious, benevolent and useful man."
16 Letter of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew. [J
Kichard Clarke, son of William and Hannah (Appleton) Clarke
of Boston, Mass.,* and of a distinguished ancestry, was born 11
May, 1711, graduated at Harvard College in 1729, established
himself in Boston as a merchant, and was one of the consignees to
whom the India Company consigned some cargoes of tea, that occa-
sioned so much trouble before the Revolution. May 3, 1733, he married
Elizabeth Winslow, a daughter of Isaac Winslow. He lived in
School Street, opposite King's Chapel, and in consequence of the
part he took in respect to the tea, became very obnoxious to the
citizens of Boston, and his house was in the night attacked by a
mob who broke his windows. In consequence of these troubles in
1774 he went to Canada, and from thence to London. Here he
lived with his son-in-law John Singleton Copley, the painter (who
had also left this country), till his death in 1790, in his 80th year.
He was reported to be a man of great intelligence and worth, but
like some others took side with the royal party in the civil contests
of the day, and for his services, subsequently received a pension
from the British government. He had several children. Of the
daughters, Hannah married Henry Bromrield of Harvard, Sarah
married Charles Startin and lived in New York and Philadelphia.
Elizabeth married a Mr. Barrett, and Susannah married Copley the
artist, — passing their early years in a house on Beacon Street, which
stood on the site of the present Somerset Club House, being the
more westerly of the two houses which stood on the Copley estate,
according to the best evidence which I have. His son Isaac TV.
Clarke removed to Canada, became there commissary general, mar-
ried twice and died in Montreal in 1817, at the age of 81.
Boston, Sept. 3, 1765.
Dear Sir,
I was twice at your House one evening last week. The first time, I
perceived you was much offended with me on Ace' of a Sermon which I
preached the Lord's day preceeding. The second time, by your declining
to give me your advice, which I asked, about putting something which I had
written, in the public prints, relating to that very unhappy Affair, I concluded
in my own mind, that you was determined wholly to break with me, and
to leave the meeting. This, which was then but a conjecture, seems to be
put beyond doubt, by your absence, and that of your whole family, the last
Lord's day, and your going to other meetings; as you and they had doubt-
less good right to do, either then or before, if you thought proper.
It was my determination, when I first settled in the ministry, never to
invite any one to be my Hearer, who had not been so, or to request^ any
one to re*turrh who had forsaken my ministry, after having had experience
of it. In this resolution I still remain fixed, as a reasonable one for any
* The late Jonathan Peele Dabnev, A.M., in an article on "Graduates of Harvard
originating from Salem " iu the Register, vol. v. pase 49, erroneously calls Richard
Clarke a son of Francis Clarke. Among the children of Francis Clarke of Salem, as given
Ly Henry F. Waters, A.M., in the Collection of the Essex Institute, vol. 16, page 270, tho
name oi William is not found. — Editor.
1892.] Letter of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew. 17
minister, at least in this town, where people have such a variety to cbuse
out of, according to their own inclination or convenience. But still I think
myself bound as a christian, as far as I am able, when any one who was
once a brother, is offended with me, to remove the ground of his uneasi-
ness, and to give him all the satisfaction in my power; that so, if a recon-
ciliation does not ensue, I may have no just cause to blame myself for the
continuance of the alienation.
It is with this view, Sir, that I now write to you. I readily acknowl-
edge, what I was not so well aware of before, that it was a very unfortu-
nate time to preach a sermon, the chief aim of which was to show the im-
portance of Liberty, when people were before so generally apprehensive of
the danger of losing it. They certainly needed rather to be moderated and
pacified, than the contrary : And I would freely give all that I have in
the world, rather than have preached that sermon ; tho' I am well assured,
it was very generally liked and commended by the hearers at the time of it.
The case was this: I had in company, before, often heard the ministers
of this town in general blamed for their silence in the cause of liberty, at
a time when it was almost universally supposed, as it still is, that our com-
mon liberties and rights, as British subjects, were in the most imminent
danger. They were called cowards, and the like. And I had myself, for
weeks, nay, for months before Aug. 25, been solicited by different persons
to preach upon that subject, as one who was a known friend to liberty ; and
was in some measure reflected upon, as not having that good cause duly at
heart, at this important crisis. This was a reproach, which I knew not
well how to bear; and this, however insufficient a reason it might be, was
yet the true reason of my preaching the sermon aforesaid ; and dropping
some cursory hints relative to the same point, in one or two discourses that
preceeded it. You well know, Sir, the general temper of the town. Prov-
ince, and all the colonies, then and now, respecting the Stamp-act. And
tho' I do not by any means justify the expediency of preaching on the sub-
ject at all, which I now think was very ill judged; yet candid persons will
make some allowance for me, if I was too far carried away with the com-
mon current. So much for the expediency, or rather inexpediency, of
preaching at all upon the subject at that time*
As to the sermon itself, I own it was composed in a high strain of
liberty; tho', I humbly conceive, not higher than is warranted by the
principles of the glorious revolution ; one part of it being considered in its
proper connexion with another ; tho', very probably, there might be some
improper & unguarded expressions in it. But certain I am, that no per-
son could, without abusing & perverting it, take encouragement from it to
go to mobbing, or to commit such abominable outrages as were lately com-
mitted, in defiance of the laws of God and man. I did, in the most formal,
express manner, discountenance everything of that kind. And here I shall
take the liberty to lay before you two or three extracts of the said sermon,
which, possibly, you might not particularly attend to at the time, having
your thoughts much engaged on other matters. Speaking of the nature of
civil liberty, I expressed myself in the words following :
" Civil liberty supposeth men to be united together in civil society, or a
body politic; since they who continue in that, which is usually called a
state of nature, can with no propriety be said to enjoy civil liberty.
"It supposeti* also, that men, for the sake of common good, and mutual
security, give up some part of their natural liberty, or the right which they
have in a state of nature, to act as they please, each individual for himself.
18 Letter of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew. [Jan.
" It supposeth the restraint of laws, some persons to govern, and some to
be governed. For people do not enjoy civil liberty, where each individual
does what is right in his own eyes, without any regard to law, or the opin-
ions & rights of others. This is a state of anarchy & confusion; as distant
from a state of civil libery as slavery itself, in which it often, indeed, termi-
nates, one extreem leading to another, seemingly the most opposite to it." «
Afterwards, in explaining that clause of the text — ''Only use not liberty
for an occasion of the Mesh," I expressed myself as follows —
" They use liberty for an occasion of the flesh, who, under color or pre-
text of liberty, deny the God that is above, or reject & blaspheme the true
religion. For how free soever men may be, they are not without law to
God, but under the law to Christ.
'•They use liberty for an occasion to the flesh, who, under color of it,
allow themselves in the practice of fleshly lusts, or in any immoral & sinful
actions : No man having any right to do what is wrong & evil, contrary to the
express law of God, or the law & light of nature; which are obligatory
upon all men.
"They use liberty for an occasion to the flesh, who, under color of it,
disregard the wholesome laws of Society, made for the preservation of yc
order, and common good, thereof.
k* They use liberty for an occasion to the flesh, who causelessly & mali-
ciously speak evil of their rulers ; endeavoring to make them appear odious
or contemptible, or to weaken their influence, and proper authority, in their
several stations.
"Still more do they use liberty for an occasion to the flesh, who cause
factions or insurrection against the government, under which they live, and
who rebel against, or resist their lawful rulers, in the due discharge of their j
othces. We ought to be subject, not only for wrath, or for fear of the
wrath of man, but also for coucience sake. For government was instituted
by God for the good of man. For this cause pay we tribute also, because
civil rulers are the ministers of God to us for good, attending continually
upon this very thing. We are bound to render unto Caesar the things that
are Caesar's, as well as to God the things that are his. They therefore,
who rebel & resist, as aforesaid, resist the ordinance of God: And the
apostle saith, they shall receive to themselves damnation."
Let me farther remind you. Sir, that after mentioning the suspicions of
many, that some persons in the colonies had encouraged, and been instru-
mental of bringing upon us, so great a burden & grievance, for the sake of
present gain ; I subjoined these identical words — •* But this I would chari-
tably hope is not true." And all that followed, concerning men who could
be so mercinary as to ruin their country, for the sake of posts & profits,
was mere hypothetical ; for I did not at all give it as my opinion, that
there were actually any such persons in the colonies.
Let me also remind you, that towards the close of my Sermon, speaking
of our grievances, I said — " But let not us, my brethren, use liberty for an
occasion to the flesh, or use any method, for the defence of our rights &
privileges, besides those which are honest & honourable. Within these
restrictions & limitations let us do all in our power," &e. And the Sermoa
ended with an ardent wish, that we and all his Majesty's subjects, ". thro'out
his extended dominion, might lead quiet & peaceable lives in all godliness
& honesty."
Now, however ardent expressions a man might use in favor of civil
liberty, and against oppression & tyranny ; yet if they are thus guarded <k
1892.] Letter of Rev Jonathan, May hew. 19
qualified in the same discourse, and people are so particularly cautioned
against using liberty for an occasion to the flesh, it is humbly conceived the
author ought in common justice to be acquitted, as no eucourager of mob3
and riots.
But a3 I found that some persons besides yourself had, thro' mistake,
and others through malice, represented my discourse in that odious li^ht;
and some, for their own ends, seemed disposed to make such a use of it a3
was remote from my thoughts, yea, as I had most expressly & formally
guarded against; I thought it a duty incumbent upon me to exculpate my-
self in the most op n & solemn manner. This I did the last Lord's day,
as probably you have heard; and did it so effectually, that I understand
many persons are now highly displeased with me, as if I were a favourer of
the stamp-act; of which I have still, however, the same opinion that I ever
had, as a great grievance; in opposition to which, it is incumbent upon us
to do everything in our power, within such restrictions as I had mentioned
in my first discourse referred to. I still love liberty as much as ever; but
have apprehensions of the greatest inconveniences likely to follow on a
forceable, violent opposition to an act of parliament; which I consider, in
some sort, as proclaiming war against Great Britain. These are the Sen-
timents of my soul, which I more particularly declared the last Lord's dav,
in the fear of God, and with the deepest concern for the welfare of my
country, and all the British Colonies, at this most alarming Crisis which
they have ever known, whether they do or do not submit to said act.
"What the end of these things will be, God only knows. To him I lift up
my soul for the common good, the public welfare.
Thus I have laid open my heart to you in this respect, tho' in a very
hasty &, I fear, confused manner; for I have not time to revise & correct.
I will not take leave of you, sir, without heartily thanking you for your
repeated favors and kindnesses in times past, and expressing my ardent
wishes for the best of Blessings upon you and your family, for which I
have ever had a sincere and great Regard, considering it as one principal
ornament of the Society, to which my poor services have been devoted.
Particularly I beseech almighty God mercifully to Regard that excellent
woman, Mrs. Clark, in her present low and declining condition; and to
manifest his favor to her according to her present circumstances. I am
persuaded her death, which, by what I hear, seems not far distant, will be
gain to her ; tho' the loss will be exceeding great to you & your children.
I beseech God to prepare you and them for so sad an hour, to support you
in it, and cause all things to work together for good to you & them. Be
pleased to remember me and Mrs Mayhew very kindly and respectfully to
her: For we have both the most sincere regard for her, and sympathy with
you and yours, in this day of trouble. I pray God to make us all wiser &
better by all that occurs to us in this varying & troublesome world; and
finally to bring us to rejoice together in a better, notwithstanding any un-
happy differences which have, or may arise between us here.
I am, Dear Sir,
With sincere respect,
Your Friend & Humble Serv*
J. Mathew.
P. S. Sir,
One thing which I intended to mention to you, I had forgot in my haste.
When I last saw you, you intimated that you was displeased with a pas-
sage in one of my sermons the Lord's day preceding Aug. 23. Had you,
20 William Hunter Odell. [Jan.
Sir, been so kind and friendly to me, as to give me a hint of this the next
week, and to advise me against saying any thing relating to that matter in
any future discourse; so much regard have I for your judgment, that to
me it appears highly probable, that it would entirely have prevented my
preaching the other Sermon. And I beg you to consider, whether it
would not have been at least as christian a part in you, to have given me
such an hint, which I should have taken in friendship, as on a sudden to
leave the meeting with your whole family, which you cannot but he sensi-
ble will, at such a juncture, be a great hurt, I do not say injury, to me. I
hope my saying this will give you no offence, which is far from my design
therein: But I think it is not unworthy of your consideration.
I am, Dear Sir,
as before,
Yours &c. J. M.
By Rufus King, E?q., of YonkersrN. Y.
Hon. William Hunter Odell, member of the Senate of the
Dominion of Canada, from rhe Province of New Brunswick, died at
Halifax, N. S., July 26, 1891, aged seventy-nine. His ancestry
may be given as follows : J
Mr. William1 Odell, the founder of the family in this country,
was of English ancestry.* Pie came to New England in the early
part of the seventeenth century, probably in company with the Pev.
Peter Bulkeley, who was rector of the Parish of Odell, in Bedford-
shire, England, in 1620. Mr. Odell settled at Concord, Mass.,
where his name appears in the town records as early as 1639. He
removed to Fairfield, Conn., about 1644, where he became the
owner of a considerable estate, and died in 1676.
His will, proved at Fairfield, June 6 of that year, mentions :
sons, William and John, daughter Rebecca Moorehouse, daughter-
in-law Mary Odell, and others, and disposes of lands held in Con-
cord and Fairfield. ( Schenek's History of Fairfield.)
John* Odell, Sen/, of Fairfield, eldest son of William preceding,
was made freeman in 1664 by the General Assembly; in 1666, in
behalf of his father William Odeil, he joined with Francis Hall in a
deed of partition ; in 1673 and 1662, he received grants of land
from the town of Fairfield ; in 1697. he wa3 a member of the Church
in Stratfield, and in 1707 made will appointing wife, Mary, Execu-
trix. (Fairfield Probate Records, 1702-50.)
Ensign Samuel3 Odell, of Stratfield, was born March 16,
1677 ; in 1700, he received deed of land from his father John Odell,
Sen. ; in 1722, he was commissioned Ensign by the General
* Harvey '3 History of Willey Hundred, Bedfordshire, p. 345.
1892.] William Hunter Odell. 21
Assembly; in 1727, his estate was administered on by Joannali
and Samuel Odell, with inventory mentioning widow, Deborah,
John Odell and others as appraisers. (Fairfield Probate, 1724-49.)
John4 Odkll, of StratHeld, in 1730 called son of Ensign Samuel
Odell, deceased, removed to Connecticut Farms, N. J., and married
Temperance, daughter of Rev. Jonathan Dickinson, first President
of the College of New Jersey ; in 1750, he made will, proved June 28,
same year, mentioning son Jonathan Odell and other children, and
appointing wife, Temperance, with Jonathan Sergeant and Timothy
Whitehead executors. (Trenton, N. J. Probate Records, vol. E,
p. 435.)
Rev. Jonathan6 Odell, A.M., of Frederic-ton, X. B., the
noted loyalist, was born Sept. 25, 1737, in Newark, N. J. ; in
1754, he was graduated at the College of New Jersey, and studied
medicine, but afterward became an Episcopal clergyman ; in 1767,
he was rector of St. Anne's Church, in Burlington, N. J. He was
prominent during the war of the Revolution for his sympathy with
England, and was joint author of the "Loyal Verses of Stansbury
and Odell." In 1772, he married Miss Anne Da Cou, who sur-
vived him. At the close of the war, he removed to Fredericton,
N. B., where he was made Secretary of the Province, and held
many other responsible offices under the Crown. He died Nov. 25,
1818, leaving one son, William Franklin, and three daughters.
Hon. William Franklin6 Odell, of Fredericton, N. B., was
born Oct. 19, 1774, in Burlington, N. J. In 1812, he succeeded
his father as Provincial Secretary of New Brunswick; in 1817, he
was engaged in the location of the boundary line between New
Brunswick and the United States under the Treaty of Ghent. He
married Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Elisha and Sarah
(Cooke) Newell of Allentown, N. J. Mrs. Ne well's father was
the Rev. Samuel Cooke, D.D., sometime rector of the church at
Shrewsbury, N. J., and afterwards at Fredericton. Mr. Odell died
Dec. 25, 1844, leaving four sons and four daughters.
Hon. William Huntp;r7 Odell, of Halifax, N. S., eldest son
of William Franklin, preceding, and the subject of this memoir,
was born in Fredericton, N. B., Nov. 26, 1811. He was educated
at King's College — now the University of New Brunswick — Fred-
ericton, and graduated in the class of 1832. He studied law and
was called to the bar in 1838, when he was appointed clerk of the
Supreme Court of New Brunswick. He resigned this office the
same year, on being made Deputy Provincial Secretary, Registrar
and Clerk of the Executive Council. In 1847, Mr. Odell was a
judge of the Court of Common Pleas ; in 1850, he was made a
member of the Legislative Council of New Brunswick by Royal
Warrant; in 1865, on the formation of what was know as the Anti-
Confederate Government, he was appointed member of the Executive
Council and Postmaster General, remaining in office until the resig-
22 Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrooh and others. [Jan.
nation of the government the next year; in May, 1867, he was
called to the Dominion Senate by royal proclamation, and for twenty-
four years was a member of that honorable body.
Mr. Odell married Elizabeth Ann, daughter of the Hon. William
B. Bliss, Judge of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia; she survives
him together with one son, an officer in the English army, and three
daughters. Mr. Odell, in addition to his property in Halifax, was
the owner of a considerable estate at Fredericton, called "Rook-
wood," where the writer, a kinsman of his, had the pleasure of
meeting him several years ago. This interview resulted in a very
pleasant correspondence later on, and the communication of many
interesting genealogical facts, which have been availed of in the
preparation of this memoir.
Mr. OdelPs career was a long and useful one, both in public and
private life ; his quiet and retiring disposition prevented his taking
a very active part in political debate, but his wide and varied ex-
perience and excellent judgment were highly valued by his colleagues.
Though Mr. Udell's life had reached nearly four score years, he had
none of the infirmities of old age and was exceptionally active and
vigorous. His death was entirely unlocked for. He had only re-
cently reached home from Ottawa, apparently in excellent health,
and had expected to return thither in a few days. He was, how-
ever, seized with a sudden and fatal illness on Saturday, July 25,
and the next afternoon passed peacefully away. The announcement 1
of his death was received by the Senate at Ottawa, with many ex-
pressions of surprise and sorrow, and resolutions of sympathy were
offered by his associates at the session of Parliament held on July 29.
Mr. Odell was, in hi3 church relation, an Episcopalian ; his
funeral took place on Thursday, July 30, and his remains were in-
terred in Camp Hill Cemetery.
Communicated by "William Blake Trask, A.M., of Dorchester, Mass.
[Continued from vol. xlv. page 271-1
Honourable Sir,
In Pursuance of your honours orders for Impressing & Detaching
25 men for the service Eastward, I ishued out my warrants for the Impres-
sing of them out of the severall Companies under my Command, and
Delivered the sd men to Capt. Penhallow. But since the detaching of them *
I have been Informed that there were some impressed in Dartmouth who
failed of Complyance with the Law, in that they neither payed their money
rfor appeared at the place of Rendavous by their Capts: Appointed, Tow
of which have been by their Capts : prosecuted & are Committed to Goal
1892.] Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrooh and others. 23
by Mittimus from Mr. Justice Pope. One of them no body pities or 13
Concerned ibr, the other I am apt to think is Justly imprisoned According
to the strictness of the Law. However his Circumstances are such that if
your honour see Cause to Discharge him from Goal and order that he be
ready to attend the next time there shall be occasion for Detaching of men
from this Regiment, I shall take it as a favour from your honour; his name
Gabriel Hix, and belongs to Capt: Corunels Company. It would be
troublesome to your honour to say all that I might, why I pray for his
Discharge. All that I shall offer is, y* his being Continued will be of no
service to ye Government, & his Liberty will be very advantageous to him.
Id Expectation of Reeeiveing your honours Commands relating thereunto
I rest.
Bristol [R. I.]. August 5th, 1724. Your Honours most
obedient humble servant,
Mass. Arch. 52: 26. Hen : McIntosh.
I have recd. your sev11 Letters respecting Mr Banes Engagement,
& the March of the Forces to Kennebeck River, and am well satisfied with
the Dispatch you have given to that Affair. There being such a Number
of Troops in your Frontier, I have determined they shd be employ'd (after
the Marches to Norridgewock are ever) on an Expedition to Penobscot &
the Sea Coast in those Parts, & therefore after a proper time allow'd for
the Soldiers Refresh in* you are to proceed at the Head of them, your self, to
Penobscot & other Places to the East*" where it is likely to meet the Enemy,
in order to wchyouare to gett ye better Inteligence possible, & to project the
particular Circumstances of this Aifair, & send to the Treasr to furnish you
with every Thing necessary, & Let me know your Thoughts immediately
upon it, that so there may be no Delay.
[Instructions in the hand writing of Secretary Wiilard.]
Mass. Arch. 52: 27.
May it please your Honour,
Captn Harmon arriv'd this day with the Fryars and Twenty Six
Scalps more from Norridgewock, and brought Bombazees Squaw and three
more Indian Captives, retook three English boys; he Iuformes a great
number of Indians are comeing on our frontier, sundry from Canada and
Two Hundred from Penobscutt; for a more account I refer to him. They
have taken Leiu' Kenadys Coat at Norridgewock, who resided at Saint
Georges, which makes us doubt they have taken the garrison. I am sending
Capta Sanders in his Sloop strongly guarded to that place, and am likewise
dispatching orders to all the frontiers to be strict on their guard. Cap*
Harmon and the officers Judge that by the modestest Computation, besides
the Scalps and Captives they brought in, what they kill'd and drownded,
there would not be less then thirty or forty. God has now been pleas'd to
Crown your Honours unwearied Endeavours with success, which I desire
to rejoyce at. I hope yr Honour will smile ou Capm Harmon and favour
him with a Commission for a feild officer. I am your Honours most
Dutiful Humble Servant,
Falm0 Aug1 18th 1724. Thob Westbrook.
I have Imprest Mr Dakes Scoouer to convey Cap1 Harmon to Boston.
Mass. Arch. 52: 34.
24 Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrooh and others, [Jan.
May it Please your Honour,
I received your Instructions dated the 25th Curr* on the 28th Ins1
and shall put them in Execution Immediately. I hope the Hostage will
Pilott us through from Kennebeck to Penobscut, which will be the best
way to get to their Town undiscovered. As to Bombazeens widdow I have
examined her and she knows little or nothing about the Penobscut tribe,
and is so sick she is not able to travel. My advice to the Inhabitants and
orders to the officers has always been not to go out with less than Fifteen
or Eighteen men or more, as the occasion may require, but the Inhabitants
are so obstinate they will go out not above Two or three at a time Two or
Three miles from their garrisons if they cannot all have a guard in one day,
and the Officers of the Militia in each town do not take any care to regulate
them, they ref"-e to help in watching in their garrisons at night where the
Soldiers are but two or Three especially the Inhabitants at Perpooduck
Point. I acquainted them it was your Hon" orders, but they refused to
There lies this difficulty with me which I can't tell how to get over, Viz'.
Wee must leave a strong guard, with our Whale boats up Kennebeck
River, lest wee should not get through and be oblig'd to return, neither are
wee able (in Case wee should get through) to leave a sufficient number of
men to bring back the boates to Richmond without weakening the Army too
much to pursue the march, besides, it will be of absolute necessity to have
some boates on our return, with the Sloops, at the mouth of Penobscutt
River, to search after the vessels taken from the Subjects of this Province,
wch wee cannot have unless ye Sloops bring some with them from Boston,
or unless your Honour will please to send Fifty men more for the above men-
tioned designes. Wee must have Two Dozn of falling axes to make either
Rafts or Canoes to get from the Main to the Island where the Indians live,
and those men that have the charge of the Axes must have Pistols sent
them, they not being able to carry their guns, Packs and Axes ; there is
wanting Thirty or Forty Fire locks for the men already in tke Service,
which must be sent Immediately. I shall not be able to get the men so soon
as my orders direct, to Richmond, by reason I sent a Company to releive
Georges and Intercept the Enemy there, and they are in quest of them now
by the verbal Ace1 I had brought me this day from Cap' Sanders who is
Just come to Richmond from thence and brought a Captive Leiu1 Kenady
redeem'd, as yr Honr will see by the Enclos'd, which is a verbal ace1 I
receiv'd from one of my Sarjts whom I sent Express to Cap' Heath and
who met Saunders going to Richmond, from whom he had the Information.
When I had ordered the men to Scout at Saint Georges I had thought
ye army would have mov'd that way. Here being only Docter Bullman
that is Capable of marching with us, and he being very much fatigued I
must entreat your Honour to send another Docter down to march, that he
may have some respite.
I am your Honr" most dutifull Humbl Serv*.
Tho* Westbrook.
P.S. I pray your Honours to excuse every thing amiss, for I have been
writing and dispatching orders from sun rise till ]Sine a Clock this night, so
y* my brains is quite Addled.
Mass. Arch. 52: 39, 40.
1892.] Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrooh and others. 25
Coll0 TTestbrooks Packett is enough to make any one Sick. What
Hee has done allready, as well as what Hee further insists on, seems to tend
directly to Confound our hopefull designs. What Hee sayes of a Strong
Guard for His Whale boat is a mere jest, 10 men is sufficient for that.
What Number of Men Can Hee expect to see there at this time when
Hee expects so many at Penobscott. Those 10 Men with the Whale boats
May have a Communication with Richmond Forts & Can't bee better
Imploy'd then by lying at such a Pass to intercept a Smal Scout of the
Enimye. It was Impossible to express in more strong termes My orders,
above all things, that Wee should make no delay, & yett Hee seems to have
no Idea of it. For My part I Will write no more to Him; it's an unac-
countable thing, that; without orders, Hee should send away a Number of
Men to S* Georges. I allwayes intended a March to Penobscott as soon as
the Forces should be return'd from Norridgewalk, & therefore would not
hearken to any thing that Could prevent it. Pray Communicate this Letter
to the Bord, this Day, & write a Line to Westbrook that Hee make no
further Delay & thereby Ruine this Project if phas it bee not allready
Frustrated by Intelligence gott. to the Enimye, & Lett Him give such
orders to His People about Georges, if necessary, if it be not done allready,
& if Hee don't Incline to go, Lett Harmon take the Command.* The
Pistolls, Axes, & Guns, you Say, are Ready. Pray Coll0 Fitch to gett the
men on Bord & Lett the Vessell Sail to Night or in ye Morning.
Coll0 Westbrook sends a long Story of ±sew Projections to Amuse us ;
they May bee put to the Tryall in the Winter p'haps when we have nothing
Else to do, but now is the time to finde them in their Planting grounds for
tho' they may have gathered their Corne by this, they have not had time
to dry it & Carry it away, & an old settlement is not suddenly broak up &
quite deserted.
If the Councill are of opinion to Stop Winnett & all other Annapolis
vessells for two or three days it shall be done.
Lett1 from the L* Govr Y" W. Dummer.
to the Secry.
[Endorsed :J
Mass. Arch. 52: 41, 42. Sept. 1, 1724.
Falm0 Sept. ye 8th 1724.
May It Please your Honr,
By a vessell Bound to Boston, I Take Leave of Obeying your
Hon™ Commands in Sending My Comission. Your Honr was pleased to
tell me that you'd alter and send another To me. I Heartyly Congratulate
with y° Sr. In The Success your Troops has obtained over the Enemy.
So may you prosper in all yr Und'rtakins For the general good of your
Government Is and shall always be the Prayer of yr
Honr» Most Dutifull & Obedient_
Serv' att Comand,
We have no Indian News here. Johx Gray.
Mass. Arch. 52: 43. P. S. My humble Service To your Lady.
* This is, apparently, the first instance, in the progress of these letters and documents,
in which Gov. Dummer uses language of such a strong character as the above, in regard to
Col. Westbrook, or the propriety of his military schemes and measures. In the letter
which follows this, it will be seen that the latter endeavors to justify himself in relation
to having an independent project of his own, and doubts not that he can easily satisfy the
Governor as to the consistency and wisdom of the course he — Col. Westbrook— had adopted.
26 Letters of CoL Thomas IVestbrook and others. [Jan.
May it please your Honr,
I received your Hon" two letters not before the Seventh of this
Inst. One was dated the 28th of August & the other the 1st of Sept wherein
your Honour blames me for haveing a project of my own. I do assure your
Hon1- my letter of the 28th was in obedience to your Hon" order to me. in
your letter of the 6th of Aug8' and was wrote the day before my Instruction
came, and if it should please God that I should return from this march. I
doubt not but I shall be able to satisfy your Hon' that I have not delayed
any time. Cap' Slocum arriv'd the 7th Curr1 with 24 fierlocks wcn was not
as many as wee wanted and sundry necessarys as Blanketts, shoes, stockins &c
which the men could not march before they had y™.; as to the boates I did not
expect any for this Expedition, but have swept all garrisons clean of their
old boates they had to fetch their provision and have been mending them
night & day ever since I receiv'd your Hon" orders. I must be obliged to
send up part of the body first and a party of them to bring back the boates.
I hope wee shall be on the march near ye time I wrote in my last.
I am your Hon" most
Falm0 Sept. 8th 1724. Obed* Humb1 Serv*.
Tho* Westbrook.
P. S. I did not receive your Hon™ letter of the 6th of August till ye 27th
of the Same Month by the hands of Cap1 Gray.
Mass. Arch. 52: 44.
Dated about 6 miles up Kennebeck river, on Dummers Island, in grape
street, Just by the great fish Market.
Sept. 12th 1724.
May it please yr Hon1,
Wee sent up part of the army on the 9th Currant not haveing
Boates enough to carry us up all at once, and arrived with the army here
the 11th of this Instant where wee are detain'd by many matters. As soon
as the weather will gmit wee shall be diligent on our march, which I desire,
and hope will answer your Hon" Expectations. I ordered the Sloops to
besent [to] Fenobscut in fourteen days from the 11th of this Instant.
I am your Hon" most
dutifull & Humble Serv*.
Tho8 Westbrook.
P. S. Written by the pure blood of the grape gathered on Dummers
Mass. Arch. 52 : 44.
Having lately seen your protection Commission to Sebastian
Ealle, I thought it a proper ocation, once more, to write to you and to acquaint
you that the Norrigawalke & Penobscott Indians are by long ec often
repeated submission the undoubted subjects of the King of Great Brittain,
who also living in his Territory they Cannot bee any otherwise accounted
your Alleyes then by virtue of the Allyances between the Crownes of great
Brittain & France, & that, therefore, you ought not to Concerne \our selfe
* Though somewhat faded, after the lapse of 167 years since it was penned, the original
of the above letter is in a fair, readable condition.
1892.] Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others. 27
in their affaires, without My P'mission, & I cannot but esteem it an open
violation of the Treaty of Peace & Allyance our Masters have entred into,
for you to Commissionate them to reside amounghst them, and you might as
well pretend that yre Protection is sufficient to justify, those of y™ Religion in
Committing the most flagrant Acts of violence & Hostility in any other Parts
of this Governm*. Whatever disputes there may bee between us & those
Indians Concerning the bounds of that Country, it does not belong to you
to engage your selfe in their quarrel 1, but rather to assist us to reduce them
to obedience when it shall bee desired ; but, instead of that, I am sorry wee
must Charge you with having animated them together, & others Salvages
under your owne Government, to Fall in the most outrageous Manner upon
the Subjects of the King of great Brittaine in all Parts of the Frontiers of
these His Plantations. I must also add, that I have many assurances that
the Indians would have long since made their submission had they not been
stimulated by your P'swations, & ineorag'd by the protection & rewards
you have given them. However, I doubt not, but Ere this, they are sensi-
ble of the ruine that is like to fall upon them if they P'sist any longer in
their Hostility es; wherefore, I Resolved, againe, to Recomend to you the
good dispositions that ought to be Cultivated between the Respective
Governours of the Two Crowues that are so strictly united in Friendship
& interest, that no inconveniences or Jealousys may Arrise by our unequal
Conduct here, & that you'l give no further ocation for these disagreeable
remonstrances, but rather use your influence to incline the Salvages to a
Peace; And I think it proper, further, to acquaint you, that wee have
hitherto restrained our Indian Allyes who have expressed great inclinations
to revenge the Injurys done us upon those whoe abetted our Euimyes, but
are not sure wee shall be any longer able to do so, unless a Spedy stop be
made to such practises.
- Endorsed — " L* Govern1** Lettrto Monsr Veaudreuil," Governor of Canada,
"Sept 15th 1724."
Mass. Arch. 52 : 48, 49.
I hope this will meet you safe arrived at Falmouth after a suc-
cessful Campaign.
Upon Sight hereof you must forthwith dismiss Cp* Brownes Compa of
Indians & send them hither in one of the Sloops, That so they may lose no
Time for Following the Whale Fishery, Wch is agreable to my Promise
made to them at Enlisting. Let Cp' Brown come with them to see them
safe return'd.
You must send a Party of fresh Men that have staid at Home, in the
Garrisons, consisting of fifty or sixty effective Soldiers to make one more
visit to Norridgewock Ameseconts & Parts adjacent near Kennebeck &
Amerescoggin Rivers in Order to surprise ye Enemy It being probable
the Corn left in those Parts or the Hunting may have been drawn thither
some of the Indians that escaped at Norridgewock The other Capt.iins
being probably fatigued wth yr past Marches. Let Cp*. Heath have the
Command of them & send with him other proper Officers & Pilots. Let
this Affair be proceeded in as soon as possible.
[L* Govr Dummer to Co1 Westbrook.]
Mass. Arch. 52:52.
vol. xlvi. 3
28 Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrooh and others. [Jan.
May it please your Honr,
Wee have got through the body of the Country from Richmond
to Pencbscut River, but either by the will fullness or Ignorance of the Pilot
he brought us near Fifty miles below the Indians villages when wee came
into our Knowledge. Wee travel'd up the river as high as the falls where
there was a large River to Cross, here wee found the freshetts very high by
reason of the late rain The army not haveing more than three or four
days Provision sundry men haveing lost their bread in wadeing the rivers
as I acquainted in my last of the 20ta Currant, and sundry men much Indis-
pos'd ; it was likewise Judged that wee could not march to their village and
back to the falls where the Sloops were to meet us in less then Eight or
Nine days, whereon wee desisted and waited for the Sloops they not being
come, was oblig'd to go down the River in quest of them and verily believe
had not wee founa two Indian Canoos and sent four brisk men to look for
them some of the men would have perisht before we could have got to them,
but the men found them and brought up some boates in which wee got to
them, and the freshet run so strong they could not possibly get up the river.
Coll0 Harr^on, Cap* Moulton, Cap1 Wentworth and sundry other officers
are so much Indispos'd that I am oblig'd to let them go home. I shall stay
with the well part of the Army and search the rivers and Sea Coves Well
before I come off. The officers all desier to go to Boston to make up their
Rolls, and there is a great necessity that Cap* Moulton and Cap1 Bourn go.,
their accounts lying very Intricate. I desire your Hon™ Care to make up
my Roll.
Sep* 28th 1724. I am your Hon" most
dutifull Humb1 Serv*
Mass. Arch. 52: 52. Tho8 Westbrook,
Richmond, Octobr 7th 1724,
Honourable Sr,
Having Tour Honours Permission I was on the way to Boston
But meeting an order from 1/ Colon1 Harmon to march to Neridgawalk
Ammissequenty &c. am attending that Service, Reddy to march as soon as
the Quoto of men Appointed are Delivered me And Rejoyce in this Opper-
tunity you are pleased to give me.
This Accompanies the three Mohawks who returning from Penobscut
were got as far as Falmouth in the way to Boston before my marching
Orders came & so could not returne back.
I have Layd before the Treasurer an ace* of what provision & other
Necessaryes I supply'd them with.
It's Obvious to all the Army that these Mohawks proved themselves
good men in the Late action at Neridgawalk Since which they have met
with Some Rough Treatment, And in case they should not be made Easey
with the method of Dividing the Captives & Scalp money (which now they
are not) I Doubt the Consequence will not be good. Thus much I thought
it my Duty 'to premize to your Honour and Begging pardon if I have
Tgnorantly Exceded, Remaine Your Honours most
" Humble Obedient Servant,
Mass. Arch. 52: 56. Joseph Heath.
Superscribed: On His Majesties Service
To The Honblc William Dummer
Lieu* Governour & Commander in Chief &c.
In Boston
pr Capt Gyles.
1892.] Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others. 29
Hond Sir,
The 8th instant in the Evening, Ten indians waylayed The path
Near 3 garrisen houses in This town and Killed one Allen, a Soldier
(posted at Casco) Scalped him & Carryed his habbit & gun away, & Shot
at a Bov who Escaped, and directly I alarimed The Town & adjacent Places
who all Took itt. At Saco Falls we heard one great gun fired who cannot
hear us, but Can't Learn The meaning as yet, Their is mr Parker up Their
Loading, & fear This Scout Surprised Them.
Corr1 Harman Some Daves Since, Passed This Harbour, westward, with
other officers. Corr1 Westbrook is Expected Every Day & in The Sloop
this Comes is Cap1 Born with his indians. We have Lost no man in
This March but are Disappointed.
Your Honours humble Servant
Fort Mary, Winter Harbour Samuel Hinckes.
Oct. 9th 1724.
Superscribed: — To His Honour William Dummer Esq1".
Leiutt Gov1" Comand1 & Cheife In Boston.
Mass. Arch. 52: 57.
May it Please yr Honr, George Town 8br 16th: 1724.
Sr. Col: Westbrook being indisposed at my House, Orders me
to give you an Acclt that he has diligently Searched after the Vessells be-
longing to this Province (that were taken by the Indians) but could find
none ; we were detained several days at the Fox Islands by bad weather, as
also in this Place.
The Col: has not as yet recd any Orders from your Honour, concerning
the Officers going to Boston to make up their Rolls, nor how to dispose of
the Army. I am yr Honrs Most Dutifull &
To The Honble Wm Dummer Esqr most Ob1 Humble Serv
L1 Govr & Commrin Chiefe. Johij Penhallow.
Mass. Arch. 52: 70.
May it Please your Honr,
I receiv'd your Honours orders by the hand of Cap1 Majory,
who arriv'd here about Ten a Clock this morning, wherein I find, your
Honour is much surpris'd that I did not Immediately proceed to the Indian
villages as soon as wee had recruited. I must beg your Honr to believe
rne, that the only reason was, the Indisposition of the Officers and Soldiers,
which your Honr will see by the Enclos'd. I do sincerely declare I cali'd
that Council with the greatest reluctancy that could be, and had not call'd
it had it not been for the daily Complaints of the Officers and Soldiers of
their great Indisposition. Coll° Harmon & Cap1 Moulton were very much
Indisposed and Cap1 Wentworth so much that he was oblig'd to keep his
bed, and by the acct8 I had from the Officers & my own knowledge, there
was more then Halfe the Army no ways Capable to march. I arriv'd here
the 23d Currant and am settleing some affaires of the Army, altho' I am not
yet able to walk abroad and shall give leave to the Officers to come to
Boston to make up their Rolls according to your Honours orders. I have
transiently heard that your Honour sent orders for Cap1 Heath to make a
march to Norridgwock with Sixty men, and Leiu* Oliver arriv'd at Arrowsick
the 18th Currant with forty five meu to Joyn Cap' Heath by Coli0 Harmons
30 Military Order of Washington. [Jan.
orders as he Inform'd me by word of mouth. I suppose they march t in
two days after his arrival for I dispatcht hiin to Richmond Immediately.
Capt Bourn and his Company are gone home, as I am Inform'd, three weeks
ago, but by whose order I know not. My Instructions to him when I sent
him back was, To victual at Richmond for Twelve days, and in the Whaie-
boates to make the best of his way to us to Penobscut River, In hopes that
though our first attempt should fail wee might make a second march to
Penobscut Town, but I have neither seen nor heard from him since. I
have Just now rec'd an Ace' by a boat I sent to Richmond that Cap' Heath
marcht the 219t Currant. If it be your Honours positive determination
that the march be yet perform'd to Penobscott Town, I must pray your
Hon" directions vvhome to give the Command to, and for the calling the
forces together, who on my return were Posted along the frontier to recruit
before I rec'd you. Hon" present orders.
Falm° Octr. 24th, 1724. I am your Hon™ most dutifull &
Humble Servant,
Mass. Arch. 52: 73,74. Tho8 Westbrook.
[To be continued.]
Communicated by Grenville H. Norcuoss, LL.B., of Boston, Mass.
General Folsom to lay before your Excellency.
To his Excellency Gen|_ Whashington —
General Folsom begs leave to lay before your Excellency a memo-
randum of what is immediately wanted at Winter Hill. Viz: three Teems,
20 Wheelbarrows, two Thousand Tenpenny Nails, Four, Inch Augres, a
Gouge, and four Chizzles. Alxd1 Scammkll,
Brigde Major.
The Committee, or Commissary of Supplies is desired to furnish the
above things immediately if to be got. G°. Washington.
July 10th, 1775.
Gen1. Washington memorandum for Teems,
wheel Barrows Auger Chisels &c.
Note. — The first portion of the above order is in the handwriting of Col.
Scammell, the last few lines are in Washington's autojraph. Alexander Scam-
mell became one of Washington's Aides, was his Adjutant-General at the time
of the capture and execution of Major Andre, aud was wounded and taken
prisoner before Yorktown in 1731. while as officer of the day reconnoitring the
outworks abandoned by the British.
" Washington interested himself in his favor, and at his request Cornwallis
permitted him to be removed to Williamsburg, where he died in the course of
a few days. He was an officer of much merit, and his death was deeply re-
gretted by Washington and the array."
Winter Hill was the extreme left of the line, occupied by the New Hampshire
troops under command of Gen. Nathaniel Folsom, and it was expected that the
British would make an attack there.— See Irvine's " Life of Washington," and
Frothingham's " History of the Siege of Boston."
The date of this order, it will be noticed, is biiL one week after Washington
assumed command of the army, and the spelling of his name had not become
1892.] Battles and Casualties of Mass. Troops. 31
By Col. T. W. Higginson and Florence Wyman Jaques.
Preliminary Note. — The following has been prepared with much labor,
under my general direction, by Mrs. Florence W. Jaques, who has been
my chief assistant in the preliminary work of the Massachusetts Military
and Naval History. Attention is called to her prefatory remarks and sug-
gestions. It is believed that, with such co-operation as she proposes, this
table will be far superior to any similar report made in any other State.
T. W. Higginson, State Military and Naval Historian.
Prefatory Note.
The accompanying list of engagements and losse3 is based upon
the work of many persons who, on official or private account, have
brought up to their present degree of varying completeness the re-
cords of Massachusetts organizations. Some of these were accurate
and painstaking ; others were lax. Many errors from the latter
source have been removed by the comparison of records, but many
necessarily remain. The whole list must be regarded as preliminary
and subject to correction.
It was desired, as far as possible, to count the mortally wounded
with the killed, this being now the accepted practice ; but this has
been satisfactorily done only in the case of such losses as are marked
below with [F.]. These are taken from the tables of Lt. Col.
Wm. F. Fox, for wdiich an examination was made, name by name,
of the fate of men recorded as wounded or missing in action ; and
there are added to the killed in each engagement the names of those
who are shown to have died of wounds received there, with those
of the missing in action of whose death the presumptive evidence
amounts in the lapse of time to practical proof.
A comparison of figures so gained with those from all other
sources, expressed below in k., wd. and m., leads to the belief that
a proportion of one out of seven, rising in some cases to one out of
three, of those wounded or missing in action, should be numbered
with the killed. It is hoped that the surviving soldiers will aid in
making these additions ; and they are requested, wherever they see
on this list a statement of losses that is to their certain knowledge
too small, to be kind enough to notify the compiler, giving the
names of all the men whom they know to have died in or in conse-
quence of each engagement, with the grounds on which that know-
ledge is based.
Correspondence with this object will receive thanks and careful
attention if addressed to
Mrs. Florence TV. Jaques,
114 Charles St., Boston, Mass.
VOL. XL VI. 3*
Battles and Casualties of Mass. Troops. [Jan
Baltimore, Md.
April 19. Regt. 6.
Cos. C, I, L, D.
4 k. 36 wd.
Bethel, Va.
June 10. Regt. 4. 5 Cos. 1 k. 2 wd.
Blackburn's Ford, Va.
July 18. Regt. 1. 14 k. [F.]
Bull Bun, Va. (1st).
July 21. Regt. 1. 1 k. [F.]
5. 9 k. 2 wd. 22 pris.
11. 15 k. [F.]
Beher's Mills, Va.
Sept. 2. Regt. 13. Skir., slight loss.
Britchard's Mills, Md.
Sept. 15. Regt. 13. Skir., slight loss.
Bolivar Heights, Va.
Oct. 16. Regt. 13. det.
BalVs Bluff, Va.
Oct. 21. Regt. 15.
44 k. [F.]
2 Cos. crossed
river, not eng'd.
38 k. [F.]
1862. .
Boanoke Island, X. C.
Feb. 8. Regt. 21. 13 k. [F.]
23. 3 k. 8 wd.
24. Not engaged.
25. 11 k. [F.]
27. 5 k.
Also a signal corps of 28 2d
Lieutenants, mostly from
Mass. Regts.
Mississippi City, Miss.
Mar. 8. Regt. 26. Detail of 100 men.
1 wd.
Hampton Boads, Va.
Mar. 9. Regt. 29. Served a land bat-
tery. No loss.
Xewbern, JST. C.
Mar. 14. Regt. 21. 23 k. [F.]
23. 12 k. 42 wd.
24. 10 k. 45 wd.
25. 5 k. [F.]
27. 15 k. [F.]
Strasburg, Va.
Mar. 27. Regt. 2. No loss.
Bass Christian (Biloxi), Miss.
April 4. Batt. 6. Present, not eng'd.
Howard's Mills (near Yorktown), Va.
April 4. Batt. 5. No loss.
Yorktown, Siege of.
April 5.— May 3. Regt, 1.
| 1862. — Siege of Yorktown (continued).
I April 5— May 3. Regt. 20. No lo»s.
22. 1 k. 8 wd.
Batt. 3. 2 k. 3 wd.
" 5. AtHow'd's
Mills, Apr. 4.
Camden, X. C.
April 19. Regt. 21. 7 k. [F.]
Williamsburg, Va.
May 5. Regt. 1. 12 k. [F.]
7. 1 k. 2 wd.
10. Support. No loss.
11. 15 k. [F.]
West Point, Va.
May 7. Regt. 15. Support, no loss.
Batt. 1. No loss.
Trenton Bridge, X. C.
May 15. Regt. 17. No loss.
Newbern, X. C. (n?ar).
May 22. Regt. 17, Co. I.
Winchester, Va.
May 25 (including Front Royal and
Newtown, May 23, 24).
Regt. 2." 16 k. [F.]
Hanover Court House, Va.
May 27. Regt. 9. 2 k. [F.]
22. 1 k. 7 wd.
Batt. 3. 1 sec. 1 k. 1 wd.
5. Present, not eng'd.
Pocataligo, S. C.
May 29. Regt. 1 Cav. 2 C03. No loss.
Fair Oaks, Va.
/May 31. Regt. 7. 4 wd.
t June 1. 10. 39 k. [F.]
15. 10 k. [F.]
19. Picket & res.
20. 5 k. [F.]
Brigade inc. Regts. 1, 11 & 16, held
Poplar Hill, not reached by enemy.
Legare's Boint, S. C.
June 2. Regt. 28. Skir., 4 wd.
Tranter's Creek, X. C.
June 5. Regt. 24. 8 Cos. 6 k. 6 wd.
Bass Manchac, La.
June 15. Batt. 4, 1 section.
3 Cos. 4 k.
14 wd.
Not active.
No loss.
Ik. [F.]
Secessionville, James Island, S.
June 16. Regt. 28. 20 k. [F.]
1 Cav. Co. H.
Williamsburg Boad, Va.
June 18. Regt. 16. 29 k. [F.]
Oak Grove, Va.
June 25. Regt. 1.
14 k. [F.]
2 k. 14 wd.
Skir., 2 k.
4 k. [F.]
13 k. [F.]
1892.] Battles and Casualties of Mass. Troop
1862 (continued).
Vicksburn, Miss.
June 26-29.' Regt. 30. Not engaged,
worked on canal.
Batt. 2. 1 k.
6. Fart.
Mechanic sville, Va.
June 26. Regt. 9. Slightly engaged.
2k. [F.]
22. 6 Cos. sup. 3 k.
Batt. 1. No loss.
3. 1 wd.
Gaines's Mill, Va.
June 27-28. Regt. 9. 87 k. [F.] -f
10. No loss.
15. "
22. 84 k. pp.]
29. Covered retreat
1 k.
Batt. 1. Sev. wd.
3. 2 k. 1 wd.
5. 2 k. 3 wd.
Allen's Farm or Peach Orchard, Va.
June 29. Regt. 19. Support.
20. Not active.
Savage's Station, Va.
June 29. Regt. 1. Sup. battery.
10. Repelled Cav.
dash only.
15. Few wd.
19. Under fire, not
20. 1 k. [F.]
29. Total 7 days.
6 k.
Glendale, Va.
June 30. Regt. 1. 20 k. [F.]
11. 1 k. [F.]
15. Support. No loss.
16. 33 k. [F.J -f
20. 8 k. [F.] -f
22. Support.
Batt. 1. 2 k.
Malvern Hill, Va.
July 1. Regt. 1. 1 k. [F.]
9. 24 k. TF.l
10. 13 k. [F.] +
11. No loss.
15. " »
19. 3 k. [F.]
20. 1 k. [F.]
22. 9 k. 41 wd.
29. Support.
Batt. 1. No loss.
3. " "
5. 2 wd.
Baton Bouge, La.
Aug. 5. Regt. 30. Sup. 3 k. 15 wd.
Batt. 2. 4 wd. 1 pris.
4. 1 k. 5 wd.
6. 40 men in action.
3 k. 9 vd.
1862 (continued).
Malvern Hill, Va. (JReconnoissance.)
Aug. 5. Regt. 1. 1 wd.
11. 2 k. [F.]
15. Fresent, not eng'd.
16. 1 k. [F.]
19. Not engaged,
20. "
Cedar Mountain, Va.
Aug. 9. Regt. 2. 5Q k. [F.]
12. 1 k. 10 wd. by Art.
fire. Not eng'd.
13. Fresent, not active.
No loss.
Eelley's Ford, Va.
Aug. 21. Regt. 28. Sup. Cav. skir.,
not engaged.
Bappahannocl:, Va.
Aug. 23, 25. Regt. 21. Skir.
Batt. 8. No loss.
Kettle Bun, Va.
Aug. 27. Grover's Brig, was on the
field but not in action.
Regt. 1.
11. 1 wd. by shell.
Cfroveton and Gainesville, Va.
Aug. 28-29. Regt. 12. Fart on skir. line
under Art. fire.
1 k. 10 wd.
Manassas, Va. (2nd Bull Bun).
Aug. 30. Regt. 1. 15 k. [F.]
9. 5 wd.
11. 28 k. [F.]
12. 15 k. 60 wd.
13. 21 k. 108 wd.
15. Covered retreat.
16. 31 k. [F.] +
18. 54 k. [F.] -b
21. 7 wd. on march,
not engaged.
28. 26 k. [F.]
29. Rear guard.
I H. A. Near field, not
Batts. 1, 5, 8. No loss.
Chaniilly, Va.
Sept. 1. Regt. 21. 400 men engaged.
38 k. [F.] -4-
28. 21 k. [F.]
Batt. 8. No loss.
Poolesrille, Md.
Sept. 5. Regt. 1 Cav. 3 wd. 35 pris.
Washington, JV. C.
Sept. 6. Regt. 24. Cos. B & T>.
1 k. 5 wd.
Ponchatoula, La.
Sept. 14. Regt. 26. 100 men engaged.
No loss.
Hattles and Casualties of Mass. Trooj)s.
1862 {continued).
South Mountain, Md.
Sept. 14. Regt. 12. Ik. sev. wd.
13. Support.
21. Support. 5 wd.
28. Supports picket.
Ik. [F.]
35. 5 k. [F.] +
Batt. 1. No loss.
8. 1 k. 4 wd.
Antietam, Md.
Sept. 17. Regt. 2. 20 k. [F.]
9. Reserve.
12. 74 k. 165 wd. out
of334. [F.] -f
13. 15 k. 120 wd.
15. 108 k. [F.]
18. Sup. Batt. beyond
19. 25 k. [F.] +
20. 20 k. [F.]
21. 10 k. [F.]
22. Reserve. '
28. 26 k. [F.]
29. 9 k. 31 wd. -f
32. Reserve.
35. 73 k. [F.] +
Batt. 3. No loss.
8. 1 wd. -(-
BlackfonVs Ford, Sheppardstown, Va.
Sept. 20. Regt. 18. 3 k. 11 wd. 1 m.
22. 2 k.
Batt. 3. No loss.
Leesburg, Va.
Oct. 16. Batt. 3. 1 wd.
Pocotaligo, S. C.
Oct. 22. Regt. 1 Cav. Ind. Battalion,
Cos. I, K, L, M. 7 wd.
Blackwater, Va.
Oct. 24. Regt. 6. Slightly eng'd,
no loss.
Labadiesville, La.
Oct. 25. Batt. 4. 1 section.
6. (?)
Bowies' Mills, iV. C.
Nov. 2. Regt. 23. Not active.
24. 1 k.
27. Reserve.
44. 2 k. 6 wd.
■ Williamstown, N. C. (near).
Nov. 2. Regt. 5. Slight, no loss.
Snicker's Gap, Va.
Nov. 3. 1 Cav. 1 k. 3 wd.
Bachelor's Creek, N. C.
Nov. 11. Regt. 24. Co. H. Ik. 1 wd.
Night attack on outposts.
Fayettenille, and White Sulphur
Springs, Va.
Nov. 15. Regt. 35. Fired on by Art.
while marching. No loss.
Blackwater, Va.
Nov. 17. Regt. 6. Some firing, no loss.
1862 (continued)
Bai/ou Bontecar, La.
Nov. 21. Regt. 31. 3 Cos.
Bonfoaca, La.
Nov. 26. Regt. 31. 3 Cos. on steamer
fired on from
Batt. 4.
Beaver Dam Church, Va.
Dec. 1. Regt. 6. Not active.
Plymouth, y. C.
Dec. 10. Regt. 3. Co. I. 2 k.
Zuni, Va.
Dec. 12. Regt. 6. Co. I, skir. 1 k.
Fredericksbu rg , Va .
Dec. 13. Regt. 1. Picket. 3 k. [F.]
7. Guard. 1 k.
9. 4 k. [F.]
10. Not engaged. Cov.
11. Guard. 2 wd.
12. 17 k. 85 wd. -f-
13. Skir. 3 k. 11 wd.
15. Picket & sup. 15 k.
16. Picket & sup. 4 k.
18. Charged. 13 k.
121 wd.
19. 29 k. [F.]
20. 48 k. [F.] -4-
21. 13 k. [F.J -f
22. 11 k. 44 wd.
28. Charged. 36 k.[F.]
29. Res. & sup.
32. 6 k. [F.]
35. 12 k. [F.]
36. Below city. 2 wd.
by Artillery.
37. Und. fire. Ik. [F].
1 Cav. Reserve.
Batt. 1. 2 wd.
5. 1 k. 1 wd.
Kinston, N. C.
Dec. 14. Regt. 3. Not active.
5. Guard wagons.
17. Support.
23. Sup. 1 k. 1 wd.
24. Not active.
25. Sup. No loss.
27. Not eng'd, rear gd.
43. Not active.
44. "
45. 15 k. 43 wd.
46. Sup. BaU. No loss.
51. Guard prisoners.
Whitehall, Ar. C.
Dec. 16. Regt. 3. Not active.
5. 3 wd.
17. Across river.
23. 16 k. 46 wd.
24. Sup. 1 k.
25. Vols. skir. 1 wd.
A *J>«JO 4 \JtJ
1892.] Battles and Casualties of Mass . Troops.
1862 Whitehall, N. C. (continued).
Dec. 16. Regt. 27. Not eng'd, rear gd.
43. Sup. 1 k.
44. 8 k. 14 wd.
45. 4 k. 16 wd.
46. Detail. 1 wd.
51. Not engaged.
Goldsborough, iV. C.
Dec. 17. Regt. 3, Tore up railroad
track, under lire.
6 wd.
Sup. Batt. 5 wd.
Total loss on ex-
pedition, 1 k. 29
wd. Chiefly here.
No loss.
Not engaged.
2 k. [F.]
Ik. [F.]
Detail. 3 k.
Not active.
Sup. Batt. & rear
guard. 1 k. 3 wd.
Rear guard.
Bonfouca, La.
Dec. 23. Regt. 31
3 Cos.
Batt. 4
Galveston, Tex.
Jan. 1. Regt. 42.
3 Cos. captured.
Bayou Teche, La
Jan. 14. Batt. 4.
Young's X Roads, W. C.
Jan. 19. Regt. 51. 5 Cos. No loss.
Deserted House, Va.
Jan. 30. Rest. 6. 5 k. 7 wd.
Batt. 7. No loss.
Kinston Boad, X. C.
Mar. 6-7. Night. Skir.
Regt. 25. 3 Cos. 2 wd.
Deep Gully, skir. near Newhern, N. C.
Mar. 14. Regt. 25. 1 wd.
Port Hudson, La. (rear).
MaT. 14. Regt. 30. Sup. Batt.
Batt. 2. 1 sec. No loss.
Blackwater, Ya.
Mar. 17. Batt. 7. 4 k. 7 wd.
Kelley's Ford, Va.
Mar. 17. Regt. 1 Cav. No loss.
1 officer k. on det. duty.
WinfieU, N, C.
Mar. 23. Regt. 27. Cos. G & H. 2 k.
Washington, K. C.
Mar. 30.— Apr. 16. Regt. 27.
44. 1 d. of
1863 (continued).
Blount's Mill, X
April 9. Regt. 3.
c f~": •■
No loss. *-- '^— ■
Not active.
1 wd.
8 wd.
Sup. No loss.
Bisland, La.
April 12-14. Regt. 4.
Batt. 2.
Siege of Suffolk
April 12.— May 4.
Skir. No loss.
7 Cos. 1 k. 5 wd.
6 k. 29 wd.
3 k. 11 wd.
No loss.
1 k. 1 wd. ■+-
Regt. 6. 3 wd.
Batt. 7. No loss.
Core Creek, N. C.
April 16. Regt. 3. No loss.
5. " "
Dover Boad, X. C.
April 28. Regt. 17. No loss.
27. 1 wd.
45. 1 k. 4 wd.
Fitzhugh's Crossing, Va.
April 29, 30. Regt. 13. 2 k. 1 wd. by
Art. fire while
lying near river.
Chancellor sv ille ,
May 1-4. Regt. 1.
15 k. [F.]
31 k. [F-l
23 k. 114 wd.
2 k. Skir. [F.]
16 k. [F.]
15 k. [F.j
2 wd. 4 in. Recon.
7 wd. Recon.
With 6th Corps.
19 k. [F.]
Not eng'd ; under
fire. Ik. 13 wd.
With 6th Corps.
No loss.
With 6th Corps.
1 k. by shell.
No loss.
1 k. 4 wd.
Not act. 5 wd. 2m.
3 k. [F.]
Batt. !
1 k. sev. wd.
Not active.
At close. No loss.
Bapidan Station,
May 1. Regt.
1 Cav. 1 k.
May 3. Regt.
No loss.
Ashby's Gap, Va.
May 12. Regt. 2 Cav.
Battles and Casualties of Mass. Troops.
1863 (continued).
Carsville, Va.
May 14-16. Regt. 6. 5 k. 11 wd.
Batt. 7. 1 sec. 1 wd.
Plain Stores, La.
May 21. Regt. 30. Skir. Sup. Batt.
4 wd.
48. 2 k. 7 wd. 11 pris.
49. Several wd.
Batt. 4. Xot active.
<-?wm Swamp, JV.
[ay 22. Regt. 3.
No loss.
3 wd.
3 k. [F
No loss.
Bachelor's Creek, JV. (7.
May 23. Regt. 46. Cos. A, I. -f
Franklin, La.
May 25. Regt. 41. Attacked on march.
Port Hudson. La., Siege of •
f May 27. Regt. 4. In trenches.
\july 9. 30. Skir. Sup. Batt.
19 wd.
31. 14 k. 48 wd.
38. 50 k. 164 wd.
42. 17 k. 81 wd.
48. 7 k. 41 wd.
49. 17 k. 81 wd.
50. 1 k. 4 wd.
52. 9 k.
53. 17 k. [F.j
Batt. 2. No loss.
4. 2 wd.
8. 1 k.
10. Not engaged,
12. 2 det. No loss.
13. 8 guns. 31 days.
No loss.
Warrenton Road, Va.
June 3. Regt. 1 Cav. Scouting. 1 k.
1 wd.
Franklin's Crossing, Va. Rappahan-
June 5. Batt. 1.
. Beverly Ford, Va. Brandy Station.
June 9. Regt. 2. 1 k. [F.j
33. Not active. 3 wd.
ICav. Near. 3 k. 9 wd.
Harper's Ferry, Va. (near).
June 14. Regt. I H. A. 1 Co.
Port Hudson, La. (2d assault).
June 14. Regt. 4.
7 k. 61 wd.
7 k. 24 wd.
27 k. 77 wd.
2 k. 1 1 wd.
1 k. 17 wd.
4 k. 7 wd.
17 k. [F.j
1863 (continued).
Aldie, Va.
June 17. Regt. 22. Sup. Batt. Not
1 Cav. 20 k. 57 wd.
90 m. [F.]
Middleburg, Va.
June 19. Regt. 1 Cav. Nn loss.
Jackson X Roads, La.
June 20. Regt. 52. 2 pris.
La Fourche Crossing, La.
June 20, 21. Regt. 26. 3 k. 10 wd.
42. 80 eng'd. 1 k.
3 wd.
Upperville, Va.
June 21. Regt. 18.
Cav. Sup. No loss.
Brashear City, La.
June 23. Regt. 42. 46 men capt'd. 2 k.
South Anna, Va.
June 26. Regt. 2 Cav. Det. 1 k. 1
wd. from Co. A.
Gettysburg, Pa.
July 1-3. Regt. 1. 27 k. [F.]
2. 45 k. [F.]
7. Sup. No loss.
9. Picket skir. 2 k.
10. Res. 1 k. 3 wd.
11. 37 k. [F.J
12. 9 k. 41 wd. 64 m.
13. 17 k. 72 wd. 100
15. 38 k. [F.
16. 23 k. [F.
18. Near wheat field.
1 k. 13 wd.
19. 17 k. [F.] -f
20. 44 k. [F.]
22. Of 67, 15 k. 25 wd.
28. 15 k. [F.]
32. Of 229, 13 k. 62 wd.
33. Art. fire. 7 k. 38
37. 6 k. [F.] -f
1 Cav. Not active.
Guarded pris.
Batt. 1. 3 wd.
3. 2 k. 6 wd.
5. 5 k. 10 wd.
9. Ilk. 16 wd. 26 pris.
Baltimore X Roads, Va.
July 2. Regt. 40. No loss.
South Anna River Crossing, Va.
Cen. R. R.
July 4. Batt. 7. No loss.
Quaker Bridge, N. C, or Wilcox
July 7. Regt. 23. 2 wd.
27. Sup. Cav. raid.
Battles add Casualties of Mass. Troops.
1863 (continued).
Harper's Ferry Bridge, Va.
July 7. Regt. 1 H. A. Co. H. Art.
skir. No loss.
Jackson, JMiss.
July 9, 16. Regt. 29. 1 k.
35. 2 k. 8 wd.
36. 2 k. 6 wd. Skir.
Fort Wagner, S. C.
f Julv 10. Regt. 24. 4 k. 3 in sortie
\ Sept.6. of Aug. 26.
40. 1 k 5 wd. in
54. Total, 80 k. [F.]
5*3. Heavy fatigue
duty, und. tire.
Jones X Hoods, Va.
July 11, 13. Regt. 1 Cav. Dismount-
ed. No loss.
Ashby Gap, Va.
July 12. Regt. 2 Cav. 1 k. 7 wd..
Donaldsonxille, La.
July 13. Regt. 30. 8 k. 37 wd. 1 m.
48. 3 k. 7 wd. 23 pris.
49. 3 k. 4 wd. 16 pris.
Batt. 6. 1 wd.
Shephardstoion, Va.
July 16. Regt. 1 Cav. No loss.
• Secessionville, S. C.
July 16. Regt. 54. 18 k. [F.]
Fort Wagner, S. C. (2nd assault).
July 18. Regt. 54. 56 k. [F.J
Wapping Heights, Va.
July 23. Regt. 1. Slightly.. No loss.
9. No loss.
16. Present.
32. Not engaged.
Mt. Tabor Church, N. C.
July 26. Regt. 17. 3 wd.
Bayou La Fourche, La.
July 30. Batt. 6. No loss.
Jackson, La.
Aug. 3. Regt. 3 Cav. 4 k.
Coyle Tavern, Va.
Aug. 24. Regt. 2 Cav. 2 k. 2 wd. sev.
Culpeper, Va.
Sept. 13. Regt. 1 Cav. 1 wd. 2 m.
Baccoon Ford, Va.
Sept. 14. Regt. 15. Sup. Cav. No loss.
1 Cav. Art. fire. 2 k.
8 wd. 2 m.
Baccoon Ford, Va.
Sept. 19. Regt. 15. Picket. No loss.
1 Cav. Not eng'd.
Blue Springs, Tenn.
Oct. 10. Regt. 21. Sup. No loss.
29. No loss.
36. 6 wd.
1863 (continued).
Vermilion Bayou. La.
Oct. 10. Batt. 2. No loss.
Culpeper, White Sulphur Springs, Va.
Oct. 12, 13. Regt. 1 Cav. 1 wd.
Auburn, Va.
Oct. 14. Regt. 28. 1 k. [F.]
1 Cav. 2 Squadrons.
Batt. 10. 2 wd.
Bristoe Station, Va.
Oct. 14. Regt. 15. 4 k. [F.]
19. 1 k. [F.]
20. 1 k. [F.]
28. Present.
Broad Bun, Va.
Oct. 14. Regt. 1 Cav. 2 Squadrons.
Can ion Crow, La.
Oct. 15. Batt. 2. No loss.
13. " "
Berrysville. Va. (running light).
Oct. 18. Regt. 34. 2 k. [F.j
Wauhatchie, Tenn.
Oct. 27. Regt. 33. 26 k. 61 wd. lm. -f
G-rand Coteau, La.
Nov. 2, 3. Batt. 2. No loss.
Bappahannock Station and Kelley's
Ford, Va.
Nov. 7. Regt. 1. No loss.
7. " "
9. " "
10. Sup. 3 k. [F.]
11. Pursuit only.
13. Picket, etc.
16. Pursuit only.
18. 2 k. 14 wd.
22. 7 wd.
32. Support.
Batt. 5. No loss.
10. " "
Lenoir's, Tenn.
Nov. 15. Regt. 36. No loss.
Campbell Station, Tenn.
Nov. 16. Regt. 21. No loss.
29. 1 k.
35. No loss.
36. 4 k. 17 wd. 3 m.
Knoxville, Tenn. Siege of
Nov. 17.— Dec. 4. Regt. 21. 4 k. [F.]
29. 3 k.
35. 2 k. on
29th. [F.]
36. 1 k.
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Nov. 23-25. Regt. 33. 5 wd. & m. at
Missionary Ridge.
Battles and Casualties of Mass. Troops.
[Jan ,
1863 (continued).
Mine Bun, Va.
Nov 26-30. Regt. 1.
2 k. [F.j
No loss.
2 k. [F.]
6 k. [F.]
Not engaged.
" "
2 k. [F.]
2 k. [F.J
1 k. at Robert-
son's. [F.]
Sev. wd.
Not engaged.
5 wd.
Not engaged.
Skir, Sev. wd.
2 Cos. Skir.
1 wd. on picket.
1 Cav. New Hope Ch.
5 k. 13 wd.
1 Cav. Parker's
11 wd. 11 m.
Batt. 1.
Saunders' House.
No loss.
1 wd.
No loss.
Knoxville, Tenn. (near).
Nor. 29. Regt. 35. 2 k. [F.]
Plain Stores, La.
Nov. 30. Regt. 3 Cav. Det. fired into
by guerillas. 5 k. 5 wd. 5 pris.
Blain's X Roads, Tenn. (slight skir. J.
Dec. 16. Regt. 36. No loss.
St. Augustine. Fla.
Dec. 30. Regt. 24. Woodchoppers fired
upon. 1 k.
Bealton, Va.
Jan. 13. Regt. 9. Co. F. Repulsed
night attack.
Bachelor's Creek, N. C.
Feb. 1,2,3. Regt. 17. 3 k. 3 wd. 66 pris.
Jacksonville, Fla.
Feb. 7. Regt. 54. Picket skir. when
Barber's Place, St. Mary's River, Fla.
Feb. 9, 10. Regt. 40. 1 k. 2 wd.
1 Cav. Indep. Bat-
52 men barricaded
with. cotton bales,
repulse attack.
Gainesville, Fla.
Feb. 15. Regt. 40.
Olustee, Fla.
Feb. 20- Regt. 40
4 k. 21 wd. 4 m.
14 k. [F.j +
55. Went out in Sup.
No loss.
1 Cav. Ind. Battalion.
1864 {continued).
Draiusville, Va.
Feb. 22. Regt. 2 Cav. Det. scouting
party surprised. 10 k.
7 wd. 57 pris.
Henderson Hills, La.
Mar. 21. Regt. 31. No loss.
3 Cav. No loss.
Natchitoches, La.
Mar. 31. Regt. 3 Cav. 13 wd.
Batt. 2.
Crump's Hill, La.
April 2. Batt. 2. No loss.
13. " »
Wilson's Farm, La.
April 7. Batt. 2.
Sabine X Roads, La.
April 8. Regt. 31. 8 Cos. Mounted
throughout cam-
paign. 8 k. 28
wd. 26 pris.
3 Cav. 9 k. 64 wd.
Batt. 2. 1 k. 18 wd. 12 pris.
Pleasant Hills, La.
April 9, 10. Regt. 31. Wagon guard.
Batt. 13. No loss.
Pleasant Hills, La.
April 12. Regt. 38. Guerilla attack.
Smith Held, Va.
April 14. Regt. 23. 2 k. 3 wd.
25. Little or no part.
No loss.
Plymouth, X. C.
April 17-20. Regt. 2 H. A. Cos. G, H.
4 k. 275 pris.
Washington, X. C. (near).
April 20-30. Regt. 17. 2 k.
Cane River, La.
April 23. Regt. 31. Ik.
38. 5 k. 6 wd.
3 Cav. Sev. days skir.
Sev. wd.
Batt. 13. No loss.
Muddy Bayou, La.
April 25. Regt. 3 Cav. Outposts.
Slight loss.
Alexandria, La.
April 26. Regt. 31. Rear gd. No loss.
Alexandria, La. near ; attack by
Quantrell's Guerillas.
May 1. Regt. 3 Cav. 4 k. 6 wd.
Hudnot's Plantation, La.
May 1. Regt. 31. 1 k. 8 wd.
Gov. Moore's Plantation, La.
May 2. Regt. 31. 2 k. 4 wd.
Wilderness Tavern, Va.
May 4. Regt. 18. 2 Cos. sentforw. Ik.
Battles and Casualties of Mass. Troops.
1864 (continued).
Wilderness, Va.
May 5-7. Regt. 1.
6 k. [P.]
15 k. 105 wd.
44 k. [F."
30 k. [F.j
16 k. IF."
21 k. [F.]
1 k. 9 wd.
10 k. [F.]
10 k. [F.]
7 k. 19 wd.
4 k. [P.]
36 k. fF.]
3 k. [F.] +
17 k. [3T.J1
26 k. [F.l
7 k. [F.j
Gd. supply trains.
54 k. [F.l
2 k. 18 wd.
23 k. [F.j
94 k. [F'.j
13 k. [F.j
12 k. 27 wd.
Batt. 3,
5, 9, 10, 11. More
or less eng'd. No loss.
Port Walthal, Va.
May 6, 7. Eegt. 23.
No loss.
Not engaged.
5 k. [F.l
2 k. [F.j
Todd's Tavern, Va.
May 4, 7. Eegt. 1 Cav. 3 k. 25 wd. 6 in.
Spottsylvania, Va.
May 8-18. Eegt. 1. 6 k. [F.j
7. 6 wd.
9. 34 k. [F.'
10. 26 k. [F,"
11. 9 k. [F.]
12. 20 k. [F.] -f
13. 10 wd. May 10th.
15. 14 k. [F.]
16. 12 k. [F.J
18. 1 k. 12 wd.
19. 12 k. [F.]
20. 25 k. [F.j
21. 5 k. [F.]
22. 37 k. [F.]
28. 30 k. [F.]
32. 46 k. [F.J
35. 5 k. [F.]
36. 27 k. 70 wd.
37. 32 k. \F.)
39. 19 k. 121 wd. [FJ.
56. 30 k. [F.]
57. 32 k. [F.]
58. 30k.(R.Po.)[F.]
59. 11 k. 45 wd.
1 H. A. At Harris
Farm, 120 k.
[F.j May 19.
Batt. 1. No loss.
1864. — Spottsylvania (continued).
Batt. 3. 2 k. 9 wd. (Lau-
rel Hill.)
5. a
wd. (R. Po.).
10. 1 k. 2 wd.
14. 4wd. (R. Ny.)
later 2 wd.
Swift Creek, Va. or
Arroicjield Ch.
May 9, 10.
Regt. 23.
Sup. 5 wd.
18 k. [F.l
7 k. [F.]
Not seriously
Beaver Dam Station
May 9. Re
gt. 1 Cav.
4 wd. 20 pris.
May 11. Re
gt. ICaf. 6 k. 10 wd. 12 pris.
Drury's Bluff, Va.
May 12-16.
Regt. 23.
23 k. 16 wd.
51 pris.
8 k. 43 wd.
21 k. [F.]
22 k. [F.]
10 k. 42 wd.
22 m.
4 Cai
ion, 2 wd.
Yellow Tavern, Va.
May 12. Regt. 1 Cav.
No loss.
Besaca, Ga.
May 13-16.
Regt, 2.
5 k. fF.]
16 k. 7 wd. [F.]
May 14-16.
Regt. 31.
2 k. 1 wd.
Skir. No loss.
Batt. 7.
No loss.
13. " "
New Market, Va.
May 15. Regt. 34. 39 k. [F.]
Bayou De Glaize, La.
May 13-18. Regt. 31. 8 k. 24 wd.
38. No loss.
3 Cav. Rear gd.
May 15, 1 k. 2 wd.
May 18, 2 k. 12 wd.
HatcMes, Va.
May 20. Regt. 40. Repulsed att. on
picket line. 6 k. 16 wd.
Cassville, Ga.
May 19-22. Regt. 2. Skir.
33. Skir. 1 k. 2wd.
Charleston, S. C, Becon. among Sea
Islands near.
May 21-22. Regt. 55. Skir. 1 wd.
North Anna, Va.
May 23-27. Regt. 9. 2 k. [F.
11. Ik. [F.
12. 5 k- [F.]
13. 5 wd.
15. No loss.
16. " "
18. 1 wd.
19. 2L [F.]
Battles and Casualties of Mass. Troops.
1864. — North Anna, Va. (continued).
Kegt. 20. 1 k. [E.]
22. 5 k. [F.]
28. No loss.
32. Little loss.
35. 2 k. [F.]
36. 1 k. 4 wd.
37. Skir. No loss.
39. 1 k.
56. 11 k. [F.]
57. 15 k. [F.]
58. 1 k. [F.]
59. 2 k. 20 wd. 16m.
1 H. A. Res. ; det.
active. 3 k. [F.]
Batt. 3. 2 wd.
5. Not act., 1 wd.
9. Ik.
10,11,14. No loss.
Dallas, Ga. [wd. 4 m.
May 25— June 4. Regt. 33. 10 k. 43
JETawe's Shop. Salem Church, Va.
May 28. Regt. 1 Cav. 1 k. 3 wd.
Totopotomoy, Va.
May 29-31. Regt. 12. Eng'd 1 hour
on 30th.
15. 3 k. [F.]
16. 1 k. [F.]
18. 3 wd. Shady
Grove road.
19. 1 k. [E.]
20. No loss.
21. 3 k. Shady Gro.
road. [F.l
22. 3 k. [F.]
28. 4 k. [F.l
32. 8 k. [F.]
58. 3 k. [F.]
1H. A. Ik. [F.]
Batt. 3. 2 k. Shady Gro.
9. No loss.
Bethesda Church, Va.
June 1-3. Regt. 9. 3 k. [F.l
12. 3 k.
13. 1 k.
19. Skir.
20. Charged, June 1.
21. 13 k. [F.]
22. 11 k. [F.]
29. 1 k. 12 wd.
32. 15 k. [F.l
35. 2 k. [F.]
36. 17 k. 33 wd.
39. Skir. No loss.
56. 3 k. [F.]
57. 1 k. [F.j
58. Skir.
Batt. 3. Shady Grove, 2 k.
5. 2 k.
9. 3 k. [F.l
10. 1 k.
11. No loss.
H. " "
1864 (continued).
Cold Harbor, Va.
June 1-12. Regt. 7. 1 k.
10. 20 k. & wd.
11. 2 k. [F.]
12. Wh. Oak Swamp
Br. Few wd.
13. Skir. 1 k.
15. 5 k. [F.j
16. No loss.
18. 14 k. 19 wd.
19. 6 k. [F.]
20. 12 k. [F.]
22. 13 k. 16 wd.
23. 6 Cos. 9 k. 36 wd.
25. 74 k. of 310. [F.]
27. 32 k. [F.]
28. 10 k. 46 wd. [F.]
29. 3 wd.
35. Engineer work.
Sev. wd.
36. Skir.
37. 12 k. [E.]
39. Skir.
40. 23 k.
56. 4 k. [E.]
57. 7 wd.
58. 35 k. [F.] -4-
59. 2k. 15 wd. lopris.
1 H. A. 4 Cos. at
Shady Grove road
under fire June
4-12. 6 k. [F.]
Batt. 1. 1 k. 5 wd.
3. No loss.
5. 3 k.
10. 4 k. [E.]
14. No loss.
Piedmont, Va.
June 5. Regt. 34. 22 k. [E.]
Kenesaw Mountain, Ga.
June 9-30. Regt. 2. Ik. [F.j
33. Skir. 8 k. 22 wd.
Petersburg, Va.
June 10. Regt. 4 Cav. 1st Battalion.
1 k. 2 wd.
Trevellian Station. Va.
June 11, 12. Regt. 1 Cav. Not seri-
ously eng'd. No loss.
White Oak Sicamp Bridge, Va.
June 13. Regt. 12. 4 wd.
39. No loss.
Baylor's Farm, Va.
June 15. Regt. 5 Cav. 3 k. 19 wd.
Petersburg, Va.
June 15-18. Regt. 10. 1 k. June 18.
11. 5 k. [F.]
12. About R. R.
No loss.
15. 8 k. of 75 men.
1892,] Battles and Casualties of Mass, Troops.
1864. — Petersburg, Va. (continued).
Eegt. 16. 6 k. [F.]
18. Reserve.
19. 2 k. [F.]
20. Loss not driven.
21. 6 k. [F.]
22. June 18. Skir.
charge. 9 k.
25. Charged June
15, 18. 11 k.
27. Charged June
15. 18. 22 k.
28. Charged June
16. Sup. 17,
18. 6 k. [F.]
29. Charged June
17. 11 k.
32. Char. June 18.
10 k. [F.]
36. Of 90. 10 k.
18 wcL
37. Skir. & adv.
June 18. 4 k.
39. Adv. June 18.
5 k.
40. No loss given.
56. Assault June
17. 21k. [F.]
57. Assault June
17. 20 k.
58. Assault June .
17&18. 12 k.
PP.] +
59. Assault June
17. Ilk. 58
1 H. A. Assault.
June 16. 17, 18,
C6k. [F.] of
which 54 k.
June 16.
Batt. 5. June 18. 2 k.
9. June 18. 2 k.
5 wd.
10. No loss.
14. 2 k. 1 wd.
Lynchburg, Va.
June 17, 18. Eegt. 34. 6 k. [F.]
Salem Church, Va.
June 21. Eegt. 1 Cav. Slightly eng'd.
Weldon B. B., Va.
June 22, 23. Eegt. 15. Lostpris. all but
1 off. 5 men.
19. 1 k. [F.]
1H.A. 19. k. [F.]
Batt. 10. No loss.
Kenesaw Mountain, Ga.
June 22. Eegt. 2. 2 wd.
S3. 8 k. 18 wd.
1S64 (continued).
Samaria Church, Va.
June 24. Regt. 1 Cav. 1 k. 2 wd. 2 m.
James's Island, S. C.
July 2. Eegt. 54. No loss.
55. 11 k. 18 wd. -f-
4 Cav. (2nd Battalion)
Total loss, July 2-9.
1 k. 2 wd.
John's Island, S. C.
July 5, 7, 9. Regt. 4 Cav. (2nd Battalion)
Mt. Zion Church, Va. (Aldie).
July 6. Eegt. 2 Cav. Detachment,
8 k. 9 wd. 33 pris.
Fort Stevens, D. C. and Bockville.
July 12, 13. Eegt. 37. 2 k. [F.]
2 Cav. 6 k. 40 wd.
about 50 pris.
Snicker's Ferry, Va.
July 18. Eegt. 34. 3 k. [F,]
37. Det. on picket.
No loss.
Peach Tree Creek, Ga.
July 20. Eegt. 2. Eeserve.
Deep Bottom, Va.
July 21. Batt. 10. Eeserve.
Winchester, Va.
July 24, 25. Eegt. 34. No loss.
Deep Bottom, Va.
July 27, 28. Regt. 11. Present. No loss.
19. Skir. Earth
works. 3 k.
20. 2 k. [F.]
26. Present. No loss.
28. 2 k. [F.]
1 Cav. Malvern Hill.
3 k. 13 wd. 2 m.
1 H. A. inclu. opera-
tions of Aug. 10 k.
& wd. at this place.
Batt. 10. No loss.
Atlanta, Siece of, Ga.
July 28.— Sept. 2. Eegt. 2. 5 k. [F.]
33. Train gd.
Crater, Petersburg, Va.
July 30. Eegt. 11. In lines. 1 wd.
21. Ledatt. 7 k. [F.]
23. Not in action.
29. 3 k. 7 wd.
35. 13 k. [F.]
40. Sup. 9 wd.
56. 13 k. [F.]
57. 15 k. [F.]
58. 14 k. [F.]
59. 8 k. 25 wd. 47 pris.
Batt. 5. 1 wd.
Lee's Mills, Va.
July 30. Eegt,. 1 Cav. 1 wd.
Battles and Casualties of Mass. Troops. [Jan.
1864: (continued).
Deep Bottom, Strawberry Plains, Ya.
Aug. 14-18. Regt. 11. 2 wd.
19. 3 k. [F.]
20. No loss.
24. 19 k. 99 wd.
12 m.
28. 6 k. [P.]
1 Cav. Near on
picket. Ik. 3wd.
5 m.
1 H. A. at this place
during July and
Aug. 10 k. &wd.
Gainesville, Fla.
Aug. 17. Regt. 4 Cav. Det. from 2nd
Battalion. 6 k. 50 pris.
Winchester, Ya.
Aug. 17. Regt. 2 Car. Losses of Aug.
8 k. 20 wd. 30 pris.
Weldon B. B., Six Mile House, Ya.
Aug. 18, 19,21. Regt. 18. Battalion. No
loss given.
21. Remnant of.
3 k. [F.]
29. 1 k. 5 wd.
32. Skir. 3 k. [F.]
35. 6 k. [F.]
36. No loss.
39. 10 k. 35 wd.
246 m. mostly
pris. [F.]
56. 3 k. [F.]
57. 2 k. [F.]
59. Part of. 1 k.
1 Cav. 6 wd.
Batt. 3. 1 k. 4 wd.
5. 2 wd.
9. lwd.
11. No loss.
Summit Point, Ya.
Aug. 21. Regt. 37. Pic't skir., 5 k. [F.]
Beam's Station, Ya.
Aug. 23, 25. Regt. 19. No loss.
20. " "
28. 2 k. [F.] +
1 Cav. No loss.
Batt. 10. 5 k. 19 pris.
Halltown, Ya.
Aug. 24. Regt. 2 Cav. During Aug.
8 k. 20 wd. 30 pris.
Charlestovm (Balltown), Ya.
Aug. 28. Regt. 34. Slightly engaged.
No loss.
Berry ville, Ya.
Sept. 3-4. Regt. 34. 1 k. [F.]
38. Not active.
2 Cav. 3 k. 12 wd,
Hawkinsville, Ya.
S?pt. 16. Regt. 1 Cav. (dismounted).
2 k. 10 wd. 9 m.
1864 (continued).
Sim sport, La.
Sept. 16. Batt. 2. No loss.
Atchalafaya, La.
Sept. 17. Batt. 4. 2 wd.
Opequan, Ya.
Sept. 19. Regt. 26. 58 k. TF.]
80. 2 k. 10 wd.
34. 23 k. [F.]
37. 22 k. [F.] -4-
38. 8 k. 38 wd. 8 pris.
2 Cav. 2 k. 6 wd. 2
3 Cav. Dismounted.
19k.87wd. [F.]
Batt. 1. 4 wd.
Fishefs Hill. Ya.
Sept. 21, 22. Regt. 26. Not in action.
30. 3 k. 7 wd.
34. 4 k. [F.]
38. Not in action.
1 k.
2 Cav. At Luray.
No loss.
3 Cav. Dism'd.
2 k. 2 wd.
Batt. 1. 2 wd.
Waynesboro', Ya.
Sept. 28. Regt. 2 Cav. 3 k. 5 wd. 2 pris.
Preble's Farm, Poplar Spring
Church, Ya.
/ Sept. 30. Regt. 11. 2 k. [F.]
\Oct. 1. 18. (Battalion) loss
not given, -f-
21. Of 75 men. 4 k.
10 wd. [F.]
29. 1 wd.
32. 5 k. [F.]
35. 16 k. [F.]
36. 4 k. 16 wd.
39. Skir.
56. 3 k. [F.]
57. 4 k. [F.~]
58. 7 k. [F.]
59. 1 k. 8 wd.
Arthur's Swamp, Ya.
( Sept. 30. Regt. 1 Cav. Dismounted.
\ Oct. 1. 2 k. 3wd. lm.
Weldon B. B., Yellow Tavern, Ya.
Oct. 1-5. Regt. 1 H. A. 4 k. [F.]
Jackson, La.
Oct. 5. Batt. 2. No loss.
4. 1 section, no loss.
Darbytown Boads, Ya.
Oct. 7. Regt. 24. 2 k. 8 wd.
4 Cav. 1st Battalion.
Skir., no loss given.
Boydtown Plank Boad, Ya. (Becon-
noissance to).
Oct. 8. Regt. 57. 14 wd.
Tom's Brook, Woodstock Paces, Ya.
Oct. 8, 9. Regt. 2 Cav. 2 k. 10 wd.
1892.] Battles and Casualties of Mass. Troops.
1864 (continued).
Strasburg, Va. (Beconnoissance to).
Oct. 13. Kegt. 34. 15 k. [F.]
Darbytown Bead, Va.( Beconnoissance
Oct. 13. Regt. 24. 5 k. 14 wd.
Cedar Creek, Ya.
Oct. 19. Regt. 26. 5 Cos. 3 k. llwd.
16 pris.
30. 12 k. 96 wd. [F.]
34. 5 k. [F.]
38. 5 k. 14 wd. 35 pris.
2Cav. 7 k. 16 wd. [F.j
3 Cav. Dismounted.
5 k. 72 wd. & m.
r's Bun. Ya.
. 11.
5 k. [F.j
Skir. 1 k. [F.j
Ik. [F.]
Not seriously en
Not engaged.
1 wd.
No loss.
1 H. A. 1 k. 6 wd.
1 Cav. 2 wd. at Din
widdie C. H.
Not active.
3 k. 2 wd.
No loss.
Williamsburg Boad, Fair Oaks, Ya.
Oct. 27, 28. Regt. 24. 2 wd.
40. Skir., no loss.
Money Hill, S. C.
Nov. 30. Regt. 54. 6 Cos. 3 k. 38 wd.
4 m.
55. 31 k. 108 wd.
lpris. [F.] +
Stoney Creek Station, Ya.
Dec. 1. Regt. 1 Cav. Sup. bat. no loss.
Deveaux Neck, S. C. (slight skir.).
Dec. 6, 9. Regt. 54. No loss.
55. 1 k. on 9th.
Weldon B. B., Ya., Expedition.
Dec. 7, 11. Regt. 11. No loss.
32. Tore up track.
39. No loss.
1 Cav. Three
Creeks, 1 k.
1 H. A. No loss.
Batt. 5. No loss.
11. " "
Hamilton, JV. C, Expedition to.
Dec. 9-12. Regt. 27. 1 k.
Dabney's Mill, Hatcher's Bun, Ya.
Feb. 5-7. Regt. 11. No loss.
19. 4 k. [F.]
20. 1 k. [F.]
32. 9 k. [F.j
37. Several wd.
39. Skir., no loss.
57. " " "
1H. A. " "
Batt. 9. Not engaged.
10. No loss, -f
James Island, S. C.
Feb. 10. Regt. 55. 1 wd.
Wilcox Bridge, Wise's Fork, K. C.
Mar. 8-10. Regt. 17. 10 k. 30 wd. & m,
23. 3 k. 10 wd,
25. 5 wd.
27. 8 k. [F.]
Einston, N. C.
March 14. Regt. 23. 3 k. 10 wd.
South Anna Biver, Ya.
March 14. Regt. 2 Cav. No loss.
Averysboro' , JV. C.
March 16. Regt. 2. 8 k. [F.J
33. 1 k. 10 wd.
Bentonville, JSF. C.
Mar. 19-21. Regt. 2. Sup., not eng'd.
33. 5 wd. Expedi-
tion March 22, Ik.
Fort Stedman, Betersburg, Ya.
Mar. 25. Regt. 19. Sup. Batt. 11;
also picket, no loss.
20. Support.
29. 10 k.
37. Skir.
57. 10 k. [F.j
59. Caught in works
and escaped.
Batt. 11. No loss.
14. Ik. 4wd. 11 pris.
Betersburg, Duncan's Bun, Va.
March 25. Regt. 28. 17 k. [F.]
1H. A. 3 k. [F.]
Spanish Fort, Ala.
Mar. 26.— Apr. 8. Batt. 4. No loss.
7. 3 wd.
Boydtown, White Oak Boads, Ya.
Mar. 29-31. Regt. 19. Sup., no loss.
32. 1 k. skir. [F.]
34. 2 k. " [F.]
1H. A. 3 k. [F.]
Quaker Boad, Gravelly Bun, Ya.
March 29. Regt. 28. No loss.
39. 4 k. sev. wd.
Dinuriddie Court House, Ya.
March 29-31. Regt. 2 Cav. Loss not
definitely given, some 12 k. & wd.
Genealogical Gleanings in England.
18 Go (continued).
Five Forks, Va.
April 1. Regt. 32. No loss.
39. Few or no losses.
2 Cav. 1 k. 7 wd.
South Side B. B. Petersburg, Va.
April 2. Regt. 28. Of 20. 6 wd.
30. Not engaged.
Petersburg, Va., Fall of.
April 2. Regt. 19. 1 k. [F.]
20. Not engaged.
34. 9 k. [F.J
35. Carried ammun'n
under fire. 3 k.
1 k. 4 wd.
4 k. [F]
Skir., no loss.
7 k. [F.]
Fort Mahone,
7 k. 28 wd. +
1 H. A. No loss.
Batt. 5. 4 wd.
9. No loss.
10. " "
14. " "
Fort Blakeley, Va.
April 2-9. Regt. 31. Escort, no loss.
Batt. 2. No loss.
4. " "
1865 — Fort Blakeley (continued).
Batt. 7. 1 k.
15. No loss.
Sailor's Creek, Va.
April 6. Regt.
High Bridge,
19. Present.
28 "
37*. 14 k. [P.]
2 Cav. 6 wd.
1 H. A. No loss.
Apr. 6. Regt. 4 Cav. 3 Cos. 3 officers
k. 5 wd. on field.
Batt. 10. No loss.
. Bice's Station, Va.
April 6. Regt. 34. 1 k. [F.]
Farmville, Va.
April 7, 8. Regt. 19. Not active.
20. "
28. "
1 H A. No loss.
Batt. 10. No loss.
Daniels's Plantation, Ala.
April 11. Batt. 2. No loss.
Boykin's Mills, S. C.
April 18. Regt. 54. 5 k. [F.]
Swift Creek, S. C.
April 19. Regt. 54. 1 k. 4 wd.
By Henry F. "Waters, A.M.
[Continued from vol. 45, page 304.]
John Best, the son of Rowland Best of Twining, in the Co. of Glouces-
ter, yeoman, and the son and heir of the said Rowland, deceased, do here
declare this my last will and testament 18 June 1666, proved 4 May 1667.
I give to John Best the younger, the son of John Best of Twining, and to
his heirs, my lands which I purchased of Thomas Darke of Twyning 1654.
I give to William Hancocke of Twyning gen1, the son of William Hancocke
of Breedon's Norton Esq. my part of a lease granted by the Dean and
Chapter of Christ Church, Oxon of the Rectory and Parsonage of Twyning
to Edwin Baldwin and John Porttman of Twyning for one and twenty
years, the said John Porttman for himself, John Best, John Adams, Thomas
Sparry and William Deaves &c. To Mary Hancocke, the wife of Richard
Hancocke twenty pounds, a feather bed and bolster, a pair of sheets, a pair
of blankets and my best coverlid. To William, Richard, Charles, John,
George, Rowland and Septimus Hancocke. being the seaven sons of the
said Richard Hancocke and Mary his wife, unto each of them twenty
pounds apiece at their ages of one and twenty. To Thomas Best of the
Kings home near unto the city of Gloucester, gardener, and seven of his
children, viz* Thomas the younger, John, Edward and Samuel Best, Joane,
1892.] Genealogical Gleanings in England. 45
Dorothy and Elizabeth Best, unto each of them ten pounds. To Susanna
Hancocke, the wife of Richard Hancocke of Twyning, ten pounds. To
Hester Best the daughter of the aforesaid Thomas Best of the Kings home,
fifty pounds. To Anne Darke, the wife of Thomas Darke of Twyning,
five pounds. To Charles Hancocke, gen', of the Middle Temple in Lon-
don, ten pounds. To Thomas Best's two daughters of Breedons Norton,
Avice Best and Mary Best, ten pounds apiece. To William Hancocke,
the son of Edward Hancocke of Twyning, ten pounds. To Thomas Sav-
idge and Richard Savidge, of the city of London, vintners, ten pounds
apiece. To Richard Wittmore my servant forty shillings. " Item I give
and bequeath unto Richard Lea, the sonne of Collonell Richard Lea, tenn
pounds. Item I give and bequeath unto ffraucis Lea another sonne of
Collonell Richard Lea, tenn pounds and my silver Tankard." To Eliza-
beth Richards widow, the wife of John Richards, carpenter, deceased, five
pounds. To William Hancocke, the son of Thomas Hancocke of the city
of Worcester, clothier, five pounds. To the poor of Twyning eight pounds.
To John Best of Crornbe, clerk, ten pounds. To John Best of the Stone
seven pounds which he oweth us. To Sara Hancocke of the city of Wor-
cester forty shillings. To George Best, the son of John Best of Twyning
the remainder of my lease of a close of four acres in Twyning. To John Best
of Twyning the younger, the son of John Best of Twyning the elder, all
my goods &c unbequeathed: and I make him sole executor. Carr, 53.
[Who can doubt that the " Collonell Richard Lea" mentioned in the above
will was Col. Richard Lee of Virginia? His sons were named John, Richard,
Francis, Hancock and Charles, a very significant array of baptismal names
considered in connection with the names in this will. The pedigree of the
familv of Hancock of Twining (co. Glouc.) may be found in the Visitation of
the County of Worcester, 1682-3, published 1883 (Walter C. Metcalfe, F.S.A.).
It is perhaps needless to say that I shall bear the names of Best and Hancock
in mind in connection with this problem. I have already secured a few notes
about the Hancock family, and found evidence of a connection between Shrop-
shire and Worcestershire in the will of one John Best in 1G31. — n. f. w.]
December 1656. John Spencer. On ye thirtieth day issued forth Let-
ters of Adon To Anne Fillioll Spinster ye sister by ye mothers side of John
Spencer late att Jamaica in ye part beyond ye seas, Batchelor deed. To
Administer all & singuler ye goods chelis and Debts of ye sayd Deed Shee
being first sworne truely to administer &c, Penelope Spencer ye mother
Thomas Spencer ye brother & Rachell Spencer the sister haveing in due
forme of Law renounced ye sayd Adcon of ye sayd deeds goods. As by ye
Acts of Court may appeare. P. P. C. Admons 1656, folio 316.
[This is John Spenser, nephew and heir of John Spenser of Newbury, whose
will, dated August, 1G37, was proved at Salem, March, 1649. In "Austin's
Rhode Island genealogy, the nephew is mentioned as possibly identical with
John Spencer of Newport (1661) and East Greenwich (1677). Circumstantial
evidence pointed to this connection, and the work of Spencer genealogy, now in
progress, has strongly favored it. Hence the importance of the discovery to
Spencer family history.
Some other items about this line of Spencer? in addition to those supplied in
the will discovered last year by Mr. Waters (see Register, Oct. 1890, vol. 44,
page 391), are the following.
The records of burial of the two brothers, John and Thomas, appear together
in the parish register of Kingston-upon-Thames, co. Surrey, England, under
date, 1648, June 23 and 29 respectively.
The neighboring parish of Chertsey has the baptisms of Thomas and Pene-
lope's children. Their marriage took place Sept. 25, 1623. as recorded in
register of St. Peter's, Paul's Wharf. Penelope's maiden name was Jernegan.
4(5 Genealogical Gleanings in England. [Jan.
She was baptized at Shalford, co. Essex, Oct. 24, 1591. (See Jernegan pedigree,
in which her name appears in Suckling's Suffolk.)
A " Parliamentary Survey " made in 1650, of Russells alias Banisters [?] Farm,
mentioned in the will of Thomas Spenser, is preserved at the Public Record
Office in London.
The professional life of Thomas Spenser, younger son of Thomas and Pene-
lope, was spent in Plymouth, co. Devon. He was a physician.
Some references to him may be seen in " The Western Antiquary," published
at Plymouth in Devonshire. — Ray T. Spencer.
The preceding admon. and notes were furnished me 'by Mr. Spencer of 18
Bedford Place, Russell Square, London, England. — n. f. w.]
Sylvester (ante, vol. 37, pp. 291 ; vol. 45, pp. 295-6) : —
[In the Proceedings Mass. Hist. Soc, Second Series, vol. iv. pp. 270-291, are
twenty-sis letters from members of the family of Sylvester, written between
1653 and 1633, several of them from Giles Sylvester in Barbados ; communicated
hy Robert C. Winthrop, Jr., A.M., from the Winthrop Papers.— Editor.]
Williams, Dighton and Lugg (ante, vol. 45, pp. 302-4) : —
[Hon. Josiah H. Drummond, of Portland, Me., in his article previously referred
to on the Dighton family in the Maine Historical and, Genealogical Recorder, vol.
6, pp. 562-6, prints the following extract from a deed dated Feb. 11, 1713-14,
sworn to March 4, 1713-14, and recorded in the Registry of Deeds for Bristol
County, Mass. :
"Easter Marshall, a widow four score years of age, living in Norton,
whose maiden name was Hester Lu££, dau. of Mr. John Lu^g and Jane Lugg
his wife, who lived "near the city of Gloucester in Great Britain, for and in
consideration of the care which her son-in-law, John Hall of said Norton,
hath for many years past taken of her in her old age, and that he con-
tinueth to take the like care of her,'*aud hath obliged himself to provide for
her all things necessary for her comfort during her natural life, and for other
good causes and considerations especially moving," etc. Gives all her
rights, etc. in the estate of her honored father and mother, John Lugg and
Jane Lugg, deceased, and in any other estate of her kindred and relatives
which might come to her in Great Britain or New England, to her son-in-iaw
John Hall, whom she appoints her attorney.
This proves that John Lugg and his wife Jane of Boston, came from the
vicinity of the city of Gloucester, England, and with other known facts leaves
little doubt that Jane Lugg, was a daughter of John Deighton and a sister of
Frances wife of Richard Williams and of Katharine successively wife of Samuel
Hagburne, Gov. Thomas Dudley and Rev. John Allin. Messrs. Lugg, Hagburne
and Williams probably came from Gloucestershire to New England about the
same time.
John Lugg settled at Boston. His lands are recorded in the Book of Posses-
sions (Record Commissioners' Second Report, part ii., second edition, page 29).
They were on the southerly side of the present School street, on or near where
the easterly end of the Parker House now stands. His wife Jane was admitted
to the First Church, Feb. 10, 1638-9 (Winsor's " Memorial History of Boston,"
vol. i. p. 572). — After his death his widow married Jonathan Negus. On the
27th of October, 1647, Negus was " granted the inheritance of the house and
ground of John Lug to the value of 20u that he may dispose of the same towards
the education of his five children" (Mass. Col. Records, ii. 198).
Besides Esther, the maker of the deed, who must have been born in England,
John and Jane Lugg had three children, born in Boston, where their births are
entered on the town, and their baptisms on the church, records. Tneyfwere
Elizabeth, b. 1638-9; Mary, b. 1642, and John, b. 1644. Esther Lugg married
1st, James Bell. For a record of their children see Register, vol. 16, pp. 327-8.
He was killed by the Indians in 1676, while laboring in the field in that part; of
Taunton now Kaynham (Baylies's Memoir of Plymouth Colony, part 3, p. 192).
1892.] Genealogical Gleanings in England. 47
His widow Esther married Richard Marshall, Feb. 11, 1C7G-7 (Register, vol.
17, p. 236). Of the children of James and Esther Bell, Mary, b. July 7, 1669.
married July 19. 1093, Joseph Hall, ancestor of Capt. John W. D. Hall of Taun-
ton, secretarv of the Old Colony Historical Societv. Another daughter Esther,
b. Aug. 15, 1672, married Dec* 14, 1692, John Hall of that part of Taunton
■which afterwards became Norton and then Mansfield. He is the son-in-law
mentioned in the deed. For these facts I am chiefly indebted to a letter of Capt.
Hall and the article by Mr. Drummond in the 3Iaine Historical and Genealogical
Recorder, vol. 6, pp. 362-6.
An article on the family of "Williams of TVooton-under-edge appears in the
Gloucestershire Notes and Queries for July, 1891, vol. v. pp. 92-6. In the same
magazine, Sept. 1891, vol. v. pp. 135-6, is an article by Ml. Conway Dighton of
Cheltenham on the Deightons of Gloucestershire. — Editor.]
[The following wills of members of the Gyse or Guise family of Gloucester-
shire (See Heraldic Visitation of that county) will prove of interest through
their mention of Washingtons and also of Haviland, with whom the Holworthy
family and the Torrey family of New England were connected. — n. r. w.]
John Guyse of Elmore, Glouc, gen*. 31 March 1614 proved 24 October
1614. To brother William Guyse the younger one hundred pounds. To
my sister Havyland for life the use of fifty pounds and after her decease
the principal to my brother -William Guyse the younger. To brother
Charles Guyse thirty pounds. To my sister Perrye twenty shillings, not
that I love her less than any other but because God hath blessed her hus-
band with so good an estate that she hatli less need than the rest. The
rest of my goods &c. to brother William Gwyse the elder whom I make
my executor. Lawe, 98.
William Guise of the City of Gloucester Esq", 22 July, with a codi-
cil 30 December, 1640, proved" 31 May 1641. To the poor people of that
city ten pounds to be distributed amongst them within three months. To
my beloved brother Sir William Guise, knight, twenty shillings to buy him
a ring. To the Lady Elizabeth his wife and my kind sister whom I have
ever found loving to me and mine the like sum of twenty shillings to buy
her a ring. To my dearly beloved wife my house at Gloucester wherein I
live and the garden for one and thirty years, if she live so long. To my
daughter Anne Guise towards her marriage portion three hundred pounds.
To my daughter Elizabeth Guise three hundred pounds towards her mar-
riage portion ; these portions to be paid them at their several days of mar-
riage or several ages of twenty and one years. To my servant Joyce
Neale my wife's kinswoman ten pounds within one year. All the rest to
my wife Elizabeth whom I make and ordain sole executrix of this my last
will and testament " hartely praying her by that true and unfained love
that wee have borne each to other and the mutuall comfortes wee haue
enioyed each from other both to our soules and bodies, to haue a care of
those or daughters the pledges of our unfained love and as shee hath
hitherto donne soe to continewe to breed them upp and instruct them in the
feare of God soe shall wee all I hope one day meete againe to our ever-
lastinge comforte in the kingdome of Heaven."'
The codicil is as follows : — I give to my kind brother Hauiland and sis-
ter and my nephew Matthewe Haviland to each of them twenty shillinges
to buy them a ring. Item, I give to my tru3ty servant Richard Merrye
forty shilliugs. Item I give to my servant Edward Wheeler forty shillinges.
To my servant Richard Hancock the horse that his mother gave me when
he came to me. To my servant Anne Nashe twenty shillings.
In presence of Robert Haviland and Matthew Haviland.
Evelyn, 60.
. ■***,
48 Genealogical Gleanings in England. [Jan.
William: Gyse, of Elmore (Glouc.) Esq. 10 November 1C50, proved
14 September 1653. To be interred in the parish church of Elmore near
mv father. To my wife Cissely all my plate, household stuff and goods of
what quality and sort soever, and one lease which my father (Sir William
Gyse) purchased of Mr. Oekald for three of my brothers lives, viz1. George,
Anthony and Edward Gyse, one of which lives is since deceased, viz.
George &c. Other leases to her. To my eldest daughter Elizabeth Mor-
ton twenty shillings to buy her a ring. To my second daughter Ellinor
Washington twenty shillings to buy her a ring to remember me. To my
third daughter Frances Codrin^ton twenty shilling &c. And I desire to
have this poesy engraven in the inside of all their rings — Vive ut Vivas. —
All the rest to my eldest son Christopher Gyse whom I make sole executor.
Brent, 41,
[A pedigree of the Havilands may be found in the Visitation of Gloucester-
shire (Karl. Pub. vol. 21, p. 78). Jane, daughter of Robert Haviland by Eliza-
beth (Gyse) was the wife of William Torrey of New England. See Haviland
and Torrey wills, Register, vol. 4&, pp. 150-3; 298-302. — h. r. w.]
John Woodward of Quinton, in the Co. of Gloucester, gen*, 21 April
1612, proved 13 May 1612. My body to be buried in the parish church
of Stratford upon Avon near to the grave there of my deceased father
Richard Woodward gen1. To William Abraham, my godson, son of
Richard Abraham of Quinton, Bucks, gen1, my messuage or tenement in
Stratford wherein Frances Woodward my mother now dwelleth.
Item, I give and bequeath unto Thomas Washington gen*, my wife's
brother-in-law, all that my pasture ground and meadow in Quinton, Glouc,
for the term of one thousand years, he paying yearly unto Alice my wife,
during her natural life one annuity of twenty pounds heretofore by me
granted unto her, issuing forth of the said lands. To John Lane son of
Nicholas Lane gen*, five pounds. To John Perkins my servant ten pounds.
My wife Alice to be sole executrix and my uncle Thomas Woodward
gen*, my brother-in-law Richard Murden*gen* and Nicholas Lane gen* to
be overseers. Fenner, 42.
[This John Woodward was the one who 'married Alice the widow of Sir.
Walter Washington of Radway, Warwickshire (see the Washington Pedigree).
Her will (1612-1647) has already been published (Register, vol.^, p. 112, Oct.
1889). The above testator belonged to the family of Woodward of Butlers
Marston (see Visitation of Warwickshire, Harl. So. Pub. pp. 119 and 227), be-
ing a son of Richard Woodward of Stratford upon Avon, and Prances, daughter
and heir of Paiot. His wife Alice was a daughter of John and Katherine Morden
alias Murden, of Morton Morell, Warr. (see same Visitation, p. 319). — h. f. w.]
Catherine Curtis of Islipp in the Co. of Northampton " gen*," 6 De-
cember 1622, proved 17 June 1626. My body to be buried in the church
of Islipp. To Mordant Washington, my godson and grandchild, the sum
of fifty pounds to be employed and laid out for his best benefit and to be
paid unto him, with a true account of the profits and gain thereof, when ha
shall come to the age of twenty and one years, and if he depart this life
before his age of one and twenty years then my executor shall pay the
aforespid sum, with all profits by it made, unto the next child of my natural
daughter Mary Washington when it shall come to the age of twenty and
one years, whether the said child be a son or a daughter. I give to my
natural son Philip Curtis and to my daughter Curtis his wife, to Uie first
1892.] Genealogical Gleanings in England. 49
begotten by them the sum of fifty pounds, whether it be son or daughter,
to be paid at the age of twenty and one years. I give unto my natural
daughter Mary Washington the sum of thirty pounds. All the rest of my
goods, moveables and chattels unbequeathed, my debts and mortuary paid
and my body reverently brought to the grave, I give unto my natural and
well beloved sou Philip Curtis, my sole executor of this my last will and
Michael Westfield was one of the witnesses. Hele, 92.
[Mrs. Catherine Curtis was the mother of Mary, who was the first wife of Sir
John Washington of Thrapston, knight (see the Washington Pedinree) and of
Philip Curtis, who married Amy, one of the sisters of Sir John and of the Rev.
Lawrence Washington, rectcr of Purleigh. The wills of Philip Curtis and his
widow, Amy Curtis, have been already published (See Register, vol. 42, pp.
403, 404, Oct. 13S9).— h. r. w.]
Ranald Grahme of Nunington, co. York, Esqr, 14 November 1G79,
with a codicil dated 25 May, 1680, proved 2 December 1685. Body to be
buried within the parish church or Nunington. To my nephew Sir Richard
Grahme of Netherby, co. Cumberland, Barr* and to the Honorable the Lady
Anne Grahme his wife the sum of fifty pounds betwixt them, to buy them
mourning, and I do hereby recommend Charles Grahme, now eldest sou of
the said Sir Richard Grahme, to the care and kindness of my dearly be-
loved wife. Item, I give and bequeath unto Sir Richard Grahme of Nor-
ton Conyers in the Co. of York, Barr', and his now wife twenty pounds
apiece to buy them mourning. To my nephew James Grahme, privy purse
to his R. H. James, Duke of York, and to Dorothy his now wife twenty
pounds apiece to buy them mourning, and I do hereby release to my said
nephew James Grahme all such debts as he oweth me upou any account
whatsoever. To Sir Henry Goodricke, knight and Barr1, and to his now
lady, my niece, twenty pounds apiece to buy them mourning, and moreover
I give unto his said lady, my niece, my onyx ring which she formerly gave
me. To my nephew Col. George Le<rg, and Barbara his now wife, and to
his mother Elizabeth Legg and to William Yilliers Legg, my godson, twenty
pounds apiece to buy them mourning, and also to Susanna Wilson and her
husband twenty pounds between them to buy them mourning. To the
said Col. George Lagg my diamond ring with four great stones in it set
around with small diamonds, to hold, use and enjoy for the term of his
natural life, and after his decease I give and bequeath the same to the said
William L>egg, his son, my godson, forever. To Sir John Churchman
twenty pounds to buy him mourning. To Katherine Foster late wile of
Captain Foster ten pounds to buy her mourning. To my sister Sands twenty
pounds to buy her mourning and to her daughter Elizabeth Washington
one hundred pounds. Also I do hereby give and bequeath unto Mrs.
Penelope Washington and Mrs. Mary Washington ten pounds apiece to
buy them mourning. To Mr. Thomas Jackson one hundred pounds and
ten pounds more to buy him mourning. I do hereby release unto Edward
Carleton the twenty pounds he oweth me and I do give him thirty pounds
more, and five pounds more to buy him mourning. To Richard Grahme
once my groom four pounds per annum payable quarterly during my wife's
life. To Archibald Johnston once my butler twenty pounds and to John
Grahme once my servant five pounds to buy him mourning. To the now
Lord Bishop of Oxford, the now Lord Bishop of Exeter, to the Lord Chief
Justice North and to his brother Dr. North, to Richard Allestry Dr. in
Divinity and Provost of Eaton College, to Dr. Barwwick, to Sir William
50 Genealogical Gleanings in England. [Jan.
Wyld of London, Barr*, Sir John Coell. Sir William Turner, Sir Robert
Clayton, John Morris Esq., Matthew Johnson Esq., Col. Richard Grace,
Mr. Charles Usher, Mr. George Usher, Mr. John Cooke, Mr. Broughton,
Mr. Fothergill, Nathan Tilson, Mr. Christopher Conyers of Clifford's Inn,
Mr. Robert Blanshard and Francis Child, to each of them a ring of the
value of twenty shilling. To Christopher Story four pounds to buy him
mourning. To my cousin Richard Grahme, principal of Clifford's Inn,
London, one hundred pounds, aid twenty pounds more to buy hirn mourn-
ing. To my cousin Jane Smith and her sister Sara Gregory five pounds
apiece to buy them mourning. To old Dicke Grahme (annuity). To the
poor of Nunington, West Ness and Staugrave, York, of Lewsham, Kent,
and of St. Margaret's, Westminster. To William Charleton of Hasleside,
Northumberland, and Elizabeth his wife, my niece. To Dame Mary Mus-
grave, widow, my niece, and to her son Sir Richard Musgrave of Hevton,
Cumberland, and his sisters Frances and Catherine. To Sir Cuthbert
Heron of Chipchase, Northumberland, and his lady, my niece, and their
son Cuthbert. To Winifred Fisher who was the daughter of my master
William Latham, who was very kind to me when I was his apprentice. To
my worthy friend Col. Edward Villiers. To Philadelphia Eston daughter
to Peter Ladore my friend. To my nephews Fergus and Ranald Grahme
and my niece Margaret Fenwicke. To my nephew William Grahme the
sum of two hundred pounds, to be paid him within six months next after
he shall be instituted and inducted vicar of the parish church of Lewsham,
Kent. For the use of the poor in the parishes of Arthewrett and Kirk An-
drews, Cumberland. To Ranald Grahme, coachman to my nephew Sir
Richard Grahme. My little nephew Charles Grahme, son and heir ap-
parent of my nephew Sir Richard Grahme of Nelherby.
I make and ordain my worthy friend John, Lord Bishop of Rochester,
my dearly beloved wife Susanna Grahme and Sir Richard Grahme of
Netherby executors of my will &c, and desire my said nephew Col. George
Legg and the said Richard Grahme of Clifford's Inn to be aiding and
assisting to my said executors. Cann, 150.
[The above testator belonged to a great border family of whom the Grahams
of Esk, of Norton Conyers and of Netherley were branches. His wife Susanna,
whose will has already been given (see Kegister, vol. 42, p. 410, Oct., 1891),
was a daughter of Sir William Washington (see the Washington Pedigree), a
sister of Col. Henry Washington, governor of the "ever faithful" city of
Worcester and a niece of the rector of Purleigh. — h. f. w.]
William Legge of the parish of little Minories Esq. maketh his will as
followeth, viz.: to his son William Legge 2000u at 21 years, to his daughter
Susan L. 200011 at 18 years or marriage, they in the meantime to be main-
tained out of profits at discretion of executors, his son George Legg and
Elizabeth his wife Executors, Harry Norwood Esq. and George Wharton
Esq. trustees. Written according to the directions of the said Testator
and approved by him in the presence of G. Wharton, H. Norwood, John
A nuncupative codicil of the same day, declared that, as the real estate
in Ireland was settled upon his son George in marriage, it was concluded
needless to mention it in the Will. His sisters, being three, he recom-
mended to his son George, who declared he will do as his father hath done
formerly. He said he had several legacies to poor kindred, but, being de-
sired to declare those legacies, he named no person, his spirits being *pent
and faint. Dated ll-8ber, '70, proved 18 February 1670.
1892.] Genealogical Gleanings in England. 51
On the 18th day of November, A.D. 1700, commission issued to the Lady-
Barbara, dowager Baroness Dartmouth, relict of George late Baron Dart-
mouth deceased, one of the executors named in the above will, to adminis-
ter the goods &c of the said Col. William Legg deceased, left unadminis-
tered on account of the death of the said Baron Dartmouth, and for the
reason that Elizabeth Legg, relict and the other executor, had departed
this life. Dv.ke, 23.
Dear § Loving Sister, Virginia, June ye 22d, 1609.
I had the happiness to see a Letter which you sent to my Aunt Howard,
who died about a year and a half ago; I had heard of you by her before,
but could not tell whether you were alive or not. It was truly great joy
to hear that I had such a relation alive as yourself; not having any such a
one by my Father's side as yourself. My Father had one Daughter by
my Mother, who died when she was very young, before my remembrance.
My Mother had three Daughters when my Father married her, one died
last winter, and left four or five children, the other two are alive & married
and have had several children. My Mother married another man after my
Father, who spent all, so that I- had not the value of twenty shillings of
my Father's Estate, I being the youngest & therefore the weakest, which
generally comes off short. But I thank God my Fortune has been pretty
good since, as I have got a kind and loving wife, by whom I have had three
sons and a daughter, of which I have buried my daughter and one son. I
am afraid I shall never have the happiness of seeing you, since it has
pleased God to set us at such a distance, but hoping to hear from you by all
opportunities, which you shall assuredly do from him that is.
Your ever loving Brother
till death
Jn° Washington.
Tf you write to me direct yours to me in Stafford county, on Potomack
River in Virginia. Vale.
To Mrs. Mary Gibson, living at Hawnes in BedTs. These sent with
[The above very interesting letter has been sent me by Mr. Worthinsrton C.
Forde (07 Clark Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.) It lias first been published in his
collection of "Washington Wills (Historical Printing Club, Brooklyn, N. Y.,
1891), as a foot note on page 25. Mr. Ford tells me that it is a copy, sent to
the President, and it is undoubtedly genuine. It was evidently written by the
son of Lawrence Washington, the immigrant, to his half sister Mary, daughter
of Lawrence by his first wife (Mary Jones). It adds to our knowledge her
married name. She was in all probability, the wife of Edward Gibson, Vicar
of Hawnes, who died 11 May 1732, set. 71. — M. I. (See Genealogia Bedfordieu-
sis, by Frederick Augustus Blaydes, printed at the Chiswick Press, 1890). The
father of Mr. Gibson, of the same baptismal name and likewise Vicar of this
parish, was buried 25 April, 1690. He died 22 Apr. set. 73. Mary Hazelden of
Hawnes, in her will, dated 16 June, 1679, mentions her nephew Edward Gibson,
minister at Hawnes, and his daughter Mary Butler, and sons Edward, John and
Seth. To her niece Margaret, wife of Edward Gibson, she gave all her lands,
plate and apparel, and constituted her sole executrix. The Register of Bap-
tisms shows that the second Mr. Edward Gibson had a wife named Mary. This
wife, Mary (Washington ?) , probably died before her husband, if I draw
the correct iuference from his will, which I found in Prerog. Ct. of Cant.
(Bedford 163), executed 6 Jan. 1723, and proved 17 June, 1732. He calls him-
self "minister," mentions brothers John and Seth, the latter to be executor.
Mother deceased. Granddaughter Mary Pemberton (her father deceased).
52 Genealogical Gleanings in England. [Jan.
Sons Edward and George. In 1732, at date of probate, George was of St.
Martin's in the Fields, Midd., and Edward was of Hawnes.
I would suggest that the "Aunt Howard" of the letter, was the Martha
"Washington whom Col. John Washington, her brother, mentions in his will as
having come to Virginia. — 11. f. w.
Since the above copy was received from Mr. Waters, the letter of John
"Washington, June 22, 1699, has been annotated by Mr. Ford and printed in the
New York Nation, October 15, 1891.
Hawnes, now spelled Haynes, is a parish in the hundred of Flitt, Bedford-
shire, about four miles north east of Ampthill. — Editor.]
In the New York Nation for July 16, 1891, the editor quotes from a corres-
pondent, who, we are informed* is Mr. N. Darnell Davis of Georgetown,
Demarara, to the e fleet that the original manuscripts on which Walker's Suffer-
ings of the Clergy is founded are preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
" There are about 25 or 30 volumes in all. Of these some seven are of a bio-
graphical nature, consisting of letters from persons who gave facts set forth in
the printed work." Mr. Davis being interested in the question of Washington's
ancestry made a rapid glance over these volumes, which are not indexed, in the
hope of finding the letter which gave a good character to Rev. Lawrence Wash-
ington of Purleigh, and possibly learning the name of the small living which he
was allowed to hold. But he was unsuccessful. The next month Mr. Waters
visited Oxford and examined the books with a better result, as is shown in a
communication from Mr. Whitmore in the Nation for October 8th last,- as
follows :
" Following up the suggestion made in the Nation for July 16, 1891, that the
manuscript authorities for Walker's ' Account of the Sufferings of the Clergy '
were in the Bodleian Library, Mr. H. F. Waters has recently examined the
volumes with gratifying results. He writes under date of Sept. 1, 1891 : ' This
afternoon I came upon the chief letter upon which he [Walker] evidently de-
pended for his information about the sequestered rector of Burleigh.' This let-
ter, he adds — ' was in worse order than anything I had been looking at. Itr
and two or three accompanying papers, had evidently suffered from dampness,
and had been eaten, I think, by flies, perhaps by mice. The letter was probably
written in 1706 (judging from the dates of those near it), but where from or
by whom, there was nothing on the face of it to disclose at first sight. It was
devoted to the cases of Mr. Cherry, Mr. Washington, and Mr. Wright of
"Witham. He spoke of Mr. Cherry, as having 'dwelt 20 miles from me.' A
little further on he writes: 'The first visitation our diocesan made here at
Easterford Kelvedon Mr. Cherry preached,' etc. Then comes this reference :
" ' I doe not remember that ever I knew or heard of Mr. Washington after
lie had been sequestered, but there was then one Mr. Roberts a neighbor of
mine who was owner and patron of a parish so small that nobody would accept
of his church (but with difficulty) and Mr. Roberts entertained Mr. Washington,
where he was suffered quietly to preach. I have heard him and tooke him to be
a very worthy pious man. I have been in his company there, and he appeared
a very modest sober person, and I heard him recommended as such by several
gentlemen who knew him before I did. He was a loyal person, and had one of
the best benefices in these parts, and this was the onely cause of his expulsion as
I verily believe.'
" Mr. Waters adds that against both paragraphs — viz., those relating to Mr.
Cherry and to Mr. Washington — Walker had written, ' See last paragraph in this
. J. W.' Turning to the last paragraph, where dampness and flies had done
the most mischief, Mr. Waters could make out only the word ' Braxted.' A
reference to Morant's ' Essex ' showed that Braxted Parva was just such a poor,
mean living, and that the patron was Thomas Roberts. The Visitation of
Essex shows the Robertses to have been there for four generations in 1634. A
comparison of handwritings showed that the writer of this letter was the
Henry Aylofle who wrote another letter in the same collection, under date of
March 26" 1706, annotated by Walker as ' Esquire and Justice of the Peace/
As Morant says that the Ayloffes had their chief seat at Braxted Magna, this
letter seems to be of the highest authority. There was a Henry Ayloff'e. third
son, born about 1630, according to the visitation of Essex, in 1631, who seems
to be the writer. The early register of Little Braxted seems to be lost, but
1895.] Genealogical Gleanings in England. 53
probably further search "will give more particulars about Lawrence Washington
Soon after this discovery, Mr. Waters was informed by his friend. Mi^s
Walford, an experienced genealogist, of her discovery of the place and date
of the burial of Rev. Lawrence Washington, as follows :
"40 Gt. Coram St., Russell Square, W.C.,
" Dear Mr. Waters, 15 Sept. 1891.
While searching the Register of the parish of All Saints, Maldon, Essex, I
found the following entry which 1 am sure will interest you:
'Mr. Lawrence Washington buried January 21, 1052.'
I therefore send you a note of it at once, hoping that you will make whatever
use you please of it. Yours very truly,
E^oia M. Walford.
Henry F. Waters, Esq."
Mr. Whitmore after announcing this discovery continues: " Maldon is but
three miles north from Purleigh, and is an old and comparatively large town,
the natural abiding place of anyone interested in Purleigh. The inference is
irresistible that we have at last discovered the death of George Washington's
last English progenitor. I may here add that Little Braxted is about six miles
north from Maldon. lying just to the east of Witham. From Purleigh to Braxted
is less than nine miles in an airline."
Mr. Whitmore notes that in the library of Mr. Samuel G. Drake was sold a
book by that John Rogers, minister of Purleigh, who was ordered to pay Mrs.
Washington a portion of the tithes (See Register, vol. 45, p. 240). This book
contained some autobiographical items, and he thought they might have some
reference to Purleigh and asked if that or another copy could be found.
In a communicatiau to the Nation, Oct. 22. 1891. Mr. Worthins:tou C. Ford
states that he has found a copy of the book inquired for in the library of the
New York Theological Seminary, New York city, and he gives some interesting
facts about the author derived from that volume. Nothing, however, is found
relative to his predecessor, Lawrence Washington. This John Rogers was a
son of Rev. Nehemiah Rogers of Messing, and a grandson of Rev. Vincent
Rogers of Stratford Bow, traditionally descended from the martyr. He was
father of John Rogers, a merchant of Plymouth, who was created baronet Feb.
21, 1693, and was ancestor of the late Lord Blachford. The book in Mr.
Drake's catalogue bore the title " Ohel or Bethshemesh; a Tabernacle of the
Sun," &c. Mr. Ford states that there is no printed title in the book he quotes
from, but there is a written title, " Dod or Chartran, the Beloved." &c, and
that " Ohel or Bethshemesh" is the heading of one division of the work. Col.
Chester, in his life of John Rogers the martyr, pp. 287-3, gives both titles in
his list of the author's works.
Another communication from Mr- Whitmore is printed in the Nation for Nov.
5, as follows :
" To the Editor of the Nation:
"Sir: Since an English writer has seen fit to refer to the Rev. Lawrence
Washington of Purleigh as ' a drunken parson,' I have found great consola-
tion in looking over the ' Annals of Evangelical Nonconformity in Essex,' by
the Rev. T. W. Davids (London, 1803). The author has considerable to say
about the Episcopal ministers who were expelled from their livings in 1G±3,
doubtless for their loyality, but ostensibly for other causes. He~quotes the
evidence in many cases. He cites (p. 240) the charge against Washington as a
tippler and often drunk, but he also quotes the same charge against many
others. I notice these cases: T. Punter (p. 232), Thurman (p. 233), Fairfax
(p. 233;. Hurt (p. 238), Turner (p. 239), Southen p. (239), Chamberlain (p. 242),
Frost fp. 243), Staples (p. 245), Washington (p. 246), Lake (p. 247), Heard (p.
249), Laud (p. 249), N. Wright's curate (p. 250), Darnell (p. 251), Hull (p. 253),
Brinsley (p. 341), Bird (p. 349), Beard (p. 350), Man (p. 380), Benson (p. 4i7),
Nicholson (p. 422), Billio (p. 512), Deersley (p. 515), F. Wright (p. 518).
* The present rector of Little Braxted, the Rev. Ernest Geldart, has written to Mr.
Whitmore that the old registers prior to 1730 are lost. The Roberts family is extinct,
Thomas dying in 1680, when the estate passed to the Ayioffes.
54 Genealogical Gleanings in England. [Jan.
" Here there are twenty-five cases, where clergymen were deprived, in which
this same charge of drunkenness is made. Considering the social habits of the
time, and the fact that most of these, if not all, were also accused of excessive
attachment to the cause of Episcopacy and monarchy, is it not evident that the
charge is a mere pretext, and that Mr. Washington does not deserve to be
singled out for opprobrium and judged according to recent standards or morals?
" From Mr. Davids's book I glean one or two interesting points. Thus lie
states (p. 302) in regard to Braxted Farva, " The return in 1650 is ' Mr. White
was presented, but he hath left it about three years, and Mr. Roberts provides
for the supply of the cure.' Lauds. MSS. 459." Again (p. 15G) he says of the
Rev. Nehemiah Rogers of Messing, that he was sequestered at Bi-diop<£:ate in
1643 and at Ely in 16-15. " He continued to preach, however, for three years at
Little Braxted, for upwards of six at St. Osyth, where he is found in 1650, and
ultimately became rector of Doddinsdiurst, where he died."
"It would seem, then, that Mr. Roberts had given this 'poor living' first,
about 1045, to Nehemiah Rogers: then, about 1647 or 8, Mr. White was pre-
sented, but in place of him Lawrence Washington took it. It is certainly very
curious that it was John Rogers, son of Nehemiah, who expelled Washington
from Burleigh (p. 272), and that the latter was thrown upon the same charity
which had supported Rogers's father. As Neherniah and his son seem to have
been on opposite sides, I presume that there was no retaliation in this.
" If, by any happy chance, the family papers of the Robertses of Little
Braxted have been preserved, we may yet learn something of this patron of dis-
tre.>sed clergymen. The first of the name at that place was Thomas, auditor to
Her.ry Villi His son was Clement, whose son Thomas married Alice Hobson
and was alive in 1012. Then came Thomas, the owner in 1034, whose son
Thomas was aged sixteen. As the father then had ten children, it seems prob-
able that he deceased before the Civil War, and that it was the young man who
was the friend of Nehemiah Rogers aud Lawrence Washington.
" In 1060, among the signers of a petition to Gen. Monk, calling for peace
and amnesty (Davids, p. 323). are Sir Benjamin Ayloffe of Great Braxted and
Thomas Roberts of Little Braxted.
" Mr. Davids quotes as authorities Cole's MSS., Landsdowne MSS. 459, Add.
MSS. 15660, 15669, and 15670, also Journals of the House of Lords, Journal of
House of Commons, aud State Faper Office tiles. He seems to say that many
of the original papers in regard to these sequestrations are preserved. If so,
we may yet find the petition of the wife of the rector of Furleigh. and learn
her Christian name, or we may get a signature of the Rev. Lawrence Washing-
ton. Col. Chester's references, as quoted by Mr. Conway, are Harl. MS. 0244,
in regard to the petition for tithes; andFub. Rec. O. Charles I., W. 58, No. 29, as
to the chancery suit. w. h. w."
The English writer referred to by Mr. Whitmore is a correspondent of the
^London Xotes and Queries, July 11, 1891, page 23, who writes under the signa-
ture of "Vernon." Among other things, Vernon speaks of some deeds which
she had lately copied, one of which " puts beyond a doubt " that Sir John was
the eldest son of Lawrence Washington of Sulgrave. This confirms a suspicion
of Mr. Waters, which he communicated to me some two years ago. " Vernon"
is Mrs. Vernona I. C. Smith of Barnes, Surrey, England, as appears by her let-
ter to the Nation for November 20. In that letter she states that the documents
relating to the Washiugtons, referred to by her in Xotes and Queries, have been
sent to an American friend. I hope that this gentleman will give the substance
of them to the public in due time.
The Rev. Edward D. Neill, D.D., of St. Paul, Minn., has contributed to the
Nation. Nov. 19, 1891, further details relative to the family of William Brod-
hurst of Lilleshall, Shropshire, whose son Walter's widow, nee Ann Pope, was
the second wife of John Washington (ante, vol. 44, pp. 80, 195-0;. The
baptisms of the children of the second Walter Brodhurst, half-brother of Law-
rence Washington, are given by Dr. Neill, from the parish register at Lilleshall,
as are the inscriptions on the tombstones of two of them.
It will be remembered that Col. Chester at one time was very anxious to ob-
tain a copy of the signature of John Washington, the emigrant, to compare
with that of John W., of London, on a deed dated in 1657, as was stated by
Col. Chester in the Xew York World March 29, 1879, and repeated by us in the
Register, vol. 45, p. 203. By the expressions which he used, it was understood
1892.] Marriages of East Parish, Bridgeicater, Mass. 55
that this deed was in Col. Chester's possession, and his executor, Mr. Cockayne,
has kindly made thorough but futile search for it. By a letter received recently
from Mr. James Coleman, of Tottenham Terrace, London N., it seems that he
advertised this deed in his catalogue, vol. xii. No. 119, for 1S77. He sold it to
Col. TV. Newsorne, It. E., before Col. Chester arrived; but, as it had not been
delivered, Col. C. was able to make an abstract and to trace the signature. Col.
Newsome, in 1379, printed privately a tract entitled " Yorkshire as the Home
of the TVashingtons." (See Register, vol. 44, p. 200.) He cites this deed,
without saying that he owned it. From the catalogue kindly furnished us by
Mr. Coleman we copy the description. It was a deed, dated 1657, signed by John
Washington, citizen and draper, and Margaret his wife, one of the daughters
of Henry Harwood, gent., to Robert Abbott, citizen and scrivener, relating to
houses near Fleet Bridge, London. Newsome adds the precise date of the deed,
June 5, 1657, and states that Margaret was one of six children, the others being
Thomas, Henry, Frances, Martha and Mary Harwood; and that their mother
was named Martha. It seems that Col. Newsomc's papers are not at present
accessible ; but now that we know that Col. Chester had only an abstract and
a tracing of a signature, these may possibly be found in his papers. The
admissions to the Drapers' Company, if still preserved, should show the parent-
age of this London man. Of course, we can now refer to the original signature
of Col. Johu Washington of Virginia, on his will. A facsimile of this signature
will be found in vol. 45 of the Register, facing page 199. Col. Chester stated
in the Xeiv York World that he knew the history of the London John Washington.
Two pamphlets on the genealogy of the Washington family have lately ap-
peared, the titles of which will be found in the Book Notices in this number. Oue,
by Col. Thornton A. Washington of Washington, D. C, gives the descendants of
the elder emigrant John Washington in the line of President Washington, and
continues it in the line of the president's eldest full brother, Samuel. The
other is by Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, M.A., of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., and is
devoted to the descendants of the younger emigrant Lawrence. — Editor.
From March 4, 1725, to August 3, 1803,
By the Rev. John Angier (settled 1724:, died April 14, 1787), and the Rev. Samuel
Angier, his son and colleague (settled 1767, died Jan. 18, 1805).
Communicated by the Rev. Henry F. Jenks, A.M., of Canton, Mass., from the original
manuscript in the possession of Miss Mary H. Rust, of East Bridgewater,
great- great-granddaughter of the Rev. John Angier.
TContinued from vol. 45, page 285.]
Janry. 29th 1782 — Eliphalet Baily & Martha Robinson, both of Bridg-
water, were marry'd by S. Angier.
March 26th 1782 — Joshua Bowen of Roxbury & Abigail Smith of Bridg-
water, were marry'd by S. Angier.
July 18th. 1782 — Reuben Harden of Pembroke & Rebecca Harden of
Bridgwater were marry'd by S. Angier.
August 7th. 1782 — Seth Hobart & Esther Allen, both of Bridgwater were
marry'd by S. Angier.
August 29th. 1782 — Josiah Torry & Olive Pratt, both of Bridgwater were
marry'd by S. Angier.
Sept. 25th. 1782 — Benjamin Richards & Polly Bartlett, both of Bridgwater,
were marry'd by S. Angier.
Novbr. 14th. 1782 — Ezra Kingman & Susannah Whitman, both of Bridg-.
water, were marry'd by S. Angier.
56 Marriages of East Parish, Bridgewater, Mass. [Jan.
Novbr. 28th 1782— Robert Packard & Ruth Barrel, both of Bridgwater,
were marry'd by S. Angier.
Decembr. 5th. 1782 — Wifliam Brett & Molly Allen, both of Bridgwater,
were marry'd by John Angier.
Returned to ye Town Clerk. Janry 20, 1783.
Janry. 23d. 1783— Charles Ramsdel of'Pernbroke & Betty Terril of Bridg-
water, were marry'd by S. Angier.
March 20th. 1783 — Matthew Gannett of Abington & Alice Latham of
Bridgwater, were marry'd, by S. Angier.
April 3d. 1783 — Rotheus Mitchel & Hepza Hay ward, both of Bridgwater,
were marry'd by S. Angier.
April 15th. 1783 — Solomon Inglee of Halifax & Bathsheba Orr of Bridg-
water, were marry'd by S. Angier.
July 17th. 175-3 — David Snell & Molly Baker, both of Bridgwater, were
marry'd by S. Angier.
August 11th. 1783 — Joshua Pool of Abington & Lucenda Latham of
Bridgwater, were marry'd by S. Angier.
Sept. 4th. 1783 — Jacob Mitchel & ye Widow Sally "Whitman both of
Bridgwater, were marry'd by S. Angier.
Octobr. 23d. 1783 — Reuben Mitchel & Anne Wade, both of Bridgwater,
were marry'd by S, Angier.
Octobr. 30th. 1783— Joshua Pratt & Mary Pratt, both of Bridgwater, &
also Thomas Phillips & Martha Whitman both of Bridgwater, were
marry'd by S, Angier.
Nbvbr. 6th. 1783 — Capt. Simeon Whitman & ye Widow Sarah Byram,
both of Bridgwater, were marry'd by S. Angier.
Decembr. 11th. 1783 — Samuel Faxon & Priscilla Thomas, both of Bridg-
water, were marry'd by S. Angier.
Returned to ye Clerk, Janry. 1st. 1784.
Janry. 1st. 1784 — James Reed of AbiDgton & Ruth Porter of Bridgwater,
were marry'd by S. Angier.
March 4th. 1784 — Reed Erskine of Abington & Mary Whitmarsh of
Bridgwater, were marry'd by S. Angier.
April 22d. 1784 — Jacob Whitmarsh, Junr. & Anna Pool, both of Bridg-
water, were marry'd by S. Angier.
April 29th 1784 — Isaiah Whitman & Chloe Phillips, both of Bridgwater,
were marry'd by S. Angier.
May 20th. 1784— Revd. William Reed of Easton & Olive Pool of Bridg-
water, were marry'd by S. Angier.
May 25 th. 1784 — Isaac Keith, & Betty Keith, both of Bridgwater, were
marry'd by S. Angier.
June 10th. 1784 — George Erskine & Huldah Whitmarsh, both of Bridg-
water, were marry'd by S. Angier,
June 17th. 1784 — Spencer Forrest of Halifax & Abigail Wade of Bridg-
water, were marry'd by S. Angier.
Sept. 30th. 1784 — John Ramsdel of Pembroke & Hannah Allen of Bridg-
water, were marry'd by S. Angier.
Octobr. 21st. 1784 — John Phillips & Jennet Young, both of Bridgwater,
were marry'd by S. Angier.
ETovbr. 16th. 1784— Daniel Orcutt & Olive Whitman, both of Bridgwater,
were marry'd by S. Angier.
Novbr. 23d. 1784 — Josiah Johnson, Junr. & Eunice Allen both of Bridg-
water, were marry'd by S. Angier.
1892.] Marriages of East Parish, Bridgewater, Mass. 57
Novbr. 25th. 1784 — Jacob Allen & Susanna Alden, both of BrioV water
were marry'd by S. Angier.
Decerabr. 16th. 1784 — Thomas Osburne & Hannah Wade both of Bridg-
water, were marry'd by S. Angier.
Decembr. 22d. 1784 — Joseph Chamberlain & Sarah Bass, both of Bridg-
water, were marry 'd by S. Angier.
Returned to ye Clerk Febry. 21. 1785.
The following is an account of marriages consummated by me, Samuel
Janry. 13th 1785 — I marry'd Samuel Harden of Abington & Relief Spear
of Bridgwater.
Janry. 27th. 1785 — I marry'd Benjamin Darling of Pembroke & Sarah
Lowden of Bridgwater.
Febry. 3d. 1785 — I marry'd Thomas Chamberlain & Molly Whitman both
of Bridgwater.
Febry. 17th. 1785 — I marry'd Peter Salmon of Hanover & ye Widow
Eunice Whitman of Bridgwater.
March 8th. 1785 — I marry'd Holmau Keith & Sylvia Keith both of Bridg-
March 9th. 1785 — I marry'd Hugh Orr, Jun'r. & Sylvia Mitchel both of
March 10th. 1785 — I marry'd Samuel Dunbar, a transient mulatto Fellow
& Hannah James of Bridgwater.
March 15th. 1785 — I marry'd John Edson ye 3d. & Susanna Orcutt both
of Bridgwater i [water.
May 26th 1785 — I marry'd Simeon Allen & Huldah Cary, both of Bridg-
June 2d. 1785 — I marry'd Capt. Isaac Whitman & Bathsheba Allen both
of Bridgwater. [water.
July 14th. 1785 — I marry'd James Lovell & Jemima Leach, both of Bridg-
Sept. loth. 1785 — I marry'd James Barrell & Betsey Russell both of
Novbr. 17th. 1785 — I marry'd James Ramsdel & Eunice Allen both of
Decembr. 1st. 1785 — I marry'd Daniel Kinsley & Molly Keith both of
These marriages returned to ye Town Clerk, March 11th. 1786.
The following is an Account of the Persons marry'd by me, Samuel
Angier, with ye time when they were marry'd,
Febry. 7th — Byram Allen of Bridgwater & Elisabeth Child of Roxbury.
Febry. 9th — Thomas Blanchard, Jun'r. of Abington & Susanna Latham of
Febry. 9th— Levi Keith the 2d & Huldah Keith, both of Bridgwater.
March 2d — Samuel Pool, Jun'r. & Abigail Porter, both of Bridgwater.
May 25 — Nathaniel Dammon of Marshfield & Molly Allen of Bridgwater.
May 25th — Roger Sutman & Phillis Suel, both of Bridgwater, Negroes.
August 24th — Henry Jackson & Mehitabel Alden, both of Bridgwater.
Sept. 26th — James Willis & Sarah Jackson, both of Bridgwater.
Decembr. 21st — Matthew Allen ye 2d. & Jane Keen, both of Bridgwater.
Returned to ye Clerk Janry. 1st. 1787.
[To be continued.]
58 Rev. Stephen Bachiler. [Jan.
By the Hon. Charles E. Batchelder, of Portsmouth, N. H.
The word "bachelor " has long been a sore puzzle to etymologists, says
Lower, in his work on English Surnames,* That the name " Bachelor,"
however spelled, is the same as the word " bachelor," meaning an unmarried
man or a college graduate, is unquestioned, but many derivations have been
given by different authors to account for the meaning of the word, some
most fanciful and even grotesque, Others with more probability of correct-
ness. Knights bachelors were the most ancient, though the lowest order,
of knighthood in England.
It is said in a note to Chitty's Blackstone that the most probable deriva-
tion of " bachelor " is from has and chevalier, an inferior knight.f
The derivation of the word is given in Webster's Dictionary as from the
old French " bachiler," meaning " a young man." A common derivation
given is from " baccalaureus," having reference to the chaplet of laurel
berries with which the new bachelor of arts was crowned. The earliest
mention of the name indicates that it was given originally to mark the con-
dition of its possessor as an unmarried man or as a young man. when there
was an elder person of the same Christian name living in the neighborhood.
The English registers of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, where we
first meet the name, use the French prefix " le." Thus we find Jordanus
le Bacheler,$ Gilbert le Bacholer.§ that is, Jordan the bachelor, Gilbert
the bachelor. We may be reasonably sure that the names Jordan and Gil-
bert were then so common in a particular neighborhood that it was neces-
sary to indicate by some addition to the Jordan or Gilbert that there was
an elder or married person of the same name in the immediate neighbor-
hood. If " Bachelor " meant simply an unmarried man it was not proper
or fitting at the death of Jordan le Bacheler in 1297, for he left surviving
him a wife, Alice, and a son, John. It is, therefore, probable that the word
" Bachelor" was used at that time much like junior, meaning simply " the
younger," and though at first given to an unmarried man was not dropped
upon marriage, as it was a convenient and not inappropriate designation of
the younger, whether single or married. At a later period the " le," being
superfluous, was dropped, and in 1433 we find John Bacheler returned in
the commissioners' list of the gentry of Norfolk, England, though John ye
Baschealer died at Kelsale in Suffolk, Feb. 1, 1552..1T
We do not know where the family originated. There is the usual family
tradition, which bears on its face the marks of improbability, that three
brothers by the name of Bachiler served under William the Conqueror and
were rewarded after the battle of Hastings in 1066 by a grant of land in
Wiltshire. For sign manual they were given a shield upon which were
three boar's heads, united by three link3, a spear above them couchant.
There was no crest, indicating that they were private soldiers.
* Lower's Patronvmica Brittanica, 20.
f Note to page 404.
t Calendarium Genealogicum, 1297.
f Rotuli Clausaram in Turri Londonensi.
H Registers of the Parish of Kelsale, Suffolk.
1892.] Eev. Stephen Bachiler. 59
Before 1600 we find the family name in the counties of Kent. Surrey,
Sussex, Wilts, Hampshire, Bucks, Middlesex, Norfolk and Suffolk, all in
the south-eastern part of England. Very few are found north of London.
The earliest mention of the name is found in Surrey, and very probably
Surrey or Sussex was the earliest home of the Bachilers.
It is impossible, at present, to trace the relationship, if any existed, be-
tween the early Bachiler families in England, or to decide whether the first
emigrants of that name to America were kindred. The Ipswich and Salem
emigrants were brothers. The names associated in some of the early Eng-
lish families indicate that Alexander Bacheler. the emigrant, of Portsmouth,
was a relative of the Salem and Ipswich Bachilers, as Mark Bacheller of
Brading, in the Isle of Wight, died about 1614, leaving a brother Alexan-
der Bacheller, two sons. John Bacheller the elder and John Bacheller the
younger, and three daughters.* Mark was a family name among the Salem
Bachilers, but neither that name nor Alexander has been found elsewhere in
the English families. Such evidence is of course slight, but is worth noting
in the absence of more convincing facts. It is probable that other relation-
ship existed between some of the Bachiler emigrants, but further and more
careful search must be made in England before this interesting question of
relationship can be settled.
There were seven immigrants of the Bachiler name :
1. Alexander of Portsmouth, N. H.
2. Rev. Stephen of Lynn, Mass., and Hampton, N. H.
3. Henry of Ipswich. Mass.
4. Joseph of Salem, Mass. (now Wenham).
5. John of Salem, Mass.
6. William of Charlestown, Mass.
7. John of Watertown, Dedham aud Reading, Mass.
There are living descendants of the Bachiler name from four of these
immigrants, namely, Rev. Stephen, Joseph and John of Salem, and John of
It is not proposed in this article to give a sketch of the lives of any of
these nrst settlers, except that of Rev. Stephen Bachiler, and in his case
about all that can be done is to rearrange the old material, add some new
facts, recently discovered, and correct the numerous and gross errors in
regard to his immediate descendants. .
The treatment accorded to those early citizens of Massachusetts Bay,
who fell under " suspicion," at the hands of their more othodox brethren,
has been so long frankly acknowledged and the causes so thoroughly ex-
plained, that it can no longer be considered derogatory to the Massachusetts
Commonwealth to speak plainly concerning the treatment of Williams,
Wheelwright and other disturbers of the Puritan State. To do otherwise
would be affectation. There was intolerance on the part of the Bay Colony
and also on the side of " the suspected." The latter should have withdrawn
voluntarily from the settlement previously occupied by the church-state
party, and the former had not then learned that the sure way to perpetuate
heterodoxy is to persecute and punish its adherents. Naturally the Massa-
chusetts historians have chronicled the virtues of the clergymen who upheld
the Massachusetts plan, and the opponents of that plan, being neglected,
were speedily forgotten. It is said of Samuel Skelton of Salem, Mass.,
" Little has come down to us concerning him, owing, it is said, to the fact
* Will of Mark Bacheller, Probate Registry, Winchester, Hants.
60 Rev. Stephen Bachiler. [Jan.
that ' he differed about clerical associations and other subjects, from most
of the principal persons in Massachusetts.' "*
We know that Stephen Bachiler contended, with a vigor and earnest-
ness unusual for a man of his years, against the Puritan doctrine of a
religious commonwealth, against that union of church and state to which
they clung as to the ark of their safety,! and which has since been univer-
sally conceded to be a lamentable error.
He lived to see the beginning of the downfall of that " experiment fraught
with evil," as the halfway covenant, allowing baptized persons, not church
members, upon assenting to the church covenant, to have all the rights of
members, except communion, was approved by the Synod called in Massa-
chusetts in 1657.$
We know further that. he most zealously maintained the rights of the
New Hampshire settlements in their contest with Massachusetts, which
ended in 1641 in the control of the weaker province bv the stronger.
Whatever material advantages were secured by New Hampshire, through
this union of the colonies, and they were by no means inconsiderable, were
valued little by those ardent friends of New Hampshire, who resisted the
aggressions of the Bay colony.
The great wrong done New Hampshire by the attempt to pervert the
Massachusetts charter so as to include all territory south of an east and
west line through the head of the Merrimack, could never be condoned by
any advantages arising from the union. Stephen Bachiler staked his
fortunes on the continued independence of the New Hampshire settlements,
and lost. If the cause he championed had prevailed, he would to-day be
remembered with gratitude as one of the stoutest champions of New Hamp-
shire, and his life would undoubtedly have been materially different.
He had settled Hampton under the authorization of Massachusetts, yet
his subsequent acts show that he never supposed either of the Massachusetts
claims to Hampton well founded. He knew it was not within their patent,
nor vacant land first occupied by Massachusetts^ Why then did he pro-
cure a grant from the General Court of Massachusetts and act under their
directions ? It was because he had already felt their displeasure and thought
the grant might be in some way a protection to himself and his company in
making the settlement. But it is not worth while to discuss these matters
at length, as they excited great bitterness once, though now, happily, long
settled and entire good feeling prevails between the two states.
Stephen Bachiler, for so he always wrote his name, was born somewhere
in England in the year 1561. At the age of twenty he entered St. John's
College, Oxford. He was matriculated November 17, 1581, and admitted
as Bachelor of Arts February 3, 1585-6. The leading profession for col-
lege graduates in that day was that of a clergyman, and he determined to
study for the miuistry, being then a member of the established church.
Apparently the time between his graduation in February. 1585-6, and July,
17, 1587, was spent in preparation for his life work, for on the day last
named, the death of Edward Parrett, vicar of Wherwell in Hants, making
a vacancy in that living, he was presented with the place by William West,
Lord Lawarr (or de la Warr as it was written later), and became vicar
* Spnurae's American Pulpit, Vol. I. 8.
f Story's Cora. Settlement of Salem, Mass., 34.
t 1 Snrague's Am. Pulpit, Int. xx. and xxi.
t See' reply of Mass. to the remonstrance of Exeter at the settlement of Hampton.
Wint. N. E., vol. i.* 290, 303, 304.
1892.] Rev. Stephen Bachiler. 61
of the Church of Holy Cross and St. Peter.* On the 26th of January.
1587-8, the new incumbent compounded for the payment of the first fruits
of the vicarage.
The village of Wherwell stretches along the westerly bank of that " trout-
ful stream " the Test, in Hampshire, three and one half miles from Ando-
ver. Very great historical interest attaches to this retired town and it*
ancient monastery. Wherwell Abbey has been the home or the abiding
place of three and perhaps four English queens, who were renowned for
their extraordinary beauty. The parish of Wherwell hardly had any ex-
istence apart from tne Abbey down to the year 1543, for until that time
the Superior of the Monastery was Lady of the Manor, and owned the
whole village and a large part of the neighborhood. The same church
served for the parish and the monastery, with presumably a chapel for
parochial services as at Romsey. It had also a chapel with a special en-
trance which was appropriated to the " Priory " as a pew. The earliest
mention of Wherwell, or Whorewell, as it was then called, is found in the
will of King Edred, A.D. 946, 955. He gave the town to the new Mon-
astery, subsequently called Hyde Abbey. In the year 985 iElfrida founded
Wherwell Abbey for Benedictine nuns in penitence for the bloodshed in
which she had been concerned. In the chartulary of Wherwell Abbey the
story is thus told : "And in the place, which by the inhabitants is called
Wherwell, founded the Church of the Holy Cross, beseeching Christ, that
He who, wounded on the (ever) memorable Cross, shed His blood for the
redemption of the human race, might deign to grant her the pardon (pur-
chased) by His death, His wounds, and by the shedding of His blood rich
(in graces)."!
Wherwell contains five hundred and forty-one inhabitants, and must have
been a very retired spot until the London and South Western Railroad ran
a branch line through the town about the year 1883, and built a very sub-
stantial and commodious station at Fullerton in the parish of Wherwell.
Many of the residences, and especially the old court house near the station,
are of early date and look as if they had not changed appreciably in three
centuries. The old Parish Church of Holy Cross and St. Peter was pulled
down and rebuilt in 1858. The old building was repaired after the Re-
formation with the best portions of the Abbey ruins. With the exception
of some fragments of mouldings, one monumental effigy, and parts of two
monuments, there are absolutely no traces of the old church.J
Of Stephen Bachiler's life at Wherwell we know nothing. The Church
records were begun in 1634, or at all events no earlier records now exist.
We only know that he remained here until 1605, for on the ninth day of
August, 1605, John Bate, A.M., clergyman, was appointed Vicar of Wher-
well, a vacancy existing because of " the ejection of Stephen Bachiler," the
last vicar.§ Not much more is known of his life in England, from the loss
of his living at Wherwell to the spring of 1632, when he sailed for New
England. He was excommunicated from the church, and so no church
record exists showing his abiding places. Probably he preached to dif-
ferent congregations, not in a settled wav, but when he could avoid the
persecution of the church people. Occasionally we get a glimpse of his
location. In 1610 he appears to be still a "clergyman of the County of
* Bishop's Resi-tvy, Winchester, Eng. Register of Thorras Cooper, 10.
f The Storv of Wherwell Ahbev, 4.
t The Story of Wherwell Abbey, 11.
§ Bishop's Registry, Winchester, Eng. Register of Thomas Bilson, 18.
62 Rev. Stephen Bachiler. [Jan.
Southampton."* On the 11th of June, 1621, Adam Winmrop's diary
shows that he "had Mr. Bachelour, the preacher" to dine with him, pre-
sumably at Groton in Suffolk. This may have been the subject of this
Some of the parishioners of Barton Stacey in Hampshire, a few miles
east of Wherwell, listened to his sermons at some time before 1G32, for we
find that Sir Robert Paine petitioned the Council, stating that he was sheriff
of Hants in that year and was also chosen churchwarden of Barton Stacey,
and that " some of the parishioners, petitioner's tenants, having been for-
merly misled by Stephen Bachelor, a notorious inconformist, had demolished
a consecrated chapel at Newton Stacey, neglected the repair of their parish
church, maliciously opposed petitioner's intent (to repair the church at his
own charge), and executed many things in contempt of the canons and the
bishop. f Once more we hear from him on the 23d of June, 1631, when, at
the age ef seventy years, he obtains leave to visit his sons and daughters in
Flushing. He was then resident at South Stoneham, in the County of
Southampton, and desires that his wife Helen, aged forty-eight years,
and his daughter, Ann Saudburn, of age thirty years, widow, resident in
the Strand, might accompany him. He was to return within two months. \
It would be interesting to know which of his sons aud daughters then
lived at Flushing, as Deborah Wing was apparently residing in London in
November, 1629, when her husband, John Wing, made his will and pre-
sumably she was appointed executrix of the will when it was proved
August 4, 1630. as Mr. Waters makes no note that administration was
granted to any other person than the executrix named in the will.§
Stephen Bachiler was excommunicated among the earliest of the non-
conformists. On the death of Elizabeth in 1603, James I. of the house of
Stuart came to the throne. In January, 1604, the famous Hampton Court
conference was held, when King James uttered his angry threat against
the Puritans, " I will make them conform or I will harry them out of the
The next year the King's threat was carried out against Mr. Bachiler,
and no doubt he was thoroughly "harried" after his excommunication.
Wiuthrop says that Bachiler " had suffered much at the hands of the
bishops. "U
As early as 1630 Bachiler had determined to leave England and settle
in America. At all events he made preparation for such removal. Mave-
rick, in his Description of New England, says " there was a patent granted
to Christo: Batchelor and Company** in the year 1632 or thereabouts,tt
for the mouth of the River (Sagadahocke) and some tract of land adjacent
who came over in the ship named the Plough, and termed themselves the
Plough Companie, but soon scattered, some for Virginia, some for England,
some to the Massachusetts never settling on that laud. "It
44 The Plough ship of sixty tons on the 6th day of July, 1631, arrived at
* Records of Magdalen Coll. Oxford, Eqg., June, 1610, admitting Stephen Bachiler,
aged 16 years, son of a clergyman of Hampshire.
t Domestic Calendar of State Papers, 163.3.
t Kkgister, July, 1891, page 237.
f Register, July, 1891, page 237.
f Wimhrop's N.'E. ii.* 44.
** This musr mean C'hrispc, Batchelor and Company. John Chrispe or Crispe, as the
name was commonly written, and Stephen Bachiler were grantees named in the patent.
ft Huobatd says," in 1630. A contemporary MSS. in the possession of the Maine Hist.
Society, gives the exact date as June 26, 1630. See Maine H. & G. Bee, vol. ii. G6.
Xl Maverick's Description of New Englaud, Register, vol. 39, p. 35.
1892.] Rev. Stephen Bathiler. 63
Nataseott [Nantasket]. She brought ten passengers from London. They
came with a patent to Sagadahoek: but not liking the place they came
hither. Most of them proved familists and vanished away."*
It has been said that this grant was afterwards called the province of
Lygonia, after Cicely Lygon, the mother of Sir Ferdinaudo Gorges; but
Maverick says there was a patent granted for this (Casco) Bay some years
since by the title of the Province of Ligonia to Collonel Alexander Rigby,
which is no doubt true. It is earnestly to be hoped that this Plough patent
or a copy will sometime be discovered. At present it is impossible to de-
fine the extent of .he grant or to prove beyond question what territory was
occupied under it. Hubbard says it was south of the Sagadahoek River and
twenty miles from the sea side, yet all agree that the original grant was
forty miles square. Two contemporary writers say it was a patent for
Sagadahock.t Two islands in the River Sagadahoek, near the south side
thereof, about sixty miles from the sea, are included in the grant, but no
such islands exist.
Great ignorance of our geography was shown in making the early grants,
and they frequently overlap earlier grants. Sagadahoek was a very elastic
word in early days. It was .applied to the river formed by the union of
the Kennebec and Androscoggin, also to the region about that river, pro-
bably on both sides, like the present county of Sagadahoek, and in later
times to all the land east of the Sagadahoek River to the St. Croix. J
It seems most probable that the Plough grant began at the mouth of the
Sagadahoek, ran inland on that river and the Androscoggin forty miles in
a straight line, but sixty measured on the river, and forty miles south and
a like distance back from the Ocean. This was found to overlap earlier
grants, which had been so frequently made of Sagadahock.§
* Winthrop's N. E., i.* 58, Prince 357. The last clause was added long after its date by
Winthrop or a k^er hand. It bas served as a basis for a careless Maine writer to charge
that Stephen Bachiier was a familist. Fortunately other manifest errors in the same article
indicate its untrustworthiness. It is evident that the members of the Plough company who
came over in 1632 were not familists. The fact is that many of the earlier settlers or' New
England were of bad reputation. Hundreds of ignorant, starving creatures were taken
from the streets and sent over by unscrupulous adventurers, and innumerable convicts
were set free on condition of emigrating to New England. The later colonists, especially
those coming in the great movement, between 1630 and 1640, were much superior to the
earlier immigrants. Winthrop would have known and mentioned the fact if Bachiier had
been tainted with familism. In matters of opinion, that is of belief, Dalton and Bachiier
agreed, says Winthrop. Who ever heard that Dalton entertained familistic opinions r The
charge is ridiculous and utterly unsupported.
t MS. No. 3448 Brit. Museum and Col. Papers, Pub. Rec. Office, ii. 16.
X See grant by Charles II. in 1664 to his brother James. Duke of York, of Sagadahoek,
so called, including all that land except a small tract at Pemaquid.
§ Granted by Elizabeth in 1578 to Sir Humphrey Gilbert, renewed in 1584 to Sir Walter
Raleigh. By the French monarch in 1603 to the Sieur de Monts. Granted about 1607 to
the Plymouth Company. Renewed and enlarged in 1620. Under this grant Popharn's
settlement was made. Grant of 1622 of the Province of Maine to Sir F. Gorges. Curi-
ously enough he proposed to devote forty square miles at the mouth of the Sagadahoek to a
public plantation to be called the " State County." Grant of Edward Gorges to Thomas
Lewis and Capt. Richard Bonython, 12 Feb. 1629, four miles long by eight miles inland on
the north side of Sagadahoek. Grant to the Plough Company 1630. Grant from the ex-
piring Council for New England to Sir F. Gorges in 1635 from the Piscataq.ua to the Saga-
dahock. Grant of ten thousand acres to Mason in 1635, lying southeast of Sagadahoek.
Ry all's grant from Gorges about 1639. Revival of Plough patent in 1643 by Cleeve as
deputy for Rigby. Several of these grants were in general terms covering other territory.
Vines says in a letter to Winthrop, January 9, 1643, that Cleeve extended his govern-
ment " from Sackadehock to Cape Porpus, being aboue 13 league in leugth." Jenner in a
letter to Winthrop, dated 6. 2m. 46, mentions " the tract of land which Mr. Cleeve doth
challeng by vertue of his Patent, viz. from Saeadehoek River to Cape Porpus," and says
that Jocelyn, who succeeded Cleeve, claimed " that Mr. Cleeve his terminus a quo should
64 Lee of Virginia. [Jan.
When the territory was actually settled it was found that the hounds
could only extend from the west side of Cape Porpoise to the east side of
Cape Elizabeth, a distance less than twenty miles, as Casco and most of the
territory east of the Sagadahock, had been previously occupied under other
grants. ,
[To be continued.]
By J. Henby Lea, Esq., Cedarhurst, Fairhaven, Mass.
The writer has had the pleasure of laying before the readers of
the Register for January, 1890 (volume 44, pages 103 to 111),
what seemed to him at the time, and has been generally admitted by
others since, to be convincing proof of the error of the previously
accepted pedigree of the family of the Lees of Virginia by which
they had claimed descent from the Lees of Quarrendon.
The promise he then made of following this by another article,
rebuilding what he had then destroyed, he is now able to, at least
partially, fulfil — clear proof having been obtained that the surmise
before made was absolutely correct and that Col. Richard Lee wad
actually a cadet of the ancient family of Lee of Langley in Salop,
as had already been asserted on the tomb-stone of his second son?
Richard, and to support which we have now the testimony not only
of this Richard's elder brother John, but likewise that of Col. Richard
Lee, the emigrant, himself, as well as the books of the College of
Arms, the well known authority on all matters heraldic and gene-
alogic in England.
It seems then, referring to the proofs which follow, that CoL
Richard Lee both used and claimed the arms and descent of the
Langley family, and not only did he do so, but that this claim was-
admitted by the then officers of the College, as is shown by the
letter cited of John Gibbons, Blue Mantle, who wrote in 1682, or
only nineteen years after the death of the emigrant, with whom he
seems to have been on terms of personal intimacy.
. The Queen's College Cup, of which an excellent illustration
accompanies this article, leaves no doubt whatever as to the belief
begin 60 miles vp Chenebeck River, because the Patent saith, it must lie nere two Islands
which are about 60 miles from the sea. Ffor answer to it the Patent also saith, the tract of
land 40 miles square, must lie on the south side or' Sacadehock River. Now ftacadehock
riuer reacheth but to Merry Meeting, and then its branched into Begipscot and Chenebeck,
and is no further cald by the name of Sacadehock. Now Sacadehock River is a certame
and sure place for one terme of iti bounds, but the Islands are doubtful, which they are, or
wher they are : & more ouer ther possession was fir3t taken." See Mass. Hist. Coll. Fourth
Series, Vol. VII. 346, 359, 360.
1892.] Lee of Virginia. 65
of the family at that date, of their descent and right to bear the
arms in question. It has been objected to the tomb-stone that it
might have been erected at any period up to the present century ;
but, in the case of the Cup, it is absolutely certain that it was given
to the College at the date named, i.e. 1658. We have then clearly
established the fact that the three earliest representatives of the
family in America claimed this descent, and, as they were certainly
gentlemen, it is monstrous to suppose that, had they come of the
Quarrendon stock, they should have laid this claim to belong to
another and altogether distinct family. We have no other alterna-
tive left us bat to accept their word!
After this overwhelming proof anything so trivial as the names of
the American seats of the family seems hardly worthy of mention ;
but, as some liberties have been taken with the facts in the case, it
may be as well to cite a few instances. In the Lee pedigree by
Rev. F. G. Lee, published in London in 1881, the statement is
made that Col. Eichard Lee, the emigrant, built Ditchley House.
This is notoriously incorrect, as the dwelling in question was erected
by his grandson, Hancock Lee,* by whom this name (of which so
much has been made) was first used in America. That it was so
used is certainly a fact, but it must either be a singular coincidence
in this case, arising from the similar local character of the two
estates, or else we must suppose that Hancock Lee, being at Oxford
at College, had seen and possibly visited Ditchley, the seat of the
Quarrendon Lees, which is only four miles distant from that city,
and had called his plantation after the stately home of the Earls of
Certain it is that Col. Richard never had any such estate, and it
would appear from his will that it was not he who gave the name of
Stratford House (not Stratford-Langton as Dr. Lee has it) to his
chief plantation, the mansion on which was built in the time of his
grandson, Gov. Thomas Lee, on whose tomb-stone the name occurs
for the first time as of record, so far as the writer is aware. Other
of the family estates were Lee Langley, Lee Hall, Cobbs, Paradise,
&c. Of these the two first give a double testimony, if any such
were required, as against the Ditchley name, as both were seats of
the Shropshire family, while the latter are utterly meaningless in
this connection.
A more valuable collateral proof is to be found in the early con-
nection with Virginia of the families of Corbin, Plowden and El-
dred, all of them closely connected by marriage with the Lees of
Salop. Sir Edmund Plowden of Plowden (ob. 1655) was governor
and captain general of the Province of New Albion, John Eldred
of Great Saxam was one of the founders of Virginia, while the Cor-
bin family are well known among the early settlers. Turning now
• Ditchley was built about 1687 by Hancock Lee. Letter of Alexander Brown of Vir-
ginia to W. B. Lee, Esq.
66 Lee of Virginia. [Jan.
to the family connection we find that Edmund Plowden of Plowden
married Mary, daughter of Thomas Lee of Langley, the sheriff of
Salop in 1546 ; John Lee of Xorton Regis married Elizabeth, daugh-
ter and heiress of Thomas Corbyne in the sixteenth century, while
Richard, the son of the emigrant, married Lettice, daughter of
Henry Corbin, Esq. ; and Thomas Lee of Coton (born 1(320) mar-
ried Dorothy Eldred, and his half brother, Lancelot, married her
sister Anne.
Finally, it is noteworthy that, up to a very recent period, there
has never been any doubt entertained by either the American or the
English branches of the family of their communion of blood, and
correspondence still preserved makes it evident that they have al-
ways regarded each other as relatives. That is to say, in 1740-50
Thomas Lee of Stratford House corresponded with Lancelot Lee of
Coton Hall as a relative, hi 1770-71 William Lee, son of Thomas,
corresponded with Harry Lee, brother of the Lancelot Lee above
named, as a relative. In 1810-24, Archibald Lee of Virginia (a
descendant of Philip, grandson of Col. Richard), corresponded with
Harry Lancelot Lee of Coton Hall as a relative and visited him at
These letters are still extant, some in the possession of J. M.
Wingfield, Esq., of Tickencote Hall, Rutlandshire, and the others
in the hands of W. B. Lee, Esq., of Seend, Wiltshire, the present
(and with one exception, sole male) representative of the ancient
family in question, and who is the writer's authority for the above
statement, and for whose cordial assistance and advice in this quest
his warmest thanks are due and most gladly rendered.
Monumental Inscription in Burnt House Fields, Mount Pleasant, West-
moreland County, Virginia.
Hie conditur corpus Ricarcli Lee armigeri nati in Virginia fili Ricardi
Lee, generosi, et antiqua familia in Merton-Regis in comitatu Salopsiensi
oriundi. In magistratem obeundo boui publici studiotissimi, in Uteris
Grsecis et Latinis et aliis humanioris literature disciplinis versatissimi.
Deo quern summa observantia semper coluit animam tranquillus reddidit
xiimo. die Martii anno MDCCXIV. aetat LXVIII.
Hie Juxta situm est corpus Laetitia ejusdem uxoris fidae, filiae Henrici
Corbyne, Generosi, liberorum matris amantissimae, pietate erga Deum
charitate, erga egenos, benignitate erga omnes insignia. Obiit Octob. die
vi. MDCCVL setatis XLIX.
College of Arms.
LEE-Gules, a fess chequy or and azure between 8 billets ardent. Colonell
Richd Lee Secretary of State in Virginia An0 1659. Descended from
the Lees in Shropshire (who sometimes bore 8 billets and sometimes
10 and sometimes ye Fesse counter-compone).
E. D. N. Alphabet MS.
Lee of Virginia.
Note. — This MS. is a Collection of Arms made by some of the officials of the
College of Arms in the reign of King Charles II., very probably by the Mr.
Gibbous whose letter on the same subject is cited below.
The above extract was made from the books of the College by Mr. Charles
H. Athill, Richmond Herald, who adds, "The entry establishes the fact that
Colonel Richard Lee used the Arms of the Lees of Shropshire and that he
claimed to belong to that family." To this we may add the testimony of Mr.
John Gibbons, Blue Mantle, who, writing in 1632, says that he lived a great
part of the year 1G59 in Virginia, being most hospitably entertained by the
Honourable Colonel Richard Lee, some time Secretary of State there, and adds,
" Neither will I omit his arms, being Gu. a fess chequy Or and Az. between
eight billets Arg., being descended from the Lees of Shropshire."*
On a Silver Pint Cap, standing on a foot and weighing 14oz. 3dwt., now
preserved in Queen's College, Oxford, is the followiug inscription —
* Introduces ad Latinam Blasoniam, by John Gibbons, Blaemantle; London, 1682;
p. 156.
68 Lee of Virginia. [Jan.
D. D. Johanis Lee Natus in Capohowasick
Wickacomoco in Virginia America Filius
Primogeuitus Richardi Lee Chiliarchae
Oriundi de Morton Regis in Agro Salopieasi.
Above are two shields, that to the right bearing the arms of Lee of
Langley and Coton — A fess cheque between eight billets — chat to the left
with the arms oi the College — Three Eagles displayed— To the left of the
engraved work a Bishop's Mitre and Pastoral Staff appearing from behind
a book, to the right the end of a staff appearing above a Book crossed by a
pair of Compasses. Most of this detail appears clearly in the illustration
from a photograph obtained by W. B. Lee, Esq., by permission of Rev. J. R.
Magrath, D.D., Provost of the College.
Note.— Morton Regis here mentioned, like the same place named on the tomb
of John's brother Richard (vide supra), is a locality wmich cannot be identified
now if correctly spelled, but if, as seems most probable, it is an error for Nor-
ton Begis, all becomes clear at .once, that being a common form of writing
Nordley Regis, one of the chief seats of the family in question, and in the utter
absence of any Morton Regis, past or present, wTe can hardly hesitate to accept
this, which is in fact quite as near the correct form as the American locality
which precedes it.
The following extract is interesting, as showing that one of the best Anti-
quaries who ever lived in England had, many years ago (his book was published
in 1854), recognized the probability of the confusion of these two names.
" In 12U Worfield was assessed at £10, Claverly at £6-13-4, and Nordley not
at all, unless the vill of " Morton " assessed at £2 was so written by mistake
for Nordley." — Ey ton's Antiq. of Salop, vol. iii. p. 66.
John Lee entered Queen's College as an Upper Commoner July 2, 1658, and
took his degree of B. A. April 30, 1662.
Will of Col. Richard Lee of Virginia.
In the name of God Amen. I, Col. Richard Lee of Virginia, & latelv
of Stafford Langton in the County of Essex, Esquire, being bound upon a
voyage to Virginia aforesaid, and not knowing how it may please God to
dispose of me in so long a voyage, utterly renouncing, disclaiming dis-
annulling, and revoking all former wills, either script, nuncupative or parol,
and schedules or codicils of wills whatsoever, do make, ordain and declare
this my last will and testament in manner and form following, first: I crive
and bequeath my soul to that good and gracious God that gave it me and
to my Blessed Redeemer Jesus Christ, assuredly trusting in and by hi3
meritorious death and passion to receive salvation, and my body to be dis-
posed of whether by sea or land according to the opportunity of the place,
not doubting but at the last day both body and soul shall be re-united and
Next, my will and desire is that all my estate aforesaid, both lease land,
free land and copyhold land and houses be with all convenient speed that
may be, sold for the payment of my debts to John Jeffries Esq. and what
the sale of that shall fall short of, to be made good out of my crops in Vir-
ginia, to be consigned to my good friends Mr. Thomas Griffith and Mr.
John Lackey, or one of them in that behalf, and in case the estate of Straf-
ford be not as speedily sold as I desire, that then the best improvements
possible may be made from year to year of my said plantation, and my
servants labor with such directions and appointments as the said Griffith
1892.] Lee of Virginia. 69
and Lpckey shall order for the better and sooner payment of my debts, and
that my number of servants be still kept up, and continued out of the labors
by the said Griffith and Lackey or one of them for the better managing
and effecting thereof.
Also my will and earnest desire is that my good friends will with all
convenient speed cause my wife and children (all except Francis if he be
pleased) to be transported to Virginia, and to provide all necessary for the
voyage, and from time to time till my estate be disentangled and free of all
my debts, to provide and allow for them, and every one of them, a compe-
tent and convenient maintenance according as the product of estate will
bear, relation being had to the payment of my debts and the annual supply
of my several plantations, all which I absolutely refer to the said Thomas
Griffith and John Lackey, and after my debts are paid, I give and bequeath
my estate as followeth:
To my wife, during her life, I give the plantation whereon I now dwell,
ten English servants, five negroes, 3 men & 2 women, 20 sows and corn
proportionable to the servants; the said negroes I give to her during her
widowhood and no longer, and then presently to return to those of the five
youngest children, also the plantation Mocke Nock.
Item. My will and earnest desire is that my household stuff at Strafford
be divided into 3 parts, two of which I give to my son John, and bind him
to give to every one of his brothers a bed, and the other part I give to my
wife Anna Lee.
Item. I give all my plate to my three oldest sons, or the survivor or
survivors of them, each to have his part delivered to him when he comes to
the age of 18 years.
Item. I give to my son John and heirs forever, when he comes to the
age of eighteen years, all my land and plantation at Matholick, all the
stock of cattle and hogs thereupon, also ten negroes, viz. 5 men and 5
women, and ten English servants for their times, all the corn that shall be
found there, all tools, household sturf and utensils thereupon.
To Richard and his heirs forever, when he come to the age aforesaid, I
give my plantation called Paradise, with all my servants thereupon, all my
stock of cattle and hogs, all working tools and utensils, and corn that shall
be found thereupon to be for the provision of the said servants.
To Francis and his heirs forever, when he comes to the age aforesaid, I
give the Paper-makers Neck and the War Captains Neck with five negroes,
3 men and 2 women, and ten English servants, and the stock of cattle and
hogs, corn and tools and utensils upon the said several Necks.
Item. I give and bequeath to the five younger children, viz. : William,
Hancock, Betsey, Anne and Charles the plantation whereon John Baswell
now lives and so all along including Bishop's Neck and to the utmost ex-
tent of my land towards Brewer's and also four thousand acres upon Poto-
mack, also the two plantations before bequeathed to my wife, after her
death to be divided between them or their survivors or survivor of them,
also all the rest of my cattle, hogs, corn, household stuff, tools or whatso-
ever is or shall be found upon the said plantations at the time of my death,
all which said estate so bequeathed to my younger children after my debt3
are paid, I desire may be employed upon the said plantations for a joint
stock to raise portions of the said children against they come of age afore-
said or the females married. The said servants and what other produce of
their labors whether money or whatsoever to be equally divided between
them or their survivors or survivor of them but the said laud only to be
divided between the male children.
70 Lee of Virginia. [Jan.
Item. I give and bequeath to my eldest son John 3 islands lying in the
Bay of Chesapeake, the great new bed that I brought over in the Duke of
York, and the furniture thereunto belonging.
Item. My will is that my horses mares and colts be equally divided in
two parts, one whereof to be and belong to my three eldest children and
the other to my five youngest, and shall be sold as they increase towards
raising money for their portions, and in case any of the three eldest children
die before they come to the age of 18 years that then his or their portion
come to the survivors or survivor of them, and in case they all die that the
whole personal estate equally to return to the five youngest children, but
the land only to the male children, and if the five younger children die be-
fore they come to the age aforesaid, or the females married, then their parts
to be divided among the eldest or survivors or survivor of them.
Item. My will is that my son William Lee have all that land on the
Maryland side whereon George English is now seated, when he comes to
the age aforesaid; also my will is that goods sufficient be set apart for the
maintenance of the gangs of each plantation for the space of two years, and
all the rest of my goods to be sold to the best advantage and the tobacco
shipped here to Mr. Lackey and Mr. Griffith towards the payment of my
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Francis after my debts are paid
my whole interest in the ship called Elizabeth & Mary, being one eighth
part also one eighth in the ship called the Susan, and in case of the death
of Francis I give the same to Charles, and in the case of his death to the
two girls Elizabeth 3c Anne. But in the case that by the blessing of God
upou the industry and labor of my people upon the several plantations, my
said debts be fully satisfied before the said land at Strafford be sold, never-
theless I will and entreat my good friends Mr. Griffith and Mr. Lackey or
one of them it may be sold to the most and best advantage, and the produce
thereof put out at interest and the interest thereof be employed for and
towards the better education of John and Richard equally to assist the one
in his travels for the attainments of a reasonable perfection in the knowledge
of Physick the other at the University or the Inns of Court which he shall
be most fit for, and the principal money to be equally divided between the
two daughters when they come to age or be married, and that the said daugh-
ters be utterly debarred from all former legacies given to them as .afore-
said, but in case of their death then the sale and produce of said estate at
Strafford to be equally divided between my eldest son John and my youngest
son Charles. Also I desire and order that my wife, my son John and all my
overseers that either or one or all shall from time to time keep a corres-
pondence with the said Griffith and Lackey, and order all my affairs in
Virginia to the best advantage as they or one of them shall direct them.
and ship all my tobacco and what else shall be raised upon the said planta-
tions to the said Griffith and Lackey for satisfaction of my debt and advan-
tage of my children, and do yearly give them an account of all horses,
mares, negroes, goods and all other things according as they shall receive
directions and instructions from the said Mr. Thomas Griffith and Mr.
Lastly: For the use aforesaid I make and ordain my ever loving friend
Mr. Thomas Griffith and Mr. John Lackey, Merchants, John and Richard
Lee, my full and sole Executors of this my last will and testament, but. in
respect to my son Richard till he cometh of age I do absolutely (si.c, qu.
place) all the management of my will upon the care and trust of my first
1892.] Zee of Virginia. 71
mentioned Executors till my said son Richard Lee comes to age as afore-
said, hoping the same friendship to mine after my death which they have
always doDe unto me.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this sixth day
of February in the sixteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord
Charles the Second King of Great Britain &c &c and in the year of our
Lord 1663. '
(Signed) Richard Lee. (Seal)
Signed, sealed and delivered
before us
Peter Ashton
George Wall
W. Carter Seaward.
1664-5. Fichardus Lee.
January. Decimo die probatum fuit Testamentum Richardi Lee nug da
Stratford Langton in Com Essexiaa sed apud Virginia in ptibus transmarinus
ar. defunct hents &c. Jurament Thomas Griffith et Johis Lockey duor
Execut &c. quih. &c. de bene &c. Jurat. Reservata ptate Similem Comnem
faciend Johi et Richo Lee alt Execut &c. Johis.
P. C. C. Probate Act Book fo 3*
The foregoing will, while as will be seen by the Probate Act
which follows, having been proved in London, was never registered
there, nor is the original on file (as is sometimes the case with un-
registered wills) in the Prerogative Court. This copy is taken from
one in the possession of the writer's friend, Mr. W\ B. Lee of
Seend in Wiltshire, obtained by him from America and may be re-
lied upon as authentic.
The fact thrt Col. Richard Lee was of the Shropshire family hav-
ing now been demonstrated, the next step is to prove the exact con-
nection and to identify his paternity, and upon this difficult task the
writer has long and patiently, but fruitlessly, labored. There are
no less than nine members of the Langley stock, from any one of
whom he might have sprung, but, so far, no proof lias been obtained
to connect him with any of them. The clues which have been fol-
lowed and the meagre results obtained may, however, be worthy of
citation to save others the labor and expense of reworking the same
The writer's attention having been called (by Mr. H. F. Waters)
to the fact that a Francis Lee of St. Peter's, Cornhill, who died in
1618, left by his will property in Stratford-Langton, he has devoted
much time to following up this promising clue, and, from the infor-
mation obtained, we are able to construct the following pedigree,
by which it will be seen that this Francis had a nephew Richard
who may have been the Virginia emigrant, but, even if this prove
to be the case, we are still at a loss to connect his grandfather,
* Col. Richard Lee's widow, Anna, the mother of all his children, married a second time
to Edmund Lister, Esq. ; the writer's efforts to rind her will or that of her second husband
have been, so far, unavailing in the English Courts. It may be that they were proved in
Lee of Virginia,
George Lee, with the parent stock. Unfortunately the records of
the Sadler's Company perished in the Great Fire of London, and we
are thus cut off from the identification of his birth place and parent-
age which their books would have given us.
It will of course be understood that being a member of the Sad-
ler's Company by no means implies that such member was a harness-
maker ; indeed in the case of the Francis Lee above named it is
expressly stated that he was a haberdasher "free of the Sadlers."
Citizen & Sadler of St.
Catherine Creechurch,
London, will da. 16 May
pro. 21 June 1605.
P. C. C. Hayes ±3.
living & Extrx of will
of husband in 1618; m.
2d to Francis Browne,
at St, Mary Woo'.noth
16 31ay 1620. living &
curator son's children
in 1626.
John Lee of St.=Johane
Cath. Cree-
church, sadler,
liv. 1605 ; dee'd
in 1629.
m. 2d to John
Grigson of
Gray'"* Inn Lane,
Virualler; living
1629; her husb.
will da. 24 July,
pr. lOct. 1629.
Dean & Chap.
of St. Pauls,
fo. 369.
Alice ( ? )
named as sister in
will of Francis, but
not named
in will of George
Lee (perhaps a
Francis Lee of St.==Ann, dau. of Nich-
Peters Cornhill, i olas Pierrepont of
Haberdasher, I Eastwelieo. Leic:
free of the riudlers ?eut., born about
Co. Held Ids &c. in i 1584, liv. 1615: Let.
Stratford Langton, ! ofAdmontO
Essex: born about
1578. m. 1603. will
da. 28 Apr. pro.
4 June 1618.
P. C. C Meade 70.
Richard Lee,
living 1629.
qu. if identical with Col.
Richard Lee the Emigrant
to Va. in 1642 ?
Nicholas Lee,
living 1629.
moth.-inJ.aw Anne
Browne'23 Jan.
1625. P. C. C.
Act Bk. 46.
Francis Lee (son)
bapt. St. Peters Cornhill
29 Jan. 1608; dee'd in 1618.
Francis Lee (dau.)
bapt. St. Peters Cornhill
27 Jan. 1611. Living 1626.
Ann Lee, bapt. St. Peters
Cornhill, 3 Dec. 1615. Living 1626.
rr. Francis Snuttlewbod of pan.
St. Edmond the King, 4 May 1636
at St. Mary Woolen urch.
1605. — Will of George Lee, Citizen & Sadler of London; Dated 16
May 1605. To sonne John Lee messuage in Poore Jury Lane in parish
of St. Katherine Creechurch, London, formerly given is now confirmed lie
to allow half rents of same to my wife Anne; sonne ffrauncis Lee; wife
Anne Residuary Legatee & Executrix; Witnesses — John Lee, ffrancis
Lee, John Lacocke & Nicholas Holbeane & Jno. Hall Not. Pub. ; Proved
21 June 1605. P. C. C. Hayes, 48.
1618. — Will of ffrancis Lee of parish of St. Peters, Cornhill, London;
Dated 28 April 1618; Recites that good friend Mr. John Hany hath abso-
lute estate in his house, Lands & tenements in Stratford Lanthorne, co-
Essex, to him & his heirs, which is but only to hym in trusts for my use
although noe use or truste be mentioned in the deede — he to sell these
houses &c to best profitt and give the money arising from same to Anne
my now wife; To said wife all houses, lands & tenements wheresoever
during her life & remainder to my children & their heirs, & if it fortune
my seyed wife to be nowe with childe of a sonne. then he to have all my
aforesaid houses &c to hym & his heirs after death of wife; Personal estate
after payment of debts & funeral to be divided in three equal parts of which
one to wife, one to children to be equally divided between them, & the
1892.] Lee of Virginia. 73
third part in manner following — To loving mother Anne thirteene shillings
fower pence to buy her a ringe withall; to sister Alice same bequest; to
Mrs. Avery same; to 9aid John Hanye 22s. in goulde to make by in a
Rynge & to the nowe wife of said John Hanye 13s 4d for ring; to Mr.
Henry Sympson 22s. in goulde for ring; all residue to wife who is sole
Executrix; Overseers — John Hany & Henry Sympson; Wit. Mich:
Wright, John Haney & Ellinor Averell. Pro 4 June 1618 by Executrix
named in the will. P. C. C. Meade, 70.
1629. — Will of John Grigson of Gray's Inn Lane, Victualler; Dated 24
July 1629 ; names John Lea late Citizen & Sadler of London, deed, the late
husband of Johane, my now wife, & his two sons Richard & Nicholas Lea?
Proved 1 October 1629. Dean & Chapter of St. Pauls fo 369.
1625. — Admon of Anne Lee.
January 23 Commission issued to Anne Browne the mother (sic, grand-
mother) of ffrancis & Anne Lee, children of Anne Lee late of the parish of
St. Catherine Creechurch, London, deed, to adrn &c during minority of
said children. P. C. C. Act. Book fo. 46.
Marriage Allegations.
1603-4. — Jan. 25. Francis Lee, Sadler, of St. Catherine Cree Church,
Freeman of London, 26, & Ann Pierrepont, of same, Maiden, 20, daughter
of Nicholas Pierrepont of Eastwell, co. Leicester, Gent, whose consent is
attested by her brother John Pierrepont, of Eastwell aforesaid, Gent. ; at
St. Catherine Cree Church aforesaid ; consent also of George Lee, of St.
Catherine Cree Church, Sadler, father of said Francis.
Mar. Al. Bish. Lond., Hari. Soc. xxv. 282.
Register St. Peters Cornhill.
1608 — Jan. 29 — ffrauncies Lea the sonne of ffrauncies Lea haberdasher
dwelling in Cornhill.
1611 — Jan. 27 — ffrancis lee the daughtr of ffrancis lee haberdasher Corn-
1615 — Dec. 3 — Sonday — Ann Lee the daughfof ffrauncis Lee Free of the
Sadlers Dwellinge in Redd Crosse ally in Cornhill.
1614 — Oct. 31 — Buried Margarett Slanter srvant to Mr. Lee haberdasher
dwelling in Cornhill, age 25 yeres, pitt in the east yeard.
Hari. Soc, Reg. Sec. vol. I.
Register St. Mary Woolnoth.
1620 — May 16 — Francis Browne of St. Mary Woolchurch, and Anne Lee,
Widdow, of St. Peter in Cornhill, by license.
Register St. Mary Woolchurch Havj.
1636 — May 4 — Frances Shuttlewood, of the Parish of St. Edrncns the
King, and Ann Lee, of this Parish, by license.
74 Lee of Virginia. [Jan.
Mr. Waters has cited the will of William Pindar, clerk,* who
names a family of Shingleton als Lea of London, Virginia and Ply-
mouth in the year 1625. It appears unlikely that this family were
of kindred stock with either Col. Richard Lee or his relatives, the
Lees of Langley, but the following items relating to them from the
Probate Courts are very interesting as showing a connection with
Stratford-Langton only a few years prior to the emigration to Vir-
ginia. We have thus no less than three altogether distinct families
of Lee resident in, or connected with, this suburb in the early part
of the 17th century, i.e. Sir Robert Lee of the Quarrendon stock,
Col. Richard Lee of the Langley line, the Shingleton-Lea family
who appear to be from Devon, and perhaps we should add to this
the Francis Lee family, before referred to as holding an estate
here, as, if their connection with the American family be disproved,
they will constitute a fourth totally distinct but co-existent line in
this hamlet. A fact that should serve as an impressive warning to
those whose hasty jumping to conclusions, unsupported by direct
testimony, has made so much trouble and confusion in the past.
1578. — Will of Thomas Hitchcock, Citizen & Carpenter of London ; date*J
25 Oct. 1578; All goods to be divided in 3 parts of which one to wife
Agnes & other two to pay legacies, debts &c; To poor of the streete of
Stratford Langthorne, co Essex, -10s. ; to poor of Stanes, co Middx, 40s.;
to children of sister Anne, wife of Owen Dod of Stratford Langtorne xxu;
To Thomas Speighte 5h ; to children of sister Mary, wife cf John Baker
of Stanes xxu ; to Alice, daughter of sister Johan, wife of Thomas Bowthe
xxs. ; to sister Susan, wife of Thomas Stevenson 611; to brother Wm. Gile3
my best gowne ; to Ede Maples, daughter of William Maples 40s.; to
John Allat, my wife's sonne, my bay mare &c; sundry legacies to domestic
servants ; Residue to Alice Bowthe, dau. of Thomas Bowthe, my brother,
& Thomas Porter, woodmonger, in St. Katherines, equally — & I appoint
them Executors; Overseers my trusty friends Thomas Spaighte, Peter
Tompson & Roger Preston, scrivenor; I quit claim unto Thomas Lee,
Richard Lee & (blank) Page, late my servants, all manner of actions, suits
&c, which I or my executors may have against them ; In wit (no signature)
Wit. John Skeat, Clark, John Stevenson, Willm Shawe, John Baker &
Thomas Stevenson the younger; Proved 28 Oct 1578 by Thomas Porter,
power reserved to Alice Bowthe. P. C. C. Langley, 33.
1592. — Admon of William Shingleton als Lea.
Novembris. xxmo die Emt. Com. Roberto Shingleton als Lea fili nrali et
litimi willmi Shingleton als Lea nug pochie de Langton ab hit defs &c.
Comm. Ct. Load., Act Bk., fo 249.
1621. — Will of Thomas Speght of Precinct of St. James in the Wall in
the Cittie of London, gent. ; dated 27 Feb. 1G20 ; pro. 5 June 1621 ; daugh-
ter Judith, wife of John Mattocke ; children James, Lawrence, Paul,
Catherine & Dorothy Speght ; dau. Mary, wife of John Talbot ; dau. Jane,
wife of Richard Robothum; Elizabeth, wife of Humphrey Dison ; dau.
Helen, wife of Tobias Wouhington ; bro. Samuel Hill, Doctor of Divinity;
* Gleanings in Register, vol. xliv. page 392. A Thomas Singleton, Principal of Erase-
nose College," Oxford, in his will dated 29 Dec. 1610, proved 14 Jan. 1614, names Sir Thomas
Egertou, his sister Lady Marje Leighe and Robert Leigao. P. C. C. P.udd, G.
1892.] Lee of Virginia. 75
wife Anne ; To daughter Anne wife of Thomas Lea £40, but in a Codicil
this bequest is revoked & the amount to be placed in hands of son Thomas
Speght for welfare of said dau. Anne, but if she outlive the said Thomas
Lea, then to be paid to her, but if she die in lifetime of her now husband,
then to such of her children as shall be living. P. C. C. Dale, 58.
1712. — Will of Sarah Leigh, late of London, now of Stratford, co Essex
Widow; Dated 4 Oct. 1711 ; Pro. 10 Apr. 1712; Names nephew William
Leigh & wife; his children Edmond & Anne Leigh; cosin William Cole
& wife <5b their children Samuel & Sarah Cole; the son of Samuel Leigh,
my late husband's brother; nephew Blinkern's 3 children Mary, Sarah &
John; Mrs. Mary Skignus; poor of St. Michael Crooked Lane; Eliauor
Blumfield; Elizabeth Garway; Mary Needbam; sister Leigh, widow of
Brother Richard Leigh; Sarah Blinkern the elder & her sister Elizabeth
Blinkern; my sister Hannah Blinkern & her 2 dans Sarah & Elizabeth
Blinkern; widow Meats; neices Elizabeth Hambly, Mary Dyer & Dorothy
Tristram ; nephews James & Isaac Cocks ; my brother Isaac Cocks Resi-
duary Legatee & Executor. P. C. C. Barnes, 72.
1709— -Will of Hancock Lee; dated 1706 ; Names daughter Mrs. xVnna
. Armstead; son Richard Lee, who will be 18 years old in 1709, to whom
" a double portion of property because a great part of the foundation of my
estate came by his mother " ; other children are mentioned but not named.
1st Codicil — son Isaac Lee ; 2nd Codicil, dated May, 1709 — son John
Lee & " child my wife's now with."
Northumberland Co (Va) Ct. Files.
Extracted by William J. Cralle, Clerk of Court, for W. B. Lee Esq of
Seend, Wilts,, to whose courtesey thi3 extract is due.
The singular name of Hancock Lee occurring among the children
© DO
of Col. Richard (unquestionably a derivative from a surname), the
writer has for years kept a keen look out for any Lee-Hancock
marriages in the many Parish Registers which he has examined in
all parts of the kingdom, with the result of finding at least two such
instances which follow, although it is to be feared that they will give
us but little aid.
Register of West Buckland, Somst.
1607 — Allexander Ley a£s ffarthinge was maryed vnto Emmett Thomas
als Hancocke the x.xvth. of Octobr.
Register of Brading in Isle of Wight, co. Hants.
1593 — October 31 — Roger Leigh and Ann Hancock.
1606 — Julie 30 — Roger Lee and Mary Deacon by license.
1615 — ffebruary 6 — Roger Lea Juin and Bridgett Granelen.
1623 — November 13 — Kychard Galpen and Grace Leigh.
1630— April 15— Thomas Oglandr & Eliza: Leigh, gent: Servant to Sr
John Oglauder.*-
* The Memoirs of this Sir John Oglander (a second Pepys) hare recently been published,
edited by W. H. Long, at Newport, I. W., 1888.
76 Lee of Virginia. [Jan.
1593 — December 23 — Alice daughter of Roger Lee.
1595 — August 10 — Ann " " " Lea.
1597 — October 16 — Roger sonne '* " Lee.
1599— October 4— Edward " " " Ley.
1601— ffebruary 7— Thomas " " " Lee.
1608— July 20— John " " " "
1609 — September 5 — Jane daughter " " "
1612— June 3— Dorothie u " « Lea,
1614 — August 29 — Nicholas, sonne " " "
1616 — January 29 — Bridgett, daughter of " " Junr
1618— September 8— Jane the " " " Lee.
1583 — November 5 — Christian Lee.
1594 — Aprell 8 — Alice daughter of Roger Lee.
1604 — February 20 — buried the Abortive of Roger Lee.
1605 — maie 13 — An the wife of Roger Lee.
1615 — maye 26 — John, sonne of Roger Lea.
— October 5 — (blank) daughter of Roger Lea. (qu. Jane vide bap*.
1617 — maye 3 — the Abortive of Roger Lea.
1623 — ffebruary 2 — Jane Lea a child of Roger Lea from St. Helens.
1631— March 20— Charitie Leigh, widd.
1669 — November 6 — Ann Lee.
The above extracts comprise «#of the Lee entries in the Brading Register
from its commencement in 1547 to 1703, as, with three or four exception?,
all referred to the family of Roger who married Ann Hancock. They seem
to have removed to St. Helens, a contiguous parish, before 1623. The
Registers of St. Helens date from 1653 only.
Note. — Since this MS. was sent to the printers, the writer has learned of the
discovery, by that indefatigable genealogist, Mr. H. F. Waters, of the will of
John Best of Twyning, co. Gloucester (see Gleanings in this number of Regis-
ter, page 44), which clearly indicates the locality where this Lee-Hancock
connection should be sought. In the brief time at his disposal the writer could
only search the Twyning Transcripts (vide infra) which, however, do not give
us much help. No doubt the Consistory Court of Probate of Gloucester,, if
carefully searched, may contain the solution of the problem. The marriage of
"William Hancock of Twyning "with Ley of co. Gloucester (Metcalf's Visit.
of Worcester in 1682-3, fo. 53) is most suggestive, and no doubt the true clue
h&s been found at last.
Twyning, Gloucester, Transcripts*
Parish Regs are only extant as follows: — Bar>t. from 1648; Bur. from
1656; Mar. from 1693.
1618 — Richard son of John Hancox bap. 6 June.
1622 — Richard Hancoke & Elizabeth Hafford were married 14 Jan7.
— Ales the daughter of Richd Hancoke was christd 26 Marche.*
— May the daughter of Edwfi Hancocke was christened 4 June.
1667 — Richard Plancoke buried Dec. .
— William the son of Richard Hancock. baptd (no date).
1679—80 — Susanna, daughter of John Hancox was christened 3 Nov,
1680 — Thomas son of Richard Hancock was buried 8 Nov.
1892.] Zee of Virginia. 77
1681— Richard son of John Hancock & Eliz,h his wife baptd 27 Feb.
1682— William Hancock signs as Churchwarden.
1683— (nil.)
1684-5 — Richard son of John Hancock & Mary his wife bapt 20 Apl.
— Wm : Hancock buried 2 April.
1685-6 — Richard son of John Hancock & Mary his wife bapt. 20 Apl.
— Mary daughter of John Hancock, buryed Nov. 10.
1686 — John son of John Hancock & Mary was bapt. Feb 14.
— Charles Johnson of Fladbury & Elizabeth Hancock of this parish
were married Jany 9th.
1689-90— Thos son of John Hancock & Mary his wife bapt. 14 Jan7
— William son of John Hancock buried 20 Aug.
1694-5— (nil.)
1697 — John son of Richard Hancock buried 23 Aug.
— Susan wife of Richard Hancock buried 6 Oct.
1700 — Septimus son of John Hancock & Mary his wife buried 25 Apl.
1703 — William Hancock buried 23 Dec.
Searched to 1703 inclusive. All existing years in the Transcript
are noted above — those un-noted are missing from tiles.
In the hope of obtaining some reference which might unravel the tangled
skein, search was now made for the wills of the two English Executors of
Col. Richard Lee, with the result which follows. By this we see that John
Lockey, as well as his widow, seems to have died intestate, while the two
Thomas Griffiths, whose wills were found, might either have well been the
one sought, but in neither case do we obtain the slightest aid in our quest.
1665-6 — Admon of John Lockey.
ffebruarij — Vicesimo septimo die emt. Com° Elizabethae Lockey vid.
Relce Johnis Lockey hug poe'S11 Bothi Algate, London, defunc hents &'c.
Adstrand bona, iura et Cred die defuncti de bene &c iuiat. (''in partibus
decendn " in Calender). P. C. C. Act. Bk. fo. 39.
1674 — Admon of Elizabeth Lockye ats Stanford.
Martij — Decimo tertio die Emt Com0 Allano Cliffe Curi Itime assto
Elizabetha Lockye et Catherina Lockye filiabus nralibus et ltimo Elizabethan
Lockye ats Stanford nug de Highgate in com Middx vid. def. hentio
& Ad Adstrand bona Jura et Cred. dca defca duran minori cetat et ad vsu
p'fat liberor dca def de bene &c Jurat. P. C. C. Act. Bk. fo. 39.
1679 — Will of Thomas Griffith of Abinger ats Abingworth, co Surry,
gent, dated 20 Sept. & proved 10 Oct. 1679; names Allen Vphill, wife of
Richard Vphill of Barking, Essex, gent.; Mary Temple, wife of Miles
Temple, late of London, Scrivener, principal legatees with remainder to
Griffith Temple, eldest son of Miles &c ; My sisters Ellen Griffith & Con-
stance Marden Executors; Overseers kinsmen Richard VpLill & Henry
ffoster, gent. P. C. C. Bath, 21.
[Note. — This will interest another family very much, namely, the Temples.
The researches of the late John Gough Nichols (reprinted in the Heraldic
Journal) corrected the previous pedigrees of the baronets of Stow e. lie showed
that the baronetcy expired in the line of the oldest sou of the first baronet, with
the fourth baronet, Sir Richard, who was created Viscount Cobham. Then it
passed to Sir William and his brother Sir Peter, fifth and sixth baronets, grand-
sons of John, second son of the first baronet; and the seventh barouet, Sir
78 Morton and Taylor Estates in Dorchester. [Jan.
Richard, was son of the sixth. He died s.p. in 1780, and the line was probably
Edward Temple of Sebbertoft who died unmarried in 1796. But the first baro-
net had two younger sons, viz.: Thomas, LL.D., and Miles. Dr. Thomas
Temple is said to have been a fellow of Trinity College, Dublin, afterwards ;i
minister at Battersea in Surrey (1C41), a preacher often before the Long Parlia-
ment. I should certainly be inclined to identify him with Thomas Temple who
was matriculated at Hart Hall, Oxford. Oct. 13," 1020, aged 17. of Bucks., son of
a baronet; and who was B.C.L. 1(124, D.C.L. 1633, at Oxford. He is supposed
to have had a grandson Robert Temple of Mount Temple, co. Westmeath. He
certainly had a son Thomas named in the will of Sir Thomas Temple in 1071.
The fourth son of the first baronet was Miles Temple of Dover, an officer in
the Customs under the Parliament. He had three wives, and by the first had
two sons and one daughter, the eldest son being Miles. This will seems to give
a clue to either the father or son, — Miles, who married Mary Griffith, and who
had been a scrivener in London. As the true pedigree of Sir John Temple who
claimed the baronetcy has never been ascertained, although his descendants
still hold the honor, it is desirable that search be made into the descendants of
both Thomas and Miles. We know only this much, that Capt. Robert Temple,
the emigrant, father to our Sir John, wrote that in 1717 he came to New Eng-
land, taking ship at Plymouth " where lived an uncle of mine, one Mr. Nathaniel
White, a merchant, and an old inhaoitaut of that town." See Nichols's Herald
and Genealogist, for. pp. 11-13. m W. H. Whitmoke.]
1631 — Will of Thomas Griffith, Citizen & Plasterer of London, of St.
Leonards parish in Shoreditch, co Middx. ; dated 15 June, pro 15 Sept.
1681; To be buried in St. Mary Aldermary in London; names brother
William & his wife; kinswoman Elizabeth Kenton; bequest to town of
Hinckly, Leicestershire; brother Richard Griffith; Daniel Top of Hinckly
& his wife ; brother Isaiah Bray; Aunt Kinton; Aunt Griffith of Sapcoat;
£200 due from Thomas Norton of Stepney on mortgage; wife Elizabeth
Executrix ; Overseers, Daniel Morrice & John Pinck.
P. C. C. North, 129.
[To be continued.]
By David Clapp, of Boston.
A year or more ago there appeared in some of the papers of this
city, and in one at least of oar monthly magazines, descriptive
accounts of the Taylor mansion and estate on Dudley Street in
Dorchester, which had then just passed out of the hands of the Taylor
heirs, and the ancient and elegant mansion was about being de-
molished. These accounts contained the assertion that the Hon.
Perez Morton, whose death took place in 1S37, lived the greater
part of his life and died on that estate. Although scores of living
witnesses, including some of the direct descendants of Mr. Morton,
could then attest the fact that for many years he lived, and
finally died, in the Pavilion, so called, situated in the northerly part
of what is now Pleasant Street; and although an effort was made to
correct the mistake in one paper where it had appeared, the asser-
tion was still persisted in, Being desirous that the truth in the
1892.] Morton and Taylor Estates in Dorchester. 79
matter should be ascertained from some unquestioned source, I after-
wards spent what few leisure moments I could command in looking
into public records, and was enabled to make out from them a tole-
rably clear and I think correct history of the ownership and occupa-
tion by Mr. Morton of the two estates mentioned, of both of which
it is now certain that at different times he was the owner and on
which he resided.
Mr. Morton's residence, after his marriage in 1781, as we learn
from the Boston Directory of 1789 and other reliable sources, was
in Boston, on the lower corner of State and Exchange Streets, the
site now occupied by the Union Bank. The first authentic document
found connecting him in any way with Dudley Street in Dorchester,
is a deed bearing date Oct. 11, 1794, and recorded in Norfolk Beg,
office, Lib. 3, fol. 159, — -by which deed Samuel Bird, of Dorchester,
for £200 conveys to Perez Morton, of Boston, a piece of land
" bounded S. W. on the public road leading from Boston to Dor-
Chester Meeting-house [Dudley' St.] ; S. E. on land of William Hum-
phrey and Mary Bird; N. on land of Samuel and Ezekiel Bird: and
N. W. on road leading to Dorchester Point [Cottage St.], contain-
ing by estimation four acres more or less." To this was added by
deed of April 6, 1796 (Lib. 1G, fol. 143), two quarters and 11 roods
of land adjoining, conveyed by Samuel and Ezekiel Bird on condi-
tion that Morton keep certain fences in repair; and by another deed,
Jan. 11, 1802 (Lib. 16, fol. 142), William Humphrey conveys to Mr.
Morton, for $200, half an acre more of contiguous land, "bounded
north on said Morton's land or garden."
During the eight years embraced in these three purchases of land,
Mr. Morton had erected a house thereon, into which he removed,
probably from State St. in Boston, and in which he lived until a
period not later than 1S08. For he was already in possession", by
right of his wife, of a more extensive and attractive piece of land in
the town, a mile or less to the Eastward — known as Allen's Plain —
a perfectly level and open tract of some 12 or 15 acres — to which
he seems now to have turned his attention and on which he was
apparently spending his money. This would appear by the fact that
on Sept. 27th, 1803, for $14,100 he mortgaged to his brother Joseph
Morton his whole Dudley Street estate, comprising, as the deed says
(21-49), " all that my estate in Dorchester on which my dwelling-house
now stands, together with all the land, appurtenant and belonging
thereto, which I purchased of Samuel Bird and Ezekiel Bird [bound-
aries given as above], containing by estimation five acres more or
less, with all the buildings thereon standing," &c. &c. This mort-
gage seems never to have been discharged. And here terminated
Mr. Morton's connection with the Dudley Street estate ; for by
deed bearing date of July 7, 1808 (Lib. 31, f. 190) Joseph Morton
conveys to Cornelius Coolidge of Boston, in consideration of $15,000
to be paid by said Coolidge in seven yearly instalments of $2,142.85
80 Morton and Taylor Estates in Dorchester. [Jan.
each, '''all that estate in Dorchester on which the dwelling house
now stands late in the improvement of Perez Morton, Esq., with all
the appurtenance thereto belonging, and buildings thereon standing,
said premises, however, subject to the Equity of Redemption of said
Perez Morton as by law is in such cases made and provided." All
these annual instalments were promptly paid by Coolidge, the last
one in 1815, and the mortgages discharged. The right of Redemp-
tion by Mr. Morton seems not to have been exercised, so that in 1815,
Mr. Morton having moved away certainly as early as 1808 (as
shown above), the estate was in the sole possession of Cornelius
Coolidge, who became the occupant of Mr. Morton's mansion and
lived in it for many years. On the 17th of January, 1817, Mr.
Coolidge, in consideration of $1 8,000, conveyed by deed (Norf. Reg.
54-78) to Barnabas Hedge of Plymouth, Mass., his estate situated
in Dorchester, with the dwelling house and buildings standing there-
on— bounded as already described, containing by estimation about
six acres and a quarter of an &cre — being all the premises, as he
says, ''now occupied by me." On July 31, 1820, Mr. Hedge, in
consideration of one hundred shares of the Bank of the United States,
transferred to him by Samuel Appleton of Boston, conveys, by deed (63
-174), to Mr. A. this same estate, with boundaries as before, containing
about six or seven acres — " meaning to convey all the premises
formerly owned and now occupied by Cornelius Coolidge, which
were conveyed to me by him" Jan. 17, 1817. On Sept. 10, 1828,
Mr. Appleton, in consideration of $12,000 paid him by Nathaniel
Cogswell of Dorchester, conveys to him by deed (76-119) the
" premises formerly owned and occupied by Cornelius Coolidge and
by him conveyed to Barnabas Hedge, and bv said Hedge conveyed
to me by his warranty deed of July 31, 1820." On Oct. 1, 1828,
Nathaniel Cogswell, gent., in consideration of $12,700 paid him by
Charles Taylor of Boston, gent., conveys to said Taylor (26-270)
"an estate in said Dorchester, with the dwelling-house and buildings
standing thereon and all the land appertaining and belonging thereto"
— bounded as in previous deeds, being six or seven acres more
or less — " being the premises formerly owned and occupied by Cor-
nelius Coolidge, by him conveyed to Barnabas Hedge, by said Hedge
to Samuel Appleton, and by said Appleton conveyed to me by deed,"
&c. And in 1890, Charles A. Welch and Wm. J. Lovering, trustees
under will of Chas. J. Taylor, for $48,000, — additions having been
made to the estate in 1841 (Norf. Reg. of Dds, 129-235)"— con-
veyed (Suff. Reg, Deeds, Lib. 1915, fol. 561) to Cheever Newhall
the estate in Dudley Street with boundaries a3 given above; contain-
ing, as by plan, 218,311 sq. ft.
The exact time of the removal of Mr. Coolidge from the house in
question after 1820 is not known, but his residence in Boston is given
in the Directory for 1832 and subsequent years, showing his removal
from Dorchester before that time.
.1892.] Morton and Taylor Estates in Dorchester. 81
The possession by the Mortons of the Pleasant Street estate dates
bao,k to a period more than a hundred years apro. Its various
transfers by deed through the trusteeship of some of the prominent
men of Boston, from the time in 1785 when it was owned by Wil-
liam Allen, and whose dwelling-house was burnt thereon in 17S4;*
which land was long used as a training field, may be in part gathered
from the following extracts from a deed dated June 6, 1830, and
recorded in Norf. Reg. Deeds, Lib. 92, foL 107:
11 Whereas William Sullivan of Boston, Esq. [son of Gov. James],
conveyed unto Sarah Wentworth Morton, wife of Perez Morton, Esq.,
on the 26th of May, 1816, a certain piece or parcel of land in said
Dorchester, bounded as follows: — Beginning at a point on the north-
erly side of the road which runs easterly by the public buryiug-
ground [now Stoughton St.], whereby the land hereby conveyed
adjoins the land of William Bird, and from said point running by
said road easterly 535 feet more or less, then turning northerly and
bounded easterly on the road [Pleasant St.] 1440 feet more or less,
to the corner of another road [Cottage St.], which is a cross road
leading westerly by the estate now in the possession of Mary Champ-
ney .... and on this cross road bounded northerly about 380 feet
more or less, then bounded westerly on land in possession of said
Mary Champney and by land of said William Bird 1390 feet more
or less to the place of beginning — Being the same lot of land
that wa3 set off to Frederick Gryer upon a judgment of the Court
of Common Pleas recovered against William Allen the first Tuesday
of January, 1785. And whereas the consideration mentioned in said
deed executed by William Sullivan, Esq. to Sarah W. Morton, wife
of Perez Morton, conveying to Sarah W. in fee the estate aforesaid
arose out of the avails of a certain house and land situate in Bow-
doin Square, Boston,f which was given by deed to the said Sarah W.
Morton, then bearing the name of Sarah Apthorp, by her grand-
mother Grizzell Apthorp, and afterwards sold by the said Perez
Morton and Sarah W. Morton to John Trecothick Apthorp, Esq.
And whereas the said Perez and Sarah W. Morton, in her right,
she being the legal and equitable owner of 3aid real estate, are dis-
posed to grant and convey the same real estate in trust to the end
and for the purposes hereinafter expressed — Now know all Men,
that we the said Perez and Sarah W. Morton for and in considera-
tion of one dollar to us in hand paid by Wm. Sullivan, John T. Ap-
* " 1781, Mav. Mr. Jonathan Clap's bouse was burnt, and the fire flew from his house
to Mr. William" Allen's barn, which was a quarter of a mile, which catcht in his dung Ueep
and set his barn on fire, and then his house, and burnt them to ashes, with most ali his
furniture, with three horses and all his carriages."— Diary of Col. Samuel Pierce, of Dor-
cliester, in " History of Dorchester."
t In Stiff. Reg. of Deeds (Lib. 191, fol. 57), 1799, is recorded a deed by which John
Trecothick Apthorp, or' Cambridge, conveys to Samuel Parkman of Boston, for S'3,o00, " a
house and land " in Bowdoin Square, — doubtless the estate referred to ahove. Many now
living can remember Mr. Parkman's residence in one of the two large stone mansions
fronting the open square (built by him after purchasing the estate), with his son Dr. George
Parkman's house in the rear on, Cambridge Street.
82 Morton and Taylor Estates in Dorchester. [Jan.
thorp and Nathaniel P. Russell, Esq., of Boston, do hereby give, bar-
gain, sell and convey the same real estate unto them the said," &c.
" in trust nevertheless, and to the uses, purposes, &c* in this In-
strument set forth, etc. — that is to say, to permit the said Perez
and Sarah W. Morton during their joint lives to use, occupy and
improve the said real estate or to lease the same and receive the
rents and profits thereof," &c. &c. In the remainder of the deed
provision is made for Mrs. M. if she survive her husband, and other
conditions secure to her the right of finally disposing of the estate.
Notwithstanding all these transfers, provisions, &c, apparently for
the security of the estate to the Morton family, Peter C. Brooks,
acting as trustee, after the death of Mr. Morton in 1837, by deed
dated July 20, 1838, confirms to Mrs. M. for her own use all the
estate which had not been otherwise disposed of. Various transfers
of the property took place after Mr. Morton's death and during
his widow's residence on it, but it is not part of the writer's plan to
continue further a history of its ownership and occupation. Mrs. M.
died in Quincy, May 14, 1 846. She was a lady of well-known literary
merit in the early part of this century, was author of a volume of
poems and also of various miscellaneous articles in prose and verse,
and of a work entitled " My Mind and its Thoughts."* The families
of herself and her husband were connected in various ways with the
leading characters of the time, and the Pavilion where the Mortons
resided — in itself a unique and most attractive building — was for
many years the centre of a brilliant array of men and women con-
spicuous in law, literature and fashion. Being brought up myself
in its near vicinity, I well remember it and it3 inmates from my
earliest years, and can now distinctly recall the aged Morton couple
seated on their broad piazza and erjoying the south-westerly summer
breezes as they swept across the open plain. The Pavilion was
taken down not many years after Mrs. Morton's death, and — delight-
ful as the location is — no dwelling-house has since taken its place.
Its site is within a stone's throw of the spot where stood the first
rude thatch-roofed meeting-house of the Dorchester emigrants, and on
the first street in the town laid out by them, for many years known
as Green Lane.
The 3tory of Mr. Morton's occupancy of the two estates in Dor-
chester, as shown by the abstracts of public records above given
and plain inferences therefrom, may be briefly summed up as follows :
* Mrs. Morton was also the author of " The Power of Sympathy or the Triumph of
Nature," 2 volumes, 12 mo., published by I. Thomas & Co.. Boston, 1789. It was advertised
in the Independent Chronicle, Boston, January 22, 1789, as published that day, and was
called, probably correctly, the 'The Fir>t American Novel." The second American novel
was, I presume. "Thy Coquette, or tat History of Eliza Wharton," by Mrs. Hannah Fos-
ter, first published at Boston in 1797; the third and fourth, " Wieland " 1798, and " Arthur
Mervyn," 1799, both by Charles Brockden Brown. Then follow in 1801, but in what order
I do not Know, " Female Quixotism : Exhibited in the Romantic Opinions and Extravagant
Adventures of Doreassina Sheldon," by Mrs. Tubitha Tenney, Newbury port; and tkred
other works by Brown : Jane Taibot, Edgar Huntley aud Clara Howard.— Edixok.
1892.] Morton and laylor Estates in Dorchester. 83
After the purchase of his first lot of land on Dudley Street in
1794, he erected on it a mansion house, removing into it from State
Street, Boston, and occupied it for ten or more years, vacating it, as
has been shown, certainly as early as 1808. This house was evi-
dently no mean affair; for the estate itself, which a very few years
before had cost the purchaser a comparatively small 3um, was in
1803, after the house wa3 erected, mortgaged for $14000, and in
1808 sold for $15000. There can scarcely be a doubt that this
valuable house was no other than the well-known building, which,
having been occupied for three quarters of a century afterwards in
succession by Coolidge, Hedge and others, and finally by the Tay-
lors, has been latterly known as the Taylor Mansion.
Before moving away from Dudley Street, Mr. Morton would most
likely have erected another house ready for occupancy, and as the
Pleasant St. land has been shown to have been then in possession
of his wife and himself, it is natural to suppose that he built thereon,
and that the house erected was no other than the Pavilion,* in
which it is well known he resided the latter part of his life, dying
there Oct. 14, 1837.
A few words may be said about the Hon. Perez Morton himself.
He was born in Plymouth, Mass., Nov. 13, 1751 ; Harv. Univ. 1771 ;
Speaker Mas3. Ho. of Kep. 1806-1811; Attor. Gen. Mass. 1811-
1832; del. to State Conv. 1820. He married, May 24, 1781, Sarah
Wentworth Apthorp, who was born in Braintree, Mass., Aug. 29,
1759, and died in Quincy, Mass., May 14, 1846. In 1789^they
were living in a, house in Boston on the lower corner of State and
Exchange Streets — the former site of the Boston Custom House.
The deed by which this " brick mansion house." as it is therein
called, with land and outhouses thereto belonging, was conveyed to
Mr. Morton (Suff. D., Lib. 148, fol. 189), bears^the date of 1784.
The grantor was Thos. Apthorp, of London, late of Boston, who for
"£150 lawful money of New England," conveys the property which
his late father Charles W. Apthorp, who was a loyalist, formerly
held. Eight years before this transaction, Mr. Morton was brought
conspicuously before his fellow citizens. In April, 1776, ten months
after the battle of Bunker Hill, the body of Gen. Joseph Warren
was found and identified. The masonic fraternity, of which he was
a conspicuous member, at once made arrangements for the funeral
ceremonies, which took place at King's Chapel, on the 8th of April.
Perez Morton, then a promising young lawyer and a mason, was
selected to deliver a public address on the occasion. As Mrs. John
* The house, according to my imperfect recollection of the details of a familiar object
seen daily from infancy, comprised an extensive square lower or ground story, with
a broad piazza in front. A second story, still smaller in floor surface, rested symmetri-
cally on the centre of the first, with both stories low studded. It was a common report in my
boyhood, that another story still smaller in extent once crowned this second story, and that
the peculiar shape of the structure was copied from buildings in countries where hurricanes
are frequent. The buiidincj, as now remembered, had ihe appearance of having been
painted of a dark greyish color.
84 Notes and Queries. [Jan.
Adams wrote at the time, — "A young fellow could not have wished
a finer opportunity to display his talents." The oration was well
received, and did much credit to the orator. His startling apostrophe
to the exhumed remains before him — " Illustrious relics ! What tid-
ings from the grave ? Why hast thou left the peaceful mansions of
the tomb, to visit again this troubled earth ?" must have deeply
stirred the hearts of his audience. From that time Mr. Morton took
rank with the leading spirits of the Revolution. Long afterwards,
one of his latest public duties was acting as State's Attorney, assisted
by Daniel Webster, in the celebrated trial of the Knapps at Salem,
1830, for the murder of Capt. Joseph White.
TVhitson's Bay. — Mr. Alexander Brown's works on the Genesis of the United
States is recognized as a work of rare value, but it contains a map the import-
ance of which has hardly been appreciated, — the large map copied for the
Spanish minister Velasco, in 1610, from a map drawn for King James, showing
all the English discoveries down to date. The internal evidence shows that
the map included operations in 1608., as Jamestown appears thereon. As a map
of the coast of the United States, it is of extreme interest, and would justify
lengthy discussion. In connection with New York, it shows that the name
Manhattan was applied to the Jersey shore as well; and it is probable that Henry
Hudson had a copy, or its equivalent, on his exploration of 1G09, which dissi-
pated the great sea with which the Hudson, the ancient river of St. Anthony,
then stood connected. But here I wish simply to call attention to its value in
connection with New England. In various papers and contributions the writer
has sought to make two points: (1.) That the river discovered in Maine, by
Weymouth in his exploration of 1605, was not the St. George, but the Kenne-
bec, otherwise the Sagadahock, to which Popham's expedition sailed in 1007;
(2.) That Martin Bring did not follow Gosnold to Cuttyhunk in 1C03, but that he
harbored at Plymouth with his two ships, where for six weeks he was engaged
in getting sassafras. Now this map establishes both positions as true, since
the Kennebec and its neighborhood are shown with irreat particularity, while
there is no indication watever of any St. George's River, which would inevitably
have been shown if the river had been discovered and explored. On the other
hand, the claim that Plymouth harbor was named Whitson's Bay, after the Mayor
of Bristol, in 1603. is also shown to be correct, in that this map, with Plymouth
harbor delineated, two years before Champlain surveyed and mapped the port,
shows the harbor distinctly as WhUsorts Bay. The writer had already shown
that no early map ever gave the slightest representation of the St. George
River, but this new map, which Mr. Brown has famished from the archives of
Samancas (together with the plan of the fort on the Kennebec), destroys the
last hope of the advocates of the St. George theory, puncturing and exploding
their specious arguments, by which the St. George has been transferred into a
noble and splendid stream, agreeing with the description of the Kennebec.
B. F. DeCosta.
King Heraldry.— In the floor of St. George's Church, Basseterre, on the
Island of St. Kitts, W. I., is a gravestone with the following inscription:
11 Here lies Interred the Body of Benjamin King of this Island. Esqr.. who de-
parted this Life * * * of Dec, Anno Domini, 17**, in the Forty fifth
Year of his age." This stone bears a heraldic device which, though much de-
Notes and Queries.
faced by time and the fire which devastated Basseterre many years ago, may be
easily deciphered as having on the shield a lion rampant, between crosses cross»
let, and a crest, a demi ostrich rising out of a coronet.
The stone was examined and the inscription and arms copied by Harrison
Ellery, Esq., of Boston, while on a visit to the West Indies a few years ago.
It was also photographed by Mr. C. C. Lyon of St. Kitts, in 1890, and copies
were sent to the writer. The arms in question are those of King of Devon-
shire and Torcester, Co. North., as given in Burke's General Armory, viz.:
"Sable, a lion rampant or, crowned argent, between three cross crosslets or.
Crest, out of a ducal coronet or, a demi ostrich ardent, wings endorsed, beak
of the first."
Through the courtesy of Henry George King, Esq., of Basseterre, in search-
ing the Register of St. George's Church, in February last, the following entries
were found: " Baptism, 1749, May 28, Benjamin, sou of Joseph and Elizabeth
King. Burial, 1760, Dee. 23. Benjamin King. Esq." It is not improbable that
this is the record of baptism and burial of Benjamin King who is under the
heraldic gravestone, but nothing is known with certainty.
It is an established fact, however, that Daniel King, Jr., Gent., of Lynn,
Mass., born about 1636, was in lt>87 a resident merchant on the Island of St.
Kitts. He was the son of Mr. Daniel Kiuge, Senr., of Lynn, and grandson of
Ealphe Kinge of Watford, Hertfordshire, England, as set forth in the writer's
recently published " Pedigree of King of Lynn."
Can anyone throw any light on the ancestry of Benjamin King who is buried
in St. George's Church, and his relationship, if any, to Daniel King, Jr.?
Also, is there any evidence of the early use of the St. Kitts coat of arms by
the Kings of Lynn? Rue us King.
Tonkers, AT. Y.
Robert Bailey Thomas, author of the Old Farmer's Almanack, was a son of
William and Azubah (Goodale) Thomas, of Shrewsbury, and was born at the
house of his maternal grandfather in Grafton, on April 21. 1766. He was mar-
ried on November 17. 1803, to Hannah, daughter of Phineas and Hannah (Buss)
Beaman, of Princeton, who was born on April 17, 1771. Most of his life was
passed in the neighboring towns of Sterling, Boylston and West Boylston,
though continually living on the same farm. While engaged in collecting
material for a sketch of Mr. Thomas, which appears in the centennial number
of the Almanack for 1802. I copied, on August 7, 1891, the following epitaphs
relating to his family. They are found in the "Leg" Bury lug-ground, situated
near the boundary line of West Boylston. s. a. g.
In Memoria de
William Thomas.
who DIED
June 13, 1810.
Aged 85 years.
3. Park, Groton [fecit].
wife of
William Thomas,
w died
Jan. 14. 1781.
2Et. 43 yrs.
Esther TnoMAS,
Second fife of
William Thomas,
Dec. 27, 1831.
Mt. 88 yrs.
Robert B. Thomas Esq
Mav 19, 1846,
J&t. 80.
widow of
late of West Bovlston,
Died Sept. 28, 1855,
iE. 81 Yrs. 5 ms.
John Barton, of Boston, ropemaker, in a deed signed 25 Juiv, 1729, bv him-
self and his wife Katherine, speaks of " my uncle, Thomas Barton, late of
Portsmouth, England, mercer." George A. Goudon.
86 Notes and Queries, [Jan.
The Siege of Boston, 177G. — An event corroborated by American and Eng-
lish Officers. Contributed by Albert A. Folsom. Esq. :
February 23d. 1776. Ensign Lyinan Saturday, Feb. 24th. Last night a
of Huntington's regiment, with a small Corporal of 22d, and two Men of 35th,
party, took a Corporal and two men, either Deserted or were taken from the
Who were centiuels at Brown's chim- Chimnies between 6 or 7 o Clock,
neys, on Boston neck, without nrins: a -,, . . r ,, ., . -
gun. These prisoners reported, that n The fbove is from the Journal of
the heavy cannon were removed trom £oL S\e^ kemble. Deputy Adj
Bunker's Hill, and put on board ship. General ot ** British ™J in ^orth
r r America, under Generals Thomas Gage,
The above is from " Memoirs of Maj. Sir William Howe, and Sir Henry Clin-
General William Heath. Written bv tou> 1773 to 1770, published by the
Himself. Boston, 1798." Gen. Heath New York Historical Society in 1884.
was born, Eoxbury, March 2, 1737; Col. Kembie was born at New Bruns-
died there Jan. 24,' 1814. The Hunt- wick, New Jersey, in 174Q. He returned
ington mention was Colonel Jedediah to America in 1805, and dwelt at New
Huntington, afterwards General, b. Brunswick, New Jersey, until his own
Norwich, Ct., Aug. 4, 1743; d. New death in 1829.
London, Sept. 25, 1818. H. U. 1763. . Mrs. General Gage was Col. Kemble's
only sister.
Historical Memoranda. — (Communicated by George A. Gordon, A.M., of
Somerville, Mass.) :
June ye 21!t 1755.
Recd of Cap1 Sam11 moor fifteen Pound of bulets of the provenc Stors. I say
Bee4. Pr John Goffe.
By the HonblQ Brigr Gen1 Gage Commanding his Majestys forces to the West-
Permit the bearers hereof Major Moore, L* Chandler & Adj' Stevens of the
New Hampshire Reg1 to Pass your Posts to Albany, they having my leave to go
down to that place for the recovery of their healths.
Given under my hand at Oswego this 30th of Septr 1759.
(Signed; Tho3 Gage.
To the Officers commanding at the Several Post betwixt Oswego and Albany.
By the General's Command. (Signed) W. Hervey,
Major of Brigade.
Souhegan East May y€ 10th 1746. Capt. Colborn Sr I Have Inlested John Mar-
shell Juner John Marsh Juner ik, Ezekiel Greley into my Troop which I hope is
With your consent this from your friend and Seruant, John Celamberlin.
To Capt. Tho9 Colburn of Nottingham West. You are Required in his majes-
tyes Name forthwith to see that all the Training Soldiers under your Command
and others in your alarram List be Equipt with all things as the Law Requires
and fail not at your Perril.
Dunstable Aug1 ye 5& 1755. Zacch8 Lovewell Leiftt Cou.
In his majestves Saruice
To Capt Thos Colburn
In Nottingham West.
The Great House at Strawberry Banke. — The author of Mambles about
Portsmouth seems to have fallen into error in assigning a date when the Great
House (built in 1631) had become a ruin. After alluding to the fact that Presi-
dent John Cutt had by wilt, in 1680, given it to his son Samuel, Mr. Brewster
says; "The house was ttun probably in a dilapidated condition, for in 1685 it
1892.] Notes and Queries. 87
is recorded that the house had fallen down and the ruins were then visible."
First Series (2d Ed.), page 21.
Brewster does not cite his authority : and it may be that 1085 is a typographic*
error for some later date.
In the Rockingham Registry of Deeds, at Exeter, is the record of a convey-
ance of land in Portsmouth, by Samuel Penhallow (and Mary, his wife), to Johr
Snell, dated 20 August, 1692, which describes the premises as being " near ye
house in which John Partridge now Dwelleth comonly called ye great house in
ye towne of Portsm°." Lib. 6,/oZ. 151. Frank W. Hackett.
Warren axd Waters. — Dr. Ira Warren, of Boston (1806-1864), says in his
" Household Physician." " I say to all young persons, value very highly the
knowledge of your family history, which you may easily learn from your par-
ents, grandparents, uncles and aunts ; and esteem those very highly who are
able to impart it to you. Soon the living records will be suddenly blotted by
the hand of death, and then no regret for past negligence will enable you to
repair your loss, if you have mis-improved your opportunity."
Dr. Warren was one of niue children of Asa and Jemima (Kellogg) Warren,
as follows, — Orson, Sylvanus, Asa, Stephen, Silas, Ira, Hiram, Diadany and
Lucy. In his will of April 28, 1864, the doctor mentions his wife Ruth S., his
brother Silas, sister Lucy Wells of Hiistisiord, Wis., his nephew Ira, son of
his brother Asa of Loudon, Ont., his nephew Ira, son of Manton of Minn., his
nephew Dewey K. Warren of Boston, his wife's brother Thomas Turner, Win-
throp, Suffolk Co., Mass., bequeaths a section of land in Clark Co., Iowa, a farm
in Pembroke, Mass., and the remainder of his estate to Tufts College, Medford,
Mass., to found Warren Observatory.
His brother, Asa Kellogg Warren" b. in Vt. Mar. 22, 1798, was m. to Clarissa
Waters (b. in Vt. June 2771802), by Col. Thomas Talbot, in the " London Dis-
trict," of Canada, Sept. 18, 1820, and had 8 daughters and 1 son. He cl. near
London, Middlesex Co., Ont., Mav 3, 1867. She d. at Ailsa Craig, Ont., Eeb.
27, 1881.
Dr. Ira Warren used to say that his grandfather, Col. Gideon Warren of the
Revolution (lived in the southern towns of Vermont but died at the house of
his son Caleb in Hampton. X. Y.), was a personal friend of Ethan Allen, and a
first cousin to Gen. Joseph Warren. M.D. (1711-1775), of Bunker Hill fame.
For proof or disproof of this last statement I shall be very grateful.
Charles Wells Waters, b. in Georgia, Chittenden Co., Vt., June 4, 1796, was
taken to Canada in 1802, with his parents, and lived at Longville on the Ottawa
River 14 years; m. Diadany Warren Jan. 14, 1815, and moved to Southwold,
Elgin Co., Ont., in 1816, and settled on " Eront Street," near Col. Mahlon Bur-
well. They had 7 daughters and 6 sons. Mrs. Waters d. Dec. 4, 1873, aged 78 ;
he d. in 1880.
His father, Trueman Waters, b. in Conn, m. Phila Wells and had one son and
two daughters in Vermont. From there he moved with his son Charles W. to
Southwold, Ont., and there married a second wife, and died in 1852, aged 82.
Phila Waters, sister of Charles W., b. 1799, m. Samuel Pierce in Elgin Co., and
had 3 sons and 3 daughters. Clarissa, before mentioned, m. Asa Warren, jun.
Trueman Waters's" father was Capt. Abel Waters, b. in R. I., and his father
from Wales. Capt. A. W.'s family were Lucy, Betty Ann, Eunice, Sally,
Trueman, Daniel and Charles. His wife was a Tomlinson; both died at Long-
vilie, Can. : he was 82. Wai. E. Chute.
Woodbridge. — John Woodbridge has children born in York, of Elizabeth his
wife, the daughter of George Norton, viz. : 1. John Woodbridge, b. Sept. 29,
1718. 2. Mercy Woodbridge, b. June 21, 1720. 3. Ereelove Woodbridge, b.
Nov. 29, 1722. 4. Lois Woodbridge, b. April 28, 1725. 5. Eunice Woodbridge,,
b. Sept. 8, 1727. 6. Paul Woodbridge, b. March 28, 1730.
Town Records (Births and Deaths) York, Maine, vol. i. page 35.
Portsmouth, Indian Servant of John Woodbridge, died April 20, 1720, aged — .
Ibid, page 3. Framk W. Hackett.
88 JVotes and Queries. [Jan.
/ Queries.
Weeks. — I wish to beg the assistance of your readers towards fixing the
original home of a certain Thomas Weeks or Weekes, who appeared in Perqui-
mans County. North Carolina, between 1723 and 1727. He is mentioned in the
records for the first time in the latter year. Eis wife was named Anne. He is
called "gentleman" and '-school-teacher." He acquired a considerable local
prominence; he was sheriff of the county, represented it in the General Assembly
for a number of years, and was for many^ycars a justice of the peace and judge
of the general court. He died in 1763, leaving one or two daughters ?w 1 six-
sons, whose names were Thomas, John, Benjamin, Samuel, James and Wilson.
The descendants of Thomas are still numerous. The other lines are almost
extinct. He left a large property, consisting chiefly of negroes and real estate.
I think he emigrated to North Carolina from Massachusetts. I should be glad
to correspond with any one who can give me any light as to his earlier home,
his personal history aud his family connections. Stephen B. Weeks.
Trinity College, Trinity, North Carolina.
Taber — Morehouse. — Lydia Foster (b. 21 Feb. 17621, daughter of James
Foster and Mary Lewis of Rochester, married (27 Apr. 1786) Richard Taber of
Dartmouth and New York City. Their son, David Corey Taber, of New York
City, married Esther Morehouse (b. 8 Dec. 1791, at Saugatuck, now Westport,
Fairfield County, Conn.).
The undersigned will be glad to receive any information about the ancestry
of either Richard Taber or Esther Morehouse. Sidney Richmond Taber.
The Brambles, Lake-Forest, Illinois.
Church. — Information is desired as to the ancestry of Simeon Church of
Chester Parish, Saybrook, Conn., b. about 1708, who d. there Oct. 7. 1792, in
84th year, aud his wife Eunice, b. about 1719, who d. there July 16. 1809, in 90th
year, with dates of marriage of their children : Titus, Pawlet, Vt., 1803; Eunice,
who m. Phineas Warner, Saybrook, 1803; Philemon, Saybrook, 1803; John,
Winchester, Conn., 1803; Samuel, Saybrook, 1803; and dates and places of death
of the above, except Eunice, and also of Lois, wife of Simeon Brooks, Saybrook,
1803; Eliza, wife of Isaiah Huntley, Marlow, N. H., 1803, and Simeon, Rensse-
laerville, N. Y.. 1803.
Also respecting the ancestry of the follov^ija^-early settlers of Granville,
Mass., viz. : Samuel Church, b. about 1708, who died 1796, aged 84, and Jonathan
Church, b. about 1713. who d. April 13, 1809, aged $5. /
77 Wall St., New Haven, Conn. ^^Xccius M. Boltwood.
Willoughby Queries. — 1. Deputy Governor Francis Willoughby, of Charles-
town, Mass., iu his will June 4, 1670. gives to " cousin March liberty during her
widowhood to live in and make use of my house in which she now dwells, rent
free." Who was " cousin March? "
2. The will of William Willoughby, son of theDep. Gov. Francis Willonjehby,
was filed Dec. 7, 1694. in Middlesex. Probate Court. He left to " cousin Eliza-
beth Moore £10." Who was she?
Information is desired by Mrs. E. E. Salisbury, New Haven, Conn.
Palmer. — I am desirous of obtaining information relative to the " West-
chester Palmer Genealogy." I have in my possession the entire line of my own
ancestry from year 1619 to present dace, beginning with William Palmer of
Mam-a-roneek, Westchester Co., N. York, but am unable to trace beyond that
date. At the suggestion of a friend who has had more experience in tracing up
such matters, I have ventured to request that you publish a query in the Regis-
ter, asking that anyone possessing a clue to information regarding books,
traditions, or records, pertaining to said William Palmer of Westchester, would
communicate with me. Address Mrs. E. E. Poppleton.
502 Giddiiu/s Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.
1892.] Notes and Queries. 89
Waterhouse and WniTEnousE. — Who were the parents of Mary Water-
house who married Caleb Robinson about 1700?
Any person having a genealogy of the Whitehouse family will confer a favor
by addressing the subscriber, William H. Kelley.
No. 142 East Vnictrsity St., St. Paul, Minn.
Chandler. — I write to ask if any of the readers of the Register can assist
me in finding the pareutage of Sarah Chandler, born perhaps at Stratford. Ct.,
and married about 17G0 to Andrew Patterson, then of said Stratford. They
lived successively at Cornwall. Ct., Piermont, N. H.. Wethersfleld, Ct., and New
Lebanon, X. Y., where she died 1801. She does not appear in Dr. Chandler's
Chandler Family. Geo. Dudley Seymour.
118 York St., New Haven, Ct.
John Traske, Senior, of Beverly, Mass., 16S7-1729. — In the inventory of
the estate of Osmond Trask, of Beverly, rendered by his widow Elizabeth Trask,
Administratrix, March 27, 1677, as attests Robert Lord. Cler. (Ipswich Records,
iv. 80), is the following item : " dew from John Trask his Brothers Son "02."
It was thought, for a long time, that the above had reference to John Trask,
son of Capt. William, of Salem, it being then unknown, to those interested,
that there were any persons in this country, at that period, bearing the name of
John Trask. excepting said John, of Salem, and a minor son of Osmond, of
Beverly. And yet there was a great disparity between the ages of Capt. WiUiani
and Osmond, the latter being about 36 or 38 years the junior of Capt. William,
according to the record of the depositions of said parties made in the years 1660,
1664 and 1665, as printed in the Register, viii. 163. It has, however, recently
come to light, that there was a John Traske. senior, of Beverly, " sea faring
man," who, on the loth of March, 1C87-8, with consent of his wife, Hannah
[SolartJ, for a consideration of £6. 15s. conveys to Jacob Grigs, Cooper, land in
Beverly (Essex Deeds, Lib. ix. 110). Again, John Traske Junr. of Salem, sells
John Trask. of Beverly, " seaman," 2.^ acres of land in Beverly, April 23, 1601
(Essex Deeds, xix. 187). Finally, Oct. 28, 1715, John Traske, of Beverly 4- hus-
bandman," for £311 conveys to Robert Morgan, of the same town, Cooper, his
mansion or dwelling house and homestead adjoining, in Beverly, 20 acres; also,
10 acres of land in Longham Meadow, in said Beverly, one-third part of the
wood lot he bought in partnership with Nathaniel Stone, Juir. and Joseph
Eaton, and, all his Commonages and Right in the Common and un ivided lands
in Beverly. This was acknowledged, Nov. 2. 1715, by said John Traske and
Hannah, his wife, who resigned her right of dower (Essex Deeds, Lib. xxviii.
As a serine! to this, we are informed by the records (Middlesex Deeds, Lib. xvii.
494), that William Reed, of Lexington, Mass., on the 21st of September, 1715.
£•130 being paid by John Traske. of Beverly, " husbandman," sells said Traske
60 acres of land in Lexington, with Mansion house, &c. And here the family
remained, John Traske conveying to his 'L well beloved son," Nathaniel, of Lex-
ington, his real estate in Lexington, 60 acres of laud, &c., corresponding to the
grant made to him by said William Reed, together with his " whole pew in the
Meeting House," Feb. 6, 1728-9 (Middlesex Deeds, xxxii. 306}.
Nathaniel, above, had son. Nathaniel, born in Lexington, March 18, 1721, who
was ordained pastor of the Congregational Church at Brentwood, N. IT. Dec.
12, 1748 ; died Dec. 12, 1789. on the 41st anniversary of his ordination. Through
this Rev. Nathaniel Trask, grandson of John and Hannah Solart) Trask, and
his brothers John and Jonathan (the former of whom, born in Lexington, Feb.
8, 1717-18, was of W>burn. 1751;, are descended many bearing our nan::-, in
Maine, New Hampshire and elsewhere, and in the male and femaie branches
connecting themselves with numerous families, among them those of Bateheider,
Beinis, Brown. Chick, Cox, Drew, Emery, Ferguson, Fifieid, Fisk, Fo.ult. Gor-
don. Greene, Greeuleaf, Harrington, Hill, Hitchcock, Huse, Jewell, Junn^on.
90 JVotes and Queries, [Jan.
Knowlton, Ladd, Leavitt, Leighton, Leitch, Moore. Morris, Prescott, Heed,
Rich, Robinson. Sawyer, Scott. Simpson. Soaper, Spaulding, Stearns. Stockwell,
Thing, Tufts, Willard, Williamson, Wills, Woodcock, Wyman, and others.
See Hudson's History of Lexington, page 245 ; History and Genealogy of the
Trask family, by R. D. Trask, Portland, 1S77, liJmo. pp. 36. where the descen-
dants of Rev. Nathaniel in one line are given; Annals of Brentwood, N. H.,
Congregational Church aud Parish, by Rev. Benjamin A. Dean, Boston, 1889 ;
Register, xxxii. 73-75.
It would seem, therefore, quite probable, that John Traske, senior, of Beverly,
who married Hannah Solart, and settled in Lexington, was the " Brothers Son "
mentioned in the Inventory of Osmond Trask, and not John, the son of Capt.
In conclusion, the writer of this is desirous of being informed as to the par-
entage and time of death of said John, senior, of Beverly and Lexington.
William B. Trask.
Marshall P. Wilder's Christian Names. — Mr. Wilder on several occasions
informed me that he at first bore the name of Marshall Pinckney Gerry Wilder,
being so named by his father for John Marshall. Charles Cotesworth Pinckney
and Elbridge Gerry, the envoys to France appointed in 1797 by President John
Adams. I stated this, in a foot-note on page 234 of the 42d volume of the
Register, adding that on one occasion Mr. Wilder, at a meeting of the NeAV-
England Historic Genealogical Society, told the story to his hearers. I find
that it was at the meeting on Wednesday. Nov. 2. 1881, and that his remarks are
printed in the report of that meeting in the Boston Doily Advertiser of Dec. 3.
The report was written by Mr. Daniel Weld Baker, then a member of our Society,
who assures me that he took particular pains to give Mr. Wilder's statement
about his name in his own words. At that meeting a paper was read by the
Rev. Edwin M. Stone of Providence, R. I., entitled "Reminiscences of Marble-
head." In it Mr. Stone referred to Elbridge Gerry and the Gerrymander. Mr.
Wilder made some remarks at the close of the paper, which are thus reported
in the Advertiser :
" In expressing his appreciation of the value of the paper, President Wilder
reverted to the comment which had been made on Elbridge Gerry, and gave it
as an anecdote personal to himself that his father had at first named him Mar-
shall Pinckney Gerry Wilder, but after the gerrymander doings he lost his admira-
tion and had the " Gerry" struck out from his son's name." j. w. D.
A Few Notes on Maverick's Description of New England. — In the Reg-
ister for January, 1885, vol. 39, pages 33 to 48, was printed a " Description of
New England," by Samuel Maverick. The following notes on that paper by
the late Charles Deane, LL.D., are extracted from a letter to the editor of this
magazine dated Dec. 2, 1884 :
" I have read the Maverick paper with much interest. It is of great value.
Of course there are many errors it it. made by Maverick himself, such as we
might expect him to make. In the dates of patents he is altogether out.
But some of the errors may be errors of the copyist. Now the date of
Levett's patent, under 'CascoBay' [page 35]. is given as 1632. It should be
1623. And there is a similar error under Braintree as "1632 or thereabouts"
[page 40]. If they had a patent, it was probably in 1623 or thereabouts.
"In the paragraph above, ' Boston' [pasre 39], Nasascot should be Natascot.
In the second paragraph preceding the ' Decription of Plymouth bounds,' the
comma should be deled in ' Obadiah, Holmes' [page 42]. Near the close of the
article, 'now Amsterdam' [page 47, 3d par. from bottom], should be 'new
Amsterdam.' "
Note by the editor of the Begister. — In the preface to Maverick's paper, it is
stated on page 33 that " Maverick when Winthrop and his company arrived was
settled at Noddle's Island now East Boston." It should be " at Winnesimmet
now Chelsea." See a paper by Hon. Mellen Chamberlain in the Proceedings of
the Massachusetts Historical Society, 2d series, vol. i. pp. 366-73.
Judge Batcheider thinks that " Christo : Bachelor and Company" (page 35),
is a mistake for " Crispe, Bachelor and Compauy." See Register for January,
1892, the present number, page 62.
1892.] Notes and Queries. 91
John Trask — Correction. — Abner C. Goodell, Jr., A.M. of Salem, in a com-
munication to the Register (xviii. 150-153), on the "Potter Family." has,
among others, the following note on page 153. " John Trask, 4th deponent, was
son of William, who came prior to the arrival of Endicott — bap. 13. 7. 1612, and
died 14 Apr. 1700. in his 50th year — so says his gr. stone in Beverly."
This is correct until it comes to the time of death and age of said John, who
did not die " 14 Apr. 1700. in his 59th year." lie passed away in November,
1729, his will being made Nov. 1st of that year, and proved Nov. 21st following,
aged 87 years (Es-ex Wills, xvi. 171).
The John Trask who was buried in the Abbott Street bnrying-ground at Bev-
erly, to which the words " so says his gr. stone in Beverly" in this article un-
doubtedly refer, was born in B. Oct. 1, 1721, and died, says the ^rave-stone,
"April 14, 1760, in the 39th year of his age." He was, according to the family
records, son of Joseph, grandson of Samuel, and great-grandson of Osmond, of
Injustice to the writer of the above quoted note from the Register, it should
be mentioned, that the latter part of the paragraph was based on an incorrect
copy of the inscription on the gravestone given him by another person.
William B. Trask.
Historical Intelligence.
Quarter Millenary of tfle Pillsbury Family. — The 250th anniversary of
the settlement of William Pillsbury in New England was commemorated by a
meeting of his descendants at Newburyport, Mass., on Thursday, Sept. 3. 1891.
This is. the third reunion of this family, the first meeting being held in 1888, at
which 106 persons Were present, and the second in 1889, when 111 were present.
This is the largest gathering that has yet been held, 176 descendants being
present. These reunions have been brought about through the exertions of
Misses Emily A. and Ellen P. Getchell of Newbnryport, who are descendants
and who have spent much time in preparing a genealogy of the Pillsbury family.
The president, Hon. A. E. Pillsbury of Boston, presided at the gathering. The
literary exercises con-isted ot speeches and poems. A dinner was served and
the site of the old Pillsbury house in High street was visited. A full list of
officers waschoseu. Among them were Hon. Albert E. Pillsbury, president : Hon.
E. I. Pillsbury of Chariestown, Mass., secretary; Mr. Charles E. Pillsbury of
Biddeford, Me., treasurer; and Miss Emily A. Getchell of Newburyport. histo-
rian. The meeting seems to have passed off very pleasantly. A full report is
printed in the Salem Press Historical and Genealogical Record for October, 1891,
pp. 68 to 78, and in the Nev:bur>jport Daily Standard, Sept. 4, 1891.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Salisbury of New Haven, Conn., are printing,
"privately," and have nearly completed, a book of "Family Histories and
Genealogies." It is not a mere collection of names and dates, buc a book of
family-history, adding to previous information many new facts which have
been obtained abroad, as well as in this country. The book will be of great
and ever-increasing interest to present and future generations of the families
specified, and their allies, and also valuable to genealogists, antiquaries, and
historians, in general. The work comprises monographs on the families of
McCurdy. Mitchell. Lord, Lynde, Digby Newdigate, Willoughby, Griswold,
Wolcott, Pitkin. Ogden, Johnson, Diodati, Lee. and Marvin; with notes, more
or less full, on the families of Buchanan, Parmelee. Boardman, Lay. Hoo,
Locke, Cole. DeWolf, Drake, Bond, Swayne, Dunbar, and Clark?. The text,
indexes, and armorial bearings, accompanied by thirty-one large folded pedigree
charts, on bond paper, will be in three volumes large 4to. of about fifteen hun-
dred pages. The edition is of three hundred copies, of which nearly two-thirds
have been sold or otherwise appropriated. Mr. and Mrs. Salisbury will give
further information, on application.
Titled Families in America. — The descendants of those who have received
titles or decorations of honor from royalty for meritorious actions are requested
to send their pedigrees and other information to F. G. Forsyth, Norfolk, Va.,
who is collecting material for a work of the above name.
VOL. XL VI. 8*
92 Notes and Queries. [Jan.
The Maternal Ancestors of James Russell Lowell. — Paymaster Joseph
Foster, IT. S.N. , of Portsmouth, N. H., has written two very interesting articles
on this subject, which were printed in the Portsmouth Journal, Sept. 5. 1891, and
the New York Critic, Oct. 10, 1891. Among the families mentioned from which
Mr. Lowell was descended on the mother's^side are Spence, Traill, Whipple and
Cutt. Several generations of the maternal ancestors of this eminent poet,
essayist and statesman resided in Portsmouth.
Professor C. E. Norton, Mr. Lowell's literary executor, says, that these articles
are "a very useful contribution to the history of Mr. Lowell's family, and all
the more interesting because many of the most striking traits of his character
and genius came to him from his mother's side."
Register of S. Mary's Parish Church. Reading, Berks. — The Rev. Gibbs
Payne Crawfurd, M.A., has issued a prospectus for publishing the registers of
this church, from 1538 to 1812. It is proposed to publish the work in two
volumes, vol. 1 to contain Baptisms, and vol. 2 Marriages and Burials. The
first volume is now in press. It wiil make a volume of 336 pages on extra thick
paper with velleni back, gold-lettered. A complete index of persons and places,
and a list of subscribers will be given. The edition will be limited to 100 copies.
The greatest care has been taken to ensure accuracy. Subscriptions should be
sent to Rev. Mr. Crawfurd, 33 Baker Street, Reading, Berks., England. Price
to subscribers £1. Is. post free.
Poster's Address on Gen. William Whipple, Signer of the Declaration
of Independence. — The Portsmouth Daily Ereuinrj Times, Nov. 23, 1801, con-
tains a full report of the address on William Whipple by Paymaster Joseph
Poster, U. S. N., delivered at Music Hall, Portsmouth, N. H., Nov. 20th, on the
occasion of the presentation of the portraits of Whipple and Farragut by Storer
Post No. 1, G. A. R., to the schools bearing those names. This address will
also appear in a pamphlet soon to be issued containing the proceedings on that
Richard Clarke of Boston. — Some genealogical items about this person
will be found ante, page 16, in Dr. Slade's contribution. We are happy to state
that a careful pedigree of this Clarke family, which is distinct from several
others of the name in Boston, has been prepared by Isaac J. Greenwood, A.M.,
and will soon be printed in' the Register.— Editor.
Genealogies in Preparation. — Persons of the several names are advised to
furnish the compilers of these genealogies with records of their own families
and other information which they think may be useful. We would suggest that
all facts of interest illustrating family hi.-tory or character be communicated,
especially service under the U. S. government, the holding of other offices,
graduation from college or professional schools, occupation, with places and
dates of births, marriages, residence and death. When there are more than one
christian name they should all be given in full if possible. No initials should be
used when the full names are known.
Elder. — A genealogy of the Elder family in Scotland, Ireland, Canada, and
the United States, is being compiled by J. J. Elder, 1 Board of Trade, Indian-
apolis. He would be obliged for authentic information as to the origin of the
name, and the early history of the family; also for genealogies of the different
branches of the family in the above-mentioned countries.
Mathewson and Sjproule. — J. J. Elder, 1 Board of Trade, Indianapolis, Ind.,
has in preparation genealogies of these families. The Mathewsons crossed
from the Hebrides, Scotland, into the north of Ireland, about two hundred
years ago ; and from these most of their descendants have emigrated to the New
World, and are settled at Montreal, Winnipeg, Detroit, New York and many
other places on this continent. The Sproules, who have frequently intermarried
with the Mathewsons, were Lairds of Cowden in Scotland, from the time of
Robert Bruce. They sold their estates to the Earls of Dundonald, and removed
to County Tyrone, Ireland, where the majority of their descendants reside, but
a portion of them are in the United States. Mr. Elder has already collected
some valuable materials, and invites correspondence.
1892.] Societies and their Proceedings. 93
New-England Historic Genealogical Society.
Boston, Massachusetts, Wednesday, October 7, 1891. — A stated meeting was
held this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the lower hall of Boston University, 12 Somer-
set Street, the president, Abner C. Goodell, Jr., A.M., in the chair.
The Rev. Ezra Hoyt Byington, D.D., read a paper, entitled "Some of the
Makers of New England."
In the absence of Hamilton Andrews Hill, A.M., the historiographer, Mr.
Henry H. Edes presented his report : that since his last report three resident
members, Messrs. Edward Stearns, William Henry Kennard, and Hon. George
Bailey Loring; one honorary member, Benson John Lossing, LL.D. ; and four
corresponding members, Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, LL.D., Lyman Copeland
Draper, LL.D., Hon. John Hazlehurst Bonneval Latrobe and Austin Wells Hol-
den, M.D., have died.
The librarian presented his monthly report.
November 4. — A stated meeting was held this afternoon at three o'clock in the
lower hall of Boston University, President Goodell in the chair.
The Rev. E. J. V. Huiginn, of Duxbury, delivered an address on " The Dis-
covery of the Grave of Myles Standish."
The historiographer reported the death of Mr. John Wooldredge, a life member.
The Rev. George M. Bodge, chairman of the special committee appointed at
the annual meeting to investigate the matter of the sale, exchange and removal
of books, pamphlets and newspapers by order of the Council, reported, that in
the opinion of the committee, the work " was faithfully and judiciously done.*'
December 4. — A stated meeting was held at the lower hall of Boston Uni-
versity at three o'clock this afternoon, President Goodell in the chair.
Prof. Nathaniel S. Shaler of Harvard University read a paper entitled " Gen-
ealogy from the point of view of Natural Science." The paper was printed in
full in the Boston Commonwealth, Dec. 12. 1891.
The librarian made his report for two months.
The historiographer reported the recent deaths of Wiiliam Coleman Eolger,
a corresponding, and Thomas Hill, D.D.. LL.D., an honorary member.
On motion of Mr. Henry H. Edes, it was unanimously Voted, That until
otherwise ordered by the Society, the Nominating Committee shall send annu-
ally to the Recording Secretary a list of its nominees in season for him to send a
copy thereof to every Resident and Life Member with the notice of the Annual
The president appointed the following named gentlemen a committee to
nominate officers for the ensuing year: Andrew McEarland Davis, S.B., Hon.
Martin Parry Kennard, Hon. Stephen Henry Phillips, LL.B., Mr. David Board-
man Elint and William Copley Winslow, D.D.
Mr. Samuel Johnson and Charles Sherburne Penhallow, A.B., were appointed
a committee to audit the treasurer's accounts.
Kew Hayen Colony Historical Society.
New Haven, Conn., Monday, Nov. 30, 1891. — At the Annual Meeting of the
Society held this day, the following officers were elected for the ensuing
year :
President. — Simeon E. Baldwin.
Vice President. — Eli Whitney.
Secretary. — Thomas R. Trowbridge.
Treasurer. — Charles S. Leete.
The Society has recently received from Henry F. English, Esq., the deed of
a lot oOxlGO ft. situate on Grove Street, facing Hillhouse Avenue, and valued at
$11,000. Mr. English has also signified his intention to erect thereon a hand-
some and suitable building for the Society as a memorial of his father, the late
Hon. James E. English.
94 Societies and their Proceedings. [Jan.
Old Colony Historical Society.
Taunton, Massachusetts, Thursday. Oct. 15, 1S91. — A quarterly meeting was
held this afternoon, the president. Rev. S. Hopkins Emery, D.D.. in the chair.
President Emery delivered the opening address. Messrs. James E. Seaver,
Isaac TV. Wilcox and Leonard B. Ellis were appointed a committee to nomiuace
officers at the annual meeting.
Hon William E. Fuller and others -were appoiuted a committee to confer with
the trustees of the Bristol Academy, incorporated June 30. 1702, and secure, if pos-
sible, a suitable observance of the one hundredth anniversary of its foundation.
Mr,. Edgar H. Heed, the historiographer, reported the recent deaths of three
members, namely. Messrs. John Wilson Smith (who left a bequest of $500);
Frederic V. Brown and Ransom Matteson.
Mr. George Eox Tucker, of New Bedford, read a paper on " The Characteris-
tics of the Quaker element in the New-England — and more particularly the Old
Colony — Life iu the middle of the Seventeenth Century/'
The constitution was amended so as to fix the sum for life membership at ten
Capt. John W. D. Hall, the librarian, reported mauy valuable donations.
Rhode Island Historical Society.
Taunton, Mass.. Tuesday, July 7, IS 91. — A quarterly meeting was held this
day at the Cabinet iu Waterman Street, the president, Gen. Horatio Rogers, in
the chair.
Dr. Amos Perry, the librarian, reported that there had been added to the
library, 39 volumes and 193 pamphlets and unclassified articles.
Gen. Rogers called Air. Alfred Stone to the chair, and offered a resolution that
the society gratefully appreciates the attention shown to the members on their
visit to Salem, by the Essex Institute, by the Feabody Academy of Science, by
the Hon. Robert S. Rantoul, mayor of Salem, and by other persons and organiza-
October 6. — A quarterly meeting was held this evening.
Superb portraits of Gov. Joseph Wanton and his wife, painted in England a
century and a quarter ago, presented by Mr. Edward Terry "Warren of Boston.
were exhibited, and thanks were voted to the donor. Gov. Wantou was the last
colonial governor of Rhode Island.
November 3. — A meeting was held this evening. Hon. George !\I. Carpenter,
the first vice-president, read a paper on " Modern Historical Aims and Methods."
The new portrait gallery, the largest of the new Cabinet apartmeuts, was
opened on- this occasion. It is a room twenty feet square, lighted from the
dome and directly in the rear of the original structure, Portraits of historical
meu and women, and paintings of historical scenes, rill the walls of the room.
The building will be opened for public inspection at a later date.
November 17. — A fortnightly meeting was held this evening.
Mr. Robert T. Swan, record commissioner of the state of Massachusetts, read
a paper entitled, '■ A Commission ou Public Records; its Work and its Possi-
December 1. — A stated meeting was held this evening in the Society's lecture
room, Amos Perry. I.L.D., in the chair.
Rev. William Chauncey Langdon. D.D., read a paper on ''Revolutions in
Italy 1859 to 1871."
Maine Historical Society.
Portland, Thursday, December 10, 1891. — A meeting was held this afternoon
in the library room. Baxter Building. In the absence of President Baxter, the
Hon. George F. Talbot was elected chairman.
Mr. Hubbard Win slow Bryant, the librarian, reported 475 volumes and 225
pamphlets as donations since the last meeting.
The iir&t papei' presented was a •• Memoir of the late William M. Sargent," by
Charles E. Banks, M.D. It was read by the Rev. Dr. H. S. Barrage.
Mr. Barker McCobb Read, of Bath, next read a paper on •• The Dukedom of
1892.] Necrology of Histdric Genealogical Society. 95
Mr. Edward P. Burnhani read a biographical notice of Joseph Dane of Ken-
Hon. Joseph Williamson read the fourth paper, entitled " Sketches of the
Earlier Ministers of Maine," written by the late Hon. William D. Williamson,
the historian of Maine.
Mr. Samuel T. Pickard followed with a "Memoir of the late Edward H.
Elwell." The meeting then adjourned to the evening.
The evening session began at half past seven.
The first paper was a tribute to the memory of Dr. Fordyce Barker of New
York City.
The next paper, " An Account of the Graves-Cilley Duel," written by Hon.
Horatio King, was reau by Mr. George F. Emery.
Prepared by Hamilton Andrews Hill, A.M., Historiographer of the Society.
The Historiographer would inform the Society, that the sketches pre-
pared for the Register are necessarily brief in consequence of the limited
space which can be appropriated. All the facts, however, which can be
gathered are retained in the Archives of the Society, and will aid in more
extended memoirs for which the " Towne Memorial Fund," the gift of the
late William B. Towne, is provided. Four volumes, printed at the charge
of this fund, entitled ''Memorial Biographies," edited by the Commit-
tee on Memorials, have been issued. They contain memoirs of all the
members who have died from the organization of the society to the year
1862. A fifth volume is ready for the press.
William Tolman Carlton, Esq., of Boston, a resident member, elected
Sept. 6, 1371, died at his residence in the Dorchester district, June 28, 1888.
lie was born in Boston, January 30, 1818. He was son of William Leeds and
Mary Jane (Millet) Carlton. His birth place was the building known as the
"Bunch of Grapes Tavern," which stood at the corner of Kilby and State
Streets, and wras used as a residence at the time referred to. Much of his child-
hood was passed iu his father's later residence, which stood at the corner of
Williams Court and the present Court Square, where the senior Carlton carried
on a West India goods store in the lower front of the building. Later the
family removed to Dorchester, in which town the subject of our sketch was
educated iu the common school and the then existing Dorchester Academy.
Conditions of health frustrated an intention on his part to prepare for college,
and he directed his attention to a career as an artist, for which he early mani-
fested a native aptitude. In pursuance of this he spent several years in Europe,
mostly in Italy, with journeys in Germany and France for observation of art
galleries, etc., and followed his profession as artist for part of one year in Paris.
He returned to this country in 1810 and practised portrait painting, and gave
instruction to private classes in drawing, as yielding the best immediate
pecuniary returns. A portrait of Rev. Dr. John "Pierce, of Brookline, painted
in February, 1841, was one of those executed at this period. Between
1847 and 1850 he was in Albany, N. Y., where he painted portraits, principally;
among others one of Silas Wright, then or previously governor of the State.
He resumed professional work in Boston in 1850, and in the following year
was nominated, or virtually, selected, by Mr. George Holiings worth, an artist
of repute, as his assistant in carrying oh the school for *ree instruction in
art, wmich, during the preceding year, had been opened by the Lowell
Institute, with Mr. Hollingsworth as sole teacher. In carrying forward
successfully this enterprise of the Institute the two were happily and harmoni-
96 Necrology of Historic Genealogical Society. [Jan.
ottsly associated during the following 27 years, when the school was terminated
by the projectors, principally because the method of instruction first introduced
in 1S50, and steadily pursued, had now been generally adopted by art teachers,
both in schools of free instruction and in prvar.e art schools or classes. The
date of the event was determined by the circumstance of the demolition of the
building on Washington Street, which, for many years, had been leased by ttie
Institute. In respect to the method of instruction the two teachers had origin-
ally been of one mind. Its main characteristics were the giving of instruction
to beginners from real objects, — teaching " from the round" as it was called —
instead of copying from drawings or paintings, — called teaching -'from the
flat," — and in practice in drawing or painting from living models. .Many of the
most eminent artists of Boston of later years took their first lessons in this
school, which both in respect to originating the method in Boston and the skill
and efficiency of the two teachers has a wide aud deserved celebrity. This de-
votion of his best years to instruction limited the career of Mr. Carlton in
respect to or'r; rial production. Besides portraits, of which there were a con-
siderable number, certain paintings of the genre order, and heads or full figures
of unique or striking feature among the peasantry of foreign lands, are in the
list. Of the former class several gained extensive recognition and praise at
the time of their production. Mr. Carlton was married on June 1, 180-1, to Mary
Elizabeth Blanchard of Portland, Me. Tins was her name by adoption, Raynes
having been the ancestral name. The name Carlton was by the earlier genera-
tions spelled Kilton, and as such is of Dorchester origin from an early date.
The change, in this case, was made in Mr. William Leeds Carlton's day.
As being identified with Dorchester through the family of Kilton, and on
his mother's side with that of Millett, Mr. W. T. Carlton took a deep interest
in the antiquities of that town. He was from the beginning a member of the
Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society. He was a gentleman of urbane
manners and gracious presence and of uprightness and independence of charac-
ter, and was beloved and respected by a wide circle of friends and acquaintance.
By Daniel W. Baker, Esq., of Boston.
Rev. Henry Gookin Stoker, A.M., a corresponding member, elected Feb. 6.
1845, was the son of Seth and Sarah (Gookin) Storer. and wasborninBiddeford,
Me., Nov. 12, 1813. He graduated at Bowdoiu College in 1832, in a class with
several, since, famous men. among whom may be mentioned, Cyrus A. Bartol,
D.D.. Daniel R. Goodwin. D.D., President of Trinity College, Hartford. Conn.,
and Horatio Southgate, D.D. A course at Banger Theological Seminary fol-
lowed his College course, and he graduated from the Seminary in 1836.
He was ordained as an Evangelist, at MiLltown, N. B . March 30, 1852, and
was acting pastor of the Congregational Church there from 1849 to. 1852'. h\
1853 he was preaching at Eastport, Me., and in 1S60 was acting pastor of the
Hammond St. Church. Bangor, Me. In 1863 and for several short terms after-
wards he was in charge of the church in Scarboro'. In 1865 he was at East
Machias, Me. In 1867 he was living at West Newton, Mass.
At other times, aud when not permanently engaged in the ministry, he resided
at Scarborough. Me. His physical health was never good, and it was for this
reason that he declined repeated invitations to settle in permanent pastorates.
With every promise of success in the ministry, and amply endowed with those
qualities of mind and heart, which fitted him for his chosen profession, he wa3
constantly hindered and interrupted in his plans, and several congregations were
sad to lose, because of his uncertain health, one whom they had learned to respect
and love.
Mr. Storer was greatly interested in the history of Scarborough ; and Mr.
William S. Southgate, who published the history of that town in 1853, in his
preface, says of his book, - The ground-work of it is derived from MS. m>tes
of Rev. H.*G. Storer, whose praiseworthy diligence in collecting materials for
the history of the town, has rendered the subsequent labor one of arrangement
and enlargement only. It is to be regretted that one so thoroughly fitted for the
ta.^k as he, aid not complete what was so well begun." Mr. Storer was for
manv vears the ehief authority upon points of local history,and the genealogy
of old" families of Scarborough and vicinity. He never married. He died at
his home in Scarborough, Sept. 19. 1888. aged 71 years, 10 months and 7 days.
By the Bee. George J/. Bodoe, A. AT., of East Boston.
1892.] Book Xotices. 97
[The Editor requests persons sending bocks for notice to state, for the information of
readers, the price of each book, with the amount to be added for postage when sent by
Records of the First Church at Dorchester in New England: 1636-1134. Bos-
ton, Mass. : George H. Ellis, 141 Franklin Street. 1891. 8vo. pp. xxvi.-f-
270. Price §3.
This volume is issued in pursuance of a vote of the Church in July, 1888, to
print its first manuscript volume of records. It is a welcome addition to the
resources of the historian and the genealogist. The committee charged with
the work consisted of the pastor, the three deacous, Rev. S. J. Barrows and
Mr. William B. Trask, who are members of the Church. The preparation of
the principal preface or introduction, which is an important and highly interest-
ing part of the book, was assigned to the two gentlemen named. The publica-
tion is in fulfilment of a purpose long entertained, and which, from time to
time, has had prompting and encouragement on the part of others not connected
with the Church, who appreciated Hie great, and. possibly, in some particulars,
unique value of these ancient records as historical data. A favorable moment
appeared in an opportunity to obtain a competent transcriber having both the
time and zeal requisite for the patience-testing, and in some respects perplexing,
The transcriber is Rev. Charles H. Pope of Kennebunkport, Me., who though
not immediately identified with the Church is so at the second remove,- it having
been the church of his ancestors from the first settlement of the town. The
fidelity of his labors will be recognized by all who are in any degree familiar
with the original volume. The extent of these labors is not quite indicated by
the title of " copyist," which he assumes in his brief and pertinent preface.
The reading of the final proof sheets, with constant reference to the original
page, and the preparation of a complete index of names, a general index and an
index of places, are comprised iu the services rendered. The literary part of
the preface proper, or introduction, is the work of Rev. Mr. Barrows, who had
the assistance of Mr. Trask in the researches necessary for the presentation of
the statistics pertaining to local history.
The original is reproduced in its orthography, capital letters, abbreviations
and punctuation and the order of succession of the various entries. In this
last particular, as is often the case with ancient records, some irregularity ap-
pears as respects dates, certain of the early dates being towards the end of the
book, and certain leaves or pages being used here and there for memoranda of
different periods ; but the indexes make everything reasonably accessible. Not
only are to be found in the volume such affairs of the church routine as would be
expected, but also a prolonged marginalrecord of dates of birth made by Rev. John
Danf orth, pastor 1682-1730, who frequently in case of a dismissal from the Church
names the place to which the person removed; this last information, often
most valuable to an exploring genealogist ; and herein lies the possible unique
merit of the volume. There are a considerable number of miscellaneous entries,
and many which have the charm of quaintness. These with what is signified
in the formal record are helpful to one who would gain a correct mental picture
of times now distant ; for Dorchester dates not only from the beginning of the
Bay Colony, but during the period here covered, and much longer, was a typical
New-England puritanic community.
The introduction consists largely and very fitly of a presentation of the facts
of record bearing upon the question of the antiquity of the Dorchester Church,
ecclesiastically considered. A part of the Dorchester church of 1636. supposed
to be a majority of the membership, emigrated at that time and founded the
town of Windsor, Conn. The records of the original church, which ante-
dates the settlement of the town of Dorchester, having been organized at
Plymouth, England, in March, 1629-30, are not extant, so far as is known.
and there is nothing official to show whether the emigrating party went as
a church or not. As the surviving pastor, Rev. John Warham, two deacons
of the original church and a majority of members removed, it is the opinion of
98 Booh Notices. [Jan.
some that the church as an institution went also. There are writings, not
official, made by persons living contemporary, or nearly so, that signify this,
and other writings of the same period which are consistent with the conclusion
which is reached by the authors of the introduction, that the original church
separated into two nuclei, -whence, by accretion, came th? permanent church of
Dorchester and the permanent church of Windsor. The phraseology of the
introduction is, "The Churches at Dorchester and Windsor are both heirs of
the same parentage."
Whatever may finally be concluded on the matter, the fact is undisputed that
there was a reorganization of the church at Dorchester, Aug. 23, 1G3G, after the
departure for Windsor, which took place in April, and that the initiation of this
work of reorganization began also in April. The principal authorities relied on
by both sides of the controversy are quoted by the authors of the introduction.
They reach their conclusion with the minimum of argumentation, which judicial
form of presenting the case enhances the value of their chapter.
The volume is an excellent specimen of the printer's art. A single fault is
noticeable that does not detract essentially from its merit, in the omission of the
title page of the original volume, which was intended to be page 1, as the typo-
graphy shows. The caption of this title is, however, quoted in the introduction,
and the remainder of it is a mere recital-by classification of the contents, so
that nothing of significance fails to appear.
By Daniel W. Baker, Esq., of Boston.
Genea.Jogia Bedfordiensis ; being a Collection of Evidences relating chiefly to the
Landed Gentry of Bedfordshire, A.D. 1538-1700. Collected out of Parish
Begisters, the Bishops'1 Transcripts, Early Wills, Monumental Inscriptions, etc.
etc. Annotated with Copious Notes. By Frederick Augustus Blaydes,
Editor of the " Visitations of Bedfordshire" and "• Bedfordshire Notes and
Queries." London : Privately printed for the Editor at the Chiswick Press.
1890. Super Royal 8vo. pp. 508. Edition 100 copies, of which only a few
copies remain unsold. Price £2 5s., post free. Address the compiler, at
Shenstone Lodge, Bedford, England.
Mr. Blaydes, the compiler of this valuable work, began collecting genealogical
materials relating to Bedfordshire some nine years ago. " My original inten-
tion," he says, " was to make use of it in illustrating and extending the ' Visi-
tations of Bedfordshire,' edited by me for the Harleian Society in 1884; but, in
correspondence with several genealogical friends, I found many who, like my-
self, were interested in Bedfordshire families, so in order that the material
which I had collected might be available for such, I resolved to print a limited
edition for subscribers. The greater part of the contents of this volume has
never, till now, been printed, and I cannot but think they will prove useful to
the genealogist."
Mr. Blaydes's position as editor of the Bedfordshire Xotes and Queries, which
he has held for upwards of nine years, has afforded him excellent opportunities
for collecting and sifting materials relating to the genealogy of that county.
He has searched the registers of forty-seven parishes for facts, which registers
he found in a fairly good condition, generally speaking. "The conclusion I
have arrived at," he says, " is that those well cared for and kept in the more
equable temperature of the parsonage study are likely to last for all time,
whereas those kept in the damp, stagnant atmosphere of our too often, alas!
barred and bolted churches are gradually but surely decaying."
The preface gives a description of the plan of the work and the sources from
which the compiler has drawn his materials. The entries copied from parish
registers and bishops' transcripts are printed under the names of the parishes,
which are arranged alphabetically. The notes in illustration of these extracts
are appended, also arranged under the several parishes. They show a vast
amount of research. American readers will find matters of interest here. It
will be remembered that Mr. Blaydes furnished important facts to Mr. Waters
in his Washington research. (See Register, vol. 44, pp. 73-4, 308.)
The present volume closes with the year 1700; but Mr. Blaydes has later
material and can bring the work down to the close of the last century, in another
volume, if sufficient encouragement is offered him.
The book is handsomely printed on thick white paper, and illustrated with
facsimiles of the signatures of Bedfordshire Justices, 1GS5-1753, from the
parish registers of Stambridge, and of a page of a parish register, 1573-82. It
has a, full index.
1892.] Boole Notices. 99
Virginia Genealogies. A Genealogy of the Glassell Family of Scotland and
Virginia, also of the families of Ball, Broion, Bryan, Conicay, Daniel, Eicell,
Holladay, Leicis, LUtlepage, Moncure, Peyton, Robinson, Scott, Taylor, Wallace,
of Virginia and Maryland. By Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, M.A., Member
Southern Hist. Soc. ; Penn. Hist. Society; Wyoming Hist, and Geol. Soc. ;
Penn. Soc. Sons of the Revolution; Cor. Mem. New-Eng. Hist. Gen. Soc. ; and
Hist. Socs. of Md., Va., Ga., &c. &c. &c. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. : 1891. Large
8vo. pp. xviii.-f-770. Price $7.35, including postage.
The Rev. Mr. Hayden is favorably known as a zealous, untiring and thoroughly
conscientious student through his numerous published contributions in history,
genealogy and cognate fields during quite a score of years past.
The work, as he states in his preface, was commenced some eight years aso
at the instance of a cherished friend, a female parishioner of his. Instinctive
predilection impelled a wider scope as new information opened up to him, until
his loving task has assumed the present goodly proportions. He gratefully
acknowledges essential assistance from the late Richard Moncure Conway, of
Spotsylvania County, Va., a born genealogist, and the brother of the widely-
known writer, Moncure Daniel Conway. Mr. Hayden has been characteristically
assiduous, in this, a labor extraneous of his dutiful life-calling, and has made it
paramountry the object in his literary labors. The result is gratifyingly what
might be expected from him and under such circumstances. Virginia genealogy,
duly appreciated and justly w~orked, is an attractive field, fruitful in valuable
results contributary to a correct apprehension of Virginia in her people and her
history, and coutributarily of the American nation.
The present work is undoubtedly the most accurate in data and the most
comprehensive in scope and material of any as yet published of the Virginia
genealogies. In personal detail of prominent characters, in historic incident,
in pictures of social life, and in reminiscences characteristically Virginian or
Southern, it is peculiarly attractive and informatory. In tracing many of the
families deduced, back to Great Britain, much of interest and suggestion to the
student is presented.
In a preliminary paper on ''Descent," in admirable spirit, Mr. Hayden gives
much useful information in counteraction of silly prejudice and cherished
foibles — little vanities. The limits of this notice prescribe citation, but it may
be said that this paper will be appreciated on reading.
Some idea of the value of this admirable garner may be given, in that in its
nearly 800 large Svo. pages, thoroughly indexed and handsomely bound in cloth,
illustrated by portraits, and enriched by early wills, Revolutionary letters and
documents with biographical sketches replete with original data gleaned chiefly
from old parish, county and state records, is comprehended pedigrees, more or
less complete, of Maryland, Virginia and Kentucky families, embracing the
following names : Alexander, Ashby, Ashton, Ball. Bankhead, Barnes, Beckwith.
Blackburn, Blackwell, Briscoe, Britton, Brockenbrough, Bronaugh, Brown.
Bryan, Buchanan, Bullitt, Bushrod, Caile, Campbell, Cary, Carter, Chichester,
Chinn, Claggett, Corter, Conway, Cooke, Cordell, Cox, Crawley or Cralle,
Crosby, Covell, Dade, Daniel, Doddridge, Downman. Edwards," Eltonhead.
Eno, Eustace, Ewell, Eairfax, Eleet. Forrest, Foulke, lowke, Fox. Franklin.
Gaskius, Glassell, Grayson, Grinnan, Gordon, Halsey, Hanson, Harrison,
Hart, Hayden, Hayes, Henderson, Henry, Holladay, Horner, Hooe, Jones.
Kenner, Key, Lee, Lewis, Lippett, Littlepage, Madison. Marr, Mason, McCarty.
McGuire, Moncure, Morton, Morson, Xalie, Overton, i'atton, Paynter, Payne.
Pearson, Pegram, Peyton, Phillips, Pickett, Ramsey, Randolph, Robinson, Scar-
borough, Scriven, Scott, Smith, Somerville, Spaun, Stanard, Stone, Tabb.
Taliaferro, Taylor, Terry, Thacher, Threlkell, Thompson. Tomlin, Travers,
Tucker, Turner, Underwood, Vnnce, Waller, Wallace, Ware, Washington, Webb.
Weeks, Williams, Whiting, Winston, Wood, Wormley, Yates, etc. There
are over 100 full and extra pedigrees and excursi in addition to the sixteen
families of direct record.
There is some additional Washington matter in amplification of the invaluable
results of Mr. Waters, and indeed a flood of fact and illustration which will be
patent on examination.
By Robert A. BrocJc, Esq., of Bichmond, Va.
100 Book Notices. [Jan.
The Church of England in Nova Scotia, and the Tory Clergy of the Revolution.
By Arthur Wentworth Eaton, B.A., Presbyter of the Diocese of New
York. New York: Thomas Whittaker. 1891. \2mo. pp. xiv.-f-320.
The Reverend Mr. Eaton of New York makes an affectionate acknowledg-
ment of his obligation to the diocese, in which he was born and bred, in his latest
book, '; The Church of England in Nova Scotia." The author, who has made us
familiar with the picturesque and romantic aspects of his native Province in his
charming poems, in this volume shows it to us in a plainer garb, but one
no less interesting. The book shows indefatigable industry and strict fidelity,
and contains much that is of value to the genealogist and antiquary as well as
to the general student. Through all the first chapters are found constant allu-
sions to the great debt the church owes to the venerable Society for the Propa-
gation of the Gospel; without its pecuniary aid in those early days the faithful
must have gone -without the consolations of religion, and their children, unin-
structed in church doctrine, must have fallen a prey to some form of dissent;
without the watchful care of the Society, error and schism of every kind must
have been rampant. The flight of the Tories from the United States, which left
the new nation to the stimulating control of Congregationalism, strengthened
the church in Nova Scotia, giving its sentiment a tinge of the romantic loyalty
the mother church of Englaud wore after the death of the Royal Martyr, for the
sufferings of these new settlers of Nova Scotia are apt to be underrated by us in
New England. Very low churchmen they have always been in the Provinces,
but their loyalty to the Crown led them to sacrifice the rapid growth of their
college to its interests.
The personal notices in this book are of unexpected interest to New England
readers; familiar surnames appear on every page, and many new relatives will
be found here ; some of the most distinguished laymen of Nova Scotia have been
of New-England origin. The chapter on ;' Other Religious Bodies" is a very
unprejudiced statement of the growth and usefulness of the sects, and a clear
exposition of the political side of Romanism, which has always made it abhorrent
to British subjects. Congregationalism made a settlement in Nova Scotia long
before Cornwallis's surrender, as those will remember who recall the elaborate
treatment of this subject by Mr. Eaton's friend, Professor Rand, and a little
gentler usage of them by the ecclesiastical authorities would have conciliated
most of their hostility and made the Province singularly united. Among
the early students of King's College was Major General James Arnold- a gallant
soldier and a skilful commander, but the son of the traitor; and the only un-
pleasant line in this book is that which speaks of "the celebrated Benedict
Arnold." A book published in New York should have found some more accurate
description of him. * *
The Annals of Sudbury, Wayland and Maynard, Middlesex County, Massachu-
setts. By Alfred Sereno Hudson, Author of History of Sudbury, etc.
Illustrated. 1891. Super Royal 8vo. pp. 213-f 40-f-vi. Price $4. Sold by
the author, the Rev. A. S. Hudson, Ayer, Mass.
The Rev. Mr. Hudson contributed to the History of Middlesex County, pub-
lished in 1890, histories of the towns of Sudbury, Wayland and Maynard. These
are made the basis of the histories of those places in the handsome volume be-
fore us. Sudbury, the parent town, was settled in 1638, and received its name
Sept. 4,1639. Wayland, oriuinallv East Sudburv, was incorporated as a town
April .10, 1780, and Maynard, April 19, 1871.
The volume is divided into six parts. Part I. is the History of Sudbury.
Part II. is the Annals of Wayland. Part III. Annals of Maynard. Part IV.
Appendix to the Annals of Wayland, arranged under,. various heads: such as
Sudbury in the settlement of other Towns; Papers, Facts and Incidents in
Philip's War; Modes of Travel, Public Houses and Temperance; Bridges,
Causeways and Meadows in Sudbury River; Roll of Honor; Poetical Selections
from Wayland Authors. Part V. Biographical Sketches and History of Houses.
Part VI. Quarter Millennial Anniversary Exercises of Sudbury and Wayland,
Sept. 4, 1889.
This list of the contents of the volume shows a variety of interesting topics
treated upon in its pages. It is profusely illustrated, there being upwards of
sixty illustrations, such as portraits — many of them steel engravings — -views of
buildings and scenery, maps and plans. It is a valuable addition to the local
history of the County of Middlesex. The book has a good index.
1892.] Book Notices. 101
The History of Westborovgh, Massadwsetts. Part I. The Early History. By
Heman Packard De Forest. Part II. The Later History. By Edward
Craig Bates. Westborough : Published by the Town. 1891; 8vo. pp.
xvi.-f 504. Price §3.50. Sold by the town clerk, Westborough, Mass.
Westborough has an interest for us as the birthplace of Eli Whitney, the in-
ventor of the cotton-gin, an invention which revolutionized the industry of the
southern states. Many other men of note were natives or residents of the
The book before us is well written and commends itself to students of Ameri-
can local history. It treats of the topography of Westborough, of its Indian
history, its first white settlers, its incorporation in 1712, its churches and
ministers, its public schools, its manufacturing and agricultural industries,
besides other topics of interest relating to the place and its inhabitants. The
part taken by its people in the French and Indian wars, the revolution, the war
of 1812 and the late civil war are fully set forth. Biographical sketches of
prominent citizens are given in the appendix.
The book has been compiled by two citizens of the town, the Rev. Mr. De
Forest and Mr. Bates. The early history of the place, closing with the year
18G0, was written by Mr. De Forest; and the later history, beginning with the
civil war and coming down to the present time, a period of thirty years, is the
work of Mr. Bates. Both of these gentlemen have done their work well. The
volume is well printed and is embellished with numerous fine illustrations, con-
sisting of portraits, views, maps and plans. It has a good index.
Memorial of Seymour W. Baldwin of Elyria, Ohio, and of Fidelia (Hall) Baldwin
his wife. Cleveland, Ohio : Leader Printing Company. 1891. 8vo. pp. 33.
This memorial of Seymour W. Baldwin, a merchant of Elyria, Ohio, and his
second wife, contains remarks at the funeral of the former, Feb. 7, 1891, by the
Rev. Edwin E. Williams, pastor of the Congregational Church in Elyria, and
Rev. Francis S. Hoyt, D.D., presiding elder of the Sandusky District of the
Methodist Episcopal Church; a paper by Rev. Frederick A. Gould of the
Methodist Episcopal Church at Elyria; and resolutions by various bodies on his
death. The Rev. Dr. Hoyt, after portraying the life of Mr. Baldwin as a
successful business man, a benevolent citizen and a sincere christian, thus speaks
of its lessons : " You and I can look at such a character as his and learn a great
lesson. We can learn that it is not the greatest thing in this world to be success-
ful in business, to be a great lawyer or a great scholar, a great doctor or a man
of great moneyed power. There is something in human nature, something in
mind, something in heart, something in character that rises up above ail these
earthly things and gives the human soul a dignity and glory that can never be
Mrs.* Fidelia Baldwin died before her husband, Oct. 5, 1886. An obituary of
her is reprinted here from the Elyria Weekly Republican. Her step-son, Hon.
Charles Candee Baldwin, of Cleveland, in his Genealogy of the Baldwin family,
bears testimony to her sterling worth and great kindness.
John Hancock and his Times. Read before the " Bostonion Society" in the
Old State House, by the Secretary, William Clarence Burrage. Published
by the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Boston. 1891. Demy 4to.
pp. 19.
Gov. John Hancock, of Massachusetts, the first signer of the Declaration of
Independence, is enshrined in the hearts of the people of this country, though
some writers have endeavored to detract from his merits. Mr. Burrage has
done a good work in vindicating his memory in the elegant brochure before us.
He gives a detailed account of the life of the patriot, drawn from every source
available to him. The illustrations are very fine. Portraits of John Hancock
and his wife Dorothy Quincy (a niece of Dr. Holmes's ancestress, "Dorothy
Q."), are given. Other engravings are a view of the Hancock House; Boston
Tea Party, 1773; Meeting of John Hancock and Paul Revere at Lexington;
Retreat of the British from Lexington ; and Gov. Hancock's Visit to President
Washington. A facsimile of the order of procession at the funeral of Gov.
Hancock, as printed in a newspaper at the time, is given.
102 Booh Notices. [Jan.
The Lost Colony of Boanoke : its Fate and Survival. Bv Stephen B. Weeks,
Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins). New York : The Knickerbocker Press. 1891. 8vo.
pp. 42. Price 50 cents.
This paper was read before the American Historical Association, and is re-
printed from the fifth volume of the Papers of that society.
Ralegh's " Lost Colony" has long been an object of romantic interest to our
people, and Dr. Weeks's account of its "fate and survival" will gratify the
curiosity of many readers. The author gives an account of Ralegh's attempt to
colonize Virginia, and reproduces the authorities for such facts as have been
preserved. He then advances arguments to prove that the Croatan Indians,
now liviug in Robinson County, North Carolina, are lineal descendants of the
colonists left on Roanoke Island in 1587, by John White. The conclusions
reached from printed authorities are confirmed by the traditions, by the charac-
ter and disposition, by the language, and by the* family names of this tribe of
Indians. The paper is a very able one, showing much patient and praiseworthy
research. We commend it to our readers.
A Genealogical History beginning with Col. John Washingto-n, the emigrant, and
head of the Washington Family in America. Edited and Compiled by Thornton
Augustin Washington. Washington, D. C. : Press of McGill & Wallace.
1891. 8vo. pp. 71. With folding tabular pedigree.
Experimental Pedigree of Descendants of Lawrence Washington. 1635-1677, of
Virginia. By Rev. Horace Edwin Hayden, of Wilkesbarre, Pa. 1891.
8vo. pp. 6.
Wills of the American Ancestors of General George Washington, in the Line of
the Original Oicner and, the Inheritors of Mount Vernon. Edited by Joseph
M. Toner, M.D. Boston: New-England Historic Genealogical Society.
1891. 8vo. pp. 19.
We have before us three pamphlets illustrating the genealogy and history of
the Washington family.
In the first work Col. Thornton A. Washington gives much genealogical matter
relating to the descendants of Col. John Washington the emigrant ancestor of
President Washington in the line of the compiler, who is descended from Samuel
Washington, born Nov. 16, 1734, the oldest full brother of the President. The
work seems to be compiled with much care. The biographies of the various
members of the family are very full, and contain matter hitherto not accessible.
The pamphlet by the Rev. Mr. Hayden is reprinted from the authors " Vir-
ginia Genealogies." Less has been known of the descendants of Lawrence
Washington, the emigrant to Virginia, than there has been of those of his elder
brother John, to whom the other two pamphlets are devoted. Mr. Hayden's
pamphlet is particularly welcome.
Dr. Toner's pamphlet is a reprint of his contribution to the July number of
the Register, and our readers are familiar with its valuable contents. It is
handsomely printed and will be found convenient it its separate form.
How Yale grew to be a National University. 8vo. 14 pages.
Weeden's Economic and Social History of Xew England. 8vo. 26 pages.
These two pamphlets are by William L. Kingsley, A.M., editor of the Nevj-
Englander and Yale Review, and are reprinted from that magazine; the former
from the number for October, 1891, and the latter from that for November, 1891.
In the first pamphlet. Mr. Kingsley shows the steps by which Yale College grew
to be a " national university," as he claims that it is. " No other college in the
country," he says, " draws so large a number of students from so wide an area.
Its graduates are in every State of the Union — we might say in every town of
any considerable size. Its faculties, though for the most part made up of its
own alumni, include Professors selected from the alumni of more than a dozen
other institutions of learning. Its students belong to families connected with
all the different denominations, and all these denominations are also represented
among its instructors. The spirit which rules on the campus is thoroughly
American, and democratic in the true sense of that term."
A college was contemplated by the founders of New Haven, wThere Yale Col-
1892.] Booh Notices. 103
lege is seated, and land was set apart by them for such an institution. But at
the request of the friends of Harvard College, who represented that New Eng-
land could not then support two colleges, the plan was not carried into
execution for three score years. When, at the beginning of the last century, a
college was founded, in Connecticut, it was determined to enlarge the area from
which the college might draw its support, and it was, the author says, to James
Pierpont, the founder of the institution, that we owe this. The plan adopted
in 1701 has been continued to the present time, the area constantly increasing
from which students were drawn.
The second pamphlet is a review of Mr. Weeden's work on the "Economic
and Social History of New England." Mr. Kingsley appreciates the great labor
of Mr. Weedeu in gathering his facts from so many sources — many of them
obscure and not easily accessible ; and the high value of the results obtained
by his careful and generally judicious labors. But he cannot agree with him
in all his inferences. "Life in New England in the seventeenth century,"
Mr. Kingsley thinks, "was not such a dull, bare and spiritless affair as is
represented! On what continent, pray, and among what people was there more
real and substantial happiness? The attempt to answer this question may lead
some people to pause before they accept the estimate which is placed upon
Puritans in this book."
New Historical Atlas and General History. By Robert H. Labberton. Silver,
Burdett & Company, New York, Boston, Chicago. 1890. -ito. pp. 213.
This is a very useful work. It is a history of the world arranged under na-
tions and epochs, and illustrated by numerous maps. The American History fills
17 pages of the work, with many maps illustrating it. Appended are twenty-nine
genealogical tables of royal and historic families from classical times to the
present. The table of contents embodies a bibliography of the works used as
authorities. Mr. Labberton has been engaged for twenty yeai*s on a large
historical and genealogical atlas which has not yet been published, but his labors
on that work have furnished material and fitted him for this. The plates of a
former Atlas having been destroyed by fire, the author has made a thorough
revision of the work and presents it to his readers in the well printed book
before us.
Stark's History and Guide to the Bahama Islands, containing a Description of
everything on or about the Bahama Islands of which the Visitor or Resident may
desire Information ; including their History, Inhabitants, Climate, Agriculture,
Geology, Government and Besources. Fully Illustrated with Maps, Engravings
and Photo-prints. By James H. Stark. Boston : Photo-Electrotype Company,
Publishers. 12mo. pp. x.-f-2r!3. Price $1.
The title-page sets forth clearly the contents of this book. It has been the
author's intention, as he states in the preface, to produce " a history and guide
to the Bahama Islands. In the performance of this task every available source
of information known to him has been drawn upon, the best authorities have
teen consulted, such as Brace's, McKinnen's, Edwards's, and Bacot's histories,
from which much valuable information has beeu compiled, and also from some
recent works on the Bahamas, such as Powles, Ives, Drysdale's and the Nassau
Mr. Stark has evidently bestowed much labor on this work. The reader
will find here interesting matter on this subject which has never before appeared
in print. The fourth centenary of the discovery of America by Columbus
occurring in this year, readers will be attracted towards the contents of this
neat and handy volume.
" The Travelling Church" : An Account of the Baptist Exodus from Virginia to
Kentucky in 1781 under the Leadership of Bev. Lewis Craig and Capt. William
Ellis. By George W. Ranck. Louisville, Ky. : Press of Baptist Book Con-
cern. 1891. 8vo. pp. 38. Price 25 cts.
This story of the march of the heroic Baptist pioneers from Virginia to
Kentucky in the latter part of the last century, embodies " much that has been
utterly neglected by other writers, and supplies a thrilling chapter" in the his-
tory of Kentucky.
104 Book Notices. [Jan.
Battles of Saratoga, 1777. The Saratoga Monument Association, 1856-1891.
Illustrated. Bv Ellen Hardin Walworth. Joel MunselTs Sons, Publishers.
Albany, N. Y. Royal 8vo. pp. 191. Price $2.50.
Mrs. Walworth published a monograph on Burgoync':> Campaign in 1377, the
centenary of the capture of that general's army. She has been induced by the
favorable reception which her volume met with, to bring out this volume, and
to illustrate it with "original views of the battle-ground, and the historic
tablets which have been erected to mark different points of interest."
The volume contains an account of the battles of Saratoga, followed by a his-
tory of the Saratoga Monument Association and other historical matters relating
to Saratoga and the battles. The initiatory steps for forming this association
were taken in 1S5G, at a meeting of patriotic gentlemen in the old Schuyler
mansion at Schuylerville, N. Y., and resulted in the organization in 1859 of an
association, with the Hon. Hamilton Fish as President. The history of this
association and what it has done is fully given in this volume by Mrs. Walworth,
who is chairman of the committee on tablets, and also on that in charge of the
The book is handsomely printed on thick white paper, and is illustrated with
twenty-four fine engravings, consisting of portraits, views, maps and plans.
Saratoga is admitted to be one of the decisive battles of the world, and Mrs.
Walworth has done a service to her countrymen in preserving the history of that
important event and of the association whose object is to commemorate it.
Memoranda concerning the Family of Bispham in Great Britain and the United
States of America. Compiled and edited by William Bispham of Newr York.
Privately Printed. New York. 1890. Royal 8vo. pp. 348. Edition 100
Becord of the Bust Family, embracing the Descendants of Henry Bust who came
from England and settled in Hingham, Mass., 1634-1635. By Albert D.
Rust. Published by the Author. Waco, Texas. 8vo. pp. xvi.-f-528.
Th.e Ladd Family. A Genealogical and Biographical Memoir of the Descendants
of Daniel Ladd of Haverhill ; Joseph Ladd of Portsmouth, B. I. ; John Ladd of
Burlington, N. J. Compiled by Warren Ladd of New Bedford. Printed
for the Author by Edmund Anthony & Sons, New Bedford, Mass. 1890.
8vo. pp. xii.-f 413.
Genealogical Becords and Sketches of the Descendants of William Thomas of
Hardicick, Mass. Illustrated by Views and Portraits. By A. R. Thomas, M.D.
Philadelphia and London: F. A. Davis, Publisher. 1891. 8vo. pp. xi.-f-221.
The Brockway Family. Some Becords of Wolston Brockway and his Descendants.
By Francis E. Brockway. Owego, N. Y. : Leon L. BrockwTay's Power
Print. 1890. 4to. pp. 1B7.
The Genealogy of the Dimond or Dimnn Family of Fairfield, Conn. Together
with the Becords of the Dimom or Dymont Family of East Hampton, Long
Island and of the Dimond Family of New Hampshire. By Edwin R. Dlmond
of San Francisco, Cal. Albany, N. Y. : Published for the Compiler by Joel
Munsell's Sons. 1891. 8vo. pp. 179.
Materials for a History of the Sessions Family in America, the Descendants of
Alexander Sessions of Andover, JIass., 1669. Gathered by Francis C. Ses-
sions. Albany, N. Y. : Joel Munsell's Sons, Publishers." 1890. Fcp. 4to.
pp. 252. Price $2.
Memoranda relating to the Mifflin Family. By John Houston Merrill.
[Philadelphia:] Printed for Private Distribution. [1890.] 8vo. pp. 91.
Matthias Farnsworth and his Descendants in America. A Monograph. By
Claudius Buchanan Farnsworth. Pawtucket, R. I. : Published by the
Author. 1891. Super Royal 8vo. pp. 122.
A History of the Putnam Family in England and America, recording the Ancestry
and Descendants of John Putnam of Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany,
N. T., and Thomas Putnam of Hartford, Conn. By Eben Putnam. Illus-
trated. Salem, Mass., U. S. A. : The Salem Press Publishing and Printing
1892.] Book Notices. 105
Co. 1891. 8vo. Part I. pp. 64+v. Edition 300 copies. Issued to Sub-
scribers only. Price $6.00 in advance.
Genealogical History, showing the Paternal Line from Arthur Bexford, a native of
England, who married Elizabeth Stevens of New Haven,, Conn., in 1702. Com-
piled by John DeWitt Rexford. Janesville, Wis. : Gazette Printing Com-
pany, Printers. 1891. 8vo. pp. 77.
Some Material for a Genealogy of the Prince Family of Danvers. By Eben Put-
nam. 8vo. pp. 11.
The Ancestry and Descendants of Jonathan Pollard, 1759-1821. With Ppcords
of Allied Families. Compiled by Lucien M. Underwood. Syracuse, N. Y. :
Privately Printed. 1891. Sm. 4to. pp. 20. Edition 200 copies. Price 65 c.ts.,
postpaid, 2 copies for one dollar. Address L. M. Underwood, 411 Coinstock
Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y.
John Smith of Milford, New Haven Colony, 1640; and his Descendants to the
Fifth Generation. Compiled by Robert Atwater Smith of New Haven, Conn.
Will of Charles Hoare of Gloucester, England. With Notes by George F. Hoar.
Boston : David Clapp & Son, Printers. 1891. 8vo. pp. 7.
Capt. John Elliott of Boston, Mass., 1722. By I. J. Greenwood. 8vo. pp. 4.
The Ancestral Dictionary. Edited by John Osborne Austin. Printed by E.
L. Ereeman & Son, Central Falls, R. I. 8vo. pp. 74. Price $5, postpaid.
Address J. O. Austin, P.O. Box 81, Providence, R. I.
An Account of the Beunion of the Descendants of Bev. lltomas Hooker, First
Minister of Hartford, Cdnn., held at Hartford, May 16, 1S90, with other
Historical Papers. Edited by John Hooker, President of Thomas Hooker
Association. Salem, Mass. : The Salem Press Publishing and Printing Co.
1891. 8vo. pp. 83.
Beport of the Sixth Annual Beunion of the Eaton Family Association, held at
Boston, August 19, 1S90. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse <k Taylor,
Printers. 1891. 8vo. pp. 35.
Eighth Annual Beunion of the Hartwell Family Association, held at the Town
Hall, Concord, Mass., August 27, 1891. 8vo. pp. 19.
We continue in this number our notices of genealogical publications.
The book on the Bisphams is a work of much research, particularly in relation
to the history of the name in England, which seems to be exhaustive. The
progenitors of a majority of the Bisphams in the United States are de-
scended from two brothers, Benjamin and Joshua, sons of Joseph Bispham of
Bickerstaffe, an agricultural township in the parish of Ormskirk, Lancashire,
who came to America in the first half of the last century and settled in New
Jersey, Benjamin at Mount Holly and Joshua at Morestown. both in Burling-
ton County. The book is handsomely printed and bound. It has fourteen illus-
trations, among them fine views of Old Bispham Hall at Wigan, and the churches
of St. Thomas a Becket, Up-Holland, and St. Peter and S& Paul, Ormskirk. all
in Lancashire, and other objects of interest to the family. Two folding English
pedigrees are given. The volume is well indexed.
In the volume on the Rust family, the descendants of Henry Rust, an early
settler of Hingham, Mass., seem* to be very thoroughly traced. Nearly five
hundred families are given, arranged on the Begister Plan. The compiler has
been very successful in obtaining biographical as well as genealogical details.
Thirty-five steel and albertype portraits, besides other engravings, embellish the
volume. It is handsomely printed and thoroughly indexed.
The Ladd genealogy is compiled by Warren Ladd of New Bedford, who has
been engaged in collecting materials for about eight years. He has done his
work very faithfully and produced a volume that will be prized by those bear-
ing the name. The book is well printed and has an excellent index.
The Thomas genealogy- is by Prof. Amos Russell Thomas, M.D., of the
Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. He has collected here much
interesting matter about the name, and has given a good genealogy of the de-
scendants of William Thomas, who settled in Hardwick, Massachusetts, some
time previous to December, 1732. He is considered by Rev. Dr. Paige, the
historian of Hardwick, to be one of the earliest if not the earliest white inhabi-
106 Book Notices. [J
tants of that town. Prof. Thomas has brought out his book in a handsome
form. It is well printed and bound. It has a good index.
The BroGkway book is devoted to the descendants of Wolston Brockway who
settled in Lyme, Connecticut, in the middle of the seventeenth century. Mr.
Brockway of Owego, the compiler, has had the assistance of the veteran gene-
alogist, Mr. D. Williams Patterson of Newark Valley, N. Y. The book is well
arranged and well indexed. It makes a handsome volume, illustrated with por-
The Dimond Family, by Mr. Dimond of San Francisco, is chiefly devoted to
the descendants of Thomas Dimond, an early settlei of Fairtield, Conn. They
are traced to the present time, some of the tenth generation being given. We
have also in the book the records of the descendants of Thomas Dymont of
East Hampton, L. I., who died in 1682, and of Ezekiel Dimond, Mho settled in
Concord, N. H. about 1750 and who was a native of South Hampton in that
province. Though living at such a distance from the early records of the
family, he has under these difficulties persevered is his research and made a very
commendable book. It has a good index.
The materials for a History of the Sessions Family contain a large amount
of matter relating to the name, consisting of biographies, letters, extracts from
public records, records of families, etc. While on a recent tour of Europe he
visited Wantage, Berkshire, from which place he had some reason for believing
that his ancestors came, but he found none of the name there, though in the
adjoining county of Gloucester he met with persons of that name, one of whom
was mayor of the city of Gloucester. The book makes a neat volume and is
illustrated with portraits and views of buildings.
The book on the Mifflin family relates to the descendants of John Mifflin,
senior, and John Mifflin, junior, father and son, who came from Warminster,
Wiltshire, some time prior to 1679, and settled in Pennsylvania. It contains
much valuable material. It makes a handsome volume.
The Farnsworth book is principally devoted to the descendants of Matthias
Farnsworth, who was a resident of Lynn, Mass., as early as 1657, but who re-
moved a few years later to Groton. Two others of the surname are found in
America in the seventeenth century — Joseph at Dorchester, Mass., in 1632, and
Thomas, a quaker, at what is now Bordentown, New Jersey. Mr. Farnsworth
gives brief accounts of Joseph and Thomas and their families, and devotes the
rest of the book to the posterity of Matthias. The work is based on collections
by the author's uncle, Rev. James D. Farnsworth, who died in 185L It is a
very acceptable contribution to American genealogy. It 's well printed and
The next work, on the Putnam family, will fill a long felt want. When com-
pleted it will contain the result of the labors of several industrious genealogists,
the first of whom was Dea. Edward Putnam, a grandson of the emigrant, who
compiled a genealogy in 1733. The author of this work, Mr. Eben Putnam of
Danvers, began collecting facts when twelve years of age. After others who
had been preparing a Putnam genealogy for the press had died or given up the
task, Mr. Putnam took their materials and by great labor for several years has
prepared them for the press. The book when completed will make 600 octavo
pages, embellished with about 30 full page illustrations. It will be issued in
parts of about 60 pages each. The compiler hopes to publish the work complete
by next summer. The part before us is well arranged and well printed.
The Rexford book is devoted to the descendants of Arthur Rexford who
settled in New Haven, Conn., as early as 1702. It contains valuable material and
is clearly arranged.
Mr. Putnam's pamphlet on the Prince family is reprinted from the Collections
of the Essex Institute, vol. 27. It is intended to be supplementary to the
account, in vol. 14, by the late Dr. James A. Emmerton, of the immediate
descendants of Robert Prince of Salem.
The pamphlet on the Pollard family gives the ancestry and descendants of
Jonathan Pollard of New Braintree, Mass., born at Suncook, N. H., March 3,
1759. He was a great grandson of Thomas Pollard, who settled at Billerica,
Mass., about 1692. The work is well compiled and handsomely printed. It
also contains genealogical matter relating to the families of Merrick, Smith,
Bird and Williams.
The next three pamphlets, relating to Smith, Hoare and Elliott, are reprints
from the Register, and their matter is familier to our readers.
1892.] Recent Publications. 107
The Ancestral Dictionary consists of a series of sixty-four ancestral tables,
each of which gives all the known ancestors to the fourth generation of indi-
viduals of more or less prominence, living and dead. Appended are eight blank
charts, in which the purchaser can record his own ancestry aud that of his
friends. It is a very useful volume.
The last three pamphlets give the exercises at the gatherings of the families
of Hooker, Eaton and Hartwell. These were all interesting occasions, and the
pamphlets preserve much valuable material.
Presented to the New-Exglaxd Historic Gevealogicai, Society to Dec. 15, 1891.
Prepared by the Rev. Ezra Hoyt Byington, D.D., Librarian.
I. Publications written or edited by Members of the Society.
History of Braintree and Quincy, Mass. By Charles Francis Adams, A.B. Boston.
1891. 8vo. pp. 365. '
Some Phases of Sexual Morality and Church Discipline in Colonial New England.
By Charles Francis Adams, A.B. Pp. 43.
Bedford, England. A Historical Sketch. By Rev. E. G. Porter. Pamphlet, 16
Notes and Additions to the History of Gloucester. Second Series. By John J.
Babson. Salem. 1891. 8vo. pp. 187.
General John W. Phelps. A paper read before the New-England Historic Genealo-
gical Society. By Cecil H. C. Howard. Dec. 1. 1886.
Dedication Memorial Library. Acton, Mass. 1890. 8vo. pp. 46.
Recordof the First Church in Dorchester, 1636 to 1734. Boston. 1891. 8vo.pp.40.
Influence of the Netherlands upon England and the American Republic. By
William Elliot Griffis, D.D. Boston. 1891. Pamphlet pp. 40.
The Influence of the Clergy in the War of the Revolution. By Rt. Rev. William
Stevens Perry, D.D.
Captain Thomas Lawrence's Company, 1758. By Samuel Abbott Green, M.D.
Cambridge. 1S90. Pamphlet 8vo. pp. 15.
A History of die Putnam Family. Part 1. Bv Eben Putnam. Salem. 1891.
pp. 64.
The Church in Nova Scotia. Rev. A. W. Eaton, B.A. Pp. 320. 12mo. 1891.
II. Other Publications.
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society. 1891. Vol. V. New Series.
The Anatomy of Astrangia Danse. Natural History Illustrations. Prepared under
the direction of Louis Agassiz, 1849. Published by the Smithsonian Institution. 1889.
Six Species of North American Fresh Water Fishes. Louis Agassiz and Spencer
F. Baird, 1849. Published by the Smithsonian Institution. 1889.
Archeeologia. Tracts relating to Antiquity. Second Series. London. 1890. Yol.
II. 4to. pp. 788.
Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries. London. Session of 1890-1891.
Centennial of the First Congregational Church. Jericho, Vt. 1791-1891. His-
torical Addresses by Hon. Edgar H. Lane and Rev. Austin Hazen. Burlington, Vt.
Americans of Royal Descent. By Charles H. Browning. Philadelphia. 1891.
Second Edition. 8vo. pp. 732.
Memorial Sermon on the Life and Character of Bishop Benjamin H. Paddock,
S.T.D. By Rt. Rev. Thomas M. Clark, D.D., LL.D. of Rhode Island. 1891. pp. 31.
Samuel Slater and the Cotton Manufacture in the United States. By William K.
Bagnall, M.A.
Illustrated Popular BiogTaphy of Connecticut. Compiled by J. A. Spaulding.
Hartford. 1891. 8vo. pp. 374,
Old Colony Historical Society's Record. Collections, 1, 2, 3, 4. 1878-1889. Pam-
Lyndeborough, N. H. Historical Address by Rev. T, G. Clark. Concord. 1801.
Vol. VI. 1890-1891.
Part 2. pp. 319.
Barnet, Vt. 1891. Pamphlet,
I., 1875-1889. 1391. Prince-
Bunker Hill Monument
Proceedings of the Mass. Historical Society. Second Series.
Published by the Society. 1891. Octavo, pp. 538.
Minnesota Historical Collections. Vol. VI. 1891.
Centennial Anniversary of the Presbyterian Church.
pp. 42.
Necrology of Princeton Theological Seminary. Vol.
Proceedings of the Bunker Hill Monument Association.
Association. 1891. Octavo, pp. 70.
Class of 1875, Harvard College. Harvard College Secretary's Report, No. 6, 1875
to 1891. Pp. 125.
Society of California Pioneers. Annual Meeting. Third Annual Report of the
Secretary. Boston, Sept. 9, 1890. Pamphlet, pp. 14.
The Site of Fort St. George. By W. Scott Hill, M.D., President of the Kennebec
Natural History and Antiquarian Society. 1891.
Memoirs of Horatio Wood. Bv his son Horatio "Wood. Lowell. 1891. Pamphlet,
pp. 31.
Annual Report of American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Pub-
lished bv the Board. 1891.
The War of the Rebellion Series. Vol. XXXIV., Part III, Vol. XXXV., Parts
L, H. Vol. XXXVI., Part I. Washington, D. C. 1891 . Government Printing Office.
Early Days of Woodstock, N. B. Anniversary of the Ordination of Rev. Fredk.
Diblee.' Pamphlet, pp. 28.
Some of the Beginnings of Westchester County Historical Society. Printed by
Westchester County Historical Society. 1890.
Arthur Delorai>te Corey, Ph.D., died
at Maiden, Mass., Aug, 17, 1891. He
was the only child of Deloraine-Pendre
and Isabella (Holden) Corey, and was
born at Maiden, April 13, 1866. He
was fitted at the Maiden High School
and entered Harvard College, with
honors, at the early age of fifteen years.
He received a Detur, in the freshman
year, and second year highest honors in
classics. In the early part of his junior
year, he was taken from Cambridge by
a fever, in consequence of which he
was obliged to relinquish his studies
for that year; and at the beginning of
the next year he was again prostrated
by a severer illness, which nearly proved
fatal. He returned to his studies, how-
ever, in the spring, and during the next
year received a Bowdoin prize for a
dissertation. The Dionysiac Theatre.
At his graduation in 1886, he was
ranked as the second in the classical de-
partment and sixth in the class. He
received his degree, sum/na cum laude,
with final honors in classics and honor-
able mention in Greek, Latin, French,
and English composition. He re-
mained at Cambridge another year and
took the degree of A.M. He was
secretary of the Classical Ciub from its
formation in 1885 until he left the
University in 1887, and was elected to
the Phi Beta Kappa in 1886. He was
an active member of the Society of
Christian Brethren and the Harvard
Total Abstinence Leasrue, taking a
lively interest in the objects and work
of those societies.
In the summer of 1887 he went to
Europe, and after a brief tour in Bel-
gium and Germany, matriculated at
the Royal Friedrich Wilhelni University
in Berlin, where he studied nearly four
years under the most celebrated clas-
sicists and archeeologists of that famous
University. During his vacations he
visited Italy, the Netherlands, France,
and England, always with a keen eye
and understanding for the abundant
art of those countries. In the museums
and libraries of Germany, and in those
of London and Paris, he studied un-
weariedly for a dissertation, De Amazo-
num Antiqicissimis Figuris, which gave
him the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
arid received from the Berlin faculty
the predicate, diligentice et eruditionis
specimen laudabile. He was the first
native of Maiden to receive a foreign
degree for actual work, that of Edward
Wiggles worth (S.T.D.) received from
Edinburgh in 1730 being honorary.
He left Berlin in April of this year ;
and after an archaeological tour in Hol-
land and Belgium, he repaired to Paris,
where he spent the last few weeks of
his European life in revisiting the gal-
leries and museums of that most favored
city. Returning to America he reached
his native city towards the last of May ;
and, after a few weeks with his friends,
he fell asleep with the composure of a
philosopher, cheered and sustained by
the clear and earnest faith of a Christian.
A friend and fellow-student, who knew
him intimately, both in America and
Germany, says of him : —
"He was under all circumstances
kind and sympathetic, always eager to
forget self in helping others ; of true
Christian character ; a conscientious
student and thorough scholar. On his
death bed he had a kind word of re-
membrance and consolation for every
friend. His name will long live in
those circles in which he moved, both
in America and Germany, and his life,
though short, may well serve as a
model for those who knew him/'— Cam*
bridge Tribune, Aug. 29.
Dr. Corey was a descendant in the
ninth generation of William Corey of
Portsmouth, R. I., who is traditionally
said to have removed from Salem ; and
in the eighth generation of Richard
Holden of Watertown and Groton. In
the paternal line he was descended from
Joseph Kills and John Wayte, the
leading settlers of Maiden (Register,
xxxii., 188-196), and from thirteen of
the Pilgrims or first-comers of Ply-
mouth, viz.: William Muffins and
wife, John Alden and Priscilla Mullins,
John Tilley and wife, and John How-
land and Elizabeth Tilley, of the May*
Jiower, 1620 ; Moses Symonson (Sim-
mons) and wife, and Philip de Launey
(Delano) of the Fortune, 1621; and
Stephen Tracy and wife, Trvphosa
Le , of "the Ann, 1623, *Of his
ancestors were Rev. John Reyner of
Plymouth and Dover ; Ezekiel Cheever,
the famous schoolmaster, and his son,
Rev. Thomas Cheever of Maiden and
Chelsea; Rev. Ralph Partridge, the
first minister of Duxbury, and his son-
in-law, Rev. Thomas Thacher, the first
pastor of the Old South Church, Bos-
ton ; Elder William Sargeant of Mai-
den and Barnstable ; Thomas Oakes of
Cambridge; Elder John Chipman of
Barnstable; Thomas Boylston, Ralph
Sprague, Edward Hoiyoke, Capt. John
■Floyd, Job Lane George Felt, James
Nichols, William Cowdrey, and many
others well known among the founders
°f Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay. ♦
Mr. Charles Ben-james Richardson died
at West Newton, Mass., July 5, 1891,
aged 59. He was born at Groton,
Mass., March 31, 1832, and was a son
of Alpheus and Susan (Lawrence)
Richardson of Groton. His parents
were both born at Groton, his father
Nov. 3, 1797, and his mother Feb. 28,
1794. They were married Nov. 7, 1820.
Charles B. Richardson was a de-
scendant in the eighth generation from
Thomas1 Richardson, an early settler
of Woburn, Mass., through Isaac,3
Benjamin,3 Benjamin,4 Benjamin,* Al-
pheus,• and Alpheus7 his father. (See
Richardson Memorial, by John A.
Vinton, page 688.) When a youth he
came to Boston and became a clerk
for Mr. Charles Tappan, bookseller and
publisher. In 18-56 he entered into
partnership with Mr. James Robinson,
under the tirm of Robinson a;;d Rich-
ardson, and carried on the publishing
business at No. 119 Washington Street.
They were the publishers of The Student
and" Schoolmate, At the close of the
year the partnership was dissolved and
Mr. Richardson started a new periodi-
cal, The Historical Magazine. Besidea
this he published the Register one
year, 1857. He also engaged in the
sale of historical books. Early in 1858
he removed his publication office and
bookstore to New York City. In 1862
he reprinted the Bay Psalm Book (see
Register, vol. 45, p. 305;, In June,
1864, he sold out the Historical Magazine
to the then editor, John Gilmary Shea,
LL.D. When the work was published in
Boston the writer of this obituary was
the editor (See Register for January,
1878, vol. 32, page 116). Mr. Richard-
son continued the publishing and book-
selling business. During the later
years of his business life in New York
city, he was a member of the University
Publishing Company. After 1885 ha
resided at Newton, Mass.
Mr. Richardson married 1st, at Bos-
ton, Miss Mary Frances Carter, Nov, 7,
1859. She died March 19, 1861. He
married 2d, Miss Charlotte E. Hale,
daughter of David Hale, prominent as
one of the editors and proprietors of
the Xeio York Journal of Commerce.
Mrs. Mart Eleery Rogers Trask, widow
of Judge Joshua Phippen Trask, of
Gloucester, Mass.. died at the residenca
oT" her daughter, Mrs. Poor, in Man-
chester, N. II., Nov. 5, 1891, aged SS
years, 0 months, i0 days. She was the
last survivor of the ten children of
" Master " William Rogers, of Glouces-
ter, who "was a mariner and soldier in
the revolution in early life, and after*
wards, for many years, a school teacher
and officer of the Customs. He died
in 1S32, aged 74. Her grandfather,
Rev. John Rogers (graduated at Har-
vard College in 1739, being librarian of
the University, and for thirty -eight
years pastor of the Fourth Parish,
Gloucester), was the 8th generation in
descent from John1 Rogers the younger
of Chelmsford, England (see Register,
vol. 43, page 153) ; through John3 of
Chelmsford; Rev. John,3 the famous
preacher of Dedham, England; Rev.
Nathaniel,4 who came to New England
and settled at Ipswich, Mass. ; Rev.
John,5 president of Harvard College;
Rev. John6 of Ipswich ; and Rev. John7
of Kittery, Me., who was his father.
(See Register, vol. 5, page 320.)
Of Mrs. Trask's brothers and sisters,
Isaac was a Congregational clergyman,
who died in 1872, aged 77 ; George L.
of Newburyport, died same year, aged
65 ; John C, shipmaster and Collector
of Customs for Gloucester, died in 1849 ;
Betsey R. married Zachariah Stevens,
died at Waldoboro', Me., in 1875, in her
eighty- sixth year, and another sister,
Mrs. Catharine Allen, who died over a
year ago, at the age of 86.
Mrs. T. was a woman of marked
intelligence and fine sensibilities ; of
noble bearing and pleasant manners ; of
a hospitable, sympathetic, generous
nature. She was a member of the
Congregational Church in Gloucester,
where the larger part of her devoted,
useful life was passed. She retained
her faculties in a remarkable degree, up
to her last sickness of a few days
Her husband passed away Sept. 17,
1862, in his fifty-eighth year, and some
years later Mrs. Trask removed from
Gloucester to make her home with her
daughter. She leaves sons, Rev. John
Low Rogers Trask, DD., of Spring-
field, Mass., Isaac Rogers Trask, of St.
Louis, Mo. ; and daughters, Mrs. Lizzie
R. Poor, of Manchester, X. H., and
Mrs. Mary A. Beckford. She had two
other sons, Capt. William P. Trask and
Capt. Charles A. Trask, both lost at sea,
the latter in 1868. — Chiefiy condensed
from the Gloucester Times, Nov. 6, 1891.
Miss Elizabeth Withington- died at
Mount Bowdoin, Dorchester, Mass.,
Dec. 17, 1891 at the age of one hun-
dred years, three months. She was
born Aug. 31. 1791, at the Scarborough
Place, now within the limits of Frank-
lin Park, Boston. Her father was
Joseph Weeks Withington, the son of
Philip and Katharine (Weeks) Wirh-
ington. He was descended from Hi ury
Withington, one of the earliest settlers
of Dorchester; also from Richard
Mather, the first minister of the plr.ce.
Her mother was Elizabeth White, who,
having lost her father in early child-
hood, was brought up by her grand-
father, Deacon Abijah White, of
hallowed memory. The first of the
Dorchester Whites came among the
earliest colonists. A memento of him
still exists in a rose-bush growing in
Dorchester, which is a lineal descendant
of one which he brought with him from
Some of the first experiences of Miss
Withington's young womanhood were
in connection with the settlement of
Rev. Dr. Codraan over the Second
Church in Dorchester. In common
with the other members of her family,
she sympathized warmly with Dr.
Codman in the troubles of that time ;
which laid the foundation of a friend-
ship with him and his wife that lasted
through their lives, and descended to
their children.
She was an only daughter. The late
Rev. Leonard Withington, D.D., for
many years pastor of the First Church
in Newbury, Mass., was her oldest
brother ; and the late Mr. Abijah W.
Withington, of Dorchester, her young-
est. Two other brothers died in early
manhood, Jos°ph and Ebenezer.
Joseph was a skilful engraver. He
and Leonard were in the employ of
the late Joseph T. Buckingham of
the Boston Courier. At that early
date the brothers conceived the idea
of an illustrated magazine, and planned
its publication. Leonard was to have
charge of the literary pari and Joseph
of the artistic. This enterprise was
frustrated by the death of Joseph.
Ebenezer was twin to Abijah. He was
a lawyer in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.
Only one brother survives, at the age of
ninety -three, Rev. William Withington
of Washington, D. C. He entered the
Episcopal Church many years ago,
and has continued in the ministry ever
Miss Withington's life was spent in
Dorchester, with the exception of
several years with her brother in New-
bury. The Second Church held a large
place in her affections always, and in
her labors during the active period of
her life. Her funeral was from its
chapel, Saturday, Dec. 19th, Rev. Dr.
Arthur Little officiating. e. r. >\
vrrT~-»«r'rw ■-.* awjW'J-WH ' •^"^s-~-y~'r~?» "^ ' "*'' jg^y^^'^^^w^-i^i^g^
fega^iteJBiliiai^iii tt^&^^^^s^^
APRIL, 1892.
By the Editor of the Register.
Henry Jackson, a distinguished officer in the Revolutionary
war, was born in Boston, in 1747, where he was baptized on the
25th of October in that year. His father was Col. Joseph Jack-
son, a distiller, and his mother was Susannah Gray. They were
married May 1, 1732, and lived happily together nearly sixty
years. Mrs. Jackson survived her husband and died Dec. 4, 1792,
aged 84. Their gravestones are in King's Chapel Burial Ground.
Col. Joseph Jackson held many military offices. He was major of
the Boston Regiment in 1758, and colonel from 1761 to 1763. He
was admitted a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery
Company in 1738, was chosen ensign in 1746, lieutenant in 1749.
and captain in 1752. In 1763, on the death of the treasurer, Col.
John Phillips, Col. Jackson succeeded him as treasurer of the Artil-
lery Company, and held the office till the Revolution. He died
April 10, 1790, aged 84, and was buried under arms by the
Artillery Company, though he was not then in commission. A
band of music was on this occasion first used, though it was paid
for by the family of the deceased.
Henry Jackson inherited the military tastes of his father. After
the evacuation of Boston by the British, in 1776, he raised a mili-
tary company in that town and was chosen its captain. When the
Declaration of Independence was read from the balcony of the State
House, which was on the 18th of July, 1776, he was waited on by
the High Sheriff with a request from the Hon. James Bowdoin,
president of the Council, that his company might be under arms at
the time the Declaration was read. Capt. Jackson accordingly
waited on his honor, and to his great mortification he was obliged
to tell him that the company was not fit to turn out, and besides
they had not then received their uniforms. He begged to be ex-
cused, which request was granted. In the letter to his friend, Col.
VOL. XL vi. 10
112 Gen. Henry Jackson. [April,
Henry Knox, then in New York, written the day of the occurrence,
in which he narrates this incident, Capt. Jackson says : " I think
it would have been a fine opportunity for our appearance if our
company could have turned out at the Declaration of Independence.
You know," he continues, "that the first impression is the most
lasting. Although we did not form our company for Parade, yet
Parade is pleasing." The whole company was however invited to
attend in the council chamber on the occasion, and drink to " The
States of America."*
In April, 1777, Capt. Jackson was ordered with his company to
Rhode Island, and was on duty there some weeks. He had been
commissioned by Congress on the twelfth of January, 1777, colonel
of an additional continental battalion, and on his return from Rhode
Island he recruited, in Boston and vicinity, the sixteenth Massa-
chusetts Regiment, called the Boston Regiment, which at once took
a high rank for its soldierly appearance and excellent discipline,
demonstrating its valor on several hard-fought battle fields. This
regiment, on the 1st of January, 1781, was consolidated with the
ninth, and on the further reduction of the army on the 30th of
October, 1782, was numbered the fourth.
The Boston Regiment left Boston on the 7th of October, 1777, to
join the main army near Philadelphia, and took part in the battles
of Monmouth, June 28, 1778, Quaker Hill, R. I., August 29,
1778, and Springfield, N. J., June 23, 1780.
Col. Jackson is said to have commanded the last body of conti-
nental troops in service at the close of the war, being in service till
July, 1784. He was among those who were, by Act of Congress,
made brigadier generals at the end of the war. Returning to Boston,
he engaged in mercantile pursuits. He was major general of the
first division of the Massachusetts militia from 1792 to 1796, and
was the agent of the United States in superintending the building of
the frigate Constitution at Boston in 1797.
He was the life-long friend and correspondent of Gen. Henry
Knox, and while Knox was United States Secretary of War he acted
for him as agent in his business affairs, particularly those concerning
his eastern lands.
Gen. Jackson was the first treasurer of the Massachusetts Society
of the Cincinnati, and held the office from its formation in 1783
till his death. The importance of his services to the society in
building up and husbanding its funds was recognized by its vote
October 23, 1806, authorizing the presentation to him of a silver
cup. This testimonial, however, never reached him, as it did not
arrive from England, where it was made, until after his decease.
In 1813, Dr. Stephen Thayer presented to this Society a portrait of
the general, which now hangs on the walls of the New-England
Historic Genealogical Society. This portrait has been engraved for
* Knox MSS. vol. 2, folio 163.
1892.] Gen. Henry Jackson. 113
the Society of the Cincinnati, and it is to their courtesy that we are
indebted for the use of the plate for this article.
Dr. James Thacher, author of " A Military Journal during the
American Revolutionary War," was the surgeon of Jackson's regi-
ment. Under August, 1779, he thus refers, in that journal, to the
commanding officer and the regiment :
Colonel Henry Jackson, who commands our regiment is a native of
Boston; he is very respectable as a commander, is gentlemanly in his
manners, strongly attached to military affairs, and takes a peculiar pride
in the discipline and martial appearance of his regiment. Many of his
officers are from Boston and its vicinity, they appear in handsome style,
and are ambitious to display their taste for military life, and their zeal
to contend with the enemies of their country. Colonel Jackson, with his
regiment, acquired reputation by their gallantry in the battle on Rhode
Island, under General Sullivan.
Our regiment consists of about four hundred men, in complete uniform,
well disciplined, and not inferior to any in the continental army. We
commenced a forced march from Providence on the 10th, and complete-d
the forty miles in twenty-four hours. A severe rain all night did not much
impede our march, but the troops were broken down with fatigue. We
reached Boston at sun rising and near the entrance of the Neck is a tavern,
having for its sign a representation of a globe with a man in the act of
struggling to get through it; his head and shoulders were out, his arms
extended, and the rest of his body enclosed in the globe. On a label from
his mouth was written, " Oh, how shall I get through this world ? " This
was read by the. soldiers, and one of them exclaimed, " List, d — n you. and
you'll soon gee through this world; our regiment will be through in an hour
or two if we don't halt by the way."
We are treated by the gentlemen of this town with great attention and
respect. They have generously presented to Col. Jackson and the officers
of his regiment a hogshead of Jamaica snir.ts and a cask of wine. For
the soldiers, they have collected a liberal sum of money, which is distributed
among them. A public dinner is to be provided at the Bunch of Grapes
tavern for the officers, before our departure. The transports are in prepa-
ration to receive our troops on board.*
Gen. Jackson died at Boston, Wednesday, Jan. 4, 1809, at about
ten o'clock, in the sixty-second year of his age. The standing
committee of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati issued the
following notice to the members of the society :
Boston, January 5, 1809.
The standing committee of the Cincinnati have the painful task of
announcing to the society the death of their old friend and companion,
General Henry Jackson. His services and his usefulness as a member of
the Institution from its earliest establishment, as an active member of the
committee, as the Treasurer who has preserved and managed the funds for
nearly twenty-3ix years, are recorded in the prosperity of the society and in
the grateful hearts of his brother officers.
Sensible of his worth and afflicted by his death, the Committee recom-
mend an observance of the following Votes as the last token of respect from
his surviving brethren.
* Thacher's Military Journal, Boston, 1823, pp. 204-5.
114 Cotton Mather and the lloyal Society. [April,
Voted, That the Society walk in Procession at the Funeral of their late
Treasurer, General Henry Jackson, on Saturday next; that the usual
emblem of mourning be attached to the badge of the Society, and that black
crape be worn on the left arm.
Adams Bailey, Recording Secretary*
His funeral took place from his lodging-house in Common Street,
at the head of the Mall, on Saturday, the 7th, at three o'clock in
the afternoon. He was buried at Dorchester "in a tomb near the
house of Madam Swan, removed when Woodward Park was laid
out through the place. An inscription upon it, stating that it was
erected by the hand of friendship, closed with some eulogistic verses
to the memory of the
' Christian, Soldier, Patriot and Friend.' "f
He was of large and full habit, being nearly as corpulent n3 his
bosom friend Gen. Knox. In 1783, while at West Point, he
weighed two hundred and thirty-eight pounds. Gen. Nathaniel
Greene, in a familiar letter to Gen. Knox, made thi3 significant
inquiry relative to him : " Can he still eat down a plate of fish he
can't see over, God bless his fat soul ? " J
He was a bachelor, a man of wit, gallantry and conviviality.
He was generous and hospitable in his temper, gentlemanly in
manner, and eminently social in his disposition. §
Communicated to The Nation, New York, Feb. 18, 1892, by N. Darnell Davis, Esq., of
Georgetown, Demerara.
In most biographical notices of Cotton Mather, that eminent man
is said to have been a Fellow of the Royal Society. In some of
such notices, the statement is emphasized by describing him as the
first native-born American who attained to that honor. According
to his son, there were many in New England who were '* so foolish
as to doubt, nay, to deny, his right to that title.'' Cotton Mather's
name did not and does not appear in any list of the Fellows of the
Society. Becoming himself uneasy upon the point, he inquired of
the Secretary to the Royal Society whether he really was a Fellow.
In reply, he was informed that he had been elected a Fellow both
by the Council and by the general body of Fellows. That his name
did not appear in the published list was due, he was told, to the fact
that, being in America, he was unable to subscribe personally to the
* Columbian Centinel, Jan. 7. 1809.
f Drake's " The Town of Poxhury," Boston, 1878, p. 138. J Ibid.
§ A. sketch of his life, by the late Mr. Francis S. Druke, appeared in his " Memorials of
the Society of the Cincinnati of Massachusetts," Boston, 1873, pp. 360-1, of which use has
been made in preparing this article.
1892.] Cotton Mather and the Royal Society. 115
orders of the Society, from which foreigners were dispensed, but not
British subjects. Years went by, and still Cotton Mather felt un-
certain of his position. On May 21, 1723, he wrote the subjoined
letter to Dr. Jurin, then Secretary of the Royal Society :
"Syr : You are better known to me than I am to you; and I congratu-
late unto myself, as well as unto the world, the felicity of your succession
in the office of Secretary to the Royal Society. But in order to a mutual
better knowledge, I owe you, & must now give you, some very short
account of myself ; more particularly, with relation to that Illustrious Body,
whereof I hoped, I had the Honour of being esteemed a Member. Having
the pleasure of some correspondence with your excellent predecessor Mr.
Waller. I did communicate unto him (and unto my valuable Dr. Wood-
ward) a great number of American, and philosophical, curiosities ; with an
intimation of my purpose to continue the communications. Those gentle-
men put the, as unexpected as undeserved, respect upon me, of proposing
me for a Member of the Royal Society ; and they both wrote unto me, that
I was chosen accordingly both by the Council and Body of the Society, on
the Anniversary Day for such election in the year 1713. — Adding that the
only Reason of my not having my name in the printed list of the Society,
was because of my being beyond-Sea and yet a Natural Born Subject, &'
so not capable of being inserted among the gentlemen of other Nations.
" Your Secretary also, Dr. Hailey in the philosophical Transactions of
1714 printed my name, with an F. R. S. annexed unto it. Mr. Petiver did
the like, in his Naturae Collectanea; and in his letters to me, he had these
words, ' Your election succeeded without opposition, and you were elected
after the usual method of Balloting. The reason of your being out of the
printed list, is your not being personally here, to subscribe to the orders that
should be tendered you ' ; to which he added congratulations & complements
not proper to be by my pen transcribed.
" A Distinguished, & sl diminutive crue of odd people here, when they
could find no other darts to throw at me, imagined their not finding my
name on the printed list of the Royal Society, would enable them to detect
me of an imposture for affixing an F. R. S. unto my name, on some just
occasions for it. And an infamous fellow, whose name is John Checkley,
a sorry Tory man (that yet had the impudence to write as a Divine) wrote
a letter full of scandalous invectives against me, which was publickly read
in the Royal Society. This wretched man, ambitious to do the part of a
Divine, printed here some Rapsodies, to prove, that the God whom K.
William, and the christians of New England have worsJtipped, is the
D — 1 — . A young and a bright kinsman of mine,* bestowed such casti-
gations on the Blasphemer that I became thereupon the object of his im-
placable revenge. But of this matter, I gave Dr. Woodward a more full
account, a year and a half ago : Which because I know not whether ever he
received it, I now repeat a little of; Relying to your justice, if any further
indignity of this Nature should be offered me. But, that I may not lay
aside any of the meek, patient, humble disposition with which I should.
address you on this occasion, I shall keep such Terms, as I used unto my
Doctor when he had what he required of me upon it.
"I should ne^er have presumed uporj affixing an F. R. S. unto my poor
unworthy name, had I not thought, that my Honourable masters, would
* This was Thomas Walter. The two pamphlets contain no specific charges or replies
worth quoting.— Ed.
VOL. XLVI. 10*
116 Cotton Mather and the Royal Society, [April,
have taxed me as guilty of some ingratitude unto them for their unmerited
favours, if I had always declined it.
" The many treatises (many more than three hundred) which Heaven
has allowed & assisted me to publish (in the midst of many other constant
& heavy labours) on various arguments, and in various Dead as well as
Living Languages, added unto some other circumstances needless to be
mentioned, had procured me from some European Universities, without my
seeking in the least measure for them, the Testimonies of the highest respect
that they could, show to the meanest of men, and among the rest a Diploma
for the Doctorate in Theology. Upon this I was under some temptation
unto the vanity of Thinking that it was possible the Royal Society, also
might esteem it no disgrace, to permit my name among their members.
Especially, when my remittances to their Treasury, might for number
(however not for value) be sequal to what they might receive of some other
members whose correspondence they cast a kind Aspect upon. For the
embellishments wherewith I studied usually (after the manner of the Ger-
man Ephemerides), to make my dry & dull stories a little more palatable
to men of erudition, some of your own members, as well as Monsr Tourne-
fort helped me to some apology.
''Butifafterall.it be the pleasure of those Honourable persons, who
compose or govern the Royal Society, that I should lay asside my preten-
sions to be at all related unto that illustrious Body, upon the least signifi-
cation of it by your pen, it shall be dutifully complied withal. I will only
continue to take the leave of still communicating Annually to you (as long
as I live) what Curiosa Americana I can become the possessor of. For
(my Jewish Rabbis having taught me, to love the ivork, and have little regard
unto the Rabbinate) it is not the Title, but the service that is the Heighth,
& indeed the whole, of my ambition.
" As a Token of my purposes this way, and as an earnest of a much
greater variety, which I propose to send you by another hand, about a Fort-
night hence, I now present you with a tedious account of sentiments &
occurrents relating to a subject, about which I perceive you are sollicitous to
have the exactest informations. At this time, I add no more, but with
hearty prayers, to Heaven, that you may be continued long as a great
Blessing to the world I subscribe
" Syr
" Your most affectionate
" Friend and Servant
" Cctton Mather
" Boston N. Entgla>t>
"May 21 1723.
" Dr. Jurin."
The answer to the above letter should be interesting. There is,
however, no record of it in the archives of the Royal Society.
Under the circumstance?, it will be well to inquire how far the pro-
ceedings of the Society established the fact of Cotton Mather's con-
nection with it.
For the election of Fellows, the ordinary procedure observed by
the Royal Society is this : The "names are first submitted to the
Council of the Society. After candidates have by the Council been
chosen for submission at a general meeting of Fellows, their names
1892. Ancestry of the Hi gginson Family. 117
are brought before such meeting. Here the election is made, and
two-thirds of the votes are necessary to secure it.
In the Journal of the Society there is the following entry, under
date of July 23, 1715 :
" A letter drawn up by Mr. Waller for Mr. Cotton Mather at Boston in
New England was read; giving an account of the receipt of his letter and
his manuscript, containing his several observations on Natural subjects, with
an invitation to a future correspondence ; which was ordered to be sent.
** Mr. Waller proposed the same gentleman as a candidate, according to
his desire mentioned in his said letter; which was referred to the next
The Minutes of the Council of July 27, 1713, record that "Mr.
Cotton Mather was proposed, balloted for, and approved to be a
Member of the Society." A diligent search among the records of
the Society has, however, failed to find that Cotton Mather's name
was ever submitted to the general body of Fellows. Would it be
an undue surmise to suspect that Cotton Mather's mistaken zeal in
the witchcraft heresy stood in the way of his obtaining a two- thirds
vote, and that, the Council finding this the case, did not risk a
rejection ?
If Cotton Mather may not be reckoned a duly elected Fellow of
the Royal Society, who then, of Americans born, is to be reckoned
the earliest Fellow of that distinguished body? On the 11th of
March, 1714, the Rev. Mr. William Brattle, minister of the Church
at Cambridge, New England, was elected a Fellow by the general
body of members. On November the 21st, "Sir Hans Sloane pro-
posed Mr. Elihu Yale, Executor to Dr. Thomas Paget, as a can-
didate, which was referred to the next Council." Yale was elected
on the 30th of November, 1717, and Paul Dudley on the 2d of
November, 1721. In 'a List of Fellows of the Royal Society, to
be found among the Rawlinson MSS. in the Bodleian ((7. 437),
the names of Brattle (1713-14), Yale (1717), and Dudley (1721)
are given, but not the name of Cotton Mather.
Communicated by Col. Thomas \V. Higoinson*, A.M., of Cambridge, Mass.
I have lately been informed by the Rev. E. Harlin Bates, Assistant
Curate of the Claybrooke Parish, Leicester, England, of the recent
discovery at Stanford Hall in that county of part of the long-missing
records of Claybrooke parish. This affords for the first time the
means of determining, with some approach to accuracy, the year of
the birth of the Rev. Francis Higginson ; a date which rested on
118 Ancestry of the Higginson Family. [April,
surmise when my life of him appeared. He was baptized, at any
rate, on Aug. 6, 1586. The parish books give also a list of his
brothers and sisters, agreeing substantially with the list preserved in
family records and given in my memoir aforesaid. The record also
supplies for the first time the date of burial of Francis Higginson's
father, the Rev. John Higginson, who was buried, it seems, on Feb.
19, 1624; this being the year suggested in my memoirs (p. 4) as
possible or probable. The name so curiously given as Dawritie and
Duwritie is unquestionably Dorothy.
Extracts from Church Registers of Parish of Claybrooke, co. Leic, Eng-
land, now in possession of Lord Braye of Stanford Hall, in the same county.
All dates New Style.
25 Apr. 1575 John s. of John & Elizabeth Higginson.
24 Apr. 1576 Duwritie d. " "
22 Sept. 1578 Presella d. " "
14 Dec. 1580 John s. " "
27 Oct. 1585 John s. " "
6 Aug. 1586 ffrauncis s. " "
15 May 1589 William s. " "
18 May 1591 Catren d. " "
4 Feb. 1593 Martyn & Mare " "
24 March 1594 Nicholes s. " "
25 Dec. 1601 George s. " "
19 Mar. 1608 Nicholes s.
13 May 1610 Graced. "
8 Dec. 1611 Elizabeth d. " "
23 May 1613 Judith d. " "
27 Nov. 1597 Nicholes s. of Edmond & Presella Higginson.
25 Dec. 1598 William Gilbard & Dawritie Higginson.
5 Jan. 1607 Edwarde Androse & Elyzabeth "
22 Apr. 1619 Thomas Coleman & Katherine '"
witness Nathaniell "
28 Oct. 1629 William Higginson & ftraunces Palmer.
26 Apr. 1577 Blaunche Higginson.
18 Sept. 1577 Thomas
11 Apr. 1581 Nicoles
26 May 1585 John
21 Apr. 1603 George
30 Jan. 1612 Elizabeth
13 July 1613 Elizabeth
17 Oct. 1613 Judith
19 Feb. 1624 John Higginson, Vicar of Claybrooke.
N. B. In this book the following years (beginning 29 Sept.)
are missing: 1567-8, '68-9, 70-1, '73-4, 78-9, '81-2, '83-4,
List of early Maine Settlers.
From the Knox Manuscripts in the possession of the New-England Historic Genealogical
Society, vol. 50, folio 166.
St. Georges upper Town.*
Samuel Boages
Archibald Gambell
James Howard
Daniel Farrel
Samuel Howard
Abraham All
Andrew Killpatrick
Thomas Killpatrick
William Mclutire
John Killpatrick
Robert Spear
Henry Alexander
Moses Robinson
John Alexander
Finly Kelagh
John North
William Allen {Deceased)
Abraham Creighton
Thomas Greg
William Walker
Andrew Mountford
William James
Charles Peoples Deceased
Alexander Lermond
Robert McCrea do
William Lermond
Barnet do
Hugh Scott
Ministerial Lott
John McCrachen
School masters d°
Christopher Hindbury
Meeting house d°
Boice Cooper
David Patterson
Deacon Young
John MeCurdie
John McLean
Thomas MeCurdie
Allexander McLean
John Mecom
Hugh McLean
David Creighton
Alexander Cambell
William Starret
John Griffin (Deceased)
Lower Towr.
Cap* Gil more
Thomas Palmer
William Falley
Henry Handly
Robert Young
John McCarter
John Peirson
Josiah Quinsy
William Smith
William Ploward
Thomas Howard
Thomas Procter
William Lamb
Ministerial Lott
Richard Lamb
Cap1 Thomas Saunders
Edward Lamb Senr
William Lamb
Edward Lamb Junr
Benjamin Burton
Charles Proctor
John Palmer
Yardley Lewis
Daniel Lewis
Charles Lewis (Deceased)
Hugh Carr
John Annis
John Brown
Walter Meloney
Michal Rawley
Thomas Carney
Owen Madden
Vacant Lott
Archibald Fullerton
John Brown
2 Vacant Lotts
Joseph Rivers
Moses Robinson Junr
Benjamin Pumery
Dennis Fogarty
* Now "Warren, Maine. — Ed.
List of early Maine Settlers.
William Henderson
Vacant Lott
Richard Forms
Reverend Rob' Rutherford
Samuel Hathorn
Richard Rutherford
Robert Rutherford Junr
William Hathorn
Alexander Hathorn
Jabez Hatch
William Davis Senr
Zacheriah Davis
William Davi3 Junr
John Davis
George Bigmore
William King
John Bigmore
Samuel Jamison
Abiah Wadsworth
Ezekial Bradford
Sedate Wadsworth
Joshua Cushing Junr
Noah Hill
Paul Jamison
George Young
William Young
Alexander Fosset
Thomas Felix
Dunbar Henderson
Saunder Jamison
Thomas Henderson
Thomas Obins
At Medomcook.*
Joshua Cushing Sen1
Josiah Aldrige
Baker Hutchins
James Cook
Joshua Bradford
Edward Thomas
Esau Thomas
Alexander Jamison
Jason Wight
Wight Senr
Elisha Crasman
Esau Thomas
There are ten Vacant Lotts Laid out by the Surveyor in Medomcook.
Robert McClerge
John Demote
John George Smith
Patrick Kenna
Henry Getsinger
Jacob Wallis
John Refuse
John Leah
John Lowrey
Capt John Ulmer
Paul Docterman
Louran Sides
Philip Fogilar
Martin Smith
Michal Walse
Mulican Snyder
David Rominger
Philip Rominger
Jacob Ulmer
Matthias Remilee
Cap1 Thomas Perkins
Capt John Fairfield
Morris Achorn
William Hilton Senr
William Hilton Junr
Jacob Achorn
Suppos this List was made previously to the Year 1760.
Supposed to have been written by Capt John North, who died in the
Year 1763.
List of the Settlers at St Gorges, Medomcook and Broadby. Supposed
to have been written by Cap* John North, who died in the Year 1763.
Copy from the Original In the possession of Mr Sam1 Winslow.
• Now Friendship, Maine.— Ep.
t Now Waldoborough, Me.— Ed.
Original Boston Documents.
[Communicated by John S. H. Fogg, M.D., of South Boston, Mass.]
This may certify that Samuel Kenne Trunk maker is assessed Tuenty
four Pounds pr. -An for the wharfe he Rents of the Town. Which for
Province and Town this Last year 1713. am0 to Three Pounds twelve
Given under our hands March ult° A0 1714
To Joseph Prout Gent : Dan1 Powning 1 Assessors for ye
Treasurer *br the
Town of Boston.
Edud: Martyn r Town of Boston
Jonas Clarke ) A0 1713
The Town of Boston Dr. for the Service of the Assessors in making the
Rates A0. 1713.
To Tim0. Thornton 51 days ....
To Dan11 Powning 94 days and the Clark )
3 / . assisting in taking List of 2 Comp\ )
To Edwd. Martyn 92 days and pd ye Clark for
assisting in taking List of 2 Compa. 6 / .
To Jonas Clark, 97 days & ye Clark 12 / .
To capt Elisha Bennett 32 days
To Ant0. Stoddard 87 days ye Clark 3 / .
To Henry Bridgham 77 days ye Clark 6 /.
Boston Aprill. 14. 1714
Tim° Thornton
Dan1 Powning
Edward Martyn
Jonas Clark
Anthony Stoddard
Henry Bridgham
£ 54. 10
Assessors for
the Town of
A°. 1713.
Boston Aprill 21st 1714.
Mark Day Desires to open ye Highway in Back Street for the Laying of
a Dreane for the benefit of his cellar (for the Doeing of which) if he takes
the Steps the Law Dericts he has the approbation and Consent of us
Joseph Wadsworth
John Ruck
Wm. Welsteed
Grove Hirst
May the 8th 1714
Wee the Subscribers Selectmen of Boston, do hereby Signifie our con-
sent That mr Joseph Hillier have liberty of digging open the H'way in
Original Boston Documents.
Cornhil for the Laying his Cellar drane into the Counon Shore there
atending ye Directions in ye Law & Covring it with speed.
Jn°. Marion
To the Town Clerk Edward Winslow
of Boston. Wm Welsteed
Grove Hirst
- Selectmen.
Boston Aug1: 6 : 1714.
Voted by the 4ssessors that the Town Clerk be directed to post up
Notifications in the Town that the Inhabitants of Sd. Town bring in a List
of their polls & Estates on the Sixteenth day of August next & the
Inhabitants of Runneymarsh on the Eighteenth Day of said Month & the
Assessors will atteud at the Town house at three of the Clock in the
Afternoon on Sd. day to receive the same.
Elisha Bennett
Sam11 Greenwood
Giles ffifield
Nath1 Green
David Farnum
Jonathan Loring
Will: Antram.
The Town of Boston Dr. for the Service of th
3 Ass
essors for the year
nno. 1713.
Timothy Thornton 7 days
« " 14 «
Dan1 Powning 20 days
a 2 " u
Edwd Martyn 13 days
a in e a
Jonas Clark 20 days
a 9 " '<
Elisha Bennett 8 days
« — « 16 "
Ant0 Stoddard 19 days ■
" 1 " 18 "
Henry Bridgham 16 days
» l « 12 "
£ 10 " 6 ««
Given under our hand the . 8 . Septer. 1714.
Tim0 Thornton
Dan11. Powning
Edwd Martyn
Assessors for the Town
Jonas Clark
Elisha Bennett
of Boston.
Anthony Stoddard
Henry Bridgham
Wee the Subscribers Select men for the Town of Boston do hereby sig-
nify our free consent that mr Benjn. Gallop have Liberty granted him to
digg open ye Highway a cross Fish street for ye new Laying his Cellar
drain there, provided that he do ye Same in parts so as to leave a sufficient
passage, and that he Lay the Same with Brick or Stone as the Law directs,
and also that he forth with repair and make good that part of ye Sd way
when he shall so digg.
Boston Apr11. 30th. 1719.
Jn6. M?rion
Elisha Cooke
Tho8. Gushing.
Ebenezer Clough
[To be continued.!
Connecticut Election Sermons.
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1892.] Major-General Daniel Denison. 127
Communicated by Daniel Denison Slade, M.D., of Chestnut Hill, Mass.
The following document, written by Major-General Daniel Deni-
son to his grandchildren, and lately found among the effects of the
Rev. Daniel Itogers of Exeter, is of historical importance, inasmuch as
it substantiates facts heretofore problematical, while it supplies know-
ledge upon points which were very uncertain or entirely wanting.
Heretofore we have been unable to state from what portion of
England the family came, nor were we sure of the exact date of
emigration. Denison states that his brother John and himself were
bred scholars at Cambridge and that his father suddenly " unsettled "
himself, recalled them from Cambridge and removed to New England ;
that his father brought with him a very good estate, settling him-
self at Roxbury. The General gives us the date of his marriage to
Patience Dudley — of which no previous record has been known to
be in existence ; and furnishes us many particulars in regard to kith
and kin. There can be no doubt of the authenticity of the document,
and its discovery is a happy circumstance.
To my Dear Grandchildren
John, Daniel, and Martha Denison
That you being left fatherless Children might not be altogether ignorant
of your ancestors, nor strangers to your near relations, I thought meet to
acquaint you with your predecessors, and your decent from them.
Your Great Grandfather Denison was born in England at Bishops Strat-
ford in Hertford shier, in which Town he Married and lived till the Year of
our Lord 1631, with two brothers Edward and George, who all of them
had Children. George the youngest Brother had a son named also George,
my cousen German, who was living in Stratford in the year 1672 as your
uncle Harlackenden Symonds toid me., who was that year in England, and
spoke with him, My uncle Edward had also Children and in the year 1631,
removed himself and family into Ireland, where he died and left a son
called John Denison who was a souldier and a Major of a Regiment in the
time of the Wars, and Deputy Governor of Corke, where Mr. Wamwright
saw him.* I have received divers Letters from him, he was living in Dublin©
in the year 1670, your great Grandfather my Dear father whose name was
William, had by my dear Mother whose uame was Chandler six sons, and
one Daughter, two of which (viz) one son and the Daughter died in their
Childhood, one son who was the second named William about 18 years of
age would needs goe a Souldier into Holland, in the year 1624 at the
famous Seige of Breda when it was taken by Spinola and Count Mansfield
had an army out of England* to have raised the seige, but the army mis-
carryed and my Brother William was never heard of since.
* Possibly George Denison, who settled at Annisquam (Gloucester), Essex County, Mass.
in 1725 and is said to have corae from Dublin, Ireland, may have been a descendant. (See
Baldwin and Cliffs Deniaon Record, page 34o).— Editor.
VOL. XLVI. *11
128 Major- General Daniel Denison. [April,
We were now but four Brothers left (viz.) John, Daniel, Edward and
George. John and myself were bred schoilars at Cambridge, where f con-
tinued till after I hud taken my first Degree,* your Grandfather my father
though very well seated in Stratford, hearing of the then famous transplan-
tation to New England, unsetled himself and recalling me from Cambridge
removed himself and family in the year 1631 to New England, and brought
over with him myself being about 19 years of age, and my two younger
Brothers. Edward, and George, leaving my eldest brother John behind
him in England, Marryed with a good portion, who was a minister, and
lived about Pelham or in Hartford shier, not far from Stratford where we
were born.
My father brought with him into New England a very good Estate and
settled himself at Roksbury. and there Lived (though somewhat weakuing
his Estate) till the year 1053 in January when he died, having buried my
Mother about Eight years before.
My two brothers Edward and George (who were your great uncles) had
all the Estate my father left between them, being both marryed long before
my father's death; my Brother George buried his first Wife in the year
16-13. went into England was a Souldier ther above a year, was at the
Battle of York or Marston Moor, where he did good service, was afterward
taken Prisoner, but got free and having Married a second Wife he returned
to New England, the year before our Mother died, and not long after re-
moved himself to New London near whereunto (viz) at Stoning ton he now
liveth, having 3 sons John, William, and George, 4 or 5 Daughters his
eldest son John is married, and hath Children which are your Cousens. and
3 of his Daughters are Marryed to Stanton, Palmer, and Cheesebrook, all
living at present in the same Town.
My brother Edward (your great uncle) also was Married about the same
time with your uncle George about the beginning of the year 1011 and
lived the rest of his Days at Rocksbury in the same House my father built
lived and died in, he to my great grief and loss departed this life in April
in the year 1669, and left behind him but one son William of about 5
years old having buried four sons in their infancy, he left also five Daughters
of which one was married in his lifetime to Jachin Reiner who liveth at
I was the eldest of the 3 Brothers that were brought to New England,
and the next year after our arival (viz.) in the year 1632, on the 18th day
of October on which day twenty years before I was Baptized at Stratford,
and 7 years before I was admitted into the university of Cambridge, I
Married your Grandmother, who was the second daughter of Mn Tho"
Dudley, who was a principal undertaker of this Plantation of the Massa-
chusets and one of those first commers in the year 1630 that brought over
the Patent, and setled the Government here he came over Deputy Gover-
nor, and was afterwards diverse times Governour, he then lived at Cam-
bridge, removed to Ipswich, where he stayed but one year, being recaled
again to live in the Bay, which then could not but want his help, he setled
himse'f at Rocksbury, where he lived until he departed this life about the
30th Day of July, in the year 1653 having buried your great Grandmother
about 10 years before, about the latter end of December 1643. She was a
* This is the first intimation I hare found that M'aj. Gen. Denison was a graduate of
Cambridge University. Can any of our readers give further information of his elder
brother, Rev. John Denison, who is here stated to" have been also educated at Cambridge,
and to have been a clergyman near Bishop's S tort ford in Hertfordshire ?— Editor.
1892.] Major- General Daniel Denison. 129
fine vertuous woman who loved your father in his childhood, and was horn
in her house, she had by her Husband one son — your great uncle Sam11 Dud-
ley* who liveth at Exeter, and by o wives hath had many Children Cousen
germans to your father, And beside your Grandmother Denison she had
three Daughters (viz.) your Aunt Bradstreett who died in September 1672
who left 4 sons and 3 Daughters liv.eing, beside her daughter Cotton who
died before her, and left many children then your Aunt VVoodbrjdgf now
living at Newberry who hath five sons and rive daughters living your
fathers Cousen Germans as also were your aunt Bradstreets Children, the
last was your aunt Sarah marryed to mr Keane§ both dead long since, and
left one only daughter Hannah, Married to Mr Paige, and is now living at
Boston your great Grandmother being dead your sweet Grandfather Dudley
married a second Wife.|| and by her had a daughter marryed to Mr Jonathan
Wade, who liveth at Mistick, and two sons Joseph Dudley who now liveth
at Rocksbury, in his fathers House, and Paul Dudley a Merchant who is
upon a voyage to Ireland, these were your fathers uncles by their fathers
For myself after I was married to your Grandmother I lived about two
years at Cambridge, and in the year 1 635 I removed to Ipswich, where I
have lived ever since with your Grandmother, we lived together without
Children above 7 years till the sixteenth of January being Thirsday your
dear father was born at Rocksbury, whether your Grandmother went to
lye in at her mothers, and two years and a quarter after your aunt Rogers
was born at Ipswich, on the 10ta day of April 1612 about nine years after
your Grandmother had another Daughter named Mary, who died about a
quarter old, and three years after we had another our last named Deborah
who died within a fortnight.
In the year 1645 I was made Major of the Regiment of Essex, and in
the year 1653 was Chosen an Assistant or Magistrate and about a year
after was made Major General and continued so for about 7 or eight years
In the year 1660 my onely Daughter and your Aunt Elizabeth was Mar-
* The Hon. James Savage, in 1843 (see Collections of the Massachusetts Historical
Society, vol. 28, page 248), conjectured that Thomas Dudley, a graduate of Cambridge
(A. B. 1626, A.M. 1630), might have been a 'on of Gov. Thomas Dudley. It would seem
from Gen. Denison's statements that Gov. Dudley had no wife beforeDorothy, and that
she had only one son, Samuel. If this he so, Thomas, the graduate, could not have been
a son of Gov. Dudley. More than thirty years ago, Mr. Dean Dudley and myself had
arrived at the opinion that Thomas was probably not the Governor's son. Our reasons
were, that neither a :?on Thomas nor children of Thomas are mentioned in Gov. Dudley's
will, and that Mrs. Bradstreet says, in her epitaph on her mother, that she "Of all her
children, children lived to see."— (See Works of Mrs. Anne Bradstreet, Ellis's edition,
page liii.)
For accounts of Gov. Thomas Dudley and his descendants, see Register, vol. 10, pp
130-42; 337-44.— Editor.
f For accounts of Gov. Simon and Mrs. Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet and their descen-
dants, see Register, vol. 8, pp. 312-2-5; vol. 9, pp. 113-21. For a biographical sketch of
Gov. Bradstreet, see vol. I, pp. 75-7. — Editor.
X For accounts of Rev. John and Mrs. Mercy (Dudley) Woodbridtre and their descen-
dants, see Rkgister, vol. 32, pp. 2u2-o ; also the " WoodOridge Record," compiled from
the papers left bv the late L"uis Mitchell, Esq., by his brother Donald G. Mitchell, L.L.D.,
New Haven, 1883, 4to, pp. 272.— Editor.
§ Sarah Dudley married Major Benjamin Keayne, son of Capt. Robert Keayne and
nephew of the Rev. John Wilson of. Boston. An abstract of the will of Robert" Keayne
is printed in the Register, vol. 37, pa_re 234. Fjr notices of the Keayne family, see
Register, vol. 6, pp. 89-92; 152-8; vol. 35, pp. 277; vol. 37, pp. 234—5. — Editor.
Ii The maiden name of the secor.d wife of Gov. Thomas Dudley was Katherine Dighton.
For an account of her ancestry and relatives, see Register, voi. 45, pp. 302-4.— Editor.
130 Major-General Daniel Denison. [April,
ryed to Mr John Rogers* who hath ever since lived at Ipswich, and hath
now living five children, your Cousen Germans (viz.): Elizabeth, Margret,
John, Daniel and Nathaniel, She had another Daughter named also Elisa-
beth that died ahout a year and quarter old.
Your Dear father my Dear and only son was Married to your Mother
who was named M" Martha Simouds on the 2d or 3d of february 1603. and
lived at the farm at Ipswich the remainder of his days, being above four
and twenty years of age when he Marryed. and living sweetly and comfort-
ably with your Mother near seven years, by whom he had 3 Children John
the eldest, born the 22d of September 1665, Martha born the first of March
1668, and Daniel born the 14th day of April 1671. But about 3 Months
before poor Daniel was born (viz) on the ninth of January 1670 it pleased
the alwise God to take your dear father my dear and loving son to himself,
thereby bereaving you and me of our greatest comfort and support he was
taken witli a most violent flux the first of January which held him nine
days, with grievous torment, which he endured with admirable patience,
committing himself to God, v. Lth assured confidence and took his last leave
of me who was with him all the time of his sickness and of his loving Wife,
and of his 2 Children John, and Martha, without any Preturbation, Bless-
ing his Children and commending them to God the father Son and Holy
Ghost, and Committing that which was unborn to my care, at his death he
was not one and thirty, but wanted six days and about 15 hours, so early
had he finished his Course and done his work, and if his work had then to
have been done (as he then said) he had been Miserable but he had lived
a Godly and examplary life, being a constant seeker of God. I have heard
your Mother since say he used to pray five times a Day, a Dutiful Child a
loving husband and father, a loving friend a good man in all his ways, and
he departed most Christian like, and comfortably to the unspeakabie grief
and loss of me and all his friends, about 3 months after his death was Daniel
born at the farm whose name his father ordered before his death, desiring
his wife if she were delivered of a son it might be called Daniel, and if a
daughter it should be called Patience, after the name of your Grandmother,
more of your fathers sickness and gracious speeches I committed to Writ-
ing and left them with your Grandmother.
And now dear Children though God hath taken away your dear and
loving father, yet he hath not left you fatherless, but according to your dear
fathers desire and Blessing Commending you to God whom in his sickness
he often called his Covenant God, Who is also your Covenant God and
hath covenanted with every one of you in your Baptism, he hath been a
father to you and mercifully provided for you and cared for you, when you
could not care for not help your selves, as I shall acquaint you, And there-
fore dear children Let your chief care be as you grow to understanding to
know the God of your fathers, and to serve him with a perfect heart and
the Blessing of God will be with you both in life and Death, according to
the blessing and Prayers of your dear father and Godly Ancestors.
Your father had not a present Estate Setled on him, but upon his Mar-
riage with your Mother, I ingaged to provide for him, and after mine and
your Grandmothers decease to give him my Farm at CheTbacco] where you
were all born and also a ffarin 600 acres at Merrimack River, and accord-
ingly during his life he partaked of all that I had and we lived with great
* For genealogies of the Rogers familv, see Register, vol. 4, p. 179; vol. 5, pp. 10^>—52>
824,311-30; vol. 12, pp. 337-42; vol. 13, pp. 61-9; vol. 39, pp. 22-5-30: vol. 41, pp. L3b-83.
— Editok.
1892.] Major- General Daniel Denison. 131
content and satisfaction, and what I ingaged to him shall God willing be
made good to you his Children, after your fathers decease I provided for
you and your Mother above one year, at the ffarm where you all lived. But
it Pleased God so to order that we Should be further parted. For the be-
ginning of April 1G72 your Mother having married with Mr Richard Mar-
tyne, went to live with him at Portsmouth, taking with her two Children,
Daniel who then sucked and Martha, as I had contracted with them before
that in Consideration of that Estate which your father left and your Mother
had and Mr Martine with her, which was neere 300£, They should bring
up two Children and he bound to give 100£ to Martha, when she corns to
age or if she die before to Daniel and his Heirs, for which I have Mr Mar-
tyu3 Bond, and for some other Legacies in case your Mother dye before
For John he was to stay with, me and his Grandmother, as he was to
have done had his father lived to go to School. Thus you are quartered
dear Children but yet through Gods goodness you are under there care
that do tenderly love and will carefully provide for you, for which you will
have cause to Bless God, That though you are bereaved of a loving father
yet he hath not left you desolate.
Having given this account of your descent by the father side, I shall
acquaint you with some of your relations by your Mothers side, hoping your
mother who tenderly loves you will as she hath oppertunity instruct you
not only in that particular but in other things of greater moment and
Your Mother was the eldest daughter of Mr Samuel Symonds, a Magestrate
yet living in Ipswich, by his second wife who was the Widow of one Mr
Eps, by whom she had your uncle Eps living at Ipswich, who hath many
Children all your cousens. She had also 2 daughters one Marry ed to Mr
Chute, dead long since, another Marry ed to Mr Duncan who lives at
Glocester, and hath many Children.
Your Grandfather Symonds had a wife before, by whom he had divers
Children, some dead and 3 yet living one daughter Marryed to Mr Eps
your uncle by your grandmother as his wife is by your Grandfather, also 2
Sons Harlackeden now in iMigland, and William that lives at Ipswich.
Your Grandfather had by your Grandmother one son. your uncle Sam-
uel, who loved your father and Mother, and dyed before your father at sea
as he was returning from England, whether he went the year before, he
was a hopeful young man, he had also 3 daughters your good mother,
whose name wTas Martha, was the eldest, the 2d was Marryed to Mr Emer-
son, Minister of Gloucester, where they live and have divers Children your
Cousen Germans by the Mother side, his 3d daughter was Priscilla Marryed
to Mr Baker, the same day your mother was Marryed to Mr Martyne, they
live at TopsHeld.
Your Grandmother Symonds dyed about two years before your Mother
was Marryed. she had a brother Colonel Read, a great souldier in the Civil
Wars in England, and Governour of Sterling in Scotland, she had also two
sisters that lived in New England the eldest was your Aunt Lake, who
dyed in September last, and left a daughter named Martha, wife of Thomas
Harris who hath many Children, your cousens, her other Sister was Mr9 Win-
throp the wife of Mr John Winthrop Governour of Conecticot, who is newly
dead, at the writing hereof as the report is, She had two sons John and
Wayte, and 4 or 5 Daughters one Marryed to Mr Neuwman who lived and
dyed at Wenham in September last, another Marryed at Salem to Mr John
132 Major- General Daniel Denison. [April,
Corwin all these are your Mothers Cousen Germans, and your Cousens
and so are their children. *
I have done as much as I intended by which Dear Children you may
perceive you need not be ashamed of your progenitors, who have in many
respects been eminent in' their times, It behoves you that you take care to
be imetators of their piety and goodness, and that you doe not degenerate
from those Roots from whence you are sprunge, in so doing the blessing
and Prayers of your Godly Ancestors will fall upon you, and the God of
your fathers will be your Covenant God who only is able to bless you here
and make you happy hereafter, which is and hath been the Continual
Prayer of all your godly Ancestors and particularly of your tender and
loving Grandfather who wrote this the 26th Day of December in the year
of our Lord 1672, in the sixtieth and one year of hi3 age.
Daniel Denison.
[Notes. — The foregoing confirms a guess I made a couple of years ago, that
the New England family of Denison would be found to have belonged to Bishop's
Stortford in England. The will of John Gace of Stortford. Herts, tanner
(Montague 61, P. C. C), proved in 1602, of which I hope to give a larger ab-
stract one of these days, mentions George, Edward and William Denison. " chil-
dren of my wife," and Elizabeth Crouch -'a daughter of my wife." I paid a
flying visit to Stortford. and, with much ado. succeeded in getting a sight of
the parish registers, from which I took the following extracts :
The xvij of March, 1582, George Denyson son of John baptized.
George son of William Denizen baptized 20 October 1610.
George Denizon son of William and Margaret baptized 10 December 1620. f
William Denizen and Margaret Monck married 7 November 1603.
Very likely there were other Denison items there, but these were all that
caught my eye, in my very hasty inspection at that time. — Henry F. Waters.
The Records of St. Michael's Parish Church, Bishop's Stortford, edited by
J. L. Glasscock, Jr., were published in 1882. By this book we find that William
Dennvson was churchwarden in 1606 (page 113J and George Dennyson in 1632,
1633, 1635, 1618 and 1619 (page 11.1).
In the Churchwarden's accounts among the receipts for the year 1582 is 4i of
John Denyson ix d" (page 61).
In the Churchwarden's Book, 1612, the name George Dennyson is entered
several times. Among the collections is found under "Water Lane" -'Geo
Dennyson iiij d " (page 116). Among the church rents due March 25, 1612, is
"of Geo. Dennysou's house and yard vj d" ! (page 152). Under lease rents is
" of Geo. Denyson for the Stalls in the Barly Hill for a yere at orLady day 1613
xj s" (page 155).
The parish register is not printed in this volume.
On the 20th of September, 1882, the two hundredth anniversary of the death
of Maj. Gen. Denison was commemorated at Ipswich, Mass. The proceedings
on this occasion were printed in a pamphlet of 52 pages, entitled. " The Denison
Memorial." Of this pamphlet, 25 paqjes are devoted to a carefully prepared and
very full biographical sketch of Maj. Gen. Denison, by Dr. Slade, now of Chest-
nut Hill, who contributes the preceding article to the Register. An historical
sketch of Ipswich by the Rev. Augustine Caldwell is also printed there.
Another biography by Dr. Slade appeared in the Register, vol. 23, pp. 312-35.
Gen. Denison's will is printed in the Register, vol. 8, pp. 23-1. To these
articles the reader is referred for information not found in the autobiography.
Mrs. Margaret Denison, the mother of Maj. Gen. Denison, died at Roxbury,
* For accounts of the Svmomls and Reade families, see "Ancestry of Pri>cilla Baker,"
by William S. Appletnn, Cambridge, 1870, sm-. -ito. pp. 143. For the ancestry and connec-
tions of the Winthrop family, see Register, vol. IS. ppi 182-6 P'or notice of rbe Ep-ps and
Lake families, see Register, vol. 13. pp. 11-5-6. For pedigree of the Chute family, see
Register, vol. 13, pp. 123-4.— Editor.
t There has been a lack of agreement as to the year of Capt. George Denison's birth.
Some say he was born in 1618, but his srravestone makes him 73 years old at his death,
October 23, 169 1. (See Baldwin and Clifc's Denison Record, page 6.j— Editor.
1892.] Episcopal Records at S tough ton. 133
Feb. 3, 1645-6. Her son states that her maiden name was Chandler. Mr. "Waters
finds on the Bishop's Stortford register (see above) the marriage, in 1603, of
William Deuison to Margaret Monck. This William Denison is probably the
New England emigrant. The variation in the surname of his wife may be
accounted for in two ways: Mr. Denison may have been married twice, or
Margaret Monck may have been a widow in 1603. William Denison, father
of the general, died at Roxbury, Jan. 25, 1653-4.
From Mr. Waters's extracts from the register of Bishop's Stortford, it would
seem that the father of William Denison and grandfather of Daniel was named
John. His widow seems to have married John Gace.
"A Record of the Descendants of Capt. George Denison, of Stonington,
Conn.," a brother of the General, was published at Worcester in 1881, in an
octavo of 424 pages. — (See Register, vol. 36, p. 101.) The compilers were
Hon. John Denison Baldwin and Hon. William Clift. — Editor.]
From a manuscript copy in the Archives of the N.-E. Historic Genealogical Society.
[Continued from page 14.]
July 17, 1796.— Hariot of Paul & Elizabeth Cain.
Elisha of Elisha and Sarah Crehore.
and Clarissa of Elisha and Sarah Crehore.
Aug. 7, 1796. — Jane of John and Fanny Nightingale.
Oct. 4, 1796. — Hannah of Eleazar and Hannah Crehore.
Oct. 30, 1796. — Abigail of Henry and Nancy Gay.
Nov. 20, 1796. — Dorcas of Jeremiah and Nancy Brown.
Dec. 28, 1798. — Robert Patersen of Robert and Margaret Smith.
Elizabeth Temple of Samuel and Mary Nickolson.
Horatio of John and Rebecca Sprague.
Rebecca " " " " "
Sarah Chambers of John and Rebecca Spragu6.
Sept. 16, 1798. — Samuel of John and Nancy Higin.
Oct. 14, 1798. — Horatio of Abraham aod Hepzibah Bigelow.
Abraham" " " " "
Hepzibah" « " " "
Anna Maria of " " " "
Martha of Ebenezer and Unice Hall.
Oct. 21, 1798.— Wm Henry of Thomas and Sarah Chase.
July 29, 1800. — Hannah Healey of Edward and Ann Weaver, born June
27, 1800.
Oct. 5, 1800. — Hannah of Moses and Hannah Kingsbury
and Calvin " " " " «
Mar. 15, 1801.— Reuben of Silas and Judah Bacon.
Colburu " " " " "
Eliza of Ezekiel and Mary Kingsbury.
Apr. 26, 1801. — Daniel of Daniel and Charlotte Arnold.
June 21, 1801. — Moses of Peter and Betsey Shepard Bracket.
June 28, 1801. — Sally of Noah and Susanna Kingsbury.
Samuel of " " " "
134 Episcopal Records at Stougldon. [April,
Dec. 22, 1801. — Jeremiah Smith Boise of Abel and Anna Alleyne.
June 28, 1801. — Martha of Noah and Susanna Kingsbury.
Charlotte of " " " "
May 30, 1802.— Willard of Jesse and Mehitable Ayres.
Leonard tk " " " "
Martha Fisher of Jesse and Mehitable Ayres.
Susanna of Noah and Susanna Kingsbury.
Jan. 24, 1802. — Edward Harison Winterten of Jonathan and Mary Ann
Feb. 14, 1802. — James Barker of James and Maria Field.
Sept. 12, 1802.— Grace Sophia of Paul and Elizabeth Cain.
Sept. 19, 1802. — John Avery of Ralph and Abijah Coffin.
Feb. 7, 1803.— George John Foster of Abel and Anna Alleyne.
Mar. 13, 1803.— Jane Little of Win and Jane Montague, born Jan. 3, 1803.
June 26, 1803. — George Greenwood of George and Mary Gay.
Amanda of Jonathan and Mary Ann Sprapue.
Sept. 11, 1803. — Seth Burrell of Peter and Betsey Shepard Bracket.
Oct. 23, 1803.— Jacob of Jacob and Polly Frost.
Oct. 30, 1803. — Ebehezer of Henry and Ann Gay.
Apr. 30, 1804. — Mitzer of Moses and Hannah Kingsbury.
Mar. 25, 1804. — Wm, Henry of Wm. and Jane Montague.
Sept. 3, 1804. — Joshua Thomas of Paul and Elizabeth Cain.
Sept. 16, 1804. — Mary of Noah and Susanna Kingsbury.
Oct. 28, 1804.— Rhoda of Simon and Rhoda Ferry.
Nov. 25, 1804. — George Edmund of Thomas and Sarah Chase.
Nov. 26, 1804.- — Peter of Peter and Betsey Shepard Bracket.
May 19, 1805. — Mary Ann of Samuel and Mary Richards.
Henry White of " " " "
Sarah Elizabeth of " " " "
Edward Metcalf of " " " "
John Holbrook of " " " "
June 2, 1805. — Henry of Michael and Ruth Ware.
Oct. 20, 1805. — Henry Hall of George and Mary Gay.
June 19, 1806. — Sarah Ann of Wm and Jane Montague, born May 10, 1806.
Caroline Mary of Mathew and Ann Harmon.
Lawrence of Jesse and Hannah Richards.
Catherine " " " " "
Hannah " " " " "
Mary " " " " "
Sept. 22, 1806.— Mary of Jesse and Mary Ellis.
Abigail" « " " "
Lucy " " "
Aug. — , 1806. — William of Reuben and Susanna Guild.
May 11, 1807.— Sail v of Abner and Martha Ellis.
Martha of "
Rebecca of " " "
Lydia " " " " "
Sept. 13, 1807. — Hannah of and Eunice Winthrop.
Sept. 23, 1807. — Abigail Nancy Gay of Nathan and Abigail Shuttleworth
Jan. 20, 1808. — Jesse Wheaton of Jesse and Mary Stowell.
Aug. 28, 1808. — Anna Ulbaana Benjamina of John Jacob and Mary Ben-
jamina Woodbridge Gourgas.
1892.] Episcopal Records at Slovgkton. 135
June 18, 1809.— Wtu of Hezekiah and Ruth Chadwick.
Sept. 10, 1800. — George Little of Win and Jane Montague, born July 20,
Sept. 28, 1809. — Abel Lewis John Jacob of John Jacob and Mary Ben-
jamina Woodbridge Gburgas.
Mar. 13, IS 10. — John Abijah of Win and Lvdia White (in the town of
Juue 24, 1810. — Nathaniel of Noah and Sukey Kingsbury.
Dec. 13, 1810.— Wm of Abraham and Rebecca Eustis (born 17th of Nov-
ember 1810 at Fort Adams in Newport Harbor and
baptized at the same place).
Sept. 10, 1810.— Walter of Waiter and Sally Webb.
Mary Ann of " " ki "
Loisa " " " " "
Jan. 20, 1811. — Rebecca Sprague of John and Sarah Maguire.
June 7, 1811. — Clarissa Catherine Henrietta of John Jacob and Mary
Benjamina Woodbridge Gourgas.
Sept. 8, 1811. — Louisa Elizabeth of James and Elizabeth Noyes, aged 18
years Feb. 28, 1811.
Sept. 29, 1811. — Elbridge of John and Hannah Ware (being a married man).
Ellen Eugenia of John and Betsey Ware.
Oct. 13, 1811.-— Ruben of Silas and Judah Bacon.
Leonard of " " " "
Daniel " " « " "
Marshall Kingsbury of Sila3 and Judah Bacon.
Sarah Kingsbury " " " " "
July 15, 1811. — At MarshfieJd the undersigned baptized James son of
Luther and Hannah Little. Wm Montague.
Mar. 8, 1812. — Horatio of Abraham and Rebecca Eustis. (baptized at Fort
Adams R. I.) Wm Montague.
April 6, 1812. — Hannah Strong wife of Titus Strong.
Frauces Elvira of Titus and Hannah Strong.
Wm Henry « " " " " Wm Montague.
July 21, 1812. — John Sherley of John' Sherley and Nancy Williams.
Wm Montague.
May 15, 1812. — Olivia Price of Wm Price, born at Hopkinton, Nov. 15.
Lncy of Arnold and Sally Morse, born at Hopkinton, Jan.
7, 1798. Wm Montague.
Aug. 30, 1812. — John Holley of John and Hariot Peirce, born Mar. 7. 1810.
Isaac Beat of Wm and Sally Peirce, born April 12. 1800.
May 19, 1813. — Mary Miles of Ezekiel and Betsey Gardner, South Kings-
ton. Rhode Island State.
Aug. 14, 1813. — Wm Frederic of Ithamer and Janette Chase, Cornish, N.
H. State.
Oct. 5, 1813.— Harriot of John & Harriot Chase.
Oct. 19, 1813. — Baptized Wm Bond, and Nancy Bond his wife the parents
of the five following children who were baptized at tbe
same time by me. Wm Montague
viz.: Mary Moulton.
Janette Ralston.
Sally Bradford
George Dunbar, all of the town of Keene in the
State of New H.
136 Letters of Col. Thomas Westb rook and others. [April,
Oct. 11, 1814. — Edward Wortley of "Win and Jane Montague.
Apr. 23, 1814. — Henry Bright of Henry Bright and Dorathy Chase.
Nehemiah rt " '• >' " '• in the
town of Warner, & State of New Hampshire.
Sept. 7, 1814. — Allace Jane of Wm and Harriot Dustiu.
Malinda Grannis " " " "
Hannah " " '• "
Robert Barklay of Abner and Deborah Tyler
all of Charlestown in the State of New Hampshire.
Jan. 4, 1815. — Deborah of Moses and Hannah Kingsbury.
Mary Lion of k* " "
Jonathan " w " " "
George " " " « "
May 21, 1815. — Adaline of Silas and Juclah Bacon.
Joshua Lewis of Moses and Hannah Kingsbury.
Charles " " " " "
Wm Montague.
Jan. 7, 1817. — Caroline Woodbridge of John Jacob and Mary Beujaming
Woodbridge Gourcjas.
July 2, 1817. — At Unity in the State of New Hampshire I baptized two
of the youngest of Jesse Stowell's children.
Wm Montague.
[It is evident from some of the entries in these records, that the children
-whose baptisms are here recorded were baptized in different towns. A large
portion of the parents of the children did not reside at Stoughton. Many were
residents of Dedham, where the Rev. William Montague, who seems to have
made a considerable portion of the entries, was rectoi\ — Editor.]
{To be continued.]
Communicated by "William Blake Trasx, A.M., of Dorchester, Mass.
[Continued from page 30.]
[The following is a verbatim copy, imperfectly translated, as it would
appear, from the French, of the letter of Governor Vaudreuil, to which his
signature, only, is affixed. It will be noticed, that he speaks of Father
Rale as having been murdered by the English, while doing his duty, the
priest proving ever faithful to his Prince in teaching the Indians, who were
always true to the French and their service. This letter should be read in
connection with that of Duminer's to the Canadian Governor, written on
the 15th of September preceding, printed in the present volume of the
Eegister, page 26, as also, another, by Dummer, yet to come, dated 19th
of January, 1724-5. The latter is more directly in reply to the letter of
"Vaudreuil now before us, in regard to the Indians, boundaries of lands,
treaties, &c.
There 13 extant, in the Massachusetts Archives (vol. 52, pages 15, 16),
1892.] Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others. 137
an intercepted letter, taken among Sebastian Rale's papers, at Norridge-
wock, examined, and attested to by Secretary Joseph Willard. Though
printed entire in the Mass. Hist. Collections, 2d series, vol. viii., page 266,
it may be of interest to give, here, a partial synopsis of its contents.
Rale states, that his people made a party of forty men against the
English, " not with a Design to kill, but to put them in mind of their
Word, and to make them draw off: In one night they ranged near ten
Leagues of the Country where the English had settled," broke into their
houses, pillaged and burned them, taking thence sixty-four prisoners.
Subsequently, 160 warriors set out. (i I embarked with them," he writes,
4'to go to the War." They attacked a village, consisting of 54 fair houses,
with five forts, two of stone, and three of wood. The inhabitants, " near
600 in number," as he says, "besides women and children," had sheltered
themselves in their stone forts. His party fell upon, and pillaged the
houses, " burned all their Works of Wood, filled up their "Wells, killed
their Cattle, Oxen, Cows, horses, sheep, swine." " To pleasure the Eng-
lish," as he expresses himself, <k I made my appearance, and shewed
myself to them several times." " They saw me," he continues to say, " but
dare do nothing to me, altho' they knew that the Govern our had set my
Head at a Thousand Livres Sterling. 1 shall not part with it, Nevertheless,
for all the Sterling money in England."
The Indians went from thence to Canada, according to Rale, and would
have carried him with them, " but I bid them go," " and about eight or nine
stays here with me."
Rale, in closing, feels perplexed by the fact, that the English hold their
forts, and are, consequently, masters of the land. The Indians are not
able, alone, without the assistance of the French, to cope with them, and
the land, to the Indians, is lost.
The 12th ot August (old style), 1724, Father Rale was slain, and his
scalp was bro ghfc to Boston. The New England Courant, August 24,
1724, says:— -'-On Saturday last arrived Capt. Johnson Harmon from his
Expedition n gainst the Indians at Norridgewock, and brought with him 28
Scalps, one o- which is Father Ralle's their Priest."
The Mass. Hist. Coll., 2d series, vol. viii. p. 245-249, contains a copy of
a long letter from Father Rale, to one of his order, name not given, which
by a singular coincidence, was dated August 23, N. S., 12 O. S., 1724, " the
very day that Captain Harmon and his men slew him and a number of
To sh)w the changes produced in sentiment and feeling a century after-
wards, it may be mentioned, that Bishop Fenwick, of Boston, caused a
monument to be erected to Father Rale, at Norridgewock, which was
dedicated one hundred and nine years after the massacre, namely, August
23, 1833. The inscription, in latin, with a view of the monument, may be
seen in Allen's History of Norridgewock, papes 42, 43.]
VaudreuiVs Letter to L Governor Dummer.
I am surprise[d] that you have not seen the Safe garde, & the Comission
I had given to Father Ralle, sooner. The Abenekis Indieos, your Neig-
bours, with whom you have allways been in war, haveing submitted them-
selves To france, imbrace the Catholick Religion, & declare war to you
Every time France & England have had any quarrel togather; I say, all
this ought, or should, have put you in Mind or Convince you, it was not
138 Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others. [April,
without orders of the most Christian king, that the Jesuits were among the
Lidiens & Preach the Gospel to 'em. If you had forgotten it, the many
Letters I have Written to your Governor about it, since the Last war be-
tween you & the abeneckis Indiens ought to have put you in mind of it.
No doubt but you are to answer to the king, your master, for the Late
Murder Committed by your order on the Person of that french Missionary,
whose head, I know, you Sat a price, & had no other reason to be so ani-
mated against, only because he has done his Duty, & has been fait[h]full
To his Prince in Teaching those Indiens, to Whom the king of f ranee could
not refuse missionaries & help 'em in all he Could; because they have all-
ways, been true to him & served him upon Every occasion, or opportunity,
that have been made known to ye.
You tell me, that you took the opportunity of the Safe gard I had given
to father Ralle, to lett me know, for the Second Time, that the narank-
souae & Panoaramesques Indiens, were without Contradiction Subje[c]ts to
great Britain & on their Lands. Give me Leave to tell ye, Sir, that what
you Say is not Maintainable. Don't you know, that S* George's River
was on 1700 by order of the Two Crowns, mark'd as the bounds of the
English & french Lands; by wBh bounds it is Plainly Seen, that all the
District of Penoamesque was given to us; & shews the injustice you have
Committed against the french, to built as you have done. & without Leave,
a fort on the land of one Lefevre; of which enterprize if you don't desist,
you will infallibely repent? Don't you know, that said Lefevre had an habi-
tation att kannoveskail : that your Sloops & ours did Pay a Duty to him as
to the Propriator of that Land, Every time they Came to anchor there ? I
believe that Mr Capon (Envoy of England when king George Came upon
the Throne, who Came here to ask the Panoamesqae Indians to submit
themselves to England) has not impart to you with the answer those Indiens
made to him, tho' they did give him Two Coppies of it in Writing. Their
answer was, that they were french from the begiuin, & in the interest of
france; that they were Surprise they made such proposition to 'em; that
they never would Change their Religion, king nor Interest; & were
offended they would keep such a Discourse to 'em, when they knew, very
well, their union With france; of Which they Look themselves as Children
& Subje[c]ts. That answer (if said Capon don't Ly that was to be sent to
the king & Parliament of England) will show Plainly S. the unreasonabies
of your Pretention to those Indiens. As to those of Narancsouac, you
flatter yourselves of Certain Particular deeds, by Yertue of Wch yon pre-
tend, they made over their lands to ye, but how can wee believe ye. Since
the Whole Nation Exclaim against those particulars? Indiens (whom
they pretend you have suborned) that had no authority to give you that
deed for the first fort build by your order, upon Narancsouac Land ? You
said to the Indiens that were against it, or opposed it, that you did not 'pre-
tend to be master of said forts; that they were built only against the
Pirates, that may, otherwise, take away the goods you had a mind to send
that way to Trade with 'em? After you had, by unlawful! means, built
those forts, you spoke Very imperiously, & thought yourselves able to sub-
due the said Indiens; but it is that, itself, that has brought you to the Con-
fusion & Trouble you Lay under, of which you will have much ado to
Come oft. You have in so doing, provoke the Narancsouae Indiens against
you, to see you bad a mind to use 'era as your Subje[c]ts, & even as slaves,
whilst they would have no other relation with you but what follows from
trade among Nations. You may Judge of the true of what I say, by the
1892.] Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others. 139
Letter you took about three years ago att father Ralle's house, when you
plunder it against the Laws of men. You'll See in that Letter, that the
Narancsouae Indiens use to Come Every year to me, to Complain of your
New attempts, & that you had a mind to make 'em turn of your Side
TVether they Wou'd or No, wch they were resolve not to sutfer.
You had more need to ask my advice, before you Invad their Lands
(Wch I should never advic ye to) then I to ask you Leave to answer the
Just complaints of the Said Indiens; that since they Would not turn of
your side it was their Interest to Defend their land, & Drive out Those
that would invade it.
It would have Loock very unsemly for me Sir, if for to please you, I
had occasioned the said Indiens to turn from the french (with whom they
have & will Live Lovingly togather) & sacrifice them to you. If I had I
woud have made a breach to the Last Treaty of Peace, who order us to
have a Regard for the Indiens, either friends or ally to france & do Noth-
ing to molest 'em. Know therefore, Sir, that if I did order father Ralle to
Tarry among 'em, it was to Conform my Self to the Said Trety. Nothing
Could afflict the said Indiens more then to see their father, or Priest, taken
away from 'em; whilst of an other Side, you did Endeavour to take their
Lands. You must blame nobody but yourselves, for all the Violence &
hostilitys those Indiens have committed against your Nation, Since you
are the Cause of it, in invadeing their Lands, & presume to make your
Subje[c]ts those People, that never would Consent to be your allys: whom
being united to france, have doclare themselves against your Nation. I
Cannot help taking their parts in this, to let you know you are in the
wrong to fall out with 'em, as you have.
You have by that means, draw upon your Selves, a great Number of
Indiens from Every Side, whom to revenge the injustice done to these, do
fall & will fall upon you hereafter. If you had imitate the Governours of
Boston, your predecessors, Contended your Selves To Trade with the
Abenakis Indiens & had built no forts on their Lands, all this Continent
would be in peace, Wherefore I think my Se^ oblige to represent to you
again, that to Procure Peace among your selves & the People you have
Justly provok'd by your unjust attempts, to Pull Down all the forts you
have built upon their Land Since the Peace of LTtreck. If so, I Promiss
you afterwards to be your Mediator to the Abenakis Indiens & those that
help's them, & oblige 'em, to Lay down the hatchet, if Can be Possible to
appeace 'em, Since the Last Cruelty & unjust attempts Committed of Late,
against them & their Missionari. I am not so Scare of your treatnings, to
see Nations that are, as you Say, ready to fall upon us to revenge your
Cause; then, you ought to be. yourselves, for the fault you have Comitted
against france, in Endeavouring to take their allys from 'em. I will not,
however, refuse ray mediation to you, to bring the abenakis Indiens & their
allys, to Peace, on the Condition Expresed in this Letter, which are Con-
formable to the maind of these Indiens, whom, betwen us, have given ye no
Just Cause to Declare war to 'em. As to the Cruelty Committed by your
order, on the Person of Father Ralle, I Leave to the Two Crowns to
Decide of the Justice (or punishment) that is to be made, haveing been
oblige to give an account of it to the king my Master.
I am, Sir, your most humble, & most obedient Servant.
Quebec 8ber the 29* 1724. [Signed] Veaudreuil.
9ber the 10th.
Mass. Arch. 52:77-84.
VOL. XLYI. 12*
140 Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others. [April,
To the HonoMc William Dinner Esqr Lieu' Governour and Comander in
Cheif in and over His Majestys Province of the Massachusetts Kay in New
England & to the IIonoMe His Majestys Council & House of Representatives
in General Court Assembled at Boston, November the Eleventh 1724.
The Humble Petition of Jonathan Carey, of Boston, Shipwright,
That Whereas your PetT in the year 1723 being Obliged to
remove from a Small Dwelling house of his Situate in Augusta, opposite
to the Island of Arowsick, into Garrison there for fear of the Indian Enemy,
the Officers and Soldiers under the Comand of Col0 Thomas Westbrook,
by his Orders pulled down the Pet" sJ house in order to make use of the
Boards thereof to mend the Whale Boats used in His Majestys service, and
accordingly they gave Receipt to your Petr for Eight hundred and five feet
of boards made use of by them for that service. And inasmuch as your
Pet" sd House (wherein there was about Sixteen hundred feet of Boards
& Eleven hundred of Nails besides Masons work), which was of the value
of Twenty pounds, at the least, by moderate computation) was intirely
destroyed, and all ye Timbers & Boards carryed away, and made use of by
the Officers & Soldiers under the sd Col0 Westbrooks Comand, (there
being then no Boards to be had there) so that what was left, if any, was of
no manner of use or benefit to the Petr who was all this time absent and
intirely Ignorant thereof until the same was done, when he made Application
to ye sd Col0 Westbrook for Recompenee, who referred him to this Honobie
Court for Relief in ye premisses.
Wherefore the Petr humbly prays Inasmuch as he is a yery poor man &
has been driven oif from his habitation by the Indian Enemy as aforesd.,
That this Great and General Court would please to take ye premisses into
yr serious & wise Consideration & Order him some suitable satisfaction &
Recompenee for the damage done him by the pulling down and Destroying
his Dwelling house aforesd, he being able to make it evidently appear the
truth and Facts of his Allegations aforesaid.
And as in duty bound yr Petr shall ever jray &c.
Jonathan Cary,
. In the House of Representatives
December 15th 1724 Read & Committed for petition7.
In Answer to this Petition the Comtee are of Opinion that the sum of
six pounds be Allowed and paid out of the Pub-lick Treasury to the
Petitioner Jonathan Cary, in full discharge of what was made use of for the
Service of the Province by the Officers & Soldiers Under the Comand of
Col0 Thomas Westbrook.
John Chandler per Order of the Com1-9.
In the House of Representatives December 18 1724. Read & accepted
and Resolved That the Sum of Six pounds be allowed and paid out of the
publick Treasury to the petitioner, Jonathan Cary, in full discharge thereof.
Sent up for Concurrence
In Council, Dec. 18, 1724. Wm Dudley Speaker
Read & Concur'd Consented to
J. Willard Secry. Wa Dumsiee.
Recd of mr Jonathan Cary (by virtue of Col° Westbrooks Verbal Order)
Five Hundred & fifty feet of Boards for mending the whale Boats in hi*
Majesties Service. pr John Jackson,
1892.] Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others. 141
The Boards aboue mentiond were for his Majesties Service, & recd p*
order Tno9 Westdrook.
George Town April 1721 Recd of mr Jona Carey Two hundred foot of
Boards, & us'd in the mending of Whale Boats & d' in His Mujt3 Service.
Mass. Arch. lOo, pages lOJS-108. John Penh allow.
To the Honble William Dumer Esq[ti]ire Lieu' Gouernour & Commander
in Cheif of His Majesties Province of the Massachusetts Bay, The Houble
the Council, And the Honble Representatives of His Majne3 Said Province
in General Court Assembled.
The Memorial of Joseph Heath Humbly Sheweth, That Whereas Your
Honours Memorialist, Since The making up of his Roll, in June Last.
Beside his own Company, has had under his care the Three Mohawks and
the Ten English men appointed to Scout with them. And for three
moneths past had the Command of an Other Scout of Twenty men. And
beside his march to Nericlgawalk, has at all Times, attended Marching
Orders. And there beinw no Other Suitable person to Take the Charge
of, & Deliver Stores to The marching Forces, hath also Delivered Great
Quantities of provision, ammunition, & Slop Clothing, to them from Time
to Time by Dir[e]ction of the Treasurer, Who is Ready to Certify the
Same. Your Honours Memorialist therefore Humbley prayeth, that in
Consideration of the Premises, he may be allow'd Captains pay iu this
present Roll, as Your Honours were pleased to grant him in his Last.
And in as much as the Former Establishment of 4h pr moneth for the
Officer Comanding the Fort at Richmond, is not soticient to Support your
memorialist, He further Humbley prayeth Your Honours to Grant hirn
Captains pay for the future, so long as he may Continue the Commander of
the sd Fort & the Treasurey substitute for Delivering Stores to the sd March-
ing Forces; wch he would Humbley Suggest will be much Cheaper to ye
province then to pay a Sub Commissary for Delivering those Stores only &
will also prevent Your memorialist's Troub'in^ Your Honours With any
Petitions of this nature for the Future, & Your Honours memorial51 as in
Duty Bound shall Euer pray &c. Joseph Heath.
Boston Novembr 17th 1724.
In the House of Representatives Novr 18th 1724. Read, and the Ques-
tion was put, Whether the Prayer of the Memorial shall be granted?
Resolved in the Affirmative.
Sent up for Concurrence.
In Council Novbr 18, 1724, Wra Dcdley Speakr.
Read & Concur'd. Consented to,
Wm Dummer.
Endorsed: Memorial of Joseph Heath, with resolve of Court thereon,
Nov. 18th 1724.
Mass. Arch. 72: 203.
Boston, 17th Nov* 1724.
I received your Letter by Express this Morning & you are hereby
directed Immediately to draw out of the Souldiers Posted at Yorke &
Wells 50 good Men Well armed & Supply'd with sutable proviss. for io
Dayes or more if need be & with them to March forthwith to Piggwacot in
Search of the Indians Liveing there according to the Relation you havo
142 Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrooh and others. [April,
from the Captive Peter Tallcott who made his Escape from them & is
arrived with you whome likewise Stephen Harden or such other Person or
p'sons as shall be knowing of the Place & the Way to it, & the officer
Commanding at Yorke is hereby Order'd without delay to furnish his Part
for this Service which is 25 Men; & in as much as the Success in this Ex-
pedition will in a great Measure depend under God on your dilligent dis-
patch & silence I expect from you that the uttmost Care be taken therein ;
so wishing you good success I am Yr3
P.S. You are to take with You Mr Allison Brown of Cape porpus who
is hereby Authorized to Act as your Lieut. ; & inasmuch as you may probably
not be able to Muster the whole Complement of fifty good & able Men fit
for the Service out of the Two Towns aforemention'd L* Brown is hereby
Directed to bring with him 10 or 12 good Men from his Detachment to
make up Your Number.
Cap1 Wheelwright.
Mass. Arch. 52 : 89.
Honoured Sr
Some Time agoe one monsr Daguiell, of mont Reall was here in albany,
by whom I forwarded your honours Letter to marq3 Vaudreuiell. I had at
ye same time some discourse with said Daguiell Concerning ye Warrs be-
tween New England and ye Indians. I Tould him of ye unjustice and
barbarity of yu warr, and some further discourse Thereabouts, which it
seems sd daguiell has Partlv Imparted unto Monsieur Laehassaigne Governr
of mont Reall, as I Can Perceive by a Letter I Receid of monsr Lachas-
saigne pr the bearer hereef that monsr Vaudreuill is very sorry and weary
of that Warr, and as far as I can Perceive would willingly see one or two
gentlemen, Impowred by New England Gov" to Endeavr to make an End
of that warr, which would bee very acceptable in Canada.
By this Conveyance goes a Letter for your Honour from Govr Vaudreuill.
Here are now some french Indians in Towne. I designe to keep two of
ym about a 14 days or Longer, which I Can Easy doe for Little or no
Charge, if his honour may write an answer to Govr Vaudreuill upon his
Letter, that I Can soon dispatch itt.
This is at p'sent ye most needful from
Your Honours most humb1 serv"
Albany 21th Nov1 1724. John Schuyler.
Mass. Arch. 52 : 90.
I have given Saccamakten one of the Hostages, Leave to go Home &
visit his Friends upon his Parol, To return in about Six Weeks. You
must send out a Scout with him under a discreet officer as far as may be
convenient & so that he may be conducted in Safety out of ye Reach of
any of our Parties that may be in the Woods, And when your People
Leave him let him be furnisht with twenty Days Provision to carry him to
some Indian Settlem1. Agree with him for some Signal to be made upon
his Return, And thereupon receive him kindly, be with him, if they think
proper to accompany him, And if two or three other Indians offer to come
in peaceably with him, receive them likewise kindly, Adviseing me imme-
diately of it And send them to Boston by yc first good Conveyance.
Dec. 4, 1724. [Similar language to the above is written out, in
To L* Kennedy. part, on the back of this Letter. The whole
in the hand-writing of Secretary Willard.]
1892.] Letters of Col. Thoracis Wtstbrdok and others. 143
[Passport.] Whereas Saccamakten (one of the Indian Hostages) has
obtained my Leave to visit the Indian Settlem" & see his Family & Friends
in these parts upon his Parol, to return back in the Space of forty Days ;
These are to require all otficers Civil & Military & all Persons with-
in this Government, his Majesties good Subjects, to suffer the said Sacca-
maksen to pass forward to Penobscot or other Indian Settlemts without
Lett or Molestation & to return back to the English Fort at S* Georges
River Provided he pass & repass peaceably without offering any Injury to
his Majesties Subjects.
Mass. Arch. o2: 92.
[Petition of James Webster, Nov. 1724, who states, that he, on the
Eighth day of Feb17 last, was wounded by the Indians having rec'd a shott
thro' his body as he was going from Fort George on board Cap4 Sanders'
sloop, to bring provision, by order of Leiu* James Armstrong his Com-
mander, by reason of which wound your Petitioner hath ever since been
under the Doctors care, and hath several peices of bone taken out of his
body and hath more bones to be taken out, as Doctor Allen Informs, so
that your Petitioner is rendered uncapable to do anything for his support,
and hath been at considerable Charge for Dyet, Lodging and Attendance,
in Boston. Said Webster therefore prays for an allowance out of the
Publick Treasury.
Ten pounds allowed for smart money, and Ten pounds, nineteen shil-
lings for Nursing, dyett & attendance on the Petitioner, from the 8th of
February 1723-4, to the 16th of this Instant. Decembr. Decr 18lh 1724.]
Mass. Arch. 72 : 211.
[In a letter from the Connecticut Government, dated Hartford, Dec. 22,
1724, to the Government of Massachusetts (Mass. Archives, 52, 99), is
this clause — '■* Whether it may not be proper to Close the Message to M.
Vaudreill with a representation that it is Very Apparent that our Indian
Enemy have such a dependance on him to support them in the Warr that
he Can Easily reduce them to Quietness, and that his Exerting himself in
so good a Work (as reducing those Indians to Order would be) may hapily
prevent many Mischieffs that Seem to Threaten us as well as the people
under his Gomand, and also give us a Speciall Instance of his good Neigh-
bourhood; and if this, or anything Else, proper to Insert in the Message to
the Governor of Canada, might gain him to Influence the Indians to peace,
it would be well ; but if he should slight the Motion of being an Instrument
to gain a peace for us, I think he would Still be the Less Excusable, and
must Thank himself when he is Taught by other Means."]
Sir, It is his Honrs the Leiu* Gov" order, on sight hereof, you give
orders that all the frontier garrisons under yr Care be strict on their guard,
and that you order a Scout of men from Pcsomscutt River to Saco River,
some distance above those Towns, And let a Scout of Fifty men be con-
stantly kept from Saco River a Cross to Berwick, some considerable dis-
tance (not exceeding Twenty Miles), above the Scout that are already
allow'd to those people a Loggin at Berwick and Saco RWer, and in Cas«
you hear of the Enemy, you are to draw out a sufficient number of men
according to the Intelligence you receive, and pursue them. Cap1 Sanders
144 The Starkey s of JSfeiu England. [April,
will Sail this Week for York with a Sufficient number of Snow Shoes and
Moggisons, & in the meantime you must make a shift with those that are
in the Hands of the Commissary at Casco which the Treasurer acquaints
the Leu* Governour are about one hundred, as well as those in the several
Towns where they are lodg'd. I am Sir yours to serve,
Boston Decern 29th 1724. Tho8 Westbeoox.
Ll Col0 Johnson Harmon,
at York. A True Coppy.
Mass. Arch. 52: 103.
[To be continued.]
By Miss Emily W. Leayitt, of Boston.
The earliest records of the Massachusetts Bay Colony give, of this sur-
1st, Robert Starkey, of Concord, Mass., whose inventory was taken at
Boston, 28. 8. 1646, by Captain Williard, Joseph Wheeler and Richard
2dj George Starkey, or Starke, whom Savage says may have been of
Lynn, or Maiden. He was of Harvard College 1646. All that is known
of him is his experience in London, where he had sent his servant during
the terrible plague: "having made himself acquainted with medicine, as it
is related in the letters of Allin, for the credit of Harvard College (new
born) at Cambridge, New England, the metropolis of its native land was
indebted in its most dismal visitation, to a graduate of its second year (Allin
1643) and to another of its fifth year of bestowing such honors when the
time honored unniversity so many thousand miles nearer, perhaps gave far
less of educated skill to her relief." — Sibley's Harvard Graduates, vol. 1,
p. 136-7.
3d, Robert Starhey, a mariner, whose house stood on land belonging to
Rev. Increase Mather and near his own house : his will was made in 1705,
and his only son Robert, Jr., was a printer and bookseller of Fleet Street,
Boston: his will was made in 1727, and with him the male line became
4th, John Starkey, of Boston, 1667. A lineal descendant states that this
John Starkey came from Standish, co. Lancaster, England, and, though
the connection has not yet been established, yet it is rendered probable by
the fact that there have been large numbers of this family in Lancaster
County, for generations, in which the names of Johu, Thomas, William and
George prevail.
1. John1 Starkey, by wife Sarah had, born in Boston :
i. Jo its*, Jr.,2 b. Sept. 23, 1667.
ii. Mart.
iii. Sarah, b. April 1, 1671.
iv. Experience, b. Feb. 3, 1672.
v. Marthas b. March 25, 1674.
2. vi. Andrew.
1892.] The Siarheys of New England. 145
At the First Church, Boston, Mary and Sarai of Sister Starkie were
baptized 29. 9. 1671,
April 8, 1674, John1 Starkey, weaver, of Boston, his wife Sarah renoun-
cing her right of dower, took a mortgage of land at Maiden, Mass., of
Dr. Samuel Brackenbury, " physitiau " of Boston. In 1675, this same Dr.
Brackenbury releases to John1 Starkey, land at Maiden, together vuth
" part of a house standing upon the land of Mary Ridgway's children."
Oct. 11, 1675, John Ridgway of Pemaquid, Maine, sells to John1 Starkey,
weaver, his house and land at Mystic Side, Charlestown.
John1 Starkey (with others) was cited by the constable of Mystic Side,
Charlestown, Thomas Lynde, to take the freeman's oath, 2. 10. 1674:
"These gersons appeared at court and were sworn in 15. 10. 1674,"
Register, vol. 7, p. 28, Nov. 18, 1676, John Ridgway, sen., and John Ridg-
way, Jr. of Mystic Side, in consideration of a new frame of a house and £6.
beside, sell John Starkey, clothier, of Maiden, one half a house and two
acres of land, at Maiden. Dec, 25, 1677, John1 Starkey in a deposition,
states that he was then 39 years of age.
17. 10. 1679. Robert Cawley sells three acres of land to John1 Starkey,
clothier, of Maiden.
The next item of importance in his history is this petition.
" To his Excellency, Edmond Andros, John Starkey's Pettcon.
Whereas ye Petti conr being an inhabitant of New Harbor and having a patent
for a tract of land and the conveniency of meadow or marsh where
it might be found convenient, your Excellencys Petticonr being much straitened
for his cattle was first to look out where he could find any marsh that was not
taken up nor laid out to any person he found two small parcels, ye
one lying and being at a place called Coxes Meadow, about six acres, ye other at
a place called Pancake Hill, about six acres, more or less, the which march
by ye Petticonr request to Captain Amos Andros was granted \-t it
should be laid out by a surveyor A your Excellencys petticonr there-
fore humbly prays that his marsh may be laid out by some surveyor of your
Excellencys appointment.*'
JIass. Archives, vol. 123, p. 210. No date.
In 1689, eight inhabitants of Pemaquid, Me., on May 11, petition govern-
ment that Lieutenant James Weems might be left in command of the fort
at the Point: these were
Jno — George Jackson
Dennis — John Bullock
Elihu Gunnison Jomas Bogardus
Alex. Woodrop. John1 Starkey
Prof. John Johnson, in Popham Celebration, p. 284, states that on Aug.
2, 1689, the Penobscot Indians, one hundred in number, headed by Moxas,
landed at New Harbor, on the opposite side of the Point from the fort.
There they seized an Englishman by the name of John1 Starkey, who was
alone, and compelled him to give them information in regard to the condition
of affairs at the fort. They surprised the garrison at broad noon day - no
scouts out," and forced Lieut Weems to surrender : terms of capitulati'n
were made, and kept, a3, several years later, Lieut. Weems, then living in
New York, presents repeated petitions for pay due to himself and to his
men for their services at the fort.
What John1 Starkey's fate was we cannot learn ; no record has, as yet,
yielded to the long and exhaustive search that has been made. Of his
family, it is probable that, as his lands lay near the fort, they were among
those who were embarked "in Mr. Pateshall's sloop" and were carried to
146 The Starheys of New England. [April,
Boston. That there must have been more than one, is proved by Tryall
Newbury of Maiden, claiming, in behalf of the heirs of John Starkey, 104
acres of land lying within the bounds of Jamestown, on Pemaquid Neck,
beginning at a certain run north of Richard Murren's house, with twenty
acres of meadow, by patent under Governor Duugan to Richard Murreu
dated 13 Sept. 1GS6.
This land was " butted," in part, by that of William Case. In Charlestown,
Mass., records, we find that William Case married Mary Starkey. This
could not have been John Starkey's daughter Mary, because she was not
baptized until 1671.
The next link in John Star-key's family line was found in Bristol County
records at Taunton, Mass. On Dec. 19, 1716, Andrew Starkey of Attle-
borough, Mass.;, sold to James White, also of Attleborough, '• all laud at
Pemaquid, adjoining a place called New Harbor, in the eastward parts of
New England, 10-4 acres, with 20 acres of meadow, lately "belonging to my
honored lather John Starkey, deceased."
2. Andrew3 Starkey (John1) was, according to Mr. D. P. Corey's
Genealogy of the Waite Family [N. E. H. G. Register, April,
1878, p. 188], the first of the family who settled at Attleborough,
Mass.; to which town he moved from Maiden, Mass., where he
married (1) in 1708, Mehitable, a daughter of Samuel and Mehitable
Waite of Maiden, who was b. Dec. 22, 1686, d. in 1717; he m. (2)
Feb. 2, 1717-8, Katlierine, dau. of Alexander and Sarah (Wood-
cock) Balcom, who was b. Feb. 7, 1604. Their children were :
i. Mehitable,3 b. May, 1709; m. July 17, 1780, William, a son of John
and Iiuth (Edwards) Waite, who was b. June 2'.), 1700, d. June 24,
1750; she died March 23, 1773 : res. at Medford, Mass., no children.
8. ii. John, b. July, 1712.
iii. Jason, b. Dec. 12, 1717.
iv. Jemima, b. April 11, 1722; m. Elijah Farrington of Wrentham, Mass.
v. Andrew, Jr., b. March 13, 172G-C; m. (pub.) March 8, 1743, Sybil
Fisher of Norton, Mass., aud had: (1) Amos,'1 who m. Miriam
Thomas; (2) Sybil; (3) Andrew, 3d ; (4) Mary ; (5) Deborah ; (6)
4. vi. Thomas, b. May 22, 1733.
3. John3 Starkey (Andreiv,2 John1), b. July, 1712 ; m. Feb. 2, 1734, at
Attleborough., Amy, dau. of Capt. Joseph and Judith (Peck) Capron,
who was b. July 15, 1715. Their children were:
i. John, Jr.,4 b. March G, 173G-7; d. Oct. 29, 1739.
ii. Loes.
iii. Nathan (or Nathaniel), who remained at Attleborough.
iv. William, b. 1742; m. Sarah, dau. of Timothy and Mary (Fuller)
Martin, who was b. July 19, 1745, d. 1S33; he died March 23, 1783.
Thev had children :
(1) William, Jr.,5 b. Oct. 21, 17G5; rem. to Troy, N. H.
(2) Sarah, b. March 2, 1769; d. young.
(3) Sarah, b. April 7, 1771.
;4) Timothy, b. May 3, 1773.
^5) Amy, b. June 7, 177G.
(6) Bhoda, b. Aug. 27, 1779.
v. Mehitaijle, b. — — >; m. Nov. 12, 17G3, Nehemiah Clafiin.
vi. John, Jr., b: March 13, 1745-G; m. Mary, dau. of John, sen. and
Rebecca ^Sweetiand) Godding; lived at Troy, N. II.
o. vii. Enoch, b. July 29, 1748.
viii. Peter, b. ; m. . Had children : (1) Otis, b. Feb. 25, 1774 :
(2) Peter, Jr., b. Sept. 25, 1777; (3) Xathan, b. March 12, 1779; (4)
1892.] The Starkey s of New England, 147
Laban, b. Jan. 30, 1782: (5) Benjamin, b. June 14, 1785; (G) John.
b. April 3, 1788; (7) Calvin, b. March 17, 1790; (8) Lona, b. April
25, 1792, d. young; (9) Luna. b. Sept. 11, 1794.
Peter* Starkey, with his brothers, Benjamin, Enoch and Joseph,
removed to Troy, N. H. He served in Capt. Samuel Wright's Com-
pany, Gen. Stark's Brigade, which marched from Winchester, N. H.,
joined the Northern Army and was at the battles of Bennington and
Stillwater, 1777.
ix. ClTLOE.
x. Benjamin, who d. unm. at Troy, N. H.
xi. Joseph, b. at Attleborough, Mass., removed to Richmond, N. H., about
1766; m. July 23, 1778, Waitstill Morse: he served in Capt. Oliver
Capron's Company, Col. William Dpolittle's Regiment, at Winter
Hill, Somerville, 5lass., Oct. 6, 1775. Thev had children:
(1) Martha* b. March 13, 1779; m. March 4, 1798, Joseph Clark.
(2) Esther, b. June 3, 1783; m. (1) Elijah Davenport.
(3) Waitstill, b. Jan. 17, 1787; m. May 15. 1611, Noah Aldrich.
(4) Joseph, Jr., b. Sept. 27, 1790; m. Feb. 20, 1812, Lydia Aldrich.
(5) Henry, b, Sept. 1, 1795; m. Feb. 17, 1818, Lucy Woodward.
(6) Betsey, b. May, 1803; m. June 26, 1820, William Woodward.
4, Thomas8 Starkey (Andrew? John1), b. May 22, 1733: m. (pub.)
Aug. 30, 1755, Rebekah, dau. of Jonathan and Rebekah (Moses)
Capron, who was b. Feb. 1, 1734, and had:
i. Rebekah,4 b. Nov. 18, 1756.
ii. Chloe, b. Aug. 6, 1757; d. Oct. 28, 1798.
iii. Thomas, Jr., b. Nov. 25, 1759.
iv. Oliver, b. June 18, 1762.
v. Chloe, b. Aug. 6, 1764.
vi. Abel, b. Feb. 21, 1767.
6. vii. Moses.
-5. Enoch4 Starkey (John,9 Andrew? John1), b. July 29, 1748 ; m. Oct.
15, 1774, Elizabeth (or Betsey) Blackinton, of Attleborough. Mass..
who was b. Jan. 3, 1751, d. Jan. 18, 1823; he d. 1823, at Troy,
N. H., whither he removed in 1776, to that pare which is now
Swansey ; his estate was administered June, 1824, by his son Samuel5
Starkey. They had children :
i. David,5 b. ; m. at Swansey, N. H., March 23, 1797, Lavinia Wood-
cock, and had two daughters, Susan and Rhoda.
7. ii. George, b. 1775.
iii. Samuel, b. Nov. 30, 1786; m. March 20, 1811, Thankful, a dau. of
Elder Nathaniel and Thankful Bolles, wbo was born May 29, 1700,
d. at Mansfield, Mass., June 25, 1S72; he d. at Richmond, N. H.,
April 30, 1865. They had children :
(1) JIahala,6 b. Jan. 1, 1813; m. Ira Hardy, of Providence, R. I.
(2) Lois, b. Jan. 16, 1815; m. William A. C'lapp.
(3) Emily, b. May 29, 1817; m. Benjamin Bolles.
(4) Leonard, b. April 13, 1819; m. Nancv Smith.
(5) Charles O., b. April 19, 1821; d. at Bethlehem, N. H., June, 1838.
(6) Dexter, b. Feb. 4. 1824; m. (1) Julia M. Brown: shed. April 28,
1854; he m. (2) Anna P. Davis.
(7) Betsey, b. Aug. 5, 1826; m. Albert Stiles; he d. Jan. 9, 1856; she
m. (2) June 5, 1861, James Pierce, who d. at Fitehburg, Mass.,
Oct. 29, 18S5.
(8) Mary W., b. Aug. 5, 1826; m. Le Roy Brown.
(9) Samuel, Jr., b. March 30, 1830; d. Oct. 8, 1889.
(10) Nathaniel B., b. April 11, 1832; d. Sent. 30, 1832.
(11) William, b. May 26, 1334: d. at Barton, Vt,, March 4, 1889.
iv. Levi, b. March 2, 1790; m. Hannah Holman, of Fitzwiliiam, N. II.;
she d. Dec. 23, 1846; he d. June 17, 1848. They had children:
(1) Harriet G.* b. Aug. 26, 1816.
VOL. XL VI. 13
148 The Starheys of Keto England. [April,
(2) Martha M., b. Jan. 3, 1819.
(3) Enoch Noijes, b. Nov. 12, .1820.
(4) Edicard H, b. Aug. 19, 1824.
(5) James F., b. April 10, 1826.
(6) Eliza J., b. April 6, 1834.
v. Polly, b. June 15, 1793; m. June 27, 1819, John Tilden, of Keene,
N. H., who was b. March 20, 1784 ; she d. at West Moreland, N. H.,
June 10, 1854 ; they had no children.
6. Moses4 Starkey (Thomas,3 Andrew,2 John1) removed to Vassal-
borough, Me., where through the influence of a local movement, he
joined the Society of Friends and became a preacher; hem. (1)
April 4, 1796, Eunice, dau. of John Taber, of Vassalborough, who
was b. July 6, 1777, at Portland Me., d. April 16, 1816; he m. (2)
Jennet, dau. of George Warren, who was b. at Portland, Me., June 1,
1782, d. June 11, 1782; he d. Nov. 9, 1842. They had children:
i. Daniel Taber,5 b. June 6, 1797; m. Sarah I., dau. of Paul and Jennet
Rogers, of North Berwick, Me. ; he d. at Vassalborough, Dec. 30,
1824. They had children :
(1) George,6 b. Jan. 2, 1823; m. Oct. 14, 1852, Caira Skelton; a physi-
cian; res. Philadelphia, Penn.
(2) Daniel Taber, Jr., b. Aug. 25, 1825; m. (1) Elizabeth Ann Mills,
June 14, 1854; she d. Aug. 6, 18G0; he m. (2) Mrs. Julia A.
Vea^ie, Feb. 4, 1867; a phvsician, res. at Winchester, Mass.
ii. Eliza, b. Jan. 1, 1799 ; d. Dec. 9, 1837.
iii. Rebecca, b. Jan. 9, 1801; d. Aug. 24, 1878.
iv. Mary R., b. Dec. 17, 1806; d. Jan. 26, 1833.
v. William R., b. Dec. 4, 1808; d. 1870.
vi. Moses T., b. Nov. 22, 1811; d. Jan. 1891.
vii. Eunice T., b. Aug. 2, 1S13.
viii. Susan, b. Nov. 11, 1815.
ix. Henry W., b. Sept. 6, 1819; d. Sept. 25, 1840.
x. Charles W., b. June 9, 1821 ; d. Oct. 21, 1840.
xi. Thomas C, b. June 6, 1823; d. Oct. 18, 1840.
xii. John Warren, b. April 4, 1725; m. (1) Dec. 3, 1846, Carrie C. Carr;
she d. ; he m. (2) Feb. 16, 18—, Mrs. Susan C. Carr, of Bow-
doin, Me., 9 children; he d. at Vassalboro', Me., Oct. 25, 1891.
7. George* Starkey (Enoch,4 John,3 Andrew,2 John1), b. 1775, in
Swansey; m. (1) Betsey, dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth (Graves)
Lawrence, who was b. at Troy, N. H., March, 1777, d. Sept. 13,
1813, a. 36 years; he m. (2) Hannah Smith, of Westminster, Mass.
(pub.) Feb. 19, 1821; he d. at Westminster, Oct. 10. 1855, a. 80
years, and was buried at Fitchburg, Mass. They had children :
i. Betsey,3 b. at Swansey, May 21, 1801 ; m. April 12, 1825, Ezra Fores-
tall, of Fitzwilliam, N. H., who was b. Sept. 20, 1799, d. at Boston,
Mass., March 3, 1872; she d. Oct. 6, 1889, at Boston. They had
children :
(1) George Wright7 Forristall, b. Feb. 8, 1825.
(2) Charles Alexander1 Forristall, b. Aug. 13, 1827; d. May 17, 1828.
(3) Helen Maria1 Forristall, b. Sept. 1, 1829 : d. Nov. 18, 1830.
(4) Ezra7 Forristall. b. Adril 15, 1831.
(5) Henry Mellen7 Forristall, b. March 8. 1833; d. Jan. 22, 1891.
(6) Charles Granville7 Forristall, b. Feb. 3, 1835.
(7) Hannah Elizabeth7 Forristall, b. Jan. 7, 1836.
ii. Nancy, b. Nov. 5, 1803; m. March 10, 1825, Joseph Nourse, at Troy,
N. H., who was b. at Fitzwilliam, N. H., Sept. 10, 1797, d. at Fitch-
burg, Mass., Dec. 4, 1860 ; she d. May 22, 1864. They had children ;
(1) Charles7 bourse, b. July 2, 1826 ; d. Aug. 3, 1834.
(2) George Lyman7 Nourse, b. Oct. 7, 1828; d. Oct. 6, 1846.
(3) Maria J7 Nourse, b. May 17, 1830; d. July 9, 1842.
(4) Joseph Enoin? Nourse, b. July 27, 1832.
1892.] Descendants oj George Lawrence. 149
(5) Edward1 Xourse, b. Aug. 2, 1832; d. Sept. 4, 1834.
(6) Ellen Louise7 Xourse, b. July 17, 1835; d. May 17, 1837.
(7) Sarah J7 Xourse, b. March 9, 1838.
(8) Mary7 Xourse, b. Jan. 14, 1841.
(9) Maria L.7 Xourse, b. Feb. 11, 1844.
in. Mary L.,6 b. Sept. 5, 1806 ; m. Jan. 9, 1831, Alexander Fomstall, who
was b. at JFitzwiiliam, N. H., Jan 9, 1805. d. at Woodbury, L. I.,
June 25, 1847; she d. at Chelsea, Mass., July, 31, 1875. They had
children :
(1) Charles7 Forristall, b. Aug. 1833; d. March 4, 1830.
(2) Thomas G7 Forristall, b. March 21, 1835; d. March 4, 1856.
(3) Mary L7 Forristall, b. Oct. 26, 1837.
(4) Helen M7 Forristall, b. April 10, 1840.
(5) Emma I7 Forristall, b. Sept. 6, 1842; d. July 15, 1878.
(6) Frances E. R7 Forristall, b. March 19, 1846.
iv. George Lyman, b. Jan. 12, 1810; in. July 9, 1343, Elizabeth N. Ames,
at Tanrworth, N*. II. Thev reside at Boston, Mass., and have one
dj,u. Fanny,7 b. Feb. 14, 1859.
8. v. Clarissa Lawrence, b. March 3, 1813; m. Nov. 23, 1836, Thomas
8. Clarissa Lawrence*5 Starkey ( George,5 Enoch? John? Andrew?
John1), b. March 3, 1813, at Troy, N. H.; m. at Boston, Mass.,
Nov. 23, 1836, Thomas Crane of New York City, who was born at
George's Island, Boston Harbor, Oct. 8, 1803, died at New York
City, April 1, 1875. They had children:
i. Thomas7 Crane 3d, b. Aug. 21, 1837; d. Jan. 26, 1875.
ii. Benjamin F.7 Crane, b. Feb. 14, 1841; d. Oct. 12, 1889.
iii. Albert7 Crane, b. Dec. 30, 1842.
iv. Frances Adelaide7 Crane, b. May 2, 1846; d. Feb. 11, 1849.
v. Sopria Angela7 Crane, b. Nov. 1, 1847; d. Aug. 18, 1852.
vi. Henry Clay7 Crane, b. April 22, 1^50; d. Dec. 30, 1S69.
Yii. Ida Augusta7 Crane, b. July 2, 1852; d. Aug. 21, 1853.
viii. Ella Florence7 Crane, b. Jan. 14, 1856 ; d7 July 26, ^857.
By Miss Emily W. Leavitt, of Boston, Mass.
There were two early settlers of Watertown, Mass., by the name of
Lawrence, John and George, but no relationship has hitherto been established
between thern.
1. George1 Lawrence was born in 1637; married 1st, Sept. 29, 1657,
Elizabeth, the eldest child of Benjamin and Bridget Crispe, of
Watertown, Mass. She was born January 8, 1636-7; died May
28, 1681; he married 2d, August 16, 1691, Elizabeth Holland.
Their children were :
i. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 30, 1658-9; m. Oct. 18, 1681, Thomas Whitney,
and lived in Stow, Mass.
ii. Judith, b. May 12, 1660 ; m. about 1681, John, the third son of Charles
and Eehecea (Gibson) Steams, of Watertown.
iii. Hannah, b. March 2-4, 1661-2; ra. Obadiah Sawtell, of Groton, Mass.
iv, John, b. March 25, 1664: was accidentally killed, June 15, 1674.
v. Benjamin, twin, b. May 2, 1666; was a waterman, of Charlestown,
Mass.; m. 1st, in Boston, Mass., July i, 16S9, Mary Clough, who
150 Descendants of Georye Lawrence. [April,
d. ; he m. 2d, Ann, the widow of Benjamin Phillips, Feb,
3, 1696, who d. Jan. 11, 1716; he m. 3d, Nov. 18, 1716, Ann, the
widow of Nathaniel Adams of Charlestown, and a daughter of
Nathaniel and Mary (Bright) Coolidgo, of Watertown, who d. Dec.
28, 1718; hem. 4tk\ July 9, 1719, Elizabeth Bennett, who d. Nov.
26, 1738, aged 75 years. " His will was dated Sept. 7, 1733.
vi. Daniel, twin, b. May 2, 1666, of Charlestown; m. 1st, June 19, 1689,
Sarah, a daughter of Edward and Sarah (Adams) Counce, of
Charlestown, who d. June 26, 1694; he m. 2d, Hannah Mason,
Nov., 1695, who d. Aug. 27, 1721; he m. 3d. Aug. 23, 1722, Maud,
a daughter of James and Mabel (Haynes) Russell, and a grand-
daughter of the Hon. Richard and Maud Russell, all of Charles-
town ; he d. Oct. 20, 1743 ; Ms will was dated Dec. 22, 1747.
2. vii. George, Jr., b. June 4, 1668.
viii. Sarah, b. ; m. Thomas Rider, of Watertown.
ix. Mary, b. Dec. 4, 1671 ; m. April 5, 1689, John Earl, of Boston.
x. Martha, b. ; m. Nov. 29, 1697, John, the second child of John-
and Elizabeth Barnard Dix.
xl. Grace, b. June 3, 1680; m. April 13, 1698, John, a son of John and
Mary (Tufts) Edes; of Charlestown.
xii Joseph, b. .
xiii. Rachel, >, . , T , -. , ,nnt
xw. Patience, }twms' b" Jul? H' 169*'
The will of George Lawrence, senior, was dated 1707; in it he mentions
his wife Elizabeth; his two youngest children, Joseph and Rachel; his sons
George, Benjamin and Daniel; daughters Mercy Baker, living at Yar-
mouth, Mass., Grace Edes, living at Charlestown ; Elizabeth Whitney,
living at Stow, Mass. ; Hannah Sawtel, of Groton, Mass. ; Judith Sterns,
of Cambridge Farms. Mass. ; Mary Flagg, Sarah Rider, Martha Dix, and
granddaughter Mary Earl. His sous Dauiel and George were appointed
administrators at the request of the widow. Inventory was dated April
5, 1709.
2. George2 Lawrence (George1), born June 4, 1668; married Mary
; he died March 5, 1736. Their children were:
i. Mary, b. Feb. 15, 1696-7.
ii. George 3d, b. June 2, 1698; d. Aug-. 2, 1773.
iii. Elizabeth, b. Oct. 9, 1700. '
iv. John, b. Feb. 20, 1703-1; d. Aug. 23, 1770.
v. David, b. July 16, 1706.
vi. Sarah, b. Jan. 20. 1708-9 • m. 1726, John Baldwin, of Wobura, Mass.
3. vii. William, b. May 20, 1711.
viii. Anna, b. March 1, 1713-14.
3. William5 Lawrence (George,2 George1), born May 20, 1711; mar-
ried, ^November 28, 1734, xMary, the sixth child of Samuel and
Margaret (Traine) Perry, of Watertown ; she was born September
7, 1718. Their children were:
i. Samuel, b. Aug. 7, 1735: m. 1758, Ivlary Clarke, of Med field, Mass.
ii. Mary, b. ; m. April 18. 1758, Isaac, a son of Isaac and
Grace (Harrington) Gregory.
iii. Abigail, b. May 7, 1739; m. Dec. 27, 1772, James Priest, of WalthacK
iv. Mercy, twin of preceding, b. May 7, 1739.
v. Willlvm, Jr., b. June 1, 1741 ; m. Oct. 13, 1763, Eannah Hammond.
vi. Josiah, b. July 16, 1744 ; d. young.
vii. Josiah, b. Sept. 29, 1745.
4. viii. Daniel, b. Sept. 29. 1747; m. April 22, 1772, Elizabeth Graves, of
Sudbury, Mass., by the Rev. Samuel Woodward, of Weston.
be. Jonathan, b. Feb. 1, 1750; m. Aug. 11, 1773, Lucy Moore, of Sud-
bury, Mass.
4. Daniel* Lawrence ( William? George,2 George1), born September
1892.] Genealogical Gleanings in England. 151
29,1747; bis "marriage iDtention " was published December 5,
1772, and both he aiid Elizabeth Graves are recorded as of Weston ;
he died July 13, 1832; his wife died October 29, 18-40, aged 101
years. Their children were :
i. Polly, b. 1774 ; m. Hugh Thompson.
ii. Betsey, b. 1777; m. George Starkey, of Troy, N. H. See the preced-
ing article, " The Starkeys of New England," page 148, Family 7.
iii. Daxeel, t. 1779; m. Lucy Moore,
iv. Lucy, b. 1781 ; m. Cyrus Coolidge.
v. Joed*, b. 1783; m. Irene Sewell; afterwards married widow Gorham?
By Henry F. Waters, A.M.
{"Continued from page 55.1
The last will and testament of Richard Gregson deceased the 21 August
1640, proved 31 August 1640. My dead body to be buried in the church
of St. Augustins St. Austin's Gate as near and as conveniently as I may
unto the bones of my deceased wife. To Ephraim Udall of this parish
forty shillings. To my father in law Mr. Nicholas Flurt and unto Mrs.
Dorothy his wife and to my dear and loving brother Mr. Henry Gregson
and unto Edith his wife, to Mr. William Dickins, Mr. John Goddard, Mr.
Robert Lewis and Mr. Thomas Haford, to every several person thus named
twenty shillings apiece. To George Gregson that liveth in Paternoster
Row five pounds. To my servant Anne Hill all the money that she oweth
me (to be made up twenty shillings). To Mary Arnold my now nurse
ten shillings.
I give and bequeath unto my kinsman Thomas Gregson, my now partner,
and to his wife Mary and to Mr. Thomas Home twenty shillings apiece
and to Thomas Gregson in New England twenty shillings. To Nicho my
eldest son whatsoever shall be recovered of Roger Stephens and George
Burtun or from either of their estates &c. The remainder of my estate
shall be equally divided unto my aforesaid son Nicholas, John, Thomas,
Anne and Elizabeth, equal shares, part and part alike. To my now partner
Thomas Gregson fifty pounds in full satisfaction of what money he doth
pretend he hath lent unto my cousin Thomas Gregson in New England
and unto me his natural uncle. To my cousin Richard Gregson of Bristol
one judgment confessed by one Samuel Oldfield unto Thomas Gregson,
which the said Thomas assigned to me; also one deed or indenture made
over by one Roger Clisant, vintner, of Bristol concerning two houses in
that city &c. My son Nicholas to be sole executor, my father in law Mr.
Nicholas Hurt, my brother in law Mr. Roger Hurt, my natural brother Mr,
Henry Gregson, Mr. John Goddard citizen and grocer of London, my first
cousin Mr. William Dickens gen', Mr. Robert Lewis, citizen and grocer,
and Mr. William Baker an attorney at the King's Bench, to be overseers.
Coventry, 116.
[Thomas Gregson or Grigson of New Haven, Ct., according to Savage (vol.
2, pp. 315-C), '• came from London to Boston 26 June. 1037, in company with
Gov. Eaton and John Davenport, was one of the chief men, an active merchant
and an Assistant of the Colony, first treasurer and first commissioner for the
union with the other N. E. colonies, lived on the east side of the harbor, sailed
VOL. XLVI. 13*
152 Genealogical Gleanings in England. [April,
in January, 1646, for London with Laraberton and ' divers other godly persons '
of whom nothing was ever heard, the little vessel having no doubt foundered."
(See Wirithrop's New England, ed. 1653, vol. ii., pp. 325-6; Johnson's Wonder
Working Providence, pp. 124, 214-5; and Mather's Magnalia, ster. ed., vol. i.
pp. 83-4".) He left a widow Jane, who lived to June 4, 1702, one son Richard,
and, it is said, eight daughters.
His son Richard2 Gregson settled at Bristol, England, and his son William3
of London had a son William4 also of London, who March 26, 1736, conveyed
to Rev. Jouathan Arnold of New Haven, laud in New Haven, formerly the
property of his ancestor, Thomas1 Grigson, for building and erecting a church
thereupon. On the 26th October, 1768, William6 Grigson of Exeter, a great-
great-grandson of Thomas, quitclaimed the property to Trinity Church (Ibid.
57. The deeds are printed in the Collections of the New Haven Colony
Historical Society, vol. 1, pp. 76-8. See also pp. 48-53, and vol. ii. p. xix.) —
Mr. Thomas Gregson — (name pronounced as if spelled Grixson) , New
Haven, one of the first comers, " came." etc., as in Savage. Freeman 18 Feb.
1639-40, truckmaster 23 Oct 1640, deputy 29 Oct 1640, treasurer May 1641, com-
missioner 6 Apr 1643, magistrate 26 Oct. 1643, oath of fidelity 1 July 1644.
Sailed to procure patent in Jan. 1645-6.
Inventory taken 2 Nov. 1647, presented 7 Dec. 1647 : Laud in 1st Div, West-
meadow £16,5; land on further side of W. Meadow £5,15; 21 A Meadow £21 \
Dwelling house and home lot £48: little house and barn £35. Estate Dr. to
Mr. Stephen Goodyear, Mr. John Evance, Henry Lindelle, Mr. Wia Hawkins,
Mr. Davenport, Mrs. Lamberton. Mr Malboii, Edward Wigglesworth, Thomas
Wheeler, Mr. Butler. Mr. Ling, Mrs. Turner, £126,3. Estate Or. by Philip Leeke,
Burwood of Stratford, Adam Nichols (an adventure in the Susan to Barbadoes),
Jno. Gregory, £18,7. Real Estate, £246; Personal Estate, £225,19. Total,
£490,6. Clear Estate, £364,3. Prized by Matthew Gilbert and Richard Miles.
(Page 12, vol. I., part 1, New Haven Prop. Rec.)
Distribution, 2 Apr. 1716. to heirs of only son Richard, heirs of Mrs. Anna
Daniells, heirs of Susanna Crittenden, heirs of Rebeckah Bowers, heirs of Sarah
Whitehead, daughter Phebe Russell. Page 397, vol. iv., New Haven Prob. Rec.
He left a widow Jane, who died 4 June 1702. Her will, dated 5 Feb. 1691-2,
" being aged and weak," " to be buried by her executrix and dear relatives," to
" daughter Anna Daniel, my house and homelot and the remainder of my up-
land not yet disposed of at my farm on the east side of New Haven harbor
(about 30A.). unless some of the children of my son Richard Gregson in
England come over" (in which event such child is to have them after her death) ;
" and to daughter Anna Daniel my meadow at my said farm for life, then to her
daug ter," to " daughter Mary in England 30A of my Third Division near the
Sperries' farm," *' also to daughter Anna Daniel 6 or 7A of meadow near West-
field for life, then to those of the children that need it most," to " grand-
child Ruth Frisbie of Branford 14A of my East Side farm also 15A of said farm
to daughter Susannah Crittenden," to '"daughter Phebe, 40A in the Third
Division," to "grandchild Elizabeth Winston, 8A of meadow and 10A of the
Third Division," to •' grandchild Joanna Thompson, 9 A of Third Division and
5A. in the Quarter by the west lane after my daughter Daniel's decease," to
" grandchild Rebecca Thompson, 6A meadow at Westfield (so called) now in
her possession and 10A of Third Division," to "great-grandchild Elizabeth
Glover that now lives with me, 9A in the Neck," to " the four children of my
daughter Whitehead, 6A of Third Division each," daughter Daniel to have all
movables in the house and be executrix. Witnesses : Wm. Peck and John
Jones. Codicil (verbal) made a short time after the will. 6A of meadow to
daughter Daniels and after her death to hqr daughter Joanna and her children,
viz. 3A at South End and 3A at the West Side, also 3A of meadow at South End
to daughter Susanna Crittenden. Witness Hannah Falconer Witnesses sworn
in Court 30 July 1702. (Page 298, vol. ii., New Haven Prob. Rec).
Inventory taken 4 Aug. 1702. House and homelot £80, meadow on the West
Side cove £24. meadow on the East Side £30, land on East Sideuataken up £15,
Third Division land £27. Total £198. Debts unknown. Prized by Thomas
Tattle and Nathaniel Boykin.
Distribution to Mrs.* Ruth Frisby alias Hoadly, Joanna Thompson, Mrs.
Susanna Crittenden and Mrs. MaryWyke. (Page 223, vol. iii., New Haven
Prob. Rec.)
1892.] Genealogical Gleanings in England. 153
Anna is also called Hannah in the town record of her marriage, and in July,
1649, Hannah and Rebecca Gregson are wituesses in a trial. I have arranged
the children as follows :
i. Richard, was seated in 1656. Returned to England and lived in Bristol,
ii. Anna, m. [1631] Stephen Daniels,
iii. Rebecca, m Rev. Johu Bowers.
iv. Susanna, m. 13 May 1661, Abraham Crittenden,
v. Sarah, m. 1 1) 12 Dec. 1667, John Gilbert; m. (2) 9 May 1676, Sam-
uel Whitehead,
vi. Mary, bapt. 26 Jan. 1639—10, returned to England; m. ■ Wyke.
vii. Phebe, bapt. 15 Oct. 1643; in. (1) 1673, Rev.' John Whiting, of Hart-
ford; m. (2) 1692, Rev. John Russell, of Hadley.
viii. Abigail, bapt. 23 Eeb. 1644-5.
Francis B. Trowbridge, of New Haven, Ct.]
John Maplett of the city of Rath, Somerset, Doctor in Physick, 13
April 1670, proved 7 February 1670. I give and bequeath unto my dear
sister Mrs. Mary Gorton of Sew England the sum of twenty shillings, and
to each of her children I give the sum of ten shillings apiece. I give and
bequeath unto my dear sister Mrs. Elizabeth Ham of London, widow, the
sum of twenty shillings. To my dear daughter Anne Maplett the sum of
four hundred pounds to be paid her at the day of her marriage if so be she
marry with her mother's good liking and consent, otherwise only five
pounds. To her younger sister my daughter Elizabeth the sum of three
hundred pounds (on same condition). To my aforesaid daughter Anne
Maplett all that portion of land and houses in Bristol brought to me by her
mother at our marriage, being formerly part of the estate of her brother
Mr. Walter Williams (after the decease of her mother). To my wife my
house in Bath with the tenement and gardens thereto belonging all lately
bought of Mr. Thomas Fisher, to be her own forever and at her sole dis-
posal. She to be sole executrix. Signed, declared and published 31 July
1670. " Duke, 24.
[This will was found long a<?o and forgotten. It should have accompanied
the will of Mrs. Mary Mayplett, the mother of the testator, published in the
Register for October. 1890 (vol. 44. p. 334). Mrs. Gorton's husband was the
famous religious disturber, Samuel Gorton. — h. f. w.]
Symon Winge of St. Clement's Danes, tailor, 28 July J 625, proved 6
February 1626. To my wife Rebecca one hundred pounds due unto me
from Mr. Bryam Palmes of — in the Co. of Northampton gen*, and
sixteen pounds due unto me by Mr. William Palmes geu'. and six pounds
owing me by Mr. Stafford Palmes and six pounds and a crown due unto
me from Sir Archball Dugles. To Jane my daughter forty pounds owing
unto me by Mr. Samuel lieale of Fleet in Devonshire gen', and five pounds
ten shillings due and owing me by Mr. Holmes of Carshaltou in Surrey
gen1, and also four pounds due unto me by Henry Arthur of Ivybridge gen1.
and forty-two shillings owing me by Mr. Edward Rosse the younger of
Ashwell in Rutland and five pounds due unto me by Mrs. Dennys for rent.
To my sister Bridget Smiths twenty shillings. To my godson Henry
Croswell ten shillings. To my brother John Winge ten shillings if he be
living. To John Cathin of Barroe in Rutlandshire five shillings. To toy
said daughter seven and twenty pounds owing me by bond and fourteen
pounds owing me upon books by Thomas Grove of in Wiltshire gen1.
To my brother Matthew my cloth hose and canvas doublet. To my sister
Elizabeth ten shillings. To my uncle Stevens and his wife twenty shillings.
To Thomas Cooper one of my executors my writing deske. 1 do make
154 Genealogical Gleanings in England. [April,
John Meader of St. Andrew's Holborn, tailor, aud Thomas Cooper of
Clifford's Inn gen', my sole executors and to each of them forty shillings.
Skynner, 24.
John Burnell, citizen and clothworker of London, 15 December 1G03,
proved 16 August 1G05. My body to be buried in the parish church of
Stanmore the Great. My goods &c to be valued, appraised and divided
into three equal Darts, according to the ancient and laudable custom of the
city of London. The first part to my wife Barbara for so much due to
her by the said laudable custom. The second part I devise and appoint to
my five children amongst them equally to be divided; and the third part I
reserve to myself and to my executrix towards the payment of my funeral
charges aud of such legacies as I have herein devised. Then follow sundry
bequests to the poor and to his guild &c. To wife Barbara one thousand
pounds. To eldest son John one thousand pounds. To brother in law
Tevis Cruse, remaining in Daulzic, a ring of gold with a death's head
thereon of the value of four pounds. To my brother Mr. John Cage and
to my sister his wife, each of them, a mourning gown. To my cousin
Richard Cage his son a mourning cloak, and to his wife a mourning gown.
To my brother in law John Swifter, mercer, and Curdela his wife, to each
a mourning gown. ** Item, I give to my son in law Thomas Morley and
Katherine, his wife, my daughter, to each of them a mourning gowne." To
my son in law Richard Ball and Ann his wife, my daughter, to each of
them a mourning gown. To my cousin Barbara Russell, widow, a mourn-
ing gown and forty shillings yearly, during life. To my cousin Salomon
Coke six pounds, thirteen shillings four pence and a mourning cloak. To
my cousins Mary Church and Willowbee of Dover, widows, forty one
shillings apiece. To Mr. Willowbee, parson of Stanmore, a mourning
gown. To sundry servants. To Hilson Swifter, my wife's sister's son,
five pounds. To my good friend Mr. Robert Cogan a ring of gold with a
death's head worth three pounds. To Elizabeth Morley, my goddaughter
and grandchild, fifty pounds in money and unto Katherin Morley, sister of the
said Elizabeth, forty pounds, and unto Ann Morley, another sister, forty
pounds, to be paid them at their several ages of seventeen or at their sev-
eral days of marriage. To Katherin Ball, another of my grandchildren,
forty pounds in money. To my wife Barbara my manor of Stanmore the
Great in the co. of Middlesex, in as large and ample manner and form as I
now enjoy the same by virtue of an assignment thereof made unto me by
and from John Koyn Esq. and Katherine his wife, with remainder to my
son Johu &c. To my son John my copyhold messuage or tenement and
eight acres of land in Stanmore now in the tenure or occupation of Ann
Bluitt, widow, or her assigns, and thirty acres in my own occupation. To
son Thomas the copyhold tenement &c. called Fiddell's (with certain land).
To son William for ever my lease of two messuages &c in Stanmore the
less, and freehold and appurtenances in Hendon. The remainder to be
divided among my three sons, John, Thomas and William, and my two
daughters, Katherine wife of Thomas Morley and Ann wife of Richard
Ball. The seven hundred pounds each which I have given to my two sons
in law, in marriage with my daughters, shall be considered parcells of my
daughters' portions. My wife Barbara to be executrix and my brother in
law Mr John Cage and my sous in law, Thomas Morley and Richard Ball
to be overseers. Thomas 2Jorley one of the witnesses. Hayes, 58.
In a codicil made 28 March 1604, reciting certain statutes or recogni-
zances, indentures of covenants, indentures of defeazance and obligations or
1892.] Genealogical Gleanings in England. loo
deeds obligatory, he appoints his friend Thomas Gourney of London, Esq.
sole executor for and concerning the said statutes or recognizances, &c.
Proved 2 December 1605. Hayes, 85.
John Burnell, citizen and clothworker of London, 18 February 1621,
proved 23 January 1622. My estate to be divided into three parts accord-
ing to the custom of London, one of which I give and bequeath unto ray
loving kind and faithful wife, as her due per the said custom. On^ other
third to be divided equally amongst my children then living, and the other
third part I give and bequeath as folio weth. Then follow certain legacies
and bequests to the poor of Barking parish (if dwelling there at the time of
my death) to be bestowed in seacoles at the fittest season of the year and
reserved in store for them till the winter and then sold to the needy at cost
price. To poor children at Christ's Hospital and the poor in St. Bartholo-
mew's and St. Thomas' Hospital, the poor in Ludgate and the two compters
in London, the poor of Stan mo re magna " where I was born" &c &c. To
wife Ann, eldest son John, eldest daughter Barbara Burnell. second daughter
Ann Burnell, third daughter Katherine Burnell, fourth daughter Elizabeth
Burnell and son Thomas Burnell. To my virtuous and loving mother
Barbara Burnell " for the remembraunce of a sonne which whilst he liued
truely honored her and desired nothinge more then her quiet peace and
good, and her loue againe was noe lesse towardes me and mine." To my
brother Thomas Burnell. To my brother William Burnell. To ray sister
Katherine Morley and my sister Ann Ball (her husband deceased). To
good wife Hall of Stan more and her children. To Philip Hill of London,
widow, and Winefrith Lyle. My brother and sister Morley. My servant
Edward Josselin, goodman Fleminge, Mr. Edward Abbott our vicar of
Barking. To my mother in law Jone Brownerigg a diamond ring, the first
gift I gave her daughter my wife. My mother in law Ann Wealch. My
wife Ann and my brother Thomas Burnell to be executors and the Right
Worshipful and my especial kind friend Sir Thomas Coventry* knight, H.
M. Attorn. Gen. and my brother in law Thomas Morley to be overseers.
Swann, 7.
Barbara Burnell of Great Stanmore, Midd., widow of John Burnell,
merchant, deceased, 27 June 1631, proved 18 January 1631. Aged and
weak. To be buried in the parish church of Stanmore as near the body of
my late husband as conveniently may be. To Christ's Hospital, St. Thomas
Hospital, St. Bartholomew's Hospital and the poor therein. To the four
prisons of Ludgate, Newgate and the two Compters in London and the
poor therein. To the Co. of clothworkers of London, they to provide for a
distribution of twelve pence a week in bread to the poor of the parish of
Stanmore every Sunday in the year, and one pennyworth thereof to the
parish clerk of Stanmore. and to pay the said parish clerk of Stanmore two
shillings " to thin tent'! that he shall keep the monument of my said husband
and myself now standing and being in the church of Stanmore clean with-
out dust, also to provide four pouuds six shillings in woollen cloth to make
yearly six waistcoats and six safeguards for six poor women, and five pounds
a year to a poor scholar of Oxford who intendeth to profess divinity. To
my brother Swister and his daughters each a mourning gown and to Bar-
bara his daughter, my goddaughter three pounds to make her a ring. I
give to my son Morley in money twenty pounds and to my daughter, his
wife, my silver bason and ewer parcel gilt, my three gilt bowles, my
* His brother in law (See Pedigree of Sebright in the Harieian Society's Visitations of
Essex, Vol. 13, p. 289).— h. f. w.
Genealogical Gleanings in England.
broadest "shole" to lay spoons on, parcel gilt, my porrenger, parcel gilt,
and my silver sugar box and the spoon used to it &c. To my daughter
Ann Ball &c. I give to my son Morley and his wife and to my daughter
Ball and their sons and danghters, mourning cloaks and gowns. I also
give to my two daughters Katheriue and Anne my wearing linen &c. To
the children of John Burnell my late son deceased five hundred pounds.
My executor to sell my " shoverfeet " to set glasses on, my twelve apostle
spoons, my spout pot, my little "haunce" pot (& certain other silver &c)
to the utmost value he can. To sons Thomas and William (certain articles
of silver &c). To cousin Thomas Freeman and hij daughter Barbara. To
my cousin Gates, my cousin Robinson, my cousin Young and my cousin
and the children which I shall be godmother and great-godmother anto
and the children which I am or shall be great-grandmother unto and not
godmother. To my sons Thomas and William all my linen at my son
Morley and my daughter Ball's several houses in London. To Thomas
Morley, son of my son Morley, to Barbara Ball, my daughter Ball's
daughter, and to Thomas Burnell, son of my son William, thirty pounds
apiece. To all the children of my sons and daughters. To Elizabeth, now
wife of my son William. Thomas and James Morley, sons of my said son
Morley. My son Thomas Burnell to be executor and my son Morley
overseer. Audley, 7.
[In my Gleanings for 1884 (Register, vol. 38, p. 419), I gave an abstract of
the will of Thomas Burnell of this family, who referred to his nephew John
Morley as " resident in New England." I have no doubt that this reference is
to John Morley of Charlestownr although he had been dead about five months
when the will of his uncle Thomas Burnell was written. In his own will,
proved 2d 2d mo. 16G1 (Middlesex Prob. Rep;. Mass.) he mentions wife Constant,
sister Mrs. Ann Farmer and mother Mrs. Katheriue Morley deceased, and devises
housing and lands in the manor of Cheshunt, Herts, England, to his wife for
her life and then to his sister Mrs. Fanner.
The following pedigrees, taken from the Visitation of London (1633, 34, 35),
Harleian Society Publications, vol. 17, p. Ill; vol. 15, p. 123, show his lines of
ancestry, both paternal and maternal.
JAMES MORLEY=Anne, da. of
of London,
of London,
James Morley=
of Stondon in
co. Hertford.
wife of William
Sebright of London,
Towue Clerk.
Thomas Morley=Katherine, da. of
of London, John Burnell of
Marchant, London,
liueiDg a° 1634. Marchant.
John Morley of London a. 1634.
[afterwards of New England.]
Anne, wife to Thomas Gate,
Counsellor of the Lawes.
THOMAS BURNELL of Dover in Kent, gent.
John Burnell of London=Barbara, da. of Peter Camberlin
gent, a0 1570 of Dansike.
1. John Burnell of
London, Marchant.
mar. Anne, dau. of
Mr. Sebright.
! |
2. Thomas Burnell=He9ter da. of 3. William Burnell=Elizaheth, da.
of London, Henry Woilaston ofStaumore
Marchant a0 1383. of London, Magna, in Com.
Drape- r, lined Midd.
for Alderman of Loudon.
of John Kinrt
of Loudon,
1. John. 2. Thomas.
Anna. Katherine. Elizabeth.
1. Thomas.
2. John. 3. Henry.
H. F. Watebs.]
1892.] Rev. Stephen Bachiler. 157
By the Hon. Charles E. Batchelder, of Portsmouth, N. H.
[Continued from page 64.]
At the very beginning of 1632 Mr. Bacbiler left England for Boston in
New England. He sailed on the 9th of March, 1631-2, in the vessel
called the William and Francis, from London, with sixty passengers, and
after eighty-eight dreary days landed at Boston. Among his fellow travel-
lers were Gov. Edward Winslow of Plymouth, Rev. Thomas James, Rev.
Thomas Welde aud Thomas Oliver the famous ruling elder of Boston. On
the Whale, which arrived May 26, 1632, came Mr. Wilson and Mr. Richard
Dummer. Most of the Dummers resided at South Stoneham or Swathling,
where the ancient church bears several Dummer memorials, and this was
the last residence of Stephen Bachiler in England. A relationship existed
between the Bachilers and the Dummers which cannot yet be traced.*
These two ships, the William and Francis and the Whale, were sent out
by "the Company of husbandmen," sometimes called "the Company of
London " or " the Company of the Plough," of which company Stephen
Bachiler was an active and zealous member and was chosen their pastor in
1629 or 1630.f The energy and zeal with which he labored to increase
the society and assist as many emigrants as possible to come to New Eng-
land, is well set forth in a letter of John Dye and others to Mr. Crispe, and
those members of the Plough Company, then in New England, dated
London, 8 March, 1631-2, and evidently brought in the William and
Francis or the Whale.! Mr. Bachiler k* adventured " £100 in the Company
anu loaned them £37, of which amount £9 was repaid by the freight money
on his goods. Among the articles he brought over were four hogsheads of
peas, twelve yards of cloth, two hundred yards of list, a contribution box
and oaken furniture, which has lasted until this day. Most of the early
settlers of New England were young, or not past their prime when they
came to America. Mr. Bachiler was seventy-one when he landed, and yet
for a score of years thereafter he retained his vigor and for a decade he
most obstinately contended against Massachusetts Bay in behalf of New
He had planned in England to settle at Newtown (now Cambridge), but
owing to the disaster which befell the Plough Company in 1631, and having
received a call from Lynn, Mass., then called Sagus, he proceeded to the
place last named, where his daughter, Theodate, wife of Christopher Hussey,
resided. He commenced the exercise of his public ministrations on Sun-
day, June 8th, 1632, without installation, having formed a church of those
who desired to join the six or seven persons he brought with him, who
are said to have been members of the church with him in England.
The first meeting-house in Lynn was a small, plam building, without bell or
steeple, and stood on the northeastern corner of Shepard and Summer
Streets. It was placed in a small hollow, that it might be better sheltered
* MS. letter of Richard Dummer to Nath'l Bachiler, sen., Hth 4th mo. 1673, " my eossen
nathaniell bacheier of Hampton."
t Letter of Rev. Stephen Bachiler to the church in Eoston. Mass. Hist. Coll. Fourth
Series Vol. VII., 101.
t Mass. Hist. Coil. Fourth Series, VIL, 92 and 94 note.
158 Rev. Stephen Bachiler. [April,
from the winds, and was partly sunk in the earth. It was entered by
descending several steps.*
On the first Sunday at Lynn, four children were baptized. Thomas
Newhall, the first white child born in Lynn, was first presented. Mr.
Bachiier put him aside, saying " I will baptize my owu child first," meaning
Stephen Hussey, his daughter's child, born the same week as Thomas
Before Mr. Bachiler had been preaching four months at Lynn, he fell
tinder *'• suspicion *' of having independent ideas, which he was not ready to
yield at the dictation of others.
Thereupon the General Court passed the following order.
" Octobr 3, 1632, Mr. Batchelr is required to forbeare exercising his guifts
as a past* or teacher publiquely in or patient, unless it be to those hee
brought with him, for his contempt of authority, & till some scandles be
The word " scandals " was ordinarily used in our early history to denote
some religious irregularity. It was "scandalous" to conduct worship in
any way not approved by the rulers. It had acquired that meaning in
England before the emigration.!
It does not appear how far this order was obeyed. It will be noticed
that Mr. Bachiler was left free to preach to those he brought over, and no
doubt he continued his ministrations. At all events after five months this
prohibition was removed and he was left free to gather a church in Massa-
chusetts Bay. He was also present at conferences of the ministers of the
colony, Sept. 17, 1633, and Dec. 19, 1634, the first meeting having been
called to consider the settlement of Mr. Cotton, and the other to consult
what ought to be done if a general governor should be sent out of England,
and whether it be lawful to carry the cross in their banners. § On the loth
of March, 1635, *' two of the elders of every church met at Sagus, and
spent there three days. The occasion was, that divers of the brethren of
that church, not liking the proceedings of the pastor, and withal making a
question, whether they were a church or not, did separate from church
communion. The pastor and other brethren desired the advice and help of
the rest of the churches, who, not thinking fit to judge the cause, without
hearing the other side, offered to meet • at Sagus about it. Upon this the
pastor, etc, required the separate members to deliver their grievances in
writing, which they refusing to do, the pastor, etc., wrote to all the churches,
that, for this cause, they were purposed to proceed against them as persons
excommunicated; and therefore desired them to stay their journey, etc.
This letter being read at a lecture at Boston (where some of the elders of
every church were present), they all agreed (with consent of their churches)
to go presently to Sagus, to stay this hasty proceeding, etc. Accordingly,
being met, and both parties (after much debate) being heard, it was agreed
that they were a true church, though not constituted, at first, in due order,
yet after consent and practise of a church estate, had supplied that defect;
and so all were reconciled. j|
He was admitted a freeman May 6, 1635. It seems quite probable that
he was the minister who dissented from the order of banishment of Roger
* Dow's Hist. Address, Hampton, N. H., 1838.
t Mass. Colony Records, Vol. I.
X By '* scandalous ministers " (says De Grey) no more was meant than the being truly
orthodox, truly conformable to the rules and orders of the church, and faithful and
obedient subjects- of his majestv. Neal's Hist. Puritans, II., 483, note.
$ Wmthrop's N. E., I., * 154. |{ Ibid., I. * 1-57.
1892.] Rev. Stephen Bachiler. 159
Williams in October, 1635* as his opinions are known to have agreed
closely with those of Williams, and no minister of the twelve churches
then established possessed his courage in maintaining unpopular opinions.
It is to be considered also that he had previously been disciplined for
departure from the established customs, and within three months was
again in trouble from the same cause. In January, 1635-0, says Win-
throp, " Mr. Batcheller of Sagus was con vented before the magistrates.
The cause was, for that, coming out of England with a small body of
six or seven persons, and having since received in many more at Sagus,
and contention growing between him and the greatest part of his church
(who had, with the rest, received him for their pastor), he desired dis-
mission for himself and his first members, which being granted, upon sup-
position that he would leave the town (as he had given out), he with
the said six or seven persons presently renewed their old covenant, in-
tending to raise another church in Sagus; whereat the most and chief of
■ ■ ....
the town being offended, for that it would cross their intentions of calling
Mr. Peter or some other minister, they complained to the magistrates, who,
forseeing the distraction which was like "to come by this course, had for-
bidden him to proceed in any such church way until the cause were
considered by the other ministers, etc. But he refused to desist. Where-
upon they sent for him, and upon his delay, day after day, the marshal was
sent to fetch him.f Upon his appearance and submission and promise to
remove out of the town within three months he was discharged. "% Peter
however refused to settle at Lynn, preferring Salem.
These distractions in the Sagus church continued until Christmas, 1635,
when a general fast was proclaimed, for that cause and others and presum-
ably continued until February, 1636, when Bachiler left Lynn and went
to Ipswich, where he received a grant of fifty acres of land and a prospect
of settlement, but from some reason, not yet explained, the plan miscarried.
It was about this time, on the 17th of April, 1637, that Rev. R. Stansby
writes Rev. John Wilson from England that he is grieved that " Others
laye downe the ministry and become private members, as Mr. Bacheler,
Mr. Jenner, and Mr. Nathan Ward, &c." He adds that this fact and
others of like nature were now much talked about, and that many worthy
people were prevented from emigrating to New England for these reasons,
and suggests that greater liberty be granted in the admission of members
to the church."§
Under Mo. 1, 1637-8 Winthrop says, "Another plantation was now in
hand at Mattakeese (now Yarmouth), six miles beyond Sandwich. The
undertaker of this was one Mr. Batchellor, late pastor at Sagus (since
called Lynn), being about seventy-six years of age; yet he walked thither
on foot in a very hard season. He and his company, being ail poor men,
finding the difficulty, gave it over, and others undertook it."j]
The inducement which led him to attempt a settlement at Yarmouth
was undoubtedly the fact that in 1637 a large number of his former parish-
ioners removed from Lynn and commenced a settlement at Sandwich, near
Yarmouth, under a grant from Plymouth Colony.1I Bachiler's settlement is
* Winthrop's N. E., I.,* 170, 171.
t The arrest of a minister by a marshal caused much gossip throughout the country.
See Rev. James Parker's protest to Gov. Winthrop on being so arrested. Mass. Hist. Coll.
Fourth Series, Vol. VII., 441.
% Winthrop's N. E., I., * 176.
\ Mass. Hist. Coll., Fourth Series, Vol. VII., 10, 11, 12.
I Winthrop's N. E., I.,* 260. 1 Lewis's Hist. Lynn, 169.
VOL. XL VI. 14
160 Rev. Stephen Bachiler. [April,
said to have been made in that part of Barnstable (then Yarmouth)' called
Old Town, and was about one hundred miles from Ipswich where he resided.
His next removal was to Newbury, where, on the 6th of July, 163<S. the
town made him a grant of land, and on the 7th of October, 1638, the
General Court of Massachusetts, in order to be rid of a troublesome pastor
and also to strengthen their claim to the territory more than three miles
north of the Merrimac, granted Mr. Stephen Bachiler and his company,
who had petitioned therefor, liberty to begin a plantation at Winnicunnet,
now called Hampton, N. H. On Tuesday, October 1G, 1638, the settle-
ment was begun, the journey from Newbury being made in a shallop. On
the 7th of June, 1639, Winnicunnet was made a town, and further about
the same time the said plantation (upon Mr. Bachiler's request made known
to the court) was named Hampton.* This name was most probably gi^en
in honor of Hampton, that is, Southampton, in England. The addition
" South " was a late addition to distinguish this town from Hampton in
Mercia. Win thro p in his History of New England repeatedly refers to
Southampton as Hampton. f It will also be remembered that South Stone-
ham, adjoining Southampton, and in the gift of St. Mary's of Southampton,
was the last residence of Mr. Bachiler in England. In 1639 the inhabitants
of Ipswich voted to give Mr. Bachiler sixty acres of upland and twenty
acres of meadow, if he would reside with them three years. He preferred
his settlement at Hampton. On the 5th of July, 1639, he and Christopher
Hussey sold their houses and lands in Newbury for " six score pounds,'7
and thereafter his entire interest was with the Hampton settlement. The
town in 1639 granted their pastor three hundred acres of land for a farm
besides his house lot, and he gave them a bell for the meeting house. This
bell remained in use until about February 15, 1703-4, when the town
voted that the selectmen should agree with William Partridge Esq., to pro-
cure the town a good one from England of about one hundred and thirtie
weight and that they send to him the ould bell that is splitt to make of
that what the sd Mr. Partridg can towards the paying for a new one. J
The farm was laid out to him in the ext erne southern limits of Hampton
adjoining Salisbury. In the Hampton record book containing the grants
in the year 16-4-1 and 1658, copied according to the town vote, concerning
the copying of grants with witnesses, if necessary, is the following :
To Steven Bachiler sometimes of Hampton.
1. Impr. nine acres & half of upland granted unto him, for a house lott : —
2. & five acres of upland aded to the south-east end thereof: fonrtenth acres
& half : granted unto him : laying between the upland of John Sambom to words
the south-west; & the upland of Christopher hussey towords the north-east
abutting upon the meeting-house green in pt & upland of John Sambom in pt
towords the south-east : more or less as it is layd out.
3. Item abought fower acres of swampy grownd granted unto him: layeing
between the ground of John Samborns towords the north-east : & the ground of
Christopher hussey towords the south-west : abutting upon the meeting-house
green towords the north-west and the Oxe common towords the south-east ;
more or less as it is layd out.
4. Item eleven acres medow granted unto him layeing between the medow
of henery Ambros towords the north : and the medow of William Sambom
towords the south : abutting upon the upland towords the west : & a common
wave by the beach towords the east : more or less as it is layd out.
5. Item foure acres of medow granted unto him : layeing between the medow
of Richard Swaynes toword the north: &, a common 'wave towords the south,
• N. H. Provincial Papers, vol. 1, p. 151. f Winthrop's N. E., vol. 1, page 2 et seq.
X Hampton Records, MSS, Vol. I., 175.
1892.] Lee of Virginia. 161
abutting npon certaine upland toTvord the east : & a certain river called Tayler
river towords the west, more or less as it is layd out.
6. Item two hundred acres of upland medow & marsh for a farme la} eing
between the line of Solsberry in pt : & the farme of Mr. Tymothy Daltoii the
Teacher in pt : & the farme of John Browne in pt towords the south : & the
farm of Christopher Huse towords the north more or less as it is layd outt.
7. Itt eight Acres of upland in the East feild lying between the land of Wil-
liam Samborn towards the south and como[nJ way towards the north abutting
upon the fresh medow of the sd Mr. Bachelder towards the east and the land of
John Cliffords towards the west more or less as itt is layd outt.
The earliest statement of the bounds of Hampton is said to be taken
from a very old manuscript aud is as follows : '' bounded on the north by
Strawberry Bank, east by the Atlantic Ocean, south by Salisbury aud west
by the Wilderness."* Nine entire towns and parts of two towns have since
been set off or established from territory then belonging to Hampton.
JTo be continued.]
By J. Henry Lea, Esq., Cedarhurst, Eairhaven, Mass.
[Concluded from page 78.]
The Registers of West Ham, in which parish Stratford-Langton was
situated, having most unfortunately perished previous to 1G53, it seemed
possible that something might be gleaued from the adjacent parish of Stepney,
and there seemed the more reason for this hope as the grandson of Col.
Richard Lee, Isaac Lee of Virginia, died there in 1727, f which would
suggest some previous connection of the family with this place.
Two laborious days were passed in the examination of the very volumin-
ous Records of this large parish, in which time the writer searched the
Baptisms and Marriages from their beginning in 1568 to 1609, aud the Bap-
tisms alone to 1638, but without tangible result, and the search was accord-
ingly abandoned at this point.t A significant fact, however, may be noted
in the frequent occurrence of the well known Virginia names of Bland,
Fairfax and Lightfoot, while that of Hancock is not infrequent. The names
of Fulk and Gilbert Lee are also suggestive, these being both characteristic
family names in the Shropshire line, and it is also noteworthy that Sir
John Lee, Knt., of Stepney, was grandson of Humphrey Lee of Bridgnorth
in Salop,§ another of the names so identified with the Lees of Langley,
although the arms of this family are totally different from the latter. j|
* New York Observer, about September, 1S82.
f See his will in Mr. Watcrs's Gleanings in Register, vol. xliv. p. 391. This Isaac was
certainly the Ron of Hancock Lee, for proof of which see will of his grandfather, Isaac
Ailerton, cited in Register, xliv. p. 292, by which it will be seen that Hancock's wife was
not Elizabeth bat Sarah, aa error which has evidently prevented the previous identiiication
of Isaac Lee.
J The writer's most cordial thanks are due to the Rev. G. W. Hill, the rector, aud his
assistant, Rev. W. H. Frere. for courtesy shown in this tedious and troublesome task.
§ See pedigree in London and Middlesex Note Book by W. P. W. Pfrillimore, No. 2,
July, 1891.
!i Arms granted Dec. 20, 1593. to Lee of London and of BillesLy, co. Warwick :— Arg. a
fesse Sa., in chief two pellets, in base two martlets of the second. Crest: — A Talbot's
head Arg., collared Az., to the collar a ring and line of the last.— Edmondson's Heraldry,
London, 1780. "
162 Lee of Virginia. [April,
The writer's intention had been to print the results of the' Stepney
search in full, but in view of the extreme improbability of the connection
of most of the many Lees found there with the family in question, he has
decided to give only the few extracts which follow.
Registers of St. Diuistan-in-the-Easty Stepney, Middx.
1604 — Maye — ffowlke Lee of Ratclif & Rabbidge Hawkins of ye same,
married vi day.
1605 — December 1 — Thomas Singleton of shad well & Margaret Ivey of
the same widow.
1595 — Aug. 10 — Agnes daughter of Gilbert Ley of Ratcliffe.
1598 — June 25 — Andrew sonn of Gilbert Ley of Ratclif.
1600— Nov. 18— Mary daughter of Gilbert Lea of Ratclif.
1605 — Noueb. 2 — John sonn of ffookes Lee of Ratclif, Sailler
1607 — Oct. 11 — PhHlipp sonn of tfowkes Lee of Ratclif, sailler.
1615 — Apr. 6 — William sonn of Mr. John Lee of Mylend, gent, of xv
daies ould.*
1619 — May 11 — Katherine daughter of Sr John Lee of Myleend knight &
Sara his wife 11 clays old.
1610. — Nuncupative Will of Gilbert Lee of Stepney.
In the Name of God Amen abowte the first day of Jan. A. d. 1610,
according to ye computation of the Church of England, Gilbert Lee of
Ratcliffe in the pish of Stepney ats Stebneth in the Com of Middx, Mar-
riner, being at sea aborde the good shipp called ye vnion of London, being
some what ill but of p'fect minde & memory, called for one Mr Bradshaw a
merchant in the said shipp & signified vnto him that he hath made his will
but was purposed to alter it, where vppon Mr Bradshaw demanded what his
will or purpose was or words to this effect — Mary quoth the said Gilbert
Lea my will or minde is that my brother Anthony Briant & his wife shall
have all that estate I have or words to ye like effect, sauing twenty pounds
that I give tomy brother, meaning his brother Lee, & other ten pounds
that I give to one of myne name dwelling in St. Catherines And I make
the said An thouy Bryant & his wife extors of my will & testm* or words to
the like efl'ecte where vppon Mr Bradshaw made this will wch was acknow-
ledged by the said Gilbert Lee the testator before diuers witnesses & his
former will cancelled wch will soe composed in wrighting cannot yet come
to the hands of the said Extors but was to ye effecte as aforesaid. Witnesses
of the truth of the p'mises — Thos. Peerce his mark, Ralph Wilson, pilot,
John Bingle, Mr. Bullock ye surgeant, Pro. 22 July 1611 by Anthony &
Anne Briant. Com. Ct. Lond., Vol. 21, fo. 353.
* Mr. John Lee, afterward Sir John Lee, Knt., was Churchwarden of this parish in 1612
and many subsequent years. He resided in Whitehorse street, and was the third of three
distinguished brothers, sons of Sir Robert Lee. Knt., Mayor of London, 1602-3, ail of
whom were knighted for their pubiic services. He was knighted before 1616 (22 Jan.
1615-6 at Theobald's Inn, London, see Metcaif s Book of Knights p. 166), his name as
a knight occurring in the list of Churchwardens of that year. In 1618 ho was made Keeper
of the Ordinance Stores at the Tower. He married first to Sarah Woodward, who died in
1625 iand was buried at Stepney, December 27th of that year; and second to Joan Lott,
widow of Henry Lott of Stepney, license dated 5 November, 1633. He was buried 16
November, 1642. (Stepney Memorials, Pt. II., fo. 61.) His daughter Catherine {see her
baptism) married William Culham of St. Catherine Creechurch, Girdler, her father's'
consent being attested by her brother Robert Lee, allegation dated 8 June, 1635j and in
which she is called 20 years of age— an evident error. (Harl. Soc. xxvi. 222.)
1892.] Lee of Virginia. 163
1611. — Will of fFolke Lee (of Stepney in Act Booh) weake of body;
Dated 2G fTeb. 1611; is indebted to Thomas Steward, Pusser, & to Luke
Nott, who are to be payed out of Callicoes wch are in my Cheist; to wife
one third of money or goods dewe me ; youngest son John Lee other third ;
to Thomas Harris* a? motley gown; wiefe Executrix; Overseer — William
Marten; Wit: William Hughes, Thomas Harris & Walter Woodwarde;
Pro. by Robridge, relict & Extra: named in will, 1-1 July 1614.
Com. Ct. Land., Vol. 22, fo. 341.
The following will was only found after the preceding MS. had been sent
to the printer, and, with the Admons which accompany it, gives room for
much speculation.
We have here still another Lee connected with Stratford Langton in the
first half of the 17th century and, from what we now know of Col. Richard
Lee's connection with the Lees of Salop, we cannoi doubt that this
Humphrey was his near kinsman. That he was the so long sought father
is very improbable, as Richard is not named in his will, but he may well
have been a brother or, more probably, an uncle of the emigrant. The
name of Humphrey is common to all branches of the Shropshire family,
but that of Walter seems to point to that branch which became extinct in
England with the death of Sir Richard Lee, Bart., of Langley and xicton
Burnell in April, 1660.J
The connection of Humfrie Lee with the parish of St. Olaves in South-
wark is also noteworthy, as this was the residence of yet another of the
Salop family, i. e. that Richard Lee who married Elizabeth Laugdon and
who was so absurdly identified with Col. Richard,! with even less rhyme
or reason than was shown in the attempt to affiliate him with the Quarren-
don Family in the person of Sir Robert Lee's deceased infant son Richard. §
Still another brother of the first named Richard is known to have resided
in St. Olaves, i. e. Thomas Lee. draper, who was deceased in 1681, leaving
issue, as we know by reference in will of his brother, Lancelot Lee, Citizen
& Fishmonger of London (by Company, but draper by trade). ||
The Admon. of Edward Lockey is also most interesting, as showing one
of the Lockey family (perhaps a brother of that John Lockey who was
Executor of Col. Richard's will, but, most unfortunately, the Lockey family
seem to have had an unbusiness-like habit of dying intestate, so that we
have no light on the connection between them,) as settled in Virginia and
as dying in the parish of St. Catherine Creechurch in London. Comparison
of the pedigree of the family of George Lee of this parish and their known
connection with Stratford Langton and St. Catherine's will at once show the
great importance of this reference.
16-45. — Humfrie Lee, Citizen & Haberdasher of London, weak in bodie;
Dated 24 June, 21 Chas., 1645; To poor of Westham, Essex, £3; wife
Marie Lee lands &c in psh of Christ Church, London, for life, she paying
£20 yerely to sonne Walter Lee & with remainder to him, also a lease I
hold of Sr Jate&'Afc*Ileiy& also lease of 8<temaU'*fi St. Martins, Ludgate,
* In this connection the following extract from the Stepney Registers is mo>t suggestive :
1624 — May 1— Jn'J sonne Jd" Harris of Virginia, gent, & Dorothy his wife, borne in the
house of Edward Lymbery of Lyme House mar : the same day — {baptized).
f Burke's Extinct & Dormant Baronetages, ed. 1341, fo. 305.
+ Mead's Gen. Hist, of the Lee Family » New York, 1871.
6 Descent Geu. ft. E. Lee of Virginia, by Rev. F. G. Lee, D.C L., <£c, London, 1884.
|| Will of Lancelot Lee, Linen Draper, Cit. & Fishmonger of Land.-, dat. 29 Mar., pro. 21
Apr. 1681, names bro. Thomas Lee of Southwark, deed., his two ch. Lancelot & Hester.
P.C. C. North, 60.
164 Lee of Virginia. [April,
London, wch I hold from the Co. of Goldsmiths, for her life, with rem. to
such of her child, as shalbe most dutiful, & to her also the house where I
aow dwell situate in Stratford Langthorne, in psh of Westham, co. Essex,
for her life & she to dispose of same to her child, at her decease & to her
all household stuff with rem. to child.; to sonne Samuell Lee the tenmt or
Taverne neere the Mooregate. Lond. called the Salutation Taverne, where
one Dawes now dwelleth, he paying to his mother, my wife, £15 yearely;
sonne Walter Lee lands in psh of St. Olaves, Southworke, co. Surrey,
called Crosse Keyes & Crosse Keyes Allie, he paying to his brother, my
sonne Jeremy Lee, £20 yearly for life; to dau. Mary Long the lease I now
hold of Deane & Chapter of Paulls; dau. Hanna Geerlnge lease of 2 houses
in Mugwell Streete, Lond. ; dau. Sarah Maninge the lease I now hold of
one Poinntarie Gulstoune; to sonne John Lee £100 out of my Bills of
publiq faith when ye same shalbe paid in; grdau. Marie Sharpe the same
bequest to be in her mother, Hanna Geeriuge's, use; grchild Humfrey
Manige £15 out of Bills of publique faith to use of his fl'ather Thomas
Maninge; balance of estate to be div. amongst children; sonne Walter Lee
Executor; all servants with me at decease 40s. each; Wit: Thomas ffoweU,
Robert Glover, John Heath & Anthony Mylls. Probate 5 Jan. 1645. to
Executor named in will. P. C. C. Twisse, 7.
1661— Lee, Gualterus Middx. Mar.
(This from the Calendars ; unfortunately the Act Books for the year 1661
have perished. The two following entries however will no doubt supply all
the information that could have been obtained from that which is lost.)
1666 — May 28 — Commission was issued to William Dawson, principal
Creditor of Walter Lee, late of the parish of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, co.
Middlx., to administer &c. Mary Lee, the relict, having deceased without
having fullv administered. Former grant made in March 1661. {Margi-
nal note refers to 1667.) P. C. C. Act Bk., fo. 112.'
1667 — June 25 — Commission issued to John Lee, nat. & legit, brother
of Walter Lee, late of the parish of St. Giles-in-the-Fields, deed, to ad-
minister goods &c not administered by Mary Lee the relict, to whom
letters of admon. were issued, " sic ut prefertur inadministrand cuidam
Wm: Dawsou als mense Maij 1666 concess prius revocat pront ex actis
Curiae Liquet, g decent."* P. C. C. Act. Bk., fo. 103.
1667 — Edward Lockey. Gilbert, Proctor of Diocese of Arch, of Can-
terbury &c &c to Richard Walton of parish of St. Catherine Creechurch,
London, Merchant Tailor, Greeting. Whereas Edward Lockey, late of
Virginia in the West Indies, but in parish of St. Catherine Creechurch,
London, deceased, was whilst he lived & at time of his death seized of cer-
taiu goods &c in sundry Dioceses, the said Richard Walton is empowered
to sell all such goods to best advantage & to make return of same to Sir
William Merricke, Knt, Dr of Laws &c, Registrar of sd Conrt, dated last
of October, 1667.
Inventory of Edward Lockey, late of Virginia, planter, taken 21 Oct,
1667, by Robert Jackmon, Ralph Ashenden, William Drope, Marke Wark-
* The wording of the last part of this Act being somewhat unusual, it has been transcribed
•verbatim. It would appear thai this Walter Lee died abroad, perhaps in Virginia. This
fact is not referred to in the previous Act, although no doubt it is mentioned in the first one
•which has now perished.
1892. Lee of Virginia. 165
man & William Barrett. (Consists of wearing apparell & a large quantity
of tobacco valued at 2^ d per pound).
Sume totall CCxlvj11 xj9 xjd.
P. C. C. Act Bk, fo. 143.
In conclusion, the following will is interesting as showing a member of
the Shropshire family (this Gilbert was the son of John and Joyce (Rom-
ney) Lee of Coton & Nordley Regis) as resident at Tolleshunt Darcy in
Essex, a few miles to the North East of Stratford Langton, in the early
part of the 17th century. To requests for permission to examine the
Registers of this parish, which date from 1560, no answer has as yet been
1621.— Will of Gilbert Lee of Tolson Darcye, co Essex, Esq; Dat. 4
July 1621; Pro. 12 Oct 1621; Names nephew John Lee, gent; wife
Elizabeth Lee; friends William Herbert, Esq., John Gough. gent, &
Xpofer Awbrey, gent.; brothers Richard Lee & Josias Lee, gent; wife's
dau Susan Pigott ; nephew John Lee Executor ; Wit. Chr : Awbrey,
George Shorte & Cardin ffantres. P. C. C. Dale, 84.
This completes the evidence now in hand, but it is the writer's intention
to devote his earliest leisure to the careful study of the pedigree of the
English family, of which he has now probably the most perfect & fully
corrected copy in existeuce, and by following out each of the cadet branches
of this he hopes to attain that success which has so far failed to crown his
efforts in working backward from the Emigrant.
A thorough search of the Parish Registers of St. Catherine Creechurch,
St. Olaves Southwark, St. Giles-in-the-Fields, and perhaps others, as well
as an exhaustive search of the Gloucester and Worcester Probate Courts,
would seem to be the next step involved in the clearing up of the
mystery which still shrouds the parentage of the Virginian Emigrant, but
the labor and expense attendant on such a search would be so great that it
is probable that none but a member of the family actually interested would
care to undertake it. The writer has already devoted much time that he
could ill aiford to waste on this work, but is well rewarded by the thought
that he has done something towards clearing the history of a gentle and
honorable family from the cloud of doubt thrown over its origin by the
inconsiderate zeal of those who have hap-hazarded so wildly on the subject.
Since the publication of the earlier pages of this, the writer is in receipt of
several letters from members of the family and others endorsing and accepting
the conclusions reached: one of which contains the following inscriptions and
letter, the latter an answer to the letter already printed (Mead's Lee Family, p.
65) from William Lee, Esq., of London, to Dr. Harry Lee of Winchester College,
and which gives additional weight to the statement made (see p. 65) of the
relationship claimed and allowed on both sides of the Atlantic.
This Monument was erected to the memory of the Honourable Col°
Thomas Lee (Commander in Chief & President of his Majesties Council
for this Colony, descended from the very ancient & Honourable Family of
Lees in Shrop-shire in England, who dyed November 14, 1750, aged 60
years) & of the Hon1 Mrs Hannah Lee, his Wife, by Philip Ludwell Lee,
their eldest Son, as a just & dutyfull Tribute to so excellent a Father &
Mother, Patterns of conjugal virtue: they are buried eighteen Mile;: from
this, in the Family burying place called the old ..... * in Cople Parish
in this County &c &c (The rest being poeticalinscription).
* Paper torn and this word obliterated*
166 Lee of Virginia, [April,
On the Grave Stone:
Here lies buryed tbe Honourable Col° Thomas Lee, who deed November
14, 1750 aged 60 his loved wife Mr3 Hannah Lee, she dep . . .
January 2-3, 17-19-5U, their Monument is erected in . ... lower Church of
Washington Parish, in this County . . . miles above their County seat
Stratford Hall *
I return you Thanks for your civil & polite Letter & likewise my
good Friend Mr Batson for making me known to you. I wish it was in my
Power to give you that Intelligence which you so earnestly desire of ye
Genealogy of our Family. The Pedigree which my Father left behind
him, is now in the Possession of my elder Brother which, to the best of my
Remembrance traces our Family from the Saxon Government. As He is
abroad, I cannot procure it from him, but I have sent to another Relation,
who I believe has a Copy of it. As to myself, being a younger Brother, 1
never made a deep Enquiry into the Origin of our Family. As far as my
Knowledge extends I will reveal to you. My Grandfather Tho: Lee who
was a Barrister of Lav/ Lincolns Inn married a Daughter of John Eldred
of Great Saxham in Norfolk, from which Alliance I'm related to William
of Wykeham. He left several children, the eldest was my Father — another
Son who settl'd in Wiltshire & has left Children behind him. The Third
a Clergyman who had Issue but are now dead. The Heir to the Lee in
Wiltshire is a young Man in the Army. He has two Brothers & several
Sisters. The Second is a Linen Draper in London, & the youngest is now
at School here & upon the Foundation, as a Founder kinsman. He is one
of the Senior Boys of the School, & I hope will soon succeed to New
College in Oxford. My own Family are numerous One Brother & Seven
Sisters who are married & dispers'd. As soon as I can get a perfect
Account of our Family you shall hear from me. In the mean Time, if you
shou'd have a Desire of seeing your young Relation whom you have been
so kind as to send to Winchester School, you will make my Wife & Me
extremely happy by favouring us with your Company. You may depend
upon it, I shall not fail paying my Respects to you the first Time I go to
London. My Brothers Wife is now with me, she leaves me Friday next
in order to go to her Husband. He gives but a very indifferent Account
of himself in his Letters. I shall desire my Sister to communicate the
Contents of your Letter to him. We are not related to the Earl of Litch-
field. There is a Doctor Lee in London, a Physician, & I'm inform'd bears
our Arms, whether he is related to us or not, I know not. My Sister &
Wife join in Complt3 to you, with
Dear Sir
Your most obedient Servant
Win: Coll: Septr 12. 1771. & Kinsman (signed) Harry Lee.
(Direction) William Lee Esq'
Great Tower hill
Sealed with arms of Lee of Langley (with 10 billets).
(Endorsed) Winchester 1771 Dr Harry Lee Sept. 1 2th Recd Sept 13th
Answd fully Oct. 2G. 1771. Paid Pos. /3 ent. P. B. fol 21. In answer to
mine of the 9th ab* our Family & his alliance to Wm of Wykeham.
* Copied from an old paper in a fragmentary condition in the hand-writing of Richard
Henry Lee, without date but supposed to be about 17G5 or thereabouts.
1892.] Marriages of East Parish, Bridgewater, Mass. 167
From March 4, 1725, to August 3, 1803,
By the Rev. John Angier (settled 1724, died April 14, 1787), and the Rev. Samuel
Angier, his son and colleague (settled 1767, died Jan. 18, 1805).
Communicated by the Rev. Henry F. Jenxs, A.M., of Canton, Mass., from the original
manuscript in the possession of Miss Mary H. Rust, of East Bridgewater,
great-great-granddaughter of the Rev. John Angier.
f Concluded from page 57.]
Febry. loth. — Joseph Keith ye 2d & Betsey Sherman, both of Bridgwater.
Febry. 20th. — Asa Forrest of Halifax & Susa Mitchell of Bridgwater.
March 1st. — Ephraim Tinkham of Middieborough & Molly Gurney of
Bridgwater. [water.
March 20th. — Samuel Whitman, Junr. & Hannah Egerton. both of Bridg-
April 3d. — Turner Phillips & Huldah Whitman, both of Bridgwater.
April 5th. — Benjamin Tayler & Martha Childs, both of Bridgwater.
May 17th. — Oliver Pratt & Susanna Lowden, both of Bridgwater.
June 21st. — Dyer Robinson & Abigail Stetson, both of Bridgwater.
August 23d. — Jacob Pool, Junr. of Abington & Zeruiah Whitmarsh of
September 20th. — Jonah Besse & Eunice Washburn, both of Bridgwater.
Novbr. 1st. — Seth Allen Whitman & Philebert Whitman, both of Bridg-
Novbr. loth. — Benjamin Pinchin & Molly Stetson, both of Bridgwater.
Novbr. 22d. — Daniel Cushmg & Zeruiah Chamberlain, both of Bridgwater.
Carry 'd to the Town Clerk to be recorded, Janry. 8th. 1788.
Janry. 10th. — Seth Gurney and Rebecca Packard, both of Bridgwater.
Febry. 20th. — James Lincoln of Cohasset in the County of Suffolk & Nabby
Mitchel of Bridgwater.
March 17th, — Alexander Terril & Lydia Bryant, both of Bridgwater.
March 27th. — Nathan Whitman & Mercy Byram, both of Bridgwater.
April 3d. — Timothy Allen & Ceiia Whitman, both of Bridgwater.
May 14th. — William Harris & Alice Mitchel, both of Bridgwater.
July 10th. — Isaac Allen of Bridgwater & ye Widow Susanna Allen of
Brookfield. [water.
July 23d. — Josiah Parris of Pembroke & Experience Lowden of Bridg-
Octob'r 7th. — Ebenezer Whitman, Junr. & Lydia Whitman, both of
Octob'r. 16. — George Byram & Phebe Randal, both of Bridgwater.
Octob'r. 22d. — Solomon Johnson & Sally Robinson, both of Bridgwater.
Novbr. 25. — Israel Cowing of Scituate & Rebecca Wade of Bridgwater.
Carry'd to ye Town Clerk to be recorded, April 7. 1789.
April 2d. — Joel Edson & Hannah Packard, both of Bridgwater.
April 16th. — Benjamin Strowbridge of Middieborough, & Elisabeth Whit-
man of Bridgwater.
168 Marriages of East Parish, Bridgeicater, Mass. [April,
April 23d. — Mark Phillips, Junr. & Celia Chamberlain, both of Bridg-
Sept. 10th. — Nathan Bates of Abington & Betty Allen of Bridgwater.
Sept. 24th. — Daniel Bryant of Watertown & Jennit Mitchell of Bridg-
Octob'r. 20th. — William Keith, Junr. & Abigail Russel, both of Bridgwater.
Novbr. 5th. — Noah Hobart of Abington & Deborah Winslow Thomas of
Decembr. 31st. — Israel Bailey & Lucy Whitman, both of Bridgwater.
Carry'd to ye Town Clerk to be recorded, April 19th, 1790.
May 13th. — Noah Packard of Dartmouth & Polly Packard of Bridgwater.
June 10th. — Noah Ramsdale of Abington & Hittie .Whitmarsh of Bridg-
June 16th. — Oakes Whitman & Susanna Barrell, both of Bridgwater.
August 9th. — Samuel Rogen & Betty Allen, both of Bridgwater.
Sept. 13th. — Luther Hatch of Hanover & Molly Whitman of Bridgwater.
Novbr. 23d. — Winslow Thomas & Polly Cole, both of Bridgwater.
Decembr. 9th. — John Porter 2d & Susa Groves, both of Bridgwater.
Janry. 25th. — William Soul of Halifax & Rachel Dillingham of Bridg-
water, [water.
Janry. 27th. — Benjamin Harris, Junr. & Sarah Mitchel, both of Bridg-
March 22d. — Reuben Tomson & Eunice Whitman, both of Bridgwater.
March 24th. — Barzee Kingman & Molly Phillips, both of Bridgwater.
April 14th. — Jacob Mitchel & the Widow Jerusha Latham, both of Bridg-
Carry'd to the Town Clerk, to be recorded April 23d, 1791.
June 13th. — Oliver Mitchel & Armelia Gannett, both of Bridgwater.
August 1st. — Seth Byram & Matilda Whitman, both of Bridgwater.
Sept. 29th. — David Byram & Lucy Rardal, both of Bridgwater.
Octobe'r 26th. — George Briggs of Norton & Elisabeth Whitman of Bridg-
Novbr. 14th. — David Howard & Rebecca Whitman, both of Bridgwater.
and also Timothy Alien & ye Widow Betty Keith, both of Bridgwater.
Novbr. 17th. — Zenas Whitman & Sally Allen, both of Bridgwater.
March 12th. — Henry Thornberry Smith & Prisciila Brown, both of Bridg-
March 16th. — Libeus Washburn of Plymton & Alice Keith of Bridgwater.
Carry'd to ye Town Clerk to be recorded, April 26th, 1792.
May 3d. — Thomas Snell & Susanna Allen, both of Bridgwater.
May 17th. — Daniel French & Rhoda Tribou, both of Bridgwater.
July 4th. — Josiah Keen & Hannah Whitman, both of Bridgwater.
Octob'r. 22d. — John Boyd of New York & Jane Orr of Bridgwater,
Novbr. 1st. — Zenas Keith & Jane Cary, both of Bridgwater.
Novembr. 29th. — John Quincy Keith & Mary Hudson, both of Bridgwater.
Janry. 21st. — Josiah Johnson, Junr. & Olive Orcutt, both of Bridgwater.
Febry. 7th. — Thomas Hearsey of Abington & Deborah Pool of Bridg-
1892.] Marriages of East Parish, Bridgewater, Mass. 169
Febry. 19th. — Jonathan Kingman, Junr. & Mehitabel Hudson, both of
Carry'd to ye Town Clerk to be recorded, April 27th, 1793.
August 22d. — John Lowden & Susanna Clark, both of Bridgwater.
August 27th. — Bela Reed & Folly Beal, both of Bridgwater.
Sept. 12th. — Seth Keith & Molly Keith, both of Bridgwater.
Sept. 2Gth. — Byram Lazell & Jennit Wesley, both of Bridgwater.
Janry 1st. — Lot Ramsdel .& Lucinda Gannet, both of Bridgwater.
Febry. 24th. — Jarib White of Amherst in ye County of Hamshire & Ruth
Shearman of Bridgwater, in ye County of Plymouth.
Carry 'd to ye Town Clerk to be recorded, May 2d, 1794.
May 29th. — Silas Shaw of Riudge in New Hampshire & Lucy White of
June 4th. — John Terril Junr. & Rhoda Smith, both of Bridgwater.
June 11th. — Mr. Nahum Mitchell & Nabby Lazell, both of Bridgwater.
July 3d. — Calvin Keith & Bethia Stetson, both of Bridgwater.
July 17th. — South worth Washburn & Rebecca Bisbee, both of Bridgwater.
August 11th. — Rodolphus Kinsley of Stoughton & Salome Cary of Bridg-
also Asahel Allen & Rhoda Tilson, both of Bridgwater.
Sept. 30th. — John Loring of Turner & Jennett Barrell of Bridgwater.
Octobr. 20th. — James Lamberton of Ware in ye County of Hamshire, &
Hannah Chamberlain of Bridgwater.
Novbr. 6th. — Isaac Alden ye 2d & Ruth Byram, both of Bridgwater.
Decbr. 4th. — Jacob Louden & Susanna Phillips, both of Bridgwater.
March 5th. — Ezra Whitman, Junr. & Eunice Allen, both of Bridgwater.
March 17th. — Zebulon Allen & Priscilla Attwood, both of Bridgwater.
Carry'd to the Town Clerk, April 3d, 1795.
April 29th. — John Harris & Eunice Young, both of Bridgwater.
Sept. 1st. — Harlow Harden & Sarah Stetson, both of Bridgwater.
Sept. 3d. — William Pool of Bridgwater & Sarah Packard of Abington,
Novbr. 12th. — Eleazar Keith & ye widow Susanna Keith, both of Bridg-
water, [water.
Novbr. 19th. — Joseph Thayer of Stoughton & Sarah Richards of Brid^-
Decembr. 31st. — Ebenezer Noyes of Abington & Betty Ramsdel of Bridg-
Janry. 21st — Abel Delano of Pembroke & Deborah Pinchin of Bridg-
Janry. 26th. — David Allen & Rachel Dunbar, both of Bridgwater.
also William Bonuey & Molly Dunbar, both of Bridgwater.
Febry. 9th. — Stephen Snell & Patty Cole, both of Bridgwater.
March 3d. — Whitcom Stetson of Abington & Lucy Snell of Bridgwater.
March 10th. — Allen Latham of Bridgwater & Jannett Dunbar of Halifax,
March 24th. — Timothy Bailey & Anna Whitman, both of Bridgwater.
March 30th. — Isaac Allen & Metilda Pratt, both of Bridgwater.
Return'd to ye Clerk, April 23d, 1796.
July 18th. — Abishai Stetson & Alice Allen, both of Bridgwater.
Sept. 8th. — Barza Allen & Johanna Bonney, both of Bridgwater.
170 Marriages of East Parish, Bridgewater, Mass. [April,
Novbr. 7th. — Ezra Whitman & Thankful Freelove, both of Bridgwater.
Decembr. loth. — Zenas Mitchell & Nabby Washburn, both of Bridgwater.
March 15th. — Cyrus Edson & Hannah Hudson, both of Bridgwater.
April 4th. — Josiah James & Jenny Pegin, both of Bridgwater — Indians.
N.B. I marry'd the above named Josiah James & Jenny Pegin in ye
Presence of two white People, & a number of Negroes & Indians.
April 18th. — Jacob Washburn & Ruth Shaw, both of Bridgwater.
Returned to ye Clerk, April 28th, 1707.
June 1st. — David Churchell, Junr. & Molly Hearsey, both of Bridgwater.
June 28th. — David French & Rachel Hanks, both of Bridgwater.
July 3d. — Lieut. Ebenezer Cutler of Western in ye County of Worcester, &
Mrss. Cynthia Sylvester Bonney of Bridgwater in ye County of Plymouth.
August 31st. — Oliver Hayward & Anna Washburn, both of Bridgwater.
Sept. 28th. — Sylvester Briggs of Norton & Leah Whitman of Bridgwater.
Novbr. 30th. — William Vinton & Mary Alden, both of Bridgwater.
Decembr. 25th. — Mr. John Skinner of Boston & Miss Rebecca Mc Clench
of Bridgwater.
1798. [water.
Janry. 29th. — Benjamin Pinchin Junr. & Polly Whitting, both of Bridg-
March 1st. — Isaac Lothrop, Junr. of Easton & Celia Keith of Bridgwater.
April 16th. — John Alden & Debby Robinson, both of Bridgwater.
Return'd to ye Clerk, June 4th, 1798.
May 31st. — David Snow Whitman of Bridgwater & Ruth Stetson of Pem-
broke, [water.
August 30th. — Eli Blanchard of Abington & Deborah Harden of Brid^-
O O C3
October 2 2d. — Theodore Mitchel & Ruhama Newton, both of Bridgwater.
October 24th. — PIzra Alden & Abigail Vinton, both of Bridgwater.
Novbr. 22d. — James Johnson, Junr. & Sally Washburn, both of Bridg-
water, [water.
Decembr. 20th. — John Crooker of Pembroke & Folly Smith of Bridg-
Return'd to ye Clerk, March 26th, 1799.
May 2d. — Uriah Brett & Nanny Robinson, both of Bridgwater.
July 16th. — Seth Beals of Pembroke & Thirza Hatch of Bridgwater.
July 25th. — Nathaniel Clift & Abigail Byram, both of Bridgwater.
August 29th. — Joseph Hearsey, Junr. of Abington & Sarah White of
Sept. 17th. — John Willet of Abington & Lovisa Hatch of Bridgwater.
Sept. 19th. — Levi Churchill of Plymton & Cynthia Packard of Bridg-
Novbr. 14th. — Rev'd. William Briggs of Kittery & Miss Betsy Hudson of
Novbr. 14th. — Joseph Smith* Junr. & Eunice Muxam, both of Bridgwater.
Novbr. 14th. — Achish Pool & Susanna Hearsey, both of Bridgwater.
Janry. 8th. — Henry Munro, Junr. of Halifax & Deborah Delano of Bridg-
Febry 24th. — Zephaniah Howard & Jennet Latham, both of Bridgwater.
April 14th. — Seth Latham & ye Widow Elisabeth Hanks, both of Bridg-
Return'd to ye Clerk, May 6th, 1800.
1892.] Marriages of East Parish, Bridgewater, Mass. 171
Sept. 9th. — John Keith, Junr. & Mehitable Keith, both of Bridgwater.
Sept. 24th. — John Winnetof Abington & Susanna Brown of Bridgwater.
Decembr. 11th. — Levi Thomas of Pembroke & Lydia Thomas of Bridg-
May 21st. — Melvin Holmes of Halifax & Hannah Wade of Bridgwater.
June 4th. — William Barrel, Junr. & Huldah Bisbee, both of Bridgwater.
July 1st. — David Keith, Junr. & Lydia Alden, both of Bridgwater.
Sept. 30th — Samuel Wood & Debby Sherly, both of Bridgwater.
Octob'r. 6th. — Nehemiah Latham & Hannah Allen, both of Bridgwater.
Octob'r. 27th. — Samuel Pratt French & Olive Read, both of Bridgwater.
Novembr. 9th. — Leiut. Bradford Mitchell & Meribah Keen, both of Bridg-
Novembr. 2Gth. — Mr. Bartholomew Brown & Miss Betsey Lazell, both of
Janry. 13th. — Solomon Hearsey, Junr, & Sylvia Gurney, both of Bridg-
Febry. 10th. — Alpheus Orcutt of Bridgwater & Mercy Pratt of Pembroke.
Febry. 17th. — Barza Allen & Lucy Baldwin, both of Bridgwater.
March 4th. — Comfort Carpenter Dresser of Chester in ye State of Vermont,
& Celia Wade of Bridgwater.
Returned to ye Clerk, April 26th, 1802.
N. B. The marriages consummated by me for this year, being few
in Number were not returned to ye Town Clerk, until April 26th in ye
year 1802; & were then return'd with ye marriages consummated by
me in 1802, prior to that date, April 26th.
April 28th. — Ichabod Keith & Susanna Robinson, both of Bridgwater.
July 9th. — Elihu Stephens & Susa Foy, both of Bridgwater; mulatto
August 16th. — Charles Keen & Celia Mitchell, both of Bridgwater.
Sept. 16th. — Mr. Moses Noyes of Providence & Miss Hannah Whitman of
Novbr. 4th. — Mr. Daniel Howard, 3d, & Miss Susanna Kingman, both of
Novbr. 13th. — Cyrus Cary of Claremont & Nabbv Keith of Bridgwater.
Novbr. 25th. — Leiut. Galen Latham & Susanna Keith, both of Bridgwater.
March 7th. — Simeon Jones of Pembroke & Susanna Washburn of Bridg-
March 24th. — Bartholomew Trow & Mary Washburn, both of Bridgwater.
April 4th. — William Vinton & Nabby Otis, both of Bridgwater.
April 14th. — Isaac Read & Sally Stetson, both of Bridgwater.
June 23d — John Harden. Junr. & Jennv Stetson, both of Bridgwater.
.Return'd to ye Clerk, June 29th. 1803.
August 3d. — Jacob Bicknel, Junr. of Abington & Hitty White of Bridg-
Return'd to ye Clerk, Oct. 4th, 1804,
172 Original Documents. [Ap1
Communicated by William John Potts, Esq., of Camden, N. J.
The originals of the following papers are in the possession of
Mr. Henry Grew of " Woodlands," near Boston, who has kindly
allowed them to be copied.
" The Testimony of Benja Gillam & William Phips neighbours to Thomas
Smith, Seur Testifieth & saith that ye said Smith dayley lives in a disorder-
ly frame of port that is to say he is continually drunk & mad & in his
drunkeness & madues abuseth all his neighbours in very scurlious Lan-
guage & actions & espesiolly his pore wife & family in turneing his wife
out of doars in his druuken carrier late in the night takeing hir whome
& not sufering hir to come in a doars all night forceing hir to ly by ye neigh-
bours-fire all night & as for his family he takes no care for their main-
tanance & his sons that are wiling to worke & takes them of their
employment, which if thes things are cultivated his neighbours must still
be abused his family suffer & in a short time com to the town for maintance
August 21: 1677 Benja Gillam
William Phips
Jonathan Balston Senr & Will Hollowell testifieth to the above written —
Witnes our hands taken upon the oathes of the sev'll p'tyes
21. 6. 77 before mee Jonathan Balston
William holowell
Simon Bradstreet Assist
[Endorsed on the back in Bradstreet's handwriting] " test agst Smyth "
" I Pilgrim Simkins Testifie that I Quartered in Thomas Leitchfeild's
House and I asked him the reason why he did not go home to his wife
seeing that she is redeemed out of Captivity and is now at Boston he said
also that he would come to roxbury and Devorce himselfe from his former
wife Mary Leitchfeild and Live wth his Last wife he also owned that he had
a Child by her.
Sworne in Bostone June 6th 1685
before John JoylifTe Comissr
"A List of the Prisoners now In Custody
Edward Hill
Isaaic CI ace
Simon Bale
for Debt John Read .
George Boin [or Born?]
Jn° Venning
Geo: Davison
Hen: Sutton
To Aprill Court 17H
1892.] Pratt and Trerice. 173
George Burrell •! To their good behaviour
Sam11 Cooke ( , . -
Jn« Wbitting J maklD- 0f PaPer m°ne^
Petr Griffis j theft
Sarah Walker \ Suspicion of murder
So Smith Keeper
[The above paper is endorsed twice on the back] " A List of Prisoners."
Suffolk, ss.
[Seal] Be it Remembered, that on the 30th Day of May 1761 in the
first Year of his Majesty's Reign,
Barthsheba Roach of Boston was convicted before me, One of His
Majesty's Justice of the Peace for the County of Suffolk, of uttering one
profane Curse.
Given under my Hand and Seal, the Day and Year aforesaid at Boston,
John Phillips"
There is another manuscript also in the possession of Mr. Grew,
too long for me to copy, of which I took a brief memorandum.
"Jonathan AVade's Answers to Major Gen1 Daniel Gookin's reasons
of Appeale from the Judgement of the County Court at Charleston
held Decr 1682." Three and a half folio pages. This refers inci-
dentally to a previous judgment of the case in 1677 or 1678. At
the present time (August, 1891), my recollection is, this case was
about a negro slave of Daniel Gookin'3.
By William S. Appleton, A.M., of Boston, Mass.
I communicated to the Register for January, 1864, a short
paper with this title, to which I wish now to add a few facts. As
to Abraham Pratt, it is only to put on record that the late Rev.
Henry M. Dexter found at Amsterdam his marriage to Jane Charter,
14 April, 1612, he from London, she from Salisbury. (Proceed-
ings Mass. Hist. Soc. for June, 1890.) As to Nicholas Trerice, I
have tried to bring together every genealogical item, in the hope of
learning if the family is now extant or extinct.
1. Nicholas1 Trerice, undoubtedly of Cornish origin, was admitted an
inhabitant of Charlestown in 1636; had wife Rebecca; was Captain
of the " Planter," which brought many immigrants to New Eng-
land; died in 1652; she married secondly, 0 December, 1665,
174 Letters of William Itotch. [April,
Thomas Lynde of Charlestown, and died 8 December, 1688. Chil-
dren :
i. Elizabeth, b. ; m. Thomas Kemble of Charlestown and Bos-
ton; d. 19 December, 1712; he d. 29 January, 1689.
ii. Rebecca, b. in 1636; m. 22 May, 1G55, Thomas Jenner of Charles-
town ; d. 23 September, 1722 ; he d. in England in 1686.
2. iii. John-, b. at Charlestown, 26 May, 1639.
iv. Sarah, b. ; m. 10 August, 1666, John Goose of Charlestown;
d. in November, 1686.
v. Samuel b. at Woburn, 7 May, 1643 ; undoubtedly d. young.
2. John2 Trerice (Nicholas1), b. at Charlestown, 26 May, 1639; m. 3
September, 1663, Hannah, daughter of Thomas Lynde of Charles-
town; d. before 1679, and she m. secondly, 12 December, 1679,
James Kelling of Charlestown, and d. 30 December, 1690. Chil-
dren, born at Charlestown :
i. Hannah, b. 2 March, 1665; m. 30 June, 1696, William Austin of
3. ii. Nicholas, b. 1 March, 1669.
iii. John, b. 10 March, 1671; m. 22 January, 1708, Dorothy, daughter of
Stanton, widow of Nicholas Lynde of Charlestown.
iv. Rebecca, b. in 1673.
3. Nicholas3 Trerice (John,2 Nicholas1), b. at Charlestown, 1 March,
1669; m. Hannah ; lived at Boston. Children, born at
Boston :
i. John, b. 7 March, 1695.
ii. Nicholas, b. 18 April, 1702.
I have found nothing more relating to the family. What became of it?
Communicated by the late Frederick C. Sanford, Esq., of Nantucket, Mass.
An autobiography of William Rotch of New Bedford, Mass.,
was printed in the Register (vol. 31, pp. 262-4; vol. 32, pp.
36-42, 151-5, 271-4, and 389-94). Articles from the appendix
to the manuscript were printed in vol. 33, pp. 305-7, and vol. 34,
pp. 304-8. The following extracts from Mr. Rotch's letters are
also from the appendix.
Dunkirk, 1 m° 25th, 1792.
Dear Son Samuel Rodman,
***** j expect we shall be able to import wheat for
oar flour & brd for our next outfit to advantage, but cannot now determine.
Sugar and molasses are now at enormous prices, more on account of the
devastation in the Wen Indies, than the depreciation in the paper money;
the same causes must operate in America. A little pamphlet lately pub-
lished in Engd, entitled " An address to the people of G. Britain on the
propriety of abstaining from the use of W. I. sugar and rum" (which I
1892.] Letters of William Botch. 175
doubt not has ere now reached America) has had so powerful an effect on
our family (servants excepted) if on the principles of humanity only, as to
cause us wholly to renounce that luxury (sugar of W. Indies), it is true
the coffee and tea, apple pies and pudding went down not quite so easy,
but on my part with no reluctance, the object considered.
We have just got 1C. of E. India sugar fr. London at the price of 115/' 4d
per cwt, a noble price surely, yet it sold next day at 148/ but we must
take Cousin Caleb's method in apples! sugar must cost our family no more
than usual. The subject of the Slave trade will be again brot. before
Parliament, with considerable additional advocates for its abolition, but I
doubt its obtaining at this time, though I thinke the cup of iniquity must
be near full, probably the longer it is permitted, the greater will the
vengeance be when it is poured out. I do sincerely wish it may be pre-
vented by a timely abstaining from so horrid a crime. The Sierra Leone
establishment is going forward, with a determined step to do what can be
done (with) great expectations of facilitating the object by the grant made
of 20 sq. miles by King Naimbauna, and his disposition with that of one
of his sons (24 years of age, whom he has sent to Engd., and placed under
the care of Granville Sharp for his education) to abolish the inhuman
traffic for men. At the conclusion of his letter to G. Sharp the king
says, " My son — I hope you will take care of him, and let him have his
own ways in nothing, but what you think right, yourself." I have not
heard whether the embarkation of any has yet taken place. I would send
thee the Report of the Court of Directors to the Sierra Leone Co., if it
was not too bulky for the Post to Havre, but intend ordering one to thee
from London by the Spring ships. It appears that this establishment has
given some alarm to the W. I. proprietors, who had laid a plan to render
the whole abortive, which was, an intention to purchase more than half the
shares, but happily this combination was discovered before any part of it
was put in execution, and measures adopted by the Comp7 for no proprietor
to be admitted, unless he were known to be a firm friend to the cause.
These circumstances have occasioned a great number of families to relin-
quish their W. I. sugar, and some all sugar.
Religion, humanity and inability from present exorbitant price (are the
causes of this).
Such are the exertions of so large a body of the community, that I think
the downfall of slavery has already made a great march, and it must ere
long give way on all sides. May this happy day break forth, through
conviction in those so deeply dyed with the blood of those poor victims,
rather than with the iron rod now in so many instances exereised by the
oppressed over the oppressor in St. Domingo, where such tragic scenes
on all sides are exhibited, as to make nature revolt at the recital. I must
now return to business, having digressed further than I intended, after
adding that 3 or 4000 troops are sent from this kingdom to quell the in-
surrection, which I believe will be of little use. * * * *
We fully approve of thy purchase of the brig of Sampson, and the new
hull for the materials of the Sally, as well as thy sending men- after live
oak and red cedar. Thee needs no apology among us, as we all mean to
act in our distant situations on one principle, that is, the general benefit.
I wish every attention paid to seasoning the timber of the new ship. She
will be large and costly. I have already desired that she may be set up
with as much timber, as can be placed upon her and that she may stand
twelve months without a plank upon her. The streaks marked out upon
VOL. XL VI. 15*
176 Letters of William Rotch. [April,
the timbers, and the holes bored long before planking. This will be a
novelty, but I know it can be done, and the carpenter must be paid for it,
as likewise for any loss upon the plank. Get 2 or 3000 ft. more of out
board plank than the vessel will take, which may prevent a loss in width.
Giving oppy for the timbers to season will also give more time to get the
best of plank both oak and pine. I wish thee to get live oak transoms,
apron &c. as well as the top. *******
Thy account of the illness of Thomas' child was followed by letters from
both Wm and Thos. giving an account of its dissolution. The account was
affecting to us all, but to me more from the agony it suffered than from its
removal. I was glad both Thos. and Charity were favored with so much
fortitude and resignation in so trying circumstances. Intend writing them
ere Ion"-. * * * * &c. &c.
Dunkirk, 1* mo. 30th, 1792.
Dear Son Sam1 Rodman,
****** As we want to purchase 2 ships for Obed Fitch &
O. Paddock in lieu of the Maria and the Falkland, we shall want all our
money from these two voyages and a part of the Hope's when she may
arrive to answer that purpose, together with the outfit of our sis vessels
viz.: Canton, New Ship of Bester, 2 now to be purchased, Hope and Pene-
lope, if they arrive safe, all which we are now making provision for..
Thou must draw in sterling if Anthony cannot sell livres, but hope they
will be able to furnish thee in that line, as I am very unwilling to draw
sterling, but let no person be put off when time of payment arrives. * * *
I have written to Thomas and Wm, countermanding the circulation of
50,000 livres, lest a change in currency arise, and make a loss rather than
a profit. Whether the last 50,000 livres was on that plan or for thy use,
I do not rightly understand from their letter, nor is it material which way
it goes; if remitted in-st'g it will turn to good account, and if for thy use
will be equally so. * * * I shall now direct them to draw the whole
50,000, if needed for thy use, but to omit purchasing the vessel for I think,
under the circumstances of St. Domingo, vessels will be sold cheaper in
this country than in America *****
I intended to have enlarged considerably on other matters, not relative
to business, of which I am often wearied, but knowing communications of
this kind are in our present state necessary, I submit to it with a degree of
cheerfulness. *****
What is most perplexing is to keep watch of the wretched paper money
to avoid loss. 'I have reason to be glad of my invariable resolution to get
what surplus of money we had into England, as soon as I could until it
reached 32; we have now £6000 there.
I say I intended to have enlarged, but was interrupted (not disagreeably)
by a sensible, valuable young man from the Sl of Finance who is our
frequent visitor, who ha3 left the Religion he was educated in, acknowledg-
ing to the truth in many respects, and I hope will see through some thing3
that are now veiled. Being late in the evening, I conclude with united
love to you all. Thy affectionate father,
Wm Rotch.
P. S. 31st, 8 in the morning.
It is with satisfaction, I may inform thee of the safe arrival in the Roads
of the Canton — all well.
1892.] Letters of William Botch. Ill
Dunkirk, 2mo. 11th, 1792.
Dear Son Sam1 Rodman,
* * * * I am glad that thou hast sent and art sending us so much
beef, say 130 bbls. pr Canton and 90 intended pr Ospray. This article
must be attended to next fall, if we are to continue the fishery. Pork as I
before wrote to thee, can be procured here to advantage, under the present
state of the assignats. We have agreed for all we want for the 6 vessels
@ 6f long, in paper, which is not more than 2/4 st'g in real money. * * * *
The oil, pr. Maxfield, came just right for us to make a good advantage
in laying it out here, and if there had been more it would have been equally
so, but let not this prompt thee to further speculations, unless in Mexican
oils, that can be strained to advantage; as the crisis of the standg or fallg
of this Constitution is probably at hand, therefore a time that requires
caution. I do not wonder that the king's acceptance of the Constitution
was attended with pleasing sensations to you ; it had the effect on us, but
they were soon alloyed by the preparations for attack on this kingdom by
the ex-princes, nobles and clergy, aided openly or secretly by almost all the
powers of Europe, religion and civil liberty being poisonous to despots.
An attack, I believe, will be made in the spring. Time will determine the
event. The present encouragement in the Fishery from the advanced
price in oil and bone, which is really advantageous, so far as the money
can be appropriated to the produce of this kingdom, determines us to keep
steadily on, and keep all our interests insured in England, until an altera-
tion in the government more favorable. We have just purchased a ship at
Havre, for O. Fitch, of about 250 to 280 tons, for 29,250 livres. She will
cost at sea probably 45,000 (the vessel complete for whaling). She is
good and sound, only 7 yrs. old, built with fine timber at Havre. If she
does not exceed 45,000 will be very cheap. * * * * \ye are looking for
another at the same place for O. Paddock. These two to replace the
Maria and Falkland and use up assignats, these last too bad to remit to
London. We have now about 60,000 due for bounty ; the decree not yet
passed but the money ready for payment. If the Hope should come in
full, I think, with what we have added to that voyage would purchase these
two ships and fit the whole six out completely, and insure them * * * *
If the Penelope comes in safe, perhaps her earnings may be appropriated to
some speculations here to lay by * * * * If thou canst not be supplied
by livres, then thou must draw st'g for absolute necessity, but put no man
off to whom we may^owe money * * * * &c.
Dunkirk, 3 m°. 2d, 1792.
Dear Son Samuel Rodman,
My last was to the 18 & 20th ult°, via London, since which have recd
Done from thee. As I know that after receiving accot8 of theJate riots and
destruction, in part, of several houses &c. in this place you will be anxious
to know our situation since that period; we have been entirely quiet ever
since, by the awe of a strong military force, and probably shall remain so
as long as the pretended cause ceases, that is, the exportation of corn, but
as it is expected that will again take place to supply the want of the South,
it is apprehended it will again be made a pretext for devastation & plunder.
Revolutions from a state of despotism to liberty generally, I believe, have
th3 same effects in all countries. When that liberty, which is the right of
man is obtained, it commonly is much abused, and degenerates for a time
into licentiousness with its frequent production of a levelling principle,
178 JSotes and Queries. [April,
which often terminates in plunder. Everything around us wears a gloomy
aspect. Anarchy or war seem, in the view of many, the alternatives, both
dreadful in their operations. We have thus far been favoured to remain
unmolested, and hope we may be preserved with stability and fortitude
sufficient for the day, but trials I apprehend will attend.
The Canton will probably be ready to sail in -i or 5 days. The " Perm,"
O. Fitch, at Havre going on as the unfavourable weather will admit. This
ship is a good purchase, and I think complete for whaling. As a ship she
will not stand us in more than 45 or 47,000 livres, a little more than
£1000 st'g Exch'g. being now 45. Yesterday I received acct. of sales
from Homburg's nt pd 24001-15, a good price by appropriating the money
to the Penn, but very poor if to be remitted in sterling bills. ******
SSeal now first used by
g. g. father all his life.
Wyer and Brackenbury. — Wyman's " Genealogies and Estates of Charles-
town" contains so much matter relating to the Wyer family (to which I had
myself previously made some contribution in the Register for 1871), that I
wish to put in print a few facts which add something to the account found in
"Wyman's work.
William Wyer, 13 in Wyman's record, had four sons, who are barely named
there, having removed from Charlestown.
1. William, b. 26 February, 1730; m. at Newbury, 29 January, 17G1, Mary
Greenou«;h. Children, born at N ewburyport :
i. Sarah, b. 18 April, 1765; d. 14 February, 1791.
ii. William, b. 3 July, 1768; m. 1 January, 1791, Elizabeth Wood; d. at
Newburyport, 6 February or July, 1807, leaving William, Nathaniel,
Mary and Sarah ; sue d. at New Orleans, 31 August, 1819.
His wife d. 9 September, 1774, and he m. secondly, 4 October, 1731, Sarah
Nevens; lived at NewbUrvport; was Captain; d. at Newburyport, 11 or 14
August, 1810; she d. 10 June, 1803. Child :
iii. Timothy, b. at Newburyport, 13 May. 1783; d. 23 November, 1800.
2. Timothy, b. in 1746; m. Judith ; lived at Newburyport ; shed.
2 March, 1776. Child:
i. Sarah.
3. David, b. 15 May, 1747; m. Susan ;? was of Boston;? had
David, b. in 1771, Daniel Malcolm, b. in 1772, both baptized at Christ
4. Nathaniel, b. 2 June, 1754; m. at Newburyport, 15 December, 1785,
Mary Rollins ; d. at Newburyport, 23 February, 1825 ; she d. 28 Nov-
ember, 1832.
I add a few facts relating to a son of Samuel Brackenbury, 2 in Wyman's
record, whom he calls William of Ipswich, with nothing more.
William Brackenbury, b. about 1676-7; was a physician; lived at Ipswich,
where his motner had married secondly; m. at Newbury, 3 September, 1707,
Abigail Heard of Ipswich. Children, born at Ipswich :
i. Abigail, b. 3 May, 1708; d. 19 August, 1708.
ii. Mary, b. 29 September, 1709; m. 20 October, 1731, Joseph Barium,
iii. William, b. in 1712.
His wife d. 20 July, 1712, and he m. secondly in 1719, widow Mary Cross,
who d. 13 September, 1720, and he m. thirdly in 1730, Mary Walcut of Salem;
lie fell through the ice of Ipswich river and was drowned 11 January, 1743; his
widow? m. in 1753, Samuel Harris of Rowley. Children, born at Ipswich :
1892.] JVbtes and Queries. 179
iv. Samuel, b. in 1731; d. 6 Jauuary, 1732.
v. Samuel, b. iu 1784.
vi. Daniel, b. iu 1736.
Mercy Brackenbury, niece of William, b. at Charlestown, 14 October, 1696,
seems to have lived with her grandmother at Ipswich, aud to have married there
in 1719, Samuel Harris. W. S. Afpleton.
Boston, JIass.
ChjlN2?ixg. — Mr. Henry James, in his recent Life of Hawthorue, alludes to
William Ellery Channing, the Concord poet, as the son of the " great moralist."
As he is not alone in this mistake, it seems desirable to put the three William
Channings of the same generation on record.
William Ellery Channing, D.D., married his cousin Ruth Gibbs, and had only
one son, William Frank Channing. He was distinguished in early life for re-
searches in the same line as those of Tyndal. and the invention of the electric
fire alarm, the use of which he generously presented to his native city of Bos-
ton. He became conspicuous later for divorcing his first wife for reasons not
recognized by the laws of Massachusetts ; and when he married a second time,
went to Rhode Island in consequence, and later to California.
Francis Dana Channing, a young lawyer of great prominence, was a brother
of Dr. W. E. Channing. He died early. He married Susan Higginson and had
one son, the late Rev. William Henry Channing, known as a Unitarian preacher,
at one time as a disciple of Fourier, and came home from England to do a
patriot's duty during the civil war. He died .in 1884. When his father was
young his sister wrote of him, that "sunshine and spring breezes always
seemed to enter the room with Frank.*' This was equally true of the son.
Walter Channing, Doctor of Medicine and a distinguished lecturer at Har-
vard, was another brother. He married Barbara H. Perkins. He had one son,
William Ellery Channing, who married Ellen, the sister of Margaret Fuller,
and had, I think, live children, These were adopted by their grandfather after
their mother's death. William Ellery Channing, known as the Concord poet,
is as we see the son of Boston's most distinguished gynaecologist.
Washiiujton, D. C. Caroline H. Dall.
[For other members of the Channing family see Register, vol. 8, pages 318
to 320.— Editor.]
Inquest Upon the Body of Lydia Pickering, of Salem, 1702. — (Communi-
cated by GrenviUe H. Nbrcross, LL.B., of Boston.) — Ess. sc. An Inquisition
Indented Taken at Salem wthin ye s(1 County of Essex ye 16th day of Octobr Anno
1702, In ye first year of ye Reigne of our Sovereign Lady Anne by ye grace of
God of England, Scotland, France & Ireland Queen, defender of the Faith &c.
Before Daniel Epes Gent. One of ye Coronrs of our sd Lady ye Queen wthin y
County of Essex aforesd upon ye View of ye Body of Lydia Pickering Lying
dead at ye house of mr Jn° Pickering in Salem aforesd By ye Oaths of Edward
Flint Samel Phippen. Stephen Ingolis, Dauel Grant Ju° Orne Samel Sibley Samel
West Jn° Cook Samel Shattock Henry West Joseph Duglas Wm Reeves", Ephr.
Kempton & Jn° Priest, Good & Lawfull men of Salem aforesd wthin ye County
afords'1, Who being charged & Sworne To Inquire for our s& Lady ye Queen,
wn by w' means & how, Lydia Pickering came to her death Upon their Oaths do
say, That she came to her End or death by falling into a well & being drowned
& so, came to her End by misfortune— In Witnes whereof, as well I ye Coronr
aforesa as ye Jurors aforesd To this Inquisition have put our hands & seals ye
Day & Year abovesd —
Danel Epes Coronr (Seal)
The mark of
Jn° f Cook— (Seal) Edward flint Foreman (Seal)
Sarael Shattock (Seal) Samuel phippen (Seal)
Henry West (Seal) • Stephen Ingalls (Seal)
Joseph Duglas (Seal) Daniel Grant (Seal)
William Reeves (Seal) John Orne (Seal)
Ephraim Kempton (Seal) Samuell Sibley t,SeaI)
John Priest (Seal) Samel West (Seal)
(Note — The seals are merely drops of red sealing wax.)
180 JNotes and Queries. [April,
Oliver. — A contributor writes : " The readers of the Register may like to
look at the account of the Oliver family on pp. 158-60 of the Gloucestershire
Notes and Queries for September, 1891, with the epitaph on Thomas Oliver
which it contains. I presume our genealogists can give the writer of that
article some additional information, if they think fit."
Bible Family Records. (Ante, vol. 14, p. 400). — In the Register, October,
1890, I made an inquiry regarding Bible Family Records.
My wish was to ascertain (1) who could show the earliest record of that sort,
and (2) the date of the earliest Bible in which blank pages were left to afford
space for such records.
The earliest Bible known to me with such blank pages was printed in 1816
by Collins in New York. By way of answer the editor stated that Carey's
Bible printed in Philadelphia in 1807 had such leaves nine years earlier than my
date.— and further that '• the Bartlett family Bible, printed in 1611, contains a
record of births, etc.. written on pages which had been left blank in the
volume." As these blank pages do not appear to have been intended for enter-
ing family records, I repeat my query whether the Bible society, British or
American, from the outset afforded blank spaces for family records, — and the
date of the earliest Bible in which such spaces are found. James D. Butler.
Madison, Wis.
[The earliest Bible with blank pages for family records of which note has
heretofore been made is Carey's quarto bible of 1807. Since this item was in
type Mr. Henry H. Edes has furnished an earlier one. " Philadelphia: Printed
for Mathew [sic.} Carey, No. 118, Market-Street. October 27th, 1802." 4to.
— Editor.]
Lechmere. — The following memoranda concerning the New-England Lech-
meres of Lechmere's Point, Cambridge, and Sir E. Lechmere of the Ryd and
Severn End, Worcestershire, both of whom are mentioned by Dr. Oliver Wen-
dell Holmes in his " Hundred Days in Europe," were sent to Mrs. Dr. Francis
P. Sprague, 229 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, by one of her Russell con-
nections in England.
The Lechmeres of Lechmere's Point descended from Thomas Lechmere, son
of Edmund Lechmere, of Severn End, Hanley, Worcestershire, by Lucy Hunger-
ford. His birth is noted in his grandfather. Judge Lechmere's diary, thus :
"June 18 1683 My daughter Lechmere was delivered of a sofie named Thomas
Benedicat Deus Amen." This diary is contained in the history of the House of
Lechmere, published by E. P. Shirley. A note is appended to this entry, " Mr
Thos Lechmere died at Boston New Engld 4th June 1765. He was Surveyor
General of the Kings Customs & ancestor of the American branch. A piece of
land at Hanley is called New England & is planted with oaks the seeds of which
were sent from America by Thomas Lechmere." "in Jan? 1733 he married Ann
In Colonel Lechmere Russell's possession is Ann Winthrop's bible, with, in her
son Richard Lechmere's writing, the statement it was his mothers bible. He
returned on war of independence to Engld & has now no male representatives
his daughters are represented by Coores of Scrunten Hall Yorkshire, Russells
(Sir Edward) of Ashford Hall Ludlow, & Worralls whose representatives now
are Sir H. Lechmere Stuart Bart. & Eyre Coote of West Park Eyre.
Latham. — Some of your readers will remember that in the " Ancestry of
Thirty -Three Rhode Islanders, &c," there was an account given of Lewis
Latham, Gent., Falconer to King Charles L, with a conjecture that he was re-
lated to Symon Latham, author of a work on Falconry. (A portrait of Lewis
Latham appears in a recent work, "The Ancestral Dictionary.") It has just
come to the knowledge of the undersigned through " Bedfordshire Notes and
Queries" — vol. it., partxx., pages 231, 232 — that Lewis Latham had not only
this brother Symon, but another brother William, a sister Ursula, wife of Wil-
liam Carter, and a sister Elizabeth, wife of Thomas . J. O. Austin.
P. O. Box 81, Providence, B. I.
1892.] Notes and Queries. 181
Kek.oiochaxg.~Iii Probate Records of Suffolk Co., 1730, Thomas Cheney is
described as "late resident of a place called Kekamochang," This place is
believed to be in or near the town of Dudley, Mass.
What is the meaning or translation of this Indian word? Will some one be
kind enough to inform me, and oblige, Edwin P. Wells.
Southbridge, Mass.
Richard Jones of Dorchester, Mass., died 1641. His sister Elizabeth mar-
ried in England, 1G35, 10 Antony Thatcher of Sarum, and later of Yarmouth,
Plymouth Colony. His son Timothy Jones, in his will, 1655, refers to estates in
England; and his youngest son Samuel, in his will, 1661, mentions his six
cousins in Yarmouth.
Can anyone tell me from what town in England Richard Jones came?
Newton, Mass. Samuel P. May.
Greene. — Information is earnestly desired of parentage and ancestry of
Katharine Green, who married Ebenezer Lankton of Earaiington, Conn., at
Earmington, 5 March, 1761 (Church Records) : she was born 2 June, 1742
(Family Bible) ; and had a sister Mary or May who married one Orrin, Orin or
Olin (family tradition). Charles K. Williams.
Sioux City, Iowa.
The Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture was incorporated
in 1792. In connection with the preparation of an account of its one hundred
years' work, the Society seeks information concerning portraits of the follow-
ing named former presidents: Caleb Strong, 1802-1805; Aaron Dexter, 1813—
1823; John Welles, 1841-1846. Francis H. Appleton, Secretary.
70S Exchange Building, Boston.
The Simancas Map of 1610 and Waymouth's Discovery. (By Henry S.
Burrage, D.D.)— In the Register for January, 1892, the Rev. B. E. Dc Costa,
in a note, p. 84, states that in various papers and contributions he has sought
to make the point " that the river discovered in Maine, by Waymouth in his
exploration of 1605, was not the St. George, but the Kennebec, otherwise the
Sagadahock to which Popham's expedition sailed in 1607." One of these con-
tributions I recall. It appeared in the Magazine of American History (vol. 9,
p. 300), where in a notice of Mr. George Bancroft's revised first volume of his
History of the United States, referring to the fact that Mr. Bancroft had
adopted the St. George's theory. Dr. De Costa says, Bancroft " sends Way^
mouth to explore a splendid river where there is so little water that fish can
hardly swim." This statement will surprise anyone who has seen the George's
river, and Mr. Bancroft in his reply disposed of the statement by referring to
the Coast Survey chart which tells " the very different story that there is a
river of great uniform depth." This depth is about fourteen fathoms at the
mouth of the river, eight and ten fathoms at Fort St. George about two thirds
of the way to Thomastori, and three and three fourths, four and eight fathoms
at Thomaston. The fact is that vessels of the largest class are built at Thomas -
ton, and vessels of twelve hundred tons have been built as far up the river as
Warren. It would seem, therefore, that one could hardly make a greater mis-
take in a statement than in saying the St. George's river has "so little water
that fish can hardly swim.'1
In his note in the Register for January, however, Dr. De Costa errs even
more surprisingly than in this earlier statement. He has shown already, he
says, that no early map of the coast of Maine designates the St. George's river :
but a recently discovered map, he tells us, which dates back to 1610, and which
has recently been published in Mr. Alexander Browns Genesis of the United
States, "destroys the last hope of the advocates of the St. George theory,
puncturing and exploding their specious arguments," inasmuch as it has "no
indication whatever of any St. George's river, which would inevitably have been
shown if the river had been discovered and explored." Singularly enough just
the opposite of this statement is the truth. On this map the St. George's river,
Notes and Queries.
under its Indian name, Tahanock, is plainly indicated, and it is only necessary
to republish that portion of the map which includes the coast of Maine, in order
to " puncture " thoroughly this last statement by Dr. De Costa.* On it the posi-
tion of the island St. George (Monhenan) with reference to the Tahanock is that
of Monhegan with reference to the St. George's river. Furthermore the St.
George's river has this marked peculiarity, that on either side here and there
are large coves, viz. : Deep Cove, Gay Cove, Turkey Cove, Maple Juice Cove,
Otis Cove, Watts Cove, Cutler's Cove, Broad Cove, and Hyler's Cove. These
"very gallant coues," as Rosier described them in his ': Relation," are distinctly
indicated on the map of 1610. The " codde " of the river, also, appears exactly
where from Rosier's description we should expect to find it. Moreover, and
this is especially significant, Rosier tells us that Waymouth, when he ascended
the river in his Vessel, took with him a " crosse" to erect at that point where
1 1
"£. i^>.« '
3? M^'5
{OA5T O/ Af4/^/S OA/ J/MWCJS /J4P Of
the river trends westward, the present site of Thomaston. It is a remarkable
fact that on this map of 1610, where the Tahanock trends in the direction men-
tioned, there is a mark of a cross. What is this cross, but the cross to which
Rosier refers, and which Waymouth erected as a token of English discovery?
Mr. Alexander Brown suggests this in his note concerning this map. " The
cross at the bend of the Tahanock," he says, " was possibly erected there by
Captain George Waymouth, June 13, 1605." Doubtless King James's surveyor,
who prepared the map of 1610. f used the " perfect Geographicall map '' which
* A reduced fac-simile of this portion of the map is here given. — Ed.
f This map will be found in the first volume of Mr. Brown's admirable work, p. 456. It
was prepared by a surveyor whom King James of England sent to Virginia in 1610 for this
purpose. In some secret way a copy of the map was obtained by the Spanish Ambassador
in London and was sent to the King'of Spain, and so at length found its way to the Library
at Simancas, where it has been preserved. Mr. Brown In his note concerning this man,
says, "I am inclined to think that the map was compiled and drawn either by Robert
Tyndail or by Captain Powell. However I cannot be certain." And he adds (Genesis of
the United States, vol. 1, p. 4-58), " I think the map evidently embodies [besides the surveys
of Champlain and other foreigners], the English surveys of White, Gosnold, Waymouth,
Priug, Hudson, Argali, Tyndail, and possibly others."
1892.] Notes and Queries. 183
Waymouth made when he was on the coast of Maine; and this accounts for the
indication on the map not only of the cross, but also of the " great mountaines"
which Waymouth saw and toward which he sailed as he ascended the river.
Portland, Me.
Did a Majority of the Dorchester Church go to Windsor? — Two
phrases used in the review of the published volume of Dorchester First Church
records, contained in the preceding number of the Register, ante page 1)7, be-
ing deemed ambiguous by certain readers of the Register and friends of the
reviewer, he desires in the interest of correct history to be more explicit. The
uncertainty is in these clauses: "A part of the Dorchester church of 1636,
supposed to be a majority of the membership, emigrated at that time and
founded the town of Windsor, Conn." "As the surviving pastor, Rev. John
Warham, two deacons of the original church and a majority of members re-
moved, it is the opinion of some that the church as an institution went also."
The reviewer had meant that his statement should be sufficiently guarded in
using the words "supposed to be a majority," thinking that the qualifying
word would be understood where the word " majority " again appears, and that
it would be interpreted to be the same majority in each case. This view would
be consistent with the use of the phrase later on, "Whatever may finally be
concluded in the matter."
Still, the language might be construed to mean that it is generally so sup-
posed; therefore, he would say that it has been so supposed by only a few
persons, so far as he is aware. Certain citations given in the introduction of
the volume in review seem to signify that Increase Mather, Cotton Mather, and
Hubbard the historian, supposed a majority went to Windsor. The late editor
of the Congregationalist, Rev. Henry M. Dexter, D.D., and those people in
Windsor who think the church of that town to be the only original Dorchester
Church, are to be classed in the same category.
On the other hand, the great mass of readers and students of the historical
records make no supposition in the premises, but await evidence. Aud it would
seem that the establishment, beyond controversy, of the fact that thirty-five
church members remained in Dorchester (which is done by the authors of the
introduction to the volume in review), puts upon .those who do suppose as
stated, the burden of summoning from the remote past an equal number of
Dorchester names of church members, in Windsor, in 1636, as a basis for their
conjecture. Daniel W. Baker.
Deacons of the First Church, Dorchester. — Rev. Dr. Thaddeus Mason
Harris, in the appendix to his "discourse (page 23). delivered at Dorchester,
October 10, 1804, at the Funeral of Deacon Abijah White," Deacon of the
church, says, "Deacon John Moore, Deacon John Gayland" (meaning,
probably. William Gaylard or Gaylord) "removed with the first church to
Windsor, Con." What evidence have we that they were deacons, so far as
William Gaylord is concerned?
Again. Deacon Ebenezer Clapp, Jr., in the History of Dorchester, page 79,
writes, "William Rockwell, freeman in 1630. The first deacon with Mr. Gay-
lord of the Dorchester Church, signed the first land grants of the plantation.
Moved to Connecticut," On page 52, " William Gaylord, one of the first
deacons," " removed to Windsor." On page 08, " John Moore came as deacon
of the church in 1630. He removed to Windsor, and was deacon of the church
there." Can it be shown that John Moore was at any time deacon of the church
in Dorchester?
William Gaylord had a grant of land in Dorchester, March 18, I637-S.
William Rockwell went to Windsor it is supposed, soon after Jan. 2, 1637-8.
See Introduction to Dorchester Church Records, page xvi. Unless these two
individuals went to Windsor, and returned, which is altogether improbable,
they continued xo be. from the beginning, inhabitants of Dorchester until 1638.
Have we reliable authority for calling Gaylord and Rockwell deacons? I have
found no contemporary evidence that they were. William B. Trask.
VOL. XL VI. 16
184 Notes and Queries. [April,
John2 Wight, son of Thomas1 Wight (Register, xlii. 91), died September
28, 1653, the first to die of the thirteen pioneers of Medfield, Mass. Adminis-
tration upon his estate was granted to Ins widow Ann (maiden name unknown),
" in behalfe of herselfe & ye childe she goes wi<"hall" — (Register, viii. 276).
This posthumous child, named Abiel3 or Abihaile,3 and born January 1, 1653-4,
has, until recently, eluded most diligent and persistent search. The records of all
the adjoining towns have been examined, either by the local historians of Medfield
and Medway, or by the undersigned, but all in vain. The latest trace of her is
in 1660, when her name, Abiel Wight, occurs among the grantees of the New
Grant, Medway. — (Jameson's Medway, 23.) But it now appears from examina-
tion of Hazen's Biiierica, p. 93 of Genealogies, and from inspection of the
record of the town of Biiierica, that she married in that town, and that she be-
came the mother of twelve children and the ancestress of many distinguished
persons. She is deserving of a corner in this genealogical magazine. On May
6, 1673, she married, as his second wife, Samuel, born July 21, 1644, son of
William Manning of Cambridge. Correct Bond's Watertoion, 528. where
William's wife is hopelessly disguised as Abiah Wright. Samuel Manning moved
in 1662 to Biiierica, where he was successively town clerk, selectman, and
in 1695-6, representative. He died Feb. 22. 1710-11; the death of his wife is
not given. Of their twelve children one died in infancy, seven became parents
of large families. The following are the names of a few of the many descend-
ants of the long lost Abiel3 Wight : Ensign William4 Manning of Biiierica, who
died March 25, 1674: William6 Manning, born February 28. 1707-8, lieutenant of
the West foot company of Biiierica; Samuel6 Robinson, captain in the French
and Indian war, buried in 1767 in Rev. George Whitetield's Church, London;
Alice,6 born in 1727, wife of Captain Elisha Child of Woodstock, Conn. ; Mercy,*
born October 8, 1748, wife of Col. Joseph Safford of Bennington, Vt. ; Sarah,5
born November 13, 1751, wife of General Heman Swift of Cornwall, Conn. ;
William8 Manning, born May 21, 1747, lieutenant in Capt. Kidder's Company in
2d Mass. regiment in 1776; Reuben6 Durrant, born February 29, 1747-8, an
architect of churches and bridges, living in Bed ford, Mass. ; Timothy6 Toothaker,
a patriot soldier, fatally wounded at Bunker Hill; Allen6 Toothaker, his brother,
a physician, who died July 12, 1775. from fever contracted while caring for his
wounded brother-; Samuel* Robinson, born August 9, 1738, captain at the battle
of Bennington, afterwards colonel of militia, and judge ; Moses6 Robinson, born
March 15, 1741, successively Chief Justice and Governor of Vermont, and United
States Senator; Jonathan6 Robinson, born August 24, 1756, Chief Justice and
later United States Senator from Vermont ; Samuel7 Fay, laudlord of the Cata-
mount Tavern at Bennington Centre, Vt. ; Joel7 Durrant, who died in the ser-
vice in 1812 at Governor's Island. N. Y. ; Asa7 Crosby, born July 15, 1765, an
eminent physician of Sandwich and Gilmanton, N. II. ; the Rev. Charles7 Walker,
DaD., born February 1, 1791, of Rutland, Vt. ; William7 Crosbv. born January
29, 1758, "the father of Milford." N. H. ; the Rev. Willard7 Child, D.D., born
November 14, 1796, of Mooers, N. Y. ; John S.8 Robinson, Governor of Vermont
in 1853; Joseph B.8 Danforth, forty years ago a Judge of Probate in Vermont;
Solon8 Danforth, forty years ago a member of the Senate of Vermont: Josiah3
Crosby, born February i, 1794, a distinguished physician of Manchester, N. H. ;
Dixi8 Crosby, born February 8, 1800, for thirty-two years professor of surgery
in Dartmouth College; Nathan5 Crosby, born February 12, 1798, justice for
many years in Lowell, Mass., and author of the Crosby Genealogy; Alpheus3
Crosby, born October 13, 1810. professor in Dartmouth College, and author of
Crosby's Greek Grammar; Thomas Russell8 Crosby, born October 22, 1816,
professor in the agricultural department of Dartmouth College ; Anne Ambrose,8
wife of Professor G. N. Boardman of the Chicago Theological Seminary; the
Rev. George Leon8 Walker, D.D., born April ~30, 1830. pastor of the First
Church, Hartford, Conn., and author of Life of Thomas Hooker and many other
works; Stephen Ambrose3 Walker, born Nov. 2, 1835, late U. S. District Attor-
ney, New York; Henry Freeman8 Walker, born July 3, 1838, a prominent phy-
sician in New York; Augustus Addison8 Gould, the naturalist and author;
Charles D.8 Gould, of Gould & Lincoln, Boston; Elizabeth,8 wife of Joshua
Lincoln, of Gould & Lincoln, Boston; Elnathan Freeman8 Duren, born January
14, 1814, book-seller and publisher, Bangor, Me.; Joseph8 Low, born July 24,
1790, first Mayor of Concord, N. II.; Elias3 Child, born September 3, 1806,
author of the Child Genealogy ; the Rev. Charles8 Blanchard of Oldtown, Me. ;
Austin9 Baldwin, born June 11, 1807, of Austin Baldwin & Co., New York;
1892.] Notes and Queries. 185
Anne,' -wife of the "Rev. William B. Ashley, D.D., of Milwaukee, Wis.: the
Rev. Jacob M.9 Manning, D.D., of Old South Church, Boston; Charles Edward*
Hosmer, born May 25, 1837, an able physician in BHlerica; the Iter. Williston9
Walker, born July 1. 18G0, professor in Hartford Theological Seminary; Lucius
Curtiss9 Child, of the Boonville, N. Y., Herald, and of Utica, N. Y. ; Anna
C.10 Snead, principal of the Kirkwood, Missouri, Academy.
William Wakd Wight.
Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, CoiiPwECTioxs and Additions.
In Weymouth.
Vol. I. — Page 31. George1 Allen bought Geo. Applegate's home farm March,
1640. Deed recorded 5d 3m<\ 1641. Henry Allen had land 1647, and
John, Ebenezer and George, Jr., 1651.
Page 55. Samuel- Andrews in Yvr. prior to 1697, descendants in Norton and
" 59. Thomas Anis— bis wife Mary died May 10, 1659.
" 93. William1 Badlam mar. Mary, dau. of Stephen2 French, Jr., about
1688. She b. May 11, 1662. Children: Samuel,2 b. 1690,
mar. Mary of Nicholas Phillips, 1716; William.2 b. Dec. 20, 1693;
Stephen, b^ 1696, m. Elisabeth Billings of Dorchester — pub. May 30,
1719. He removed to Milton; Marv,2 b. July 24, 1699, mar. Ben
Shaw 1720.
" " Samuel Basdev, Senior, had five children, 1658—1672.
" 95. Thomas1 Bailey— 1643. Died in W. 1680-1. Children ; Thomas,2 Jr.,
m. first Ruth of Richard1 Porter 1660. Married second widow
Hannah (Rogers) Pratt of Samuel. John2 went to Freetown about
1685. Esther2 married John Kins:; and Samuel who had a family,
and died in Canada Expedition 1690-1.
" 130. John Bartlett had sou John, b. Feb. 11, 1666.
•' 142. Rev. James Bayley, grad. Harvard College 1719. Ordained minister
South Parish 1723; died Aug. 22, 1766, aged 69. (I write this on
his table).
" 138. Elder Edward1 Bates, died Mar. 25, 1686, in his 81st year; grave-
stone. Had wife Susanna, and eight or nine children.
" 167. John Bennett, 1691—1693.
" 145. Jeremiah Beal, from Hingham ->rior to 1700; a numerous family.
" 174. Zechary1 Bicknell 1635— died 1636; wife Agnes— who was perhaps
daughter of Robert1 Lovell. She married second Richard Rockett
or Rockwood of Braintree. She had son John2 Rockwood, b.
Dec. 1, 1641, ancestor of most of the Rockwoods in Massachusetts.
Mrs. Rockwood died Julv 9, 1743. In the Records of the General
Court, March 9, 1636-7," I tind the following: " WUliam Reed
having bought the house and twenty acres of land which was
Zachary Bicknell'3 (after Bicknells death) for £7— 13s — ld of
Richard Rockett and wife, is to have the sale confirmed by the
child (John) when he cometh of age, or else the child to allow
such costs as the Court shall think meet."
" 174. John2 Bicknell, only child of Zechary, — had a first wife Mary, who
died 25th 10ra& 1657-8. He m. second Man'.2 daughter of Richard
Porter 2—10^ 1658-9. He had by first wife^John, Jr., 1654,
Mary and Naomi; by second wife, Ruth, Joanna, Experience,
Zechary, Elisabeth, Mary. Thomas and Hannah, 1675. He wa3
representative, &c, and died between Nov. 6, 1678 and Jan. 20,
1679. In his will he gare all his estate to his widow Mary, " as
long as she should remain a widow."
" 326. Nicholas Byram, bought John Glover9 house and land 5th Smo, 1647.
Savase says he was a physician. He held all the town offices. In
1660 he bought proprietary rights in Bridgwater, and removed
there in 1662. He was councillor of war in Plymouth Colony, and
was a man of much influence. On the old Bridgwater records I
found the following, written so as to fill the whole page, " Nicholas
Byram Senior, left this world for a better April IS* 1688." His
186 Notes and Queries. [April,
widow Martha died 1098. She was daughter of Abraham1 Shaw
of Dedham. They had five children, who have a multitude of
Page 343. David Carver, of John of Duxbury. First wife— Ruth; second
Hannah, of Joseph Dyer of W. He sold out in 1717 to Benjamin
Dyer for £600, and removed to Canterbury, Conn., where he died
Sept. 17, 1727.
Vol. II. — Page 14. Richard Davenport, in W. prior to 1699. Removed to
Page 25. Samuel Dawes died in his Majesty'9 service. His widow Experience
mar. Charles Clark prior to 1700.
" 40. Edward Derby — mar. first Ruth Whitmarsh before 1687; m. 2d
widow Rebecca Hobart (of Aaron, who was drowned in Boston
Harbor 1705). She was daughter of Roger Sumner of Milton.
As widow Derby she settled Hobarts estate. Derby died Jan. 6,
1724. He had 5 children by first wife and 3 by second wife. She
married third Samuel Paine of Braintree, March 24, 1726.
80. Peter Dunbar from Hingham, in W. 1693 to 1711. Removed to
89. Dea. Thomas1 Dver married second widow Elisabeth (Harding)
Erary. She died 1679.
91. Richard Eager (or Ager) mar. Abigail, dan. of Jacob2 Nash, prior
to 1700. "Six children.
182. Andrew1 Ford mar. Eleanor of Robert1 Lovell. He died in Hing-
ham, Mar. 4, 1692-3. Thirteen or more children. In his will
gave his children lands at " Quineboge." Where was that place?
261. John Glover sold his house and lot to Nicholas Byrum 5th 8mo, 1647.
He had other lands.
285. Zacheus Gould of Ipswich and of Weymouth is the same man. He
bought out James Parker 1644, and afterwards sold.
" Jeremy Gould was at Weymouth, and sold his home lot to Joseph
Holloway of Sandwich, first of 8th mo 1639. Probably removed
to Topsfield.
325. John1 Gurney mar. Rebecca, of John Taylor. He d. 1691. Children,
Richard* 1656, Joseph,2 Mary,2 Zechariah,2 John,2 Peter and
350. Robert Harlow had land 1651.
" John Harding had land 1651. Many other Hardings there prior to
1700, whom I cannot put in order.
370. Peter Harvey & wife Sarah had Samuel, b. W. Aug. 27, 1696.
441. John2 Holbrook mar. second widow Mary Loring (of Dea. John of
Hull). She died July 17, 1714.
443. Thomas1 Holbrook I do not think married Hopestill Leland for se-
cond wife, i (Jo i ot see that he had second wife.
449. John1 Holiis m. Elisabeth of James Priest — prior to 1664. lie died
1700. Six children. John,2 Jr., mar. Mary Yardley of Braintree
bef. 1691. Moved there and died Jan. 27, 1718.
470. Ebenezer Hovey, first wife Joanna, second wife widow Sarah King
of Norton.
480. William Harlow had land 1651.
497. Jonas2 Humphrey died 1692. "Widow Martha died June 12, 1712.
Six chilaren.
499. Enoch1 Hunt, many corrections necessary.
527. Edmund Jackson mar. Mary .gX- Simon2 Whitmarsh prior to 1691.
Removed to Abington 1706.
560. Jones families from Hull prior to 1700.
572. Joy families in W, prior to 1700.
Vol. III. — Page 23. John1 King, — planter and John King seamen, have puzzled
many genealogists. Their descendants are in all the land.
Page 27. Henry1 Kingman d. June 5, 1767— dan. Joan — m. Thomas Holbrook,
Anna m. Tobias Davis. 13 Dec. 1649.
•' 123. Robert1 Lovell died 1651; wife Elisabeth. Children, Zacheus* 1620,
Anna* 1619. John,2 1627, he sold out in W. and removed to Barn-
stable, 1678: Eleanor,2 1633, mar, Andrew1 Ford; James, % 1635,
died in W. 1703.
1892.] Notes and Queries. 187
Page 122. Francis Loud in W. about 1700. Many descendants.
" 127. James Ludden " Old Planter." Old James Ludden d. Feb. 7, 1G92.
Five or more children.
" 261. James1 Nash — wife Alice. Children, John,2 James,2 Jacob m. Abi-
gail Dyer before 1667, and had 12 or more children, and died in
Abington, Mar. 13, 1717-18; Joseph2 of Scituate, Sarah2 and
" 293. Nicholas Norton, 1G37; wife Elisabeth. Probably removed to
Martha's Vineyard — 11 children. None of the name afterward
for more than 100 years in W.
" 314. William1 Orcutt had two wives & 12 children or more. He d. Bridg-
water 1^94.
11 318. John Osborn of W. and Braintree same man.
" " Matthew Osborn bound himself to John Reed of W. for 6 years,
Sept. 14, 1G37. (Plymouth Records.)
11 327. Samuel1 Packard in W. — 1655 to 1664. Selectman. Removed to
Bridgwater. His daughter Hannah m. Clemeut Briggs, Jr., who
died 1G69. Packard & his daughter settled estate of Briggs. She
m. second Thomas Randall of Easton.
" 404. William Pittee, nowPett.ee, wife Marv. He d. 1679. Nine children.
" 413. Nicholas1 Phillips 1640, died 1672, 8 chil. ; Richard,2 Alice,2 Ex-
perience,2 b. 1641, Caleb2 1644, Joshua,2 Benjamin,2 Hannah2 &
" 454. Edward1 Pool & wife Sarah. He d. 1664, — never in Newport. 7
" 459. Richard1 Porter 1635, died 1688-9. Children, John,2 m. Deliverance
Byrou, Feb. 9, 1G60. Ruth,2 b. 3-8m 1639, ma. Thomas Bailey
19th 7m0 1660; Thomas,2 mar. Sarah Vining, he died before her
father; Mary,2 mar. John Bicknell 1658, his 2d wife — 7 children.
Ancestors of many Bicknells.
" 474. Macaeth1 Pratt— Old Planter. Died 1672-3, wife Elizabeth— Chil-
dren, Matthew,2 mar. Sarah2 Hunt, 1st 6m, 1661; John,2 in.
Mary Whitman. Nov. 27, 1656; Joseph,2 m. Sarah Judkins, May
7, 1662; Samuel.2 m. Hannah Rogers, 19th 7ra 1660; Mary.2 m.
Thomas White, Jr. ; Sarah,2 m. John Richards about 1671; Elisa-
beth,2 m. Win.1 Chard, 27th 9™ 16G0.
" 486. James Priest in W. 1640, wife Elisabeth, died 1676— Eight children.
I have made much search for his history, but without avail, —
probably from Plymouth.
" 506. Robert1 Randall— mar. first Mary, sister of Stephen1 French.—
He married second, and died Mar. 3, 1691.
" 519. William Reed and his family continue to trouble their descendants.
" 534. William Richards from Plymouth bought the house of Nicholas
Whitmarsh, July 6, 16o8. Wife Grace. He died 1682, several
children; John,2 mar. Sarah of Matthew Pratt? he died 1695, wife
d. June 12, 1727; nine children; Joseph2 had two wives and li
children; James,2 m. Ruth of John Bicknell. He died March 8,
1710-11. She d. Feb. 12, 1728; four children; William,2 Jr..
wife Mary; he d. April 24, 1683, two children I find.
" 541. Thomas Rider had land 1651.
11 561. John1 Rogers " Old Planter,"— not "of Scituate." He died Feb. li,
1661. Selectman often. Second wife Judith, — Children, John,2
Jr., mar. Mary, of Edward1 Bates, Feb. 8, 1663 ; in 1677 he applied
to General Court as a ': house holder and Churchman " to be
made a Freeman, four daughters. Other children of John1 were
Lydia,2 b. Mar. 27, 1642, Hannah,2 Mary2 and Sarah.2
Vol. IV.— Page 4. Edward Sale, not Savil, in W. 1640-1692. Town Officer.
Children; Obediah,2 b. July 20, 1640, Miriam,2 1645, Nathaniel,2
d. in W. Dec. 14, 1714, Ephraim,2 John2 and Robert.2 Some of
the family went to Rehoboth.
Page 63. Abraham1 Shaw of Dedham. His children all of Weymouth. John,2
d, in W. Sept. 16, 1704, m. Alice, daughter of Nicholas Phillips,.
and had 11 children; Joseph, prob. ancestor of R. G. Shaw of
Boston, died in Boston, 13 Dec, 1653; Martha.2 m. Nicholas By-
rum ; Nicholas3 of John2 m. Deborah3 of John2 Whitmarsh ab.
TOI» XL VI. 16*
188 ^Notes and Queries. [April,
1686, and had 11 chil. ; Joseph3 of John2 m. Judith3 of John2
Whitmarsh, and removed to Bridgwater.
Page 89. Luke Short, Jr.— 1698; father d. Middleborough 1746, aged 116.
" 117. James1 Smith, d. 1676, wife Joan d. 2d 3m 1659. Children, Nath-
aniel,2 b. W. June 8, 1639 ; James2 had wife Mary and 7 children;
Joshua,2 probably removed to Swansea, and Hannah.2
" 168. John1 Staples, Senior — early wife Rebecca. Children, John2 went
to Braintree; Joseph2 to Taunton; Sarah2 m. Increase2 Sumner
of Milton, Mar. 26, 1667; Mary2 m. Samuel2 Sumner of Milton;
and Rebecca.2 b. March 27, 1639.
" 241. Thomas Swift. Jr. had son Thomas, b. in W. Nov. 18, 1687.
" 242. Timothy3 Syrames, of Wm Symmes of Charlestown, went with his
mother to Weymouth, where she rn. second Rev. Samuel2 Torrey,
July 30, 1695; he lived with them until 1707 wheu he went to
Scituate, where he died 1765, aged 82. He m. Mrs. Elisabeth
Collamore Rose, July 31, 1710; their son Timothy,4 Jr. b. May 27,
1714, grad. Har. College 1737, he had son John C.,s b. July 10,
1742, his daughter Anna6 m. William Henry Harrison, President
of the U. Si, his son John S. Harrison b. 1804, and his son Ben-
jamin Harrison is now President of the United States.
" 286. John Thompson of W. 1648—1 think the son of David Thompson
the grantee of Thompson3 Island, Boston Harbor, who became of
age 1648-9, and settled in Weymouth. " John Thompson son and
heir of David Thompson, deceased who in and about 1626 did
take actual possession of an island in the Massachusetts Bay
called Thompson's Island and being there vacu domicilia, and
erected a habitation there and died soon after left the petitioner
an infant." The Court granted the Island to Thompson against
the protest of the Town of Dorchester which claimed it. Thomp-
son was Constable and Townsman in W. and removed to Mendon
1667, where he died 1685-86. His will March 27, 1684, proved
April 27. 1686.
" 306. William1 Tirrellin W. about 1672. His son William,2 Jr. m. Abigail
of Thomas Pratt ab. 1680, removed to Abington 1705. Ten chil-
dren; Gideon2 d. Oct. 13, 1730, mar. Hannah of Thos. Kingman
1687. Representative several years, 1726-28-29-30, died Oct, 13,
1730. Eight children.
" 329. Robert1 Tucker of W.— 1647-51, removed to Gloucester 1651, re-
turned to Weymouth, 1660 removed to Milton ; first Town Clerk
there May 7, 1662. Probably had been clerk in Gloucester and
Weymouth. The late Edmund J. Baker was of that opinion.
Tucker was overseer of Clement1 Briggs's will in W. 1648-9.
" 346. John1 Turner in W. 1640; ancestor of many. Jacob,2 b. Mar. 10,
1667, mar. Jane Yining — many children; Ann probably mar.
Thomas Bicknell.
" 374. John Vining d. Feb. 1685. Mar. Margaret Reed ll-3m 1657, by
Capt. Torrey. She d. Aug. 6, 1659, he mar. second Mary Reed 22d
llm 1659. Ten or more children by second wife.
" 374. John1 Vinson d. Sept. 20, 1718, wife Susannah Whitmarsh or Gurney,
(She m. second John Canterbery 1721, and died Dec. 9, 1729).
Children, John,2 Jr., b. July 28. 1675, m. Sarah Kingman bef. 1696
—Ten chil. ; Ebenezer.2 b. Mar. 26, 1684, m. Jane of Joseph
Drake — 8 children ; Samuel,2 wife Hannah and ten children. Widow
m. Lieut. Jo. Nash.
" 525. John Whitmarsh in W. 1635— died prior to 1650, wife Alice. Chil-
dren, Simon,2 Nicholas3 m. Hannah Reed. Dec. 2, 1658: John,2 Jr.
m. Sarah of John Harden — he d. 1695, had twelve or more chil-
dren; Richard,2 Onesiphorous3 had land 1650; James, and Jane.
Bangor, Maine. Joseph W. Porter.
Vol. I., page 399, Mr. Savage says of Nathaniel Clarke. Senior, of Newbury,
Mass. " d. on board the sh. Six Friends, soon after sail, in the expedit. against
Quebec, 25 Aug. 1690, from an injury, aged 46." Nathaniel Clarke, Senior, died
1892.] Notes and Queries. 189
at his home in Newbury, 25 Ana;., 1690, and as he was married Nov. 23, 1663, it
seems probable that he was older than 46 in 1690. His son Nathaniel went iu
the expedition against Canada, and was mortally wounded in October, 1690, on
board the ship Six Friends, and died. Rev. John Hale of Beverly, the chaplain,
wrote his will, which was duly signed and witnessed. Mr. Hale brought the will
home, and gave it to the young man's father-in-law, Peter Toppan, who failed
to offer it for probate. See depositions on tile at Salem Court House, of Rev.
John Hale, and of Henry Somerby. These depositions are printed in full in the
" Genealogy of the Descendants of Nathaniel Clarke of Newbury, Mass." pages
25 and 26. Nathaniel the younger left one child only, Nathaniel, born 29 July,
1689. The Elizabeth mentioned by Mr. Savage had apparently died before her
father. George Kuhn Claeke.
Needham, JIass.
Historical Intelligence.
Herrick Genealogy. — All the remaining printed sheets of the " Herrick
Genealogy," published in 1885, and noticed by us in October of that year, were
destroyed by a lire which burned the book bindery, where they were stored,
on Tuesday morning, January 26th. Thirty-one bound copies are all that the
author, Lucius C. Herrick, M.D., has remaining on hand. These, fortunately,
he had at his residence, 1447 Highland St., Columbus. Ohio. A little over two
hundred copies were burned. Those who wish to obtain the book had better
make application at once.
Genealogies in Preparation. — Persons of the several names are advised to
furnish the compilers of these genealogies with records of their own families
and other information which they think may be useful. We would suggest that
all facts of interest illustrating family history or character be communicated,
especially service under the U. S. government, the holding of other offices,
graduation from college or professional schools, occupation, with places and
dates of births, marriages, residence and death. When there are more than one
christian name they should all be given in full if possible. No initials should
be used when the full names are known.
Coutant. By Arthur Beardsley, Swartmore College, Swartmore, Pa. — Mr.
Beardsley is preparing a genealogy of the Coutant and related families, parti-
cularly those of Badeau and Gerou (Gerauld, Gerau. &c.), all Huguenot families
who settled originally at New Rochelle, N. Y., and passed from that point to
various parts of New York and New England, especially Connecticut. Those
interested are requested to send their records to the above address. Circulars
will be sent on application. The addresses of those who can furnish informa-
tion is desired.
Fairchild. — Mrs. Annie Fairchild Plant, of Milton, Vt., has collected a large
amount of material relating to the descendants of Thomas Fairchild,. wrho came
to Stratford, Conn., in 1639. Any person having matter relating to these de-
scendants would oblige Mrs. Plant by sending the same to her.
Lee. — Edward Clinton Lee, Esq., Drexel Building, Philadelphia, Pa., is col-
lecting the records for a genealogy of the descendants of William Lee of Bucks
County, Pa. It will include the Lee Family of Bucks County. This William is
said to have been a near relative of Richard Henry Lee of 1776. His descen-
dants for many generations were quakers.
Pillshury. By Mrs. E. A. Getchell of Newburyport. — The ancestor of this
family, William Pillsbury, settled at Dorchester in 1641, and died in Newburv,
Poole. By William P. Greenlaw, No. 245 Putnam Avenue, Cambridgeport,
Mass.— John Poole, the emigrant ancestor, died in Reading, Mass., April 1, 1667.
Savary. — In the Register for April, 1881 (vol. 35, p. 184), a genealogy of
this family was announced as in preparation by A. W. Savary. In October,
1887, Judge Savary contributed an article on the" early generations of the Savary
families to the Register (vol. 41, pp. 369-88). We have just received a pros-
pectus of the book on which he has" so long been engaged, and which will be
issued this year from the press of Alfred Mudge & Son, 24 Franklin St., Boston,
190 Societies and their Proceedings. [April,
Mass., if a sufficient number of subscribers to pay the cost of publication are
obtained. It will make a volume of about 200 pages, and will be furnished at
four dollars a copy, express or postage prepaid. The title of the book will be,
"The Savery Families (Savory and Savary) of Xew England and Philadelphia
and the Savery Family": a Genealogy with Biographical Sketches, including
an extended sketch of the Life and Labors of William Savery, Minister of the
Gospel in the Society of Friends, by A. W. Savary, M.A., of Annapolis Royal,
N. S., assisted in the Genealogy by Miss Lydia A. Savary of East Wareham,
Mass. Subscriptions should be addressed to A. W. Savary, Esq., Annapolis
Royal, Nova Scotia.
Local History in Preparation :
History of Taunton, Mass. — The Rev. Samuel Hopkins Emery, D.D., of Taun-
ton, president of the Old Colony Historical Society, and author of "The
Ministry of Taunton," published in 1853, has in preparation a history of that
ancient town. Persons having facts or documents relating to Taunton are
advised to send them at once to the Rev. Dr. Emery. Though the town records
were burnt half a century ago, there is still much material preserved relating to
the place, aud with so competent an historian as Dr. Emery the book cannot
fail to be valuable and interesting.
New-England Historic Genealogical Society.
Boston, Massachusetts, Wednesday, January 6, 1S92. — The annual meeting
was held in Jacob Sleeper Hall, No. 12 Somerset Street, this afternoon at three
o'clock, the president, Abner C. Goodell, Jr., A.M., in the chair. After the
transaction of the business of the regular monthly meeting, the business of the
annual meeting was taken up.
Hamilton A. Hill, A.M., presented the annual report of the Council. It con-
tained abstracts of reports to the Council by the chairmen of several com-
mittees, namely : the President of the society for the committee on the society's
house; Rev. Henry A. Hazen, D.D., for the library committee; Rev. Heury F.
Jenks, A.M., for the publishing committee; William S. Appleton, A.M.. for
the committee on English research; Hamilton A. Hill, A.M., for the committee
on memorials; Mr. Henry E. Woods, for the committee on heraldry; Rev.
David Greene Haskins, S.T.D., for the committee on papers and essays;
Rev. William C. Winslow. LL.D., for the committee on donations; George K.
Clarke, LL.B., for the committee on the rolls of membership ; John Ward Dean,
A.M., for the committee to assist the historiographer; and Mr. Henry H. Edes,
for the committee on the society's records.
Rev. Ezra Hoyt Byington, D.D., the librarian, made his annual report. The
additions to the library during the year were 682 books and 1947 pamphlets.
On motion of Charles S. Ensign, LL.B., the thanks of the society were voted
to the Rev. Ezra Hoyt Byington, D.D., the retiring librarian.
Mr. Benjamin B. Torrey, the treasurer, reported that the annual receipts were
$3,593.20, and the expenditures were 83,145.08, leaving a balance of 8448.12.
The trustees of the Kidder Fund reported that the receipts, including a balance
at the beginning of the year, were 8306.80, of which 8153.36 had been expended
for the purchase of books, leaving 8153.44 on hand. The fund amounts to 82000.
Andrew McFarland Davis, S.B., chairman of the nominating committee, re-
ported a list of candidates for officers for the ensuing year. George A. Gordon,
A. M., nominated a list of candidates identical with the regular list except the
candidates for president and corresponding secretary. The regular list was
duly elected by ballot as follows :
President. — Abner C. Goodell, Jr., A.M.
Vice-Presidents. — Benjamin Apthorp Gould, LL.D.; of Cambridge, Mass;
Joseph Williamson, A.M., of Belfast, Me. ; Joseph Bu^been Walker, A.M., of
Concord, X. H. ; James Barrett, LL.D., of Rutland, Vt. ; Elisha Benjamin
Andrews, D.D., LL.D., of Providence, R. I. ; Edward Elbridge Salisbury, LL.&.%
of New Haven, Conn.
1892.] Societies and their Proceedings. 191
Recording Secretary.— Gustavus Arthur Hilton, LL.B., of Boston, Mass.
Corresponding Secretary. — Mr. Henry Herbert Edes of Boston, Mass.
Treasurer. — Mr. Benjamin Barstow Torrey of Boston, Mass.
Librarian. — Henry Winchester Cunningham, A.B., of Boston, Mass.
Members of the Council for three years. — Andrew Preston Peabody, D.D.,
LL.D., of Cambridge, Mass. ; Hamilton Andrews Hill, A.M., Boston, Mass. ; Mr.
Benjamin Greene Smith of Cambridge, Mass.
Francis H. Brown, M.D., the corresponding secretary, presented his report.
During the year 1891, seventy-eight gentlemen accepted membership, three
of whom were honorary members and seventy-five resident members.
Hamilton A. Hill, A.M., the historiographer, reported the necrology con-
taining the names of three honorary, eleven corresponding, ten life and six
resident members, who died in 1891, and of two corresponding members who
died in 1890.
President Goodell then delivered his Annual Address.
On motion of Hamilton A. Hill, A.M., it was
Voted, That the president's Annual Address, the proceedings of this meeting,
and the several reports and papers presented to it, be referred to the council
with full powers.
Old Colony Historical Society.
Taunton, Massachusetts, Wednesday, January 13, 1892. — The thirty-eighth
annual meeting of this Society was held this day, the president, Rev. S. Hopkins
Emery, D.D., in the chair.
President Emery delivered his annual address, in which he referred to the
small gathering at his house on the 23d of February, 1854, when, under the act of
incorporation, the first meeting of the incorporators was held, by-laws were
adopted and officers chosen. '.' Of the twelve original office bearers," he said,
" only four remain, the Hon. John Ordronaux, our first secretary, the present
distinguished professor of the department of law in New York University;
Henry B. Wheelwright, now in Europe ; Mr. Edgar H. Reed, the enthusiastic
antiquary of Taunton, and myself. Let us recall reverently and affectionately
the names of the eight deceased, Nathaniel Morton, Samuel L. Crocker, Hodges
Reed, all of Taunton; John Daggett of Attleboro', Ellis Ames of Canton, Wil-
liam R. Deane and Mortimer Blake, both of Mansfield, and Caleb Swan of
Easton. All these names were in their time identified with the history of the
towns they represent. We cherish them as a choice part of the history of this
Dea. Edgar H. Reed, the historiographer, read memorial sketches of two
deceased members, Mrs. Elizabeth Hart Griswold of Troy, N. Y., who died
Nov. 18, 1891, aged G9, and Charles Richmond Dabney, who died at Brooklyn,
N. Y., Dec. 26, 1891, aged 55.
The secretary read a letter from the executor of James Wilson Smith of
Providence, enclosing a check for $500, the amount of Mr. Smith's legacy.
The following officers were unanimously elected :
President. — Rev. S. Hopkins Emery, D.D., of Taunton.
Vice Presidents.— Hon. Edmund H. Bennett of Taunton, Rev. William L.
Chaffin of North Easton.
Recording Secretary and Librarian. — Capt. John W. D. Hall, of Taunton.
Corresponding Secretary. — Hon. Charles A. Reed, of Taunton.
Treasurer.— Dr. Elijah U. Jones, of Taunton.
Historiographer.— Edgar H. Reed, Esq., of Taunton.
Directors. — Hon. William E. Fuller, of Taunton: Gen. Ebenezer W. Peirce,
of Freetown; Henry M. Lovering, Esq., of Taunton; Hon. John S. Brayton, of
Fall River; Elisha C. Leonard, Esq., of New Bedford; James M. Cushman.
Esq., of Taunton.
Dr. Elijah U. Jones, the treasurer, and Capt. John W. D. Hall, the librarian,
made their annual reports.
Maine Genealogical Society.
Portland, Wednesday, January 20, 1892.— The Annual Meeting was held this
evening at the Historical Society's library in the Baxter Building, the president,
Hon. M. F. King, iu the chair.
The first exercise was a magic-lantern exhibition of silhouette portraits taken
192 Societies and their Proceedings. [April,
at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, while Hon. Lory Odell, of the class of
1823, was in college, and preserved by hira. Among the silhouettes were those
of Senator William Pitt Fessenden and President Franklin Pierce, but they
wTere mostly of the class of 1S23. They are the property of F. O. Conant.
Mr. Conant, the secretary, reported the death of four members during the
year — Roswell M. Richardson, William M. Sargent, John C. Tukesbury and
James R. Lunt; and the admission of twelve new members.
The librarian and the treasurer made their annual reports. There is a balance
of $133.15 in the treasury.
The following others for the ensuing year were unanimously elected :
President. — Marquis F. King.
Vice President. — Albion K. P. Meserve.
Secretary. — Frederick O. Conant.
Librarian. — Stephen M. "Watson.
Treasurer. — Millard F. Hicks.
Maine Historical Society.
Portland, Thursday, January 21, 1892. — A meeting was held this day in
Baxter Building.
James P. Baxter, A.M., the president of the Society, at the afternoon session,
read a paper on " Pre-Columbian Discovery."
Henry W. Wheeler, the historian of Brunswick, Maine, read a paper on " The
ancient town of Augusta," a settlement at Small Point Harbour, near the mouth
of the Kennebec. It has existed only a few years, and was abandoned about
Hon. Joseph Williamson gave an account of the discovery of some of the
historical manuscripts of his uncle, Hon. William D. Williamson, the historian
of Maine.
Parker M. Read read a paper on " Samuel Denny of Ancient Georgetown."
At the evening session, President Baxter read portions of a paper by Llewellyn
Deane of Washington, entitled " Reminiscences of State Street, Portland, and
its People."
Ehode Island Historical Society.
Providence, Tuesday, December 15, 1891. — The regular fortnightly meeting
was held this evening.
Mr. Henry Crawford Dorr, of New York city, read the first part of a paper
entitled " Roger Williams and William Harris, or the Controversy between the
Proprietors and Freeholders of Providence."
December 29. — A meeting was held this evening. Mr. Dorr read the second
part of his paper on "Williams and Harris." The remainder will be read on
some future occasion.
Virginia Historical Society.
Bichmond, Monday, December 21, 1891. — The general meeting of this Society
was held this evening in the hall of the House of Delegates, the president,
the Hon. William Wirt Henry, in the chair.
President Henry stated thai in order to awaken greater interest in the Society,
the executive committee had decided to attempt a new departure, namely, that
of having papers read at these annual meetings.
Prof. James Mercier Garnett. LL.D., of the University of Virginia, read the
first paper at this meeting, the subject being " Early Revolutionary History of
Virginia, 1773-71."
Prof. John B. Henneman, Ph.D., followed with a paper on "Historic Ele-
ments in Virginia Education and Literary Effort."
Prof. William P. Trent. Ph.D., of the University of the South, read a paper
entitled "Notes on Recent Work in Southern History."
Prof. J. L. Hall, of William and Mary College, read a paper entitled" Cata-
logue of Epitaphs on Ancient Tombstones in York, James City and Warwick
Counties, Virginia."
Tuesday, Dec. 22, 1891. —The second general meeting was held this evening,
President Henry in the chair.
Hon. R. T. Barton, of Winchester, Va., read a paper on " The First Election
of Washington to the House of Burgesses."
1892.] Societies and their Proceedings. 193
Hon. R. S. Thomas, of Smithfield, Va., followed with a paper on " The Old
Brick Church in Smithfield, Va., built in 1632."
Mr. Richard Hayward Gaines, of Richmond, read a paper on "Richmond's
First Academy, projected by 3VI. Quesnay de Beaurepaire, in 1786."
Mr. Philip A. Bruce next read a paper on " Agriculture in Virginia during the
First Twenty Years of the Colony."
Mr. F. P. Brent being absent, his paper was read by Mr. J. Taylor Stratton.
The title is " Some Unpublished Facts relating to Bacon's Rebellion In Accomac
County, Va."
Mrs. Annie Tucker Tyler read the concluding paper, which was on " Thomas
Hansford, the First American Martyr to Liberty."
The annual election then took place, and the following officers were chosen :
President. — William "Wirt Henry, Richmond, Va.
Vice Presidents. — J. L. M. Curry, Washington. D. C. ; Archer Anderson,
Richmond, Va. : W. P. Palmer, Richmond, Va.
Corresponding Secretary and Librarian. — R. A. Brock, Richmond, Va.
Becording Secretary. — George A. Barksdale, Richmond, Va.
Treasurer. — Robert T. Brooke, Richmond, Va.
Executive Committee. — David C. Richardson, Charles Gorham Barney, Joseph
Bryan, Edward Virginias Va^ntine. John Ott, Orin L. Cottrell, Thomas Nelson
Page, Bennett W. Green and J. Alston Cabell, of Richmond, Va. ; William. A.
Maury, of Washington; Lyon G. Tyler, of Williamsburg, Va., and R. M.
Hughes, of Norfolk, Va.
Mr. Lyon G. Tyler offered the following resolution, which was adopted :
Besolved, That the Society approve the bill now pending in the Legislature
for the appropriation of 85,000 for copying county court records prior to 1790.
The meeting then' adjourned.
Kansas State Historical Society.
Topeka, Tuesday, January 19, 1802. — The annual meeting was held this
evening in Representatives Hall.
An address was delivered by Judge J. S. Emery of Lawrence, on "History
and Historical Composition," after which Dr. Peter McVicar, president of
Washburn College, read a paper entitled " Some Reminiscences concerning School
Lands in the Osage Reservation in Kansas." Dr. Mc Vicar's paper is printed in
full in the Topeka Daily Capital, Jan. 20.
Hon. Franklin G. Adams, the secretary, then read the annual report of the
board of directors on the work of the Society. The report is printed in the
Topeka Daily Capital, Jan. 21. It shows some interesting facts in reference to
the historical material collected by this Association.
The following officers were then elected :
President. — Ex. -Gov. Thomas A. Osborn.
Vice Presidents. — Judge B. F. Sampson and Hon. A. R. Greene.
A board of directors was also chosen, several in place of deceased members,
or those who declined to serve or had removed from the state. Among those
was Mrs. Col. Samuel N. Wood in place of her husband. She is the first woman
that has ever been given a place on the board. The terms of office of Hon. T.
Dwight Thacher, treasurer, and Hon. Franklin G. Adams, the secretary, have
not expired.
State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
Madison, Thursday, December 10, 1891. — The thirty-ninth Annual Meeting
was held Thursday evening, December 10, 1891, in the senate chamber in the
State Capitol, the president, Hon. John Johnson, in the chair.
The president delivered a brief address.
The corresponding secretary, Mr. Reuben G. Thwaites, in behalf of the
executive committee, presented its annual report.
Hon. N. B. Van Slyke, chairman of the committee on finance, presented his
report approving the annual report of the treasurer, Mr. Frank F. Proudfit.
Mr. William A. P. Morris, chairman, presented the report of the auditing
A curator for two years, in place of Dr. Lyman C Draper, and twelve cura-
tors for three years, were then chosen. Members were also elected.
194 Necrology of Historic Genealogical Society. [April,
Thanks were voted to President Johnson for his munificent arift of books dur-
ing the year, and for the interest shown in the affairs of the Society.
On motion of Dr. Van Slyke, a committee was appointed for the management
and letting of the Draper homestead, now the property of the Society, and
Messrs. Charles Chapman, N. B. Van Slyke and R. G. Thwaites were selected
as the committee.
Corresponding Secretary Thwaites" then delivered an address on the Life and
Character of Lyman Copeland Draper, LL.D. At the conclusion brief informal
remarks, eulogistic of Dr. Draper's work and career, were made by several
members. This address is printed in full, with portrait, iu the Society's pamph-
let proceedings, as is also Dr. Draper's will, by which his library and other
property are bequeathed to the Society. A subscription paper was then started
to procure a fitting portrait of Dr. Draper for the Society's gallery.
A paper on thelate Hon. Asahel Fitch of Milwaukee, by Hon. A. M. Thom-
son, was presented and ordered to be printed.
Messrs. R. G. Thwaites, N. B. Van Slyke, Charles E. Estabrook, Lucius
Fairchild and Burr W. Jones were appointed a select committee to further the
project of a new building for the Society.
The officers for the current year, are :
President. — Hon. John Johnson, of Milwaukee.
Corresponding Secretary. — Reuben G. Thwaites, of Madison.
JRecording Secretary. — Eiisha Burbank, of Madison.
Treasurer. — Frank F. Proudrit, of Madison.
Librarian. — Daniel S. Durrie (to whom communications may be addressed).
There are also sixteen vice presidents, eleven honorary vice presidents, and
thirty-nine curators, of whom three are ex-ofjlcio.
Prepared by Hamilton Andrews Hill, A.M., Historiographer, of the Society.
The Historiographer would inform the Society, that the sketches pre-
pared for the Register are necessarily brief in consequence of the limited
space which can be appropriated. All the facts, however, which can be
gathered are retained in the Archives of the Society, and will aid in more
extended memoirs for which the " Towne Memorial Fund," the gift of the
late William B. Towne, is provided. Four volumes, printed at the charge
of this fund, entitled ''Memorial Biographies," edited by the Commit-
tee on Memorials, have been issued. They contain memoirs of all the
members who have died from the organization of the society to the year
1862. A fifth volume is ready for the press.
Gilbert Nash, Esq., a resident member, elected January 4, 1882, died at East
Braintree, Mass., April 13, 1688, aged nearly 63. He was a son of Capt. Timothy
and Mrs. Elizabeth (Gushing) Nash of Weymouth, in which town he was born
April 28, 1825. He was the seventh in descent from Capt. James1 Nash, an
original settler of Weymouth, through Lieut. Jacob,2 Lieut. Joseph,3 Job,4
Lieut. Timothy,6 and Capt. Timothy6 his father. Through his mother, he was
the eighth in descent from Dea.* Matthew Cnshing, an original settler of
Hingham, Mass.
Gilbert Nash was educated in the common schools of his native town. At the
age of eighteen, in the autumn of 1840, he went to St. Louis. Mo., where he en-
gaged in the boot and shoe trade with an elder brother Timothy. In the spring
of 1858 he returned to Weymouth, and was engaged in the shoe manufacture for
a short time. In 1852 he removed to Boston and entered the employ of the firm
of which his brother, Abner P. Nash, was a partner, in the boot, shoe and leather
1892.] Necrology of Historic Genealogical Society. 195
business. A few years later he became associated with his brother, under the
firm of A. P. Nash & Co., which for many years was a well-known leather house.
He was engaged in the boot, shoe and leather business, either as principal or
employee, until his death, living alternately in Weymouth, Boston, Melrose and
He was interested in the public schools, serving on the school committees of
"Weymouth and Melrose. He was for several years one of the auditors of the
town of Weymouth, and for a time previous to his removal to Braintree one
of the trustees of the Tufts Library. He was connected with the Congre-
gational Church as an active worker, serving as a deacon in the Berkeley Street
Church, Boston, and a teacher in its Sunday school; and as superintendent of
the Sunday school at Melrose. At the time of his death he was a deacon and
the superintendent of the Sunday school of the Union Congregational Church of
Weymouth and Braintree.
He early developed literary tastes and wrote many articles for the news-
papers. In the fall of 18G9 he published a volume entitled "Bay Leaves and
other Poems." He was interested in local and family history and showed a
great aptitude for antiquarian research. He was one of the founders of the
Weymouth Historical Society in 1879. and was its first recording secretary, which
office he held till his death. He was the editor of the two volumes of the pub-
lications of that society, namely: 1, Journal of Gen. Solomon Lovell, 1881,
to which he contributed a sketch of the life of Gen. Lovell; 2, Sketch of
Weymouth, 1885, of which he was the author. Among the unpublished manu-
scripts left by him are a genealogy of the Nash family of Weymouth, and much
historical and genealogical matter relating to that town.
Mr. Nash married 1st, July 26, 1846, Catharine Augusta McKnight of Phila-
delphia, who died August 29, 1846. He married 2d, December 3f, 1847, Eliza
Charlotte, daughter of Richard Harbord, a native of London, who died in
Weymouth in 1883. In 1885 he was again married, to Helen Nash of Loveland,
Ohio, who survives him.
An account of his funeral, which was held at the Union Church, Monday after-
noon, April 16, 1888, is printed in the Weymouth Gazette, April 20, with a sketch
of his life, to which I am indebted for some of the facts here given.
By John Ward Dean, A.M.
Ephratvi George Squier, A.M., a corresponding member, elected Mav 1,
1861, died at Brooklyn, N.Y., April 17, 1888, aged 66. He was born in Bethle-
hem, N.Y., June 17, 1821, the son of a methodist miuister whose father Philip
Squier was a soldier in the revolutionary war. When a youth, he worked on a
farm in the summer and taught school in winter. At eighteen he published a
village newspaper in Charlton, N.Y.> and studied civil engineering. He after-
wards removed to Albany, N. Y., where in 1840 he edited the Parlor Magazine,
which the next year was succeeded by the Poet's Magazine; but only two num-
bers of the latter periodical were issued. From 1841 to 1842 he contributed to
and virtually edited the New York State Mechanic, published at Albany. In 1843
he published " The Chinese as they are." The same year he went to Hartford,
Ct., and for two years edited the Hartford Daily Journal, a whig newspaper,
and was an ardent supporter of Henry Clay, then a candidate for the presidency
of the United States. In 1845 he became the editor of the Scioto Gazette, at
Chillicothe, Ohio, and held the position nearly three years. He was clerk of the
Ohio legislature during the winter of 1847-8. With Edward Hamilton Davis,
M.D., he wrote ''Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley," published in
1848 in the first volume of the i: Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge."
When Gen. Zachary Taylor became president of the United States, in 1849,
he appointed Mr. Squier charge d'affaires to the republics of Central America.
In that position he negotiated treaties with Nicaragua, Honduras and San Sal-
vador respectively. In 1863 he was appointed United States commissioner to
Peru. He was the first president of the Anthropological Institute of New York
in 1871, and a member of a large number of learned societies. For several years
he was chief editor of Frank Leslie's publications. He has published numerous
works on archaeological, historical and geographical subjects. A list of them
will be found in Allibone's Dictionary of Authors, vol. 2, pp. 2215-6, Duyckinck's
Cyclopaedia of American Literature, vol. 2, pp. 695-7, and the Cyclopaedia of
American Biography, vol. 5, p. 641. Among them may be named '• Aboriginal
196 Necrology of the Historic Genealogical Society. [April,
Monuments of the State of New York," 1849 ; " Serpent Symbols," 1852; "Nica-
ragua— its People, Scenery and Monuments," 1852; "Notes on Central America,"
1854; " Waikua, or Adventures on the Mosquito Shore," 1855; " The States of
Central America," 1857; "Monographs of Authors -who have written on the
Aboriginal languages of Central America," I860: "Tropical Floras and their
Economic Extraction," 1861; "Peru: Incidents and Explorations in the Land
of thelncas," 1877.
Mr. Squier was an extensive contributor to periodical literature.
By John Ward Dean, A.M.
Eleazer Franklin Pratt, Esq., Boston, a resident member, elected Feb. 6,
1850, died in this city Oct. 14, 1888, aged 75 years and six months. He was born
on Sheafe Street at the North End, Boston, May 14, 1813 ; was educated in
the public schools, and graduated from the Eliot School with a well deserved
Franklin medal. He was a playmate with Edward and Henry Ward Beecher,
who lived on the same street. He continued throughout his life to take an
interest in the welfare of that part of the city. He was one of the oldest mem-
bers of the Eliot School Association, and wrote some interesting accounts of the
school in its earlier days. For years he had been a member of the Old School
Boys' Association.
He was a scholarly man and particularly interested in the study of history and
theology. Exceedingly fond of the lineage of his family, he had devoted much
time to a history of his branch of the Pratt family in which he was an authority,
and which at his decease was nearly ready for the press.
He began his business career, about a year after attaining his majority, in the
wholesale drug and paint business in this city, under the Arm name of Pratt &
King, which led to the subsequent establishment of the present house of E. &F.
King & Co., one of the largest in the trade in the United States.
Mr. Pratt retired from business in 1849, and devoted himself to literary pur-
suits. He was a thorough Unitarian and a member of the late James Freeman
Clarke's church.
He was much interested in the General Theological Library, of which he was
an officer. The late Mr. Alexander Young, in the Boston Post, over the signature
of " Taverner," thus speaks of him : " The life of this courteous gentleman was a
singularly happy one, and his death, surrounded by his family, was as he wished
like falling to sleep. Retiring from business about fifty years ago, he had
the tastes and capacity for the enjoyment of leisure such as few of this genera-
tion of struggling money getters are favored with. He took a deep interest in
the cause of good government and was faithful in the performance of his duties
as a citizen. His kindly instincts led him to aid those on whom fortune had
turned her back, and his interest in young men was a pleasant feature of his
genial activities."
By franklin S. Pratt, Esq., of Boston, Mass.
Ebenezer Torrey, A.M., a resident member, elected Nov. 6, 1867, was born
in Franklin, Mass., August 16, 1801. He fitted for college at the Leicester and
Lancaster academies, and entered Harvard in 1818, graduating in 1822. He
went to Fitchburg, and studied law with John Shepley ; in 1825 he was admitted
to the bar, and for two years practised alone. In 1«27 he formed a partnership
with Nathaniel Wood (Harvard College 1821), which continued during nearly
half a century, and until the death of Mr. Wood in 1876. Mr. Torrey was
treasurer of the town of Fitchburg for thirty successive years. He was one of
the incorporators of the Fitchburg Bank, formed in 1832, and served it as
cashier and president. He was also a trustee of the Worcester Mutual Fire
Insurance Company. In 1832, and again in 1847. he was a member of the
Massachusetts House of Representatives, and in 1849 he was a member of the
Massachusetts Senate, and chairman of the committee on banks and banking.
In 1853 and 1854, he was a member of the Executive Council with Governors
John H. Clifford and Emory Washburn. As this record shows, Mr. Torrey was
an enterprising, public spirited and highly trusted citizen. He was a leading
member of the Unitarian Church in Fitchburg, and was exemplary in all the
relations of life. He died at Fitchburg, Sept. 3, 1888. He was twice married,
first to Frances Houghton of Fitchburg, secondly to Sarah Arnold of Uxbridge.
1892.] Booh Notices. 197
[The Editor requests persons sending books for notice to state, for the information of
readers, the price of each book, with the amount to be added for postage when sent by
The Archives of the Corporation of Andover. By the Rev. R. H. Clutterbuck,
Rector of Peuton Mewsey. Part I. Reprinted from the " Andover Adver-
tiser." Sin. 8vo. pp. SO. Price one shilling.
The town of Andover in Hampshire, though but a small place, is still of some
importance as the centre of a large agricultural district, and anciently, no
doubt, when the textile trades were carried on in this part of the county, was
of no small note. From a very early date it was a corporate town, and the
men of Andover received the grant of a gild merchant upwards of seven
hundred years ago. Necessarily there has been a vast accumulation of records,
and it is most remarkable how very many of them have been preserved to our
day. The rolls on which are recorded the maneloquium or " morrow speech "
of the town council — the minutes, as we should say now — go back as early as the
reign of Henry III., and so do the enrolments. Only those who have seen
these records have any idea how extensive and- numerous they are. Fifty-five
years ago Mr. Pootner, the then town clerk, reported to the Record Commission
that neither he nor anyone in the district could read them. The corporation
even then was alive to the importance of taking care of them, and employed a
Mr. Titheridge to sort them. He catalogued them to some extent, but there re-
mained and has remained ever since a vast mass of parchments and papers
in utter confusion. Lately the town council has taken up the question of their
assortment, and the task of classifying them has been entrusted to Mr. Clutter-
buck, a beneficed clergyman in the neighborhood of Audover, who has had
great experience in decyphering records. The present pamphlet is the result of
some of his work. Very wisely instead of waiting till every document was
examined and classed, he has made abstracts and extracts as he has gone along,
and sent them week by week to the local newspaper. The result is perhaps
somewhat mixed, but antiquaries wiii not grumble when they see the mass of
information thus placed before them.
In the present part we have first some wills of local people, and then come
"Abjurations tern. William III.," with many lists of names. Next are two
bundles of " Recognizances," 1649-1702. Then follow a series of '• indictments,"
temp. William III., as well as miscellaneous documents. At page 39 we find an
excellent account of the court leet of Andover and its local features. Mr.
Clutterbuck gives numerous extracts of the time of William III., from the pre-
sentments of the jury with lists of the inhabitants returned by th? tithing men,
followed by specimens of the presentments made at the view of Frank pledge
in the time of Elizabeth.
The records of Andover will be of great interest to New-England folk, for
Andover, Mass., was largely peopled from the old Hampshire town. Mr. Clut-
terbuck has intimated that while the sorting goes on he is willing to note any
names of interest to American genealogists. After his work is completed that
will not be possible, as the records are unindexed.
When we remember that this work originally appeared in the columns of a
newspaper it must be admitted that it makes a very respectable show, and the
proprietors of the Andover Adcertiser must be congratulated on the result.
Their example is one which might with advantage be followed by other local
newspapers. We shall look forward to the next part, and can cordially recom-
mend it. It is a marvel of cheapness.
By W. P. W. Phillimore, M.A., B.C.L., of London, England.
History of Braintree, Massachusetts (1639-1708). The North Precinct of
Braintree (1708-1792), and the Town of Quincy (1792-1889). By Charles
198 Book Notices. [April,
Francis Adams. Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press. 1391. 8vo.
pp. 365. Fifty copies only printed and distributed by the author.
Some Phases of Sexual Morality and Church Discipline in Colonial New England.
By Charles Francis Adams. (Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Massa-
chusetts Historical Society, June, 1891). Cambridge: John Wilson & Son,
University Press. 1891. 8vo. pp. 45.
Here may be read the rise and course of a New-England town, whose citizens
were mostly rude, uncultivated, often perverse, men, endued with the ordinary
attributes of seltishness, yet controlled and directed by the few more intelligent
and broader minds, at whose head for the early generations was the minister
and, later, the wealthy and educated families, whose fortunes acquired else-
where supported them in ease and moderate affluence on the barren soil. When
the throes of revolution came, it is evident how eagerly the humbler classes,
who had little to lose, entered into it, and how reluctant and hesitant were the
more wealthy; how small a portion of the men went to war with the mother
land ; and how lightly the expense of the struggle was borne. The mighty
change which took place, when the money value of the ledges beneath the hard
surface was developed, is clearly set forth, leading forward to conditions
which forced the expansion of the town into the city of to-day, and its prepara-
tion for incorporation, by and by, into the larger Boston of the future.
The iufluence of the Norman element was for the best interests of the whole
community. In no New-England town was the energy, the enterprise and the
formative power of the blooded families, settled among the people, more pro-
nounced than as exemplified by the Quincys, the Apthorps, the Borlands, the
Cleverleys and the Vassalls of Braintree. Content to subsist on the product
of their farms, with very moderate margins for income, they dwelt as did their
humbler neighbors, in every day life and labor; but their wise and masterful
direction of public affairs was manifest and paramount at the annual March
meetiug, where the right of free discussion and vote always existed. In busi-
ness there was very small traffic, for there was almost no money, and no surplus
was raised. The farming barely supported the inhabitants : probably would
not, had not proximity to Boston and easy access by water furnished a ready
market for the cider, the pumpkins and the beans, spared from slender hoards
to supply indispensable wants and the taxes. Small fisheries flourished, and
vegetables were exported to Spanish and other tropical, or semi-tropical, ports.
Out of this and, as it grew, quitting Braintree, came Colonial commerce and the
hardy seamen who conducted it. In this history, that of Braintree was very
similar to that of other Massachusetts coast towns ; the gentle blood filled the
highest political stations, while the deacon, the highest elective church official,
came from the plain people. The minister was imported and, we are afraid,
very meanly and grudgingly supported. The narrow thoughts and petty lives
of the towns-people, the vulgarity of their manners, the lax moral tone and
universal intemperance, prevalent in the Colonial period, are well known to all
students and searchers of county records. Distilleries were frequent, taverns
ubiquitous and every country store had its open bar. The indictments of the
grand juries evidence the gross indulgence, of which only the most flagrant and
grievous cases came to public notice. The records of Essex and Middlesex
parallel, if not surpass any cases cited in the pamphlet, whose title is given
above and which is printed as an appendix to this volume. Great stress was
practised in haling before the courts respondents for acts, to-day regarded as
private or of small public concern.
All this and much more Mr. Adams shows in a series of delightful chapters,
with full record of the ultimate changes effected by the railway and the granite.
Such is the wholesome flavor of the antiquary and the political philosopher,
which pervades the volume, that one is at a loss for preference between the
Braintree of the past and the Quincy of the present; or to determine if, indeed,
the author has such a preference. As Mr. Adams announces this volume
preliminary to a more extended work, we hope he will see his way to add ap-
pendices of town and church official lists; records of births, marriages and
deaths, with more extended genealogies of the leading families, whose reputa-
tion at d fame have carried the name of the city into almost half the states of
the Union, even to the distant commonwealths on the Pacific Coast, as well as
furnished an acceptable prsenomen in innumerable instances.
By George A. Gordon, A.M.., of Somerville, Mass.
1892.] Book Notices. 199
Tear-Book of the New York Society of Sons of the Revolution. New York :
Exchange Printing Company. 8vo. pp. 282.
This handsome specimen of the printer's and binder's skill surpasses the
previous publications of this Society, the pioneer in arousing a worthy respect
for the men who fought in the War of the Revolution.
Instituted in 187(3, re-awakened and re-organized in 1883, since the later date by
its example it has been the means of creatiug an interest throughout the Union
and has extended the right hand of fellowship to societies organized in the
states of Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, Iowa, New Jersey, Georgia and
Massachusetts, uniting with them and forming a National Society.
Lists of the officers of the different state societies are found in the pages of
the book, the Constitution of the General Society and By-Laws of the New York
The importance of the work to genealogists lies in an alphabetical list of the
members' names, with their relationship to their Revolutionary ancestors and
the active service of the ancestor through whom their claim for membership
rests. As such claims are from authorized documentary evidence, the accuracy
of the record can be readily appreciated by those who have been furnished
traditionary evidence of by-gone days.
The prevalence of prominent names of the Revolutionary period is marked on
a perusal of the record of its nine hundred and two members, a majority of
whom have supplementary claims of descent from active participants in the
struggle for freedom ; that the energetic spirit which pervaded the soldiers and
statesmen of those days has not deteriorated is evidenced by the fact that the
New York Society includes in its membership men of high social standing and
familiar to all the present generation by their national reputation in their different
Incorporated in the work is the stirring address delivered by Prof. Henry P.
Johnson on May 11, 1891, on " Ticonderoga, or the Defeat of the Old World in
the New," and a poem on " The Name of Washington," by Geo. Parsons Lathrop.
Several illustrations specially engraved for this work are inserted, one of
which is a portrait of Washington copied from Conder's picture.
By Walter K. Watkins, Esq., of Chelsea, Mass.
Tear-Book of the Connecticut Society of the Sons of the American Revolution for
1891 ; to ichich is prefixed a History of the Organization of the Society, set forth
in Official Reports. Hartford, Conn. : Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company.
1892. Pp. 214. Price $1.00.
On the organization, March 7, 1889, of the New Jersey Sons of the American.
Revolution, by a few of the members of the New York Society of Sons of the
Revolution, a circular was issued by the New Jersey Society for the formation
of state societies.
Connecticut promptly responded in April, 1889, organizing a state society.
Unlike the New Jersey and other of the state societies of the Sons of the
American Revolution, the Connecticut Society's requirements for membership
are more strict and similar to those of the Sons of the Revolution, with whom
from a similarity of names it has often been confounded. That the parent
name of Sons of the Revolution be taken is the desire of many members, and it
can be readily appreciated by all as a simple solution to rectify an unfortunate
choice of a name, and where a common interest demands union in words and
The history of the growth of the society shows the untiring efforts of its
officers and members, which have culminated in producing a membership of
over five hundred.
Added to a list of members is a valuable necrology of those who, having
reverenced the deeds of their ancestors, have joined the great army as fellow
members with them.
The typographical qualities of the book are enhanced by photo-mechanical
reproductions of portraits of Jonathan Trumbull and Israel Putnam.
The work as a whole reflects .great credit on the Committee of Publication,
Messrs Joseph W. Woodward, Lucius F. Robinson, Jonathan F. Morris, Lucius
P. Deming and Rufus W. Griswold.
By Walter K. Watkins, Esq., of Chelsea, Mass.
200 Book Notices. [April,
Town Records of Manchester, from 1718 to 1769, as contained in the " Com-
moners' Records" and the "Fourth Book of Town Records," 1736 to 1786.
Volume II. Salem, Mass.: The Salem Press Publishing and Printing Co.,
1891. 8vo. pp. 212.
The publication by the town of Manchester, Mass., of a printed volume con-
taining all the general records of the town which have been preserved to us
from the beginning down to the year 1736, comprised in the Second and Third
Books of the Town Records, was noticed in the Register for January, 1890
(xliv. 125), and the hope was expressed that the good work would not be
allowed to stop there, but that steps should be taken to carry it on to completion.
At the annual town meeting held in March, 1S90, the town voted to continue
the printing of its ancient records, and the volume before us is the result. It
contains the Fourth Book of the Records of the Town, from 173(3 to 1786, with
the exception of certain tax lists and. constables' receipts. There are added
also extracts from the volume entitled " Commoners' Records," beginning in
1718 and ending in 1769. These extracts were printed in accordance with
another vote of the town passed at the same meeting. The volume is provided
with an index of persons arranged by Christian and surnames, and an index of
places and subjects.
To the able and efficient town clerk. Alfred S. Jewett, and the committee,
Daniel Leach, D. L. Bingham and William H. Tappan, who have so cordially
co-operated with him, the town is indebted for the success of this effort to pre-
serve from destruction the fast-decaying records of one of the oldest towns in
Massachusetts. It must be remembered that these ancient records concern not
only those who now live within the narrow limits of the town, but the de-
scendants, scattered all over the Union, of its early settlers, and indeed all
antiquaries and historical scholars everywhere throughout the land, for they
are part of the history of the Commonwealth, and that history cannot be
properly written without a thorough study of the history of the towns that
comprise it. The printing of such volumes as these is now for the first time
making these town records accessible to the historian.
The hope is again expressed that long before the approaching celebration of
the 250th anniversary of the town, all its records from the earliest times down
to at least the beginning of the present century, if not later, may be put beyond
the reach of destruction by the art of the printer. The printed page is a monu-
ment more lasting than brass, and it is the only monument which is imperish-
By John T. Hassam, A.M., of Boston.
Young Folks' History of the United States. By Thomas Wentworth Higginson.
Boston : Lee & Shepard, Publishers. New York : Charles T. Dillingham.
1891. 8vo. pp. vi.-K00-f-33. price $1.50.
This very readable little history will be instructive to adults as well as to
children. Col. Higginson treats his subject carefully, fairly, and in a way
which ought to interest the young. The period of the civil war. perhaps the
most difficult of any to the historian, especially to the writer of a " popular" work,
is admirably portrayed. Col. Higginson is well quaiiried for his task, and has
shown discretion not only in what he has so well arranged and condensed, but
in what he has omitted altogether. The illustrations are numerous and pleasing,
and the chronological table, and the questions, which latter fill thirty-three pages,
will be of great assistance. The list of ;; Books for Consultation " contained in
the appendix, and the statistics given, show excellent judgment in selection.
The volume contains a map of what is now the United States, with data explain-
ing the accessions of territory at different times. We have examined several
" popular" state histories in the past few years which fail to serve the purpose
for which they were intended, because the works are superficial and lacking
in the very respects and characteristics which commend the volume before us.
A "popular" history which does not contain the constitution of the state or
nation which is its subject, and which devotes a few lines only to one important
epoch, and many unnecessary pasjes to another, is a poor tiling. We take
pleasure in recommending CoL Hig<?inson's book, and consider it a remarkably
good Young Polks' History of the United States.
By George Kuhn Clarke, LL.B. of Needham, Mass.
Book Notices. 201
The Original Mother Goose's Melody, as issued by John Newbery, London, circa
1760 ; Isaiah Thomas of Worcester, circa 17 85, and Monroe <£ Fraiicis, circa
1S25. Reproduced in facsimile from the first Worcester edition. Wi'h Intro-
ductory Notes. By William H. Whitmore. To which are added The Fairy
Tales of Mother Goose, first collected by Perrault in 1606, reprinted from the
original translation into English by 12. Samber in 1720. Damrell & Upham,
The Old Corner Book Store, Boston. Griffith, Farran & Co., Limited, New-
bery House, London, 1892. Price $1.50.
The first edition of Mr. Whitmore's monograph on Mother Goose was pub-
lished in October, 1890, and was noticed by us in January, 1891. In that work
Mr. Whitmore successfully showed the true nature of the fables about the
authorship of Mother Goose's Melodies, which for a quarter of a century have
been so industriously circulated ; and he showed the true origin of the name
and the melodies.
The present edition is much enlarged and improved. The author's positions
have been fortified by new proofs. Among the newspapers of the second half
of the last century he finds evidence that the booksellers and printers of Boston
gave the children of New England a chance to become familiar with some of
the characteristic melodies collected by Newbery. I have little doubt that
copies of the whole book, Mother Goose's Melody, were imported and sold in
Boston soon after Newbery issued it in London. The most important addition
to this edition is a fac-simile reprint of a New York edition of 1795, of Mr.
Charles Perrault's Tales, which Mr. Whitmore showed in his last edition gave
popularity to the name, Mother Goose. A memoir and portrait of Perrault are
given. Mr. Whitmore's research leaves little to be desired on the questions
he discusses.
Montcalm and Wolfe. By Francis Parkman. Fourteenth edition (being part
seventh of his France and England in North America). Boston: published
by Little, Brown & Company. University Press, John Wilson & Son. 1890.
2 vols. 8vo. pp. xvi.-f-51-i and x.-f-502.
This is the fourteenth edition of a well-known standard work, which tells the
story of the events that led to the capture of Quebec, and of its important and
far-reaching results. As a historian we consider Mr. Parkman as able, accurate
and happy in his style as any of the writers who by laborious research have
presented to the world trustworthy accounts of the development of the American
continent. What Bancroft has done to illumine the history of the United
States, and Prescott to throw light upon the Spanish conquests in the new world,
Parkman has to a large degree accomplished in his chosen domain, the struggle
of France and Great Britain for supremacy in America. The second volume
contains a likeness of Wolfe at the age of sixteen years, and is the only picture
of him known to exist, as he never after sat for his portrait.
By George Kuhn Clarke, LL.B. of Needham, Mass.
Fragments of Revolutionary History. Being hitherto unpublished writings of the
Men of the American Revolution, collected and edited under authority of the
District of Columbia Society, Sons of the Revolution. By Gaillard Hunt,
Registrar and Historian. Brooklvn, N. Y. : The Historical Printing Club.
1892. 8vo. pp. 200. Price in paper $2.00, in half leather $2.50.
The interest excited by the formation of Societies of Sons of the Revolution
have led to the gathering and publication of much that is pertinent to that
period of the nation's history.
In this collection of letters, which is mainly in the possession of some of the
members of the District of Columbia Society of Sons of the Revolution, the
historian and student will find new material and corroboration of previous
publications on the Revolutionary War.
Especially can this be said regarding that part of the struggle when the opera-
tions were in the southern states. The correspondence of Morgan, Mercer and
Lafayette are of special value. The interest is also quickened by the addition
of Washington Letters, the appearance iu print of which is always hailed with
ardor by the student of American history, and which awaken envious dreams in
the autograph collector.
By Walter K. Watkins, Esq., of Chelsea, Mass.
202 Book Notices. [April,
A Record, Genealogical, Biographical and Statistical of Thomas Stanton of Con-
necticut and His Descendants, 1635-1891. By William A. Stanton, Ph.D.,
D.D. Albany, N. Y. : Joel MunseU's Sons. 1891. 8vo. pp. 613. Price $7
in uncut boards, or $8 in leather binding.
The Beckwiths. By Paul Beckwith. Albany, N. Y. 1891. 8vo. pp. 384.
Address the author, Paul Beckwith, Esq., St. Louis, Missouri.
Autumn Leaves from Family Trees: Historical, Biographical and Genealogical
Materials relating to the Caufl'man, Chidsey, Churchman, Foster, Montgomery,
Rodenbough, Shewell and affiliated families. Gathered and pressed for whom
it may concern, by a kinsman, Thomas Francis Rodenbough. Illustrated.
New York. 1892. 8vo. pp. 304. Edition 150 copies. A few copies remain
unsold which can be obtained of Messrs. Clark & Zugalla, publishers, 33 Gold
Street, New York, for $5 a copy postpaid.
Genealogy. Strobridge, Morrison or Morison, Strawbridge. By Mary Stiles
(Paul) Guild. Lowell, Mass. : Vox Populi Press, S. W. Huse & Co. 1891.
8vo. pp. xxix.-f-299. Edition 500 copies.
Forbes and Forbush Genealogy. The Descendants of Daniel Forbush who came
from Scotland about the year 1665, and settled in Marlborough, Mass., in 1675.
By Frederick Clifton Pierce of Chicago, 111. Published for the author.
1892. 8yo. pp. 199.
History of the Dudley Family. Number VI. By Dean Dudley. Wakefield,
Mass. : Dean Dudley, Publisher. 1S92. 8vo. pp. 114. Price $1 per Number.
Genealogy of the Estabrook Family, including the Esterbrooks and Easterbrooks of
the United States. By William Booth Estabrook. Ithaca, N. Y. : Andrus
& Church. 1891. 12mo. pp. 359. Price : cloth plain S3 ; cloth gilt edges §4 ;
half morocco §5 ; full morocco S6. Postage 10 cts. extra.
Wheeler and Warren Families. Descendants of George Wheeler, Concord, Mass.,
1630, through Deacon Thomas WJieeler, 1696, and of John Warren, Boston,
Mass., 1630, through Ebenezer Warren, Leicester, Mass., 1744. Compiled by
Henry Warren Wheeler. Albany, N. Y. : Joel MunseU's Sons, Publishers.
1892. Fcp. 4to. pp. 121.
Clason, Claicson, Classon, Closson, Clanson. Stephen Clason of Stamford,
Connecticut, in 1654, and some of his Descendants. Compiled and arranged
from data chiefly collected by Oliver B. Clason of Gardiner, Maine. By William
B. Latham. Augusta : Kennebec Journal Print. 1892. 8vo. pp. 144. Cloth.
Price §2.
Historical Sketches of John Moses of Plymouth, a Settler of 1632 to 1640 : John
Moses of Windsor and Simsbury, a Settler prior to 1647 ; and John Moses of
Portsmouth, a Settler prior to 1640, and a Genealogical Record of some of their
Descendants. By Zebina Moses. Hartford, Conn. : Press of the Case, Lock-
wood & Brainard Company. 1S90. 8vo. pp. 138.
Descendants of Aaron and Mary (Church) Magoun, Pembroke, Mass. With Illus-
trations and a Complete Index. Third Edition. By Samuel Breck, U. S. A.
Washington, D. C. : Kufus H. Darby, Book and Job Printer. 1891. 8vo. pp.
Thones Kunders and his Children. Also a list of the Descendants for six genera-
tions of his youngest son, Henry Cunreds of Whilpain. By Henry C. Conrad.
Press of W. Costa, Wilmington. Fcp. 4to. pp. 105+23.
First Re-union of the Hills Family of Franklin, Mass., with Historical Notes. By
Edwin M. Hills. Published for family purposes, C. A. Hack & Son,
Taunton. 1891. 8vo. pp. 47.
A Brief History of the Sheppard Family, formerly seated at the Manors of Avening,
Minchinhampton and Colesbourne, in the County of Gloucestershire, England.
With Pedigrees of the Elder and Junior Branches of these Ancient Families.
Compiled from Authentic Sources by William Albert Sheppard. Calcutta :
Printed by Thomas S. Smith, City Press, 12 Bentinck Street. 1891. 8vo. pp.
39. For private circulation only.
1892.] Book Notices. 203
The Family of Merriam of Massachusetts. By W. S. Appleton. Boston : David
Clapp & Son. 181)2. 8vo. pp. 15.
Notes on the Descendants of James Spencer (Junior) of Spencer Hall, Talbot
County, Maryland. 1892. 8vo. pp. 26.
Lee of Virginia. 8vo. pp. 23.
We continue in this number our quarterly notices of genealogical publications.
The first book on our list is a bulky volume on the Stanton Family, descend-
ants of Thomas Stanton, an early settler of New England, who was prominent
in the affairs of the Massachusetts and Connecticut colonies. The author is the
Rev. Dr. Stanton of Pittsburgh, Pa. He has evidently devoted great labor to
the work, and has been very successful in the collection of biographical and
genealogical facts. The book makes over six hundred pages, and contains over
one thousand families and more than ten thousand names. Besides the Stanton
genealogy proper, records of many other families who intermarried with the
Stantons are here preserved, among which may be named those of Allen, Avery,
Babcock, Baldwin, Barber, Brown, Bryant, Chesebrowe, Crandall, Denison,
Frink, Gallup, Geer, Hewitt, Noyes, Palmer, Prentice. Rust, Smith, Thompson,
West, Wheeler, Wilcox and Williams. The book is well compiled, clearly ar-
ranged and well indexed. It is printed on thick wmite paper, and is very credit-
able to the publishers, Messrs. Joel Munsell's Sons of Albany.
The next book is on the Beckwith family, and is compiled by Paul Beckwith
of St. Louis, Mo., formerly of Washington, D. C. The earlier portion of the
volume is devoted to the English Beckwiths, and the later to those of that name
in this country. A " Roll of Honor " is given, recording the services of persons
by the name in American wars from 1055 to 1865, evidently a work of much
labor. The genealogy is very full and is well compiled. It has a good
index. Mr. Beckwith wishes those interested to send him any records and facts
which they may possess, and which are not found in this volume, as he wishes
to continue his History of the American Beckwiths.
Mr. Rodenbough's i; Autumn Leaves from Family Trees " contains genealogies
of the seven families whose names are found on the title page, besides genea-
logical matter relating to other families connected with them. They are care-
fully compiled. The book is one of the most tasteful of recent additions to
genealogical literature. It is handsomely printed and bound, and profusely
illustrated with portraits and other engravings. It has a good index.
The next book is devoted to the genealogies of the families named on the
title page. Part I. contains the descendants of William Strobridsre, who came
from Ireland early in the last century and settled in Middleborough, Mass., where
he died Nov. 14, 1777, aged 87. Part II. contains the descendants of William
Morrison, son of Robert, who settled at North Bridgewater, Mass., in 17-10. A
third part contains a partial genealogy of the Strawbridge family in America
descended from various stocks. The book is compiled in a very thorough and
satisfactory manner, is handsomely printed with numerous fine portraits and
other engravings. It has full indexes.
The next volume gives the descendants of Daniel Forbush, who settled in
Marlborough, Mass., in the latter part of the seventeenth century. In the
Register for April, 1853, the late Andrew H. Ward has an article on " Changes
in Surnames," and cites numerous ways in which the surname of this settler
and his descendants appear on the records and elsewhere, such as Farrabas, For-
bush, Farrowbush and Forbes. The emigrant has many living descendants of
prominence, many of whom spell their name Furbush, some Forbes, and others
use various varieties of the surname. The author, Col. Pierce, has had much
experience as a writer of local and family history, and this book is a good
specimen of his work.
A new part of the Dudley genealogy has just been issued, filled with valuable
matter relating to the Dudleys and their descendants. Some interesting matter
relating to the English Dudleys, with a view of Dudley Castle and a plan of the
grounds, is here found. A large portion of the number is devoted to families
descended from Gov. Thomas Dudley, the Aliens, the Appletons, the Atkinses,
the Baileys, the Backuses, the Barbers, the Bartletts, the Beans, the Blaisdelis,
the Blakes, the Blunts, the Bradleys, the Bradstreets, the Brcokses, and other
204 Book Notices. [April,
families whose names are found in the remaining letters of the alphabet. A
full biography of Gov. Simon Bradstreet and Anne Dudley his wife, the first
American poetess, adds much to the value of the work. Fine portraits
embellish the work. We hope that the author will meet with encouragement
enough to continue the work.
The Estabrook volume is a valuable book, and the author has laid those bear-
ing his name under great obligations. There are various families of Estabrook
in this country. The ancestor of the earliest appears to be Rev. Joseph Esta-
brook who came to New England in 1600, was graduated from Harvard College
in 1664, and three years later was ordained as a colleague of Rev. Edward
Bulkley over the church at Concord, Mass. The book is well compiled and has
a good index.
The book devoted to the Wheeler and the Warren families descended from
the persons named in the title page. The genealogical and biographical details
are full and precise. The book is handsomely printed and well indexed.
Mr. Oliver B. Clason of Gardner, Maine, has been five years engaged in col-
lecting materials for a genealogy of the descendants of Stephen Clason, an early
settler of Stamford, Conn. He has placed his material in the hands of Dr.
William B. Lapham, who has had much experience in compiling family and local
histories, and who has arranged and compiled the book in a very satisfactory
The book on the several families of Moses whose ancestors are named on the
title page of the next book contains very satisfactory accounts of those families.
The compiler, Mr. Moses, of Washington, D. C, has been very successful in
researches. The book is well arranged, well indexed and well printed.
The Magoun volume is by Bvt. Brig.-Gen. Samuel Breck, U.S.A., of Wash-
ington, D. C, the author of the Breck genealogy noticed by us in January, 1891.
It was prepared as a memorial of the author's grandmother, Mrs. Ruth Church
(Magoun) Breck, and is a worthy memorial of her and her kindred.
The work on the Kunders, Cunreds or Conrad family is by Mr. Conrad, attor-
ney at law, in Wilmington, Delaware. The emigrant ancestor was Thones
Kunders, one of the little band of German emigrants who in 1683 settled at
Germantown, Pa. His youngest son Henry, who spelt his surname Cunreds,
settled at Whitpain, Montgomery County, and it is to his descendants that this
book is chiefly devoted. The author has been very successful in obtaining
materials, particularly biographical data relating to the emigrant and his sons.
The book is well compiled, well indexed and well printed.
The next work is a report of the proceedings at the first gathering of the
Hills family, which took place on Monday, Sept. 7, 1891, at the old homestead
in Franklin, Mass. The historical address was by Mr. Edwin M. Hills of Taun-
ton, Mass. It contains many interesting biographical sketches of persons of
the name and blood. The book preserves much valuable historical and genealo-
gical material.
The work on the Sheppard family is by Mr. William A. Sheppard of Calcutta,
India, a nephew of John H. Sheppard, A.M., of Boston, Mass., a memoir of
whom is printed in the Register for October, 1873. Four years ago Mr.
Sheppard traced the ancestry of his family to the latter part of the sixteenth
century, and published a tabular pedigree giving the result of his labors, which
pedigree was noticed by us in October, 1838. In the present pamphlet Mr.
Sheppard furnishes much valuable and interesting matter relative to the various
members of the family. Particularly interesting is the diary of his father, Mr.
George Albert Sheppard, who was born in Hallowell, Maine, in 1799, and died
in Calcutta in 1857. The earlier portion of the diary has references to many
prominent New-England people of that day. The tabular pedigree published in
1887 has been reprinted in this work.
Mr. Appleton, the author of the next work, contributed to the Register in
April, 1868, and April, 1870, articles on the Merriam family. He has added
other matter and revised the whole, and now presents his work on the Family
of Mirriam of Massachusetts in a much improved form.
The Spencer notes are by Mr. Theodore F. Jewell of Newport, R. I. They
contain in a condensed form the result of some years of research. A genealog-
ical manuscript written in 1849 by Samuel W. Spencer, M.D., of Florida, has
been used in compiling the pamphlet.
1892.] Recent Publications. 205
The pamphlet entitled "Lee of Virginia" is a reprint to the valuable con-
tribution of Mr. J. Henry Lea to the Register for January and April, 1892.
Presented to the New-England Historic Genealogical Society from Dec. 15,
1891, to March 22, 1892.
Prepared by the Librarian.
I. Publications written or edited by Members of the Society.
George Bancroft. By Andrew McFarland Davis. Pamphlet, pp. 17. Reprinted
from the Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Vol xxvi.
The Church and Parish of Great Missenden (Bucks). By Charles Harold Evelyn
White, Yiear of Christ Church, Chesham. Pamphlet, pp. 32.
Pemaquid ; Its Forts. By Charles Levi Woodbury. Pamphlet, pp. 18. Reprinted
from the Hyde Park Historical Record for 1891-92.
Genuine Letters of Mary Queen of Scots, to James, Earl of Bothwell. Edited and
arranged by J. Watts de Peyster. Pamphlet, pp. 28.
The Rev. Joseph Sewall. His Youth and Early Manhood. By Hamilton A. Hill.
Pamphlet, pp. 11. Reprinted from the New-England Historic Genealogical Register,
January, 1892.
The First Congregational (Unitarian) Society of Burlington, Yt. Pages from the
Church Records. Compiled by the pastor, Rev. H. L. Wheeler. Pamphlet, pp.11.
Two Hundred and Fifty- third Annual Record of the Ancient and Honorable
Artillery Company. Pamphlet, pp. 96.
Manual. Congregational Church, Plvmouth, N. H. By Rev. Frank G. Clark.
1892. 8vo. pp. 97.
Mysteries and Masques. A paper read before the St. Nicholas Club (New York),
on Twelfth Night, 1892. By William G. Davies. Pamphlet, pp. 19.
Charles D evens, ^Extract from the report of the Council, read to the American
Henry M. Dexter, > Antiquarian Society, April 29, 1891. By George F. Hoar.
Edward I. Thomas, j Pamphlet, pp. 17.
II. Other Publications.
Charles Deane, LL.D. A Memoir. By Justin Winsor. Pamphlet, pp. 47.
Life and Works of Brasseur de Bourbourg. By Herbert B. Adams. Pamphlet,
pp. 19. Reprint from Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, at the Semi-
Annual Meeting, April 29, 1891."
The Archives of the Corporation of Andover. Part I. By the Rev. R. H. Clutter-
buck, Rector of Pen ton Mewsey. 12 mo. pp. 80. Reprinted from the Andover
In Memoriam. Dr. John Crowell, M.D., of Haverhill, Mass. 8vo. pp. 260.
Poem by Dr. John Crowell. Written for the 250th Anniversary of Haverhill.
1890. Pamphlet, pp. 26.
Centennial Day of the Presbyterian Church, New Hartford, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1891.
Pamphlet, pp. 73*.
The Clubs of Boston. A complete list of members. Published bv N. Wilson &
Co. 8vo. pp. 442.
Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society, Winnepeg :
Annual Report for 1890. Pamphlet, pp. 12.
A Paper read before it, May 4, 1890, by George Bryce, on "The First Re-
corder of Rupert's Land." Pamphlet, pp. 5.
A Paper read before it, January 22, 1891, by George Bryce, on "Surface
Geology of the Red River and Assiniboine Valleys." Pamphlet, pp. 7.
Capt. Frederic Forsyth of Portland, a merchant of Portland. Frederic For-
died in that city June 11, 1891, aged syth married Harriette Marie, daughter
72. His father, Thomas Forsyth, was of Maj. Gen. Joseph Jewett, and left
two sons, Frederic Gregory and Thomas
Scott. In early life he was a member
of the Portland Bine Corps (1839).
He was an officer in Capt. Thing's
Pioneers, who started in 1849 from
Boston overland for California, for gold
and adventure. After his return from
the Pacific, he was chosen captain of
the Rifle Corps. He commanded the
escort and body guard of H. R. H, the
Prince of Wales, when he visited Port-
land in July, 1860. He was an Odd
Fellow and a member of the New-Eng-
land Society of California Pioneers. He
was a highly respected and honorable
Mrs. Hannah* (Nehtmiah* Nehemiah*
Henry,2 Josiak,2 Moses1 of Woburn,
1640) (Cleveland) Kino, a centena-
rian, died at Otisco on Thursday eve-
ning, March 12, 1891. She "reached
her 102d anniversary of her birth on
the 16th of February previous. Mrs.
King came of a long-lived family, the
Clevelands, distantly related to the
paternal ancestor of the ex- president.
They emigrated from Williamsburg,
Mass., to New York State a few years
after the Tories were driven from the
Mohawk Valley. Mrs. King was then
a child, having been born in Williams-
burg, Feb. 16, 1789. She recalled with
distinctness her elders telling of the
Revolution. The family set their roof-
tree in Skaneateles in 1817, where the
deceased was married a year later to
William King. There were twelve
children in the Cleveland family, and
the mother who bore them attained the
age of 104 years, 7 months. Two sis-
ters of Mrs. Cleveland lived to be 98 or
99 years respectively. That longevity
was inherited may be imagined when it
is stated that one of Mrs. King's sis-
ters, Mrs. Olive Cleveland Clarke, died
aged 101 years, 4 months and 21 days.
Mrs. Clarke was able on her 100th
birthday to write her autograph in a
clear and legible hand. Mrs. King and
her husband spent their lives on the
farm at Otisco, excepting ten years
which they took to reside in Homer,
Cortland County, a change made to
favor their children in the matter of an
education. Their offspring consisted
of six, of whom three are living, as
follows : Caroline and Amelia King,
spinsters, and Mrs. O. B. Stone* of
Bloomington, 111. The unmarried
daughters still remain at the family
hearthstone. Lewis W. Cleveland of
Skaneateles 19 a surviving brother of
Mrs. King, and is aged 95 years." —
Syracuse Standard, Saturday, March 14,
Mr. William Gray Whelden. Died at
West Barnstable, Friday. Oct. 23, 1891,
at the ancestral home of the Wheluens
and the Parkers, William Gray Whcl-
den, youngest son of Isaac and Eliza
Davis (Parker) Whelden.f aged 47
years. He was born in the house
where he died. His paternal ancestors
have lived in that part of the Old Ply-
mouth Colony from the beginning of
the settlements there, and his father is
now living at the advanced age of 92
years. On the maternal side he was
descended from the Hinckleys, Stur-
gises and Parkers. His mother was a
daughter of Rev. Samuel Parker, bom
at West Barnstable 1742, settled over
the First Parish in Provincecown Jan.
20, 1774, and there died in the ministry
in the spring of 181 1.
Ln early life Mr. Whelden came to
Boston and entered the employ of
Anderson. Heath & Co., wholesale dry
goods, Winthrop Square; and soon,
developing a good capacity as a sales-
man, he was placed in the responsible
position of managing, as a commercial
traveller, their trade in central and
southern New York and northern Ohio.
A close attention to business over-
taxed a naturally delicate constitution,
and he was obliged for a year or more
to remain at his heme in West Barn-
stable. With restored health he re-
turned to Boston and joined the house
of C. F. Hovey & Co., and renewed the
acquaintance of his old customers, but
hemorrhage of the lungs obliged him to
abandon the nattering prospects which
his capacity as a salesman insured him,
and he retired in the prime of life to
the happy home of his childhood. For
twenty years he was an invalid, and the
last ten of these was an unbroken con-
test with the disease which has at last
obtained the victory. He was singu-
larly pure in his life ; patient in sick-
ness, and bright and cheerful among
his friends.. All that the love and
sympathy of his sisters and father
could do for him were ever at his dis-
posal. He never married. The funeral
was on Monday, Oct. 27th, and they
buried him by the side of his mother
and brother Samuel, in the cemetery
near the West Barnstable station.
T. S.
* Mrs. Julia A. (King) Stone, widow of the late Rev. Orlando B. Stone,
t See her obituary, Register, vol. 27, page 112.
iq# •■-.
JULY, 1892.
Compiled by the Editor.
John Plummer Healy was born in Washington, N. H., Decem-
ber 28, 1810. His father was the Hon. Joseph Healy, who was
born at Newton, Mass., August 21, 1776, and when two years old
removed with his parents to Washington, N. H. He is said to
have been a man of a strong mind, with an unusual amount of
common sense, which made him a leader among his townsmen. He
was a representative in the Congress of the United States from 1829
to 1832. He held various state offices, such as member of the
governor's council, senator and member of the house of -representa-
tives. His second wife, the mother of John P. Healy, was Sally
Copeland. The emigrant ancestor of this family was William1 Healy,
an early inhabitant of Lynn, who removed to Roxbury and thence
to Cambridge, where he died Nov. 28, 1683, aged 70. He had
five wive3. By his wife Grace Butterice he had Nathaniel2 bp. Feb.
6, 1658-9, who by wife Rebecca had John,3 born at Newton, Jan.
8, 1699. The latter by wife Hannah had John,4 who married, May
13, 1762, Mary, daughter of Ebenezer and Subiah (Hall) Wight
of* Dedham. Their son Joseph5 was the father of John Plummer3
Healy, the subject of this memoir.
He received his early education in the schools of his native town,
and prepared for college at Plainfleld Academy. He entered
Dartmouth College in 1831, and was graduated in 1835. Soon
after he left college he began the study of law in the office of
Hon. Daniel Webster of Boston, then United States senator from
Massachusetts. "Association with so great a man, in the greatness
of his intellectual powers, must have had an effect on the mind of
the young law student, and soon after his admission to the bar, in
1838, we find him assisting Mr. Webster in the preparation and
trial of his great causes and following his political faith and for-
tunes."* Mr. Healy became the law partner of the great statesman,
and "during the most. of the years that the partnership continued
Mr. Webster was almost constantly in Washington, either in the
Senate or the Cabinet, and Mr. Healy was much relied on by his
* Memoir of John Plummer Healy, by Godfrey Morse, 1882, page 5.
vol. xlvi. 17a
208 John Phunmer Ilealy. [July,
senior for the laborious work of preparing the cases Mr. Webster
had in charge, and for the business detail of their management."*
At the election in the fall of 1839, he was chosen by the city of
Boston a member of the Massachusetts house of representatives, and
took his seat in January, 1840. Nine years later he was again
chosen a representative to the Massachusetts legislature from the
city for the year 1849, and was reelected for the year 1850. In
1854 he was a senator from the county of Suffolk, and as such was
appointed chairman of the committee on railways and canals. He
was also a member of the committees on towns and on education.
He performed the duties of these offices with faithfulness and ability.
Through the influence of Mr. Webster while he was Secretary of
State, Mr. Healv was appointed, by President Fillmore, Judge of the
United States District Court for the District of California. His
reasons for declining so flattering an appointment are stated in the
following quotation from an obituary notice :
Mr. Healy hesitated much as to accepting; but being warmly urged by
friends in whom he reposed confidence, at length decided affirmatively in
the matter, and made preparations to leave for the distant but promising
field of professional opportunity thus opened to him. To tell how he came
to recall that decision will be to present not only a biographical fact in its
proper order, but will vividly illustrate a salient personal trait. Mr.
Healy's father was the Hon. Joseph Healy, a man of distinction and influ-
ence in New Hampshire, and representative in Congress of that State dur-
ing several terms. At the time referred to he was a man of venerable
years, and withdrawn through decrepitude from all active pursuits. His
son's appointment and his purpose to accept it had been made known to
him, so that, when the son came to the ancestral home for the final leave-
taking, he brought no surprising intelligence. The old man had decided
upon it as a wise step for his son to take, and upon their meeting so advised
him, saying: " My sou, you must go; it is your duty to go." Li giving
utterance to the counsels of wisdom he could not restrain the promptings
of affection, and burst into tears. It was the turning-point of the whole
affair, for filial considerations instantly became dominant in the young
man's mind, and the desire of Webster, the urging of professional friends,
and the prospects of a career of the highest honor, ceased to have weight
before the old man's involuntary appeal. Mr. Healy resolved to remain at
Boston so long as his father should live. Much as he will be lamented by
those with whom he has held professional and business relations, it is with
those who have, in more intimate relations, come to know the tender
sensibilities of the man, and that loveliness of personal character which this
anecdote bespeaks, that his loss will most deeply be felt.|
Mr. Webster died in the autumn of 1852, and Mr. Healy con-
tinued a successful practice at the corner of Tremont and Court
Streets, where they had long been located. In 1856 he was ap-
pointed City Solicitor, and heid the office through all the political
changes of the Boston city government for twenty-five years. In
1881, the office of Corporation Council was created especially for him.
• Morse's memoir of Healy, p. 5.
t Obituary in a Boston newspaper quoted by Mr. Morse, pp. 6-7.
1892.] John Plummer Ilealy. 209
There is but one opinion in the public mind as to his administration of
the office of City Solicitor, and that is, that lie discharged all its duties in a
conspicuously wise, honest, able, and successful manner. His firmness and
strong sense of right, and the faith in, and respect for, Ids unflinching
honesty, conduced much to maintain the proud eminence of Boston for
municipal integrity and honor among her sister cities on >iis continent.
Twenty-five consecutive elections bear witness to the faith which many
successive City Councils had in him.
Pie was most constant in his attendance in his office, and seldom even
took a day's vacation, or absented himself from the city. He was most
courteous to all who came in official relation with him; and no one ever
left his presence without being impressed with his absolute honesty. He
was kind to all his associates and subordinates, and was tender and for-
bearing to the young men connected with his office. His was one of those
natures which never suspected wrong in any one. His mind was, however,
thoroughly masculine, and, although not a lawyer who indulged in constant
reading of law books or reports, he was thoroughly grounded in the under-
lying principles of the law, and had the faculty of applying these principles
to his cases whether at nisi prius or in an argument on questions of law
before the full bench. JSo man had a better knowledge of, or more ex-
perience on, questions of municipal law than he; and his opinions were
sought and acquiesced in by many cities and towns outside of Boston. His
arguments before court or jury were generally short, and he always took
in and stated the salient points. His power before juries was remarkable;
and, in the opinion of the Chief Justice of the highest court of this Com-
monwealth, was peculiarly effective. lie used none of the devices of
rhetoric; his address to the jury was plain, open, honest talk, as between
neighbors. He thus gained their good-will and attention ; and, as his
integrity was known to all, their confidence and favorable verdicts followed.
The courts all recognized the same traits of hi3 character; and, as he was
never known to argue frivolous exceptions, he was always listened to with
closest attention and interest.*
Mr. Healy died at bis residence in Temple Street, Boston,
January 4, 1882, aged seventy-one years. Three days later the
funeral was held at his house, the mayor (the Hon. Samuel A.
Green) and other city officials, with members of the bar and promi-
nent citizens, attending. His death was appropriately noticed by
the City government, by the courts and by the bar.
Mr. Healy married in December, 1847, Miss Mary Stickney
Barker, daughter of Mr. Jedidiah Barker of Boston, who survives
him. Their only son Joseph, a young lawyer of great promise,
died April 18, 1880. He was born August 6, 1849, was graduated
at Harvard University in 1870, and at the Harvard Law School in
1873. His death was a severe blow to the hopes of his parents.
At a meeting of the Common Council of Boston, Jan. 5, 1882, a
series of resolutions was adopted in which the City Council records
"its appreciation of the great professional skill with which Mr. Healy
protected the interests of the city, of his unceasing and courteous
attention to his duties as legal adviser of the Council, and of the
* Morse's memoir of Healy, pp. 7-8.
210 John Plunnner Ileahj. [Juty»
many charming qualities of head and heart which made him the
most agreeable of companions as well as the safest of counsellors. "
William H. Whitmore, Esq., who prepared and offered these re-
solutions, has furnished us with the following tribute which shows
some striking characteristics of the man :
Having had considerable official business with Mr. Healy, I desire to
express my remembrance of his unfailing courtesy and good-nature. He
was often presented with questions largely political or personal. Me
listened with serenity to the most ridiculous suggestions* waived aside with-
out ridicule the impossible ones, and gaye consideration and assistance to
every good project. He was invaluable to the city as an adviser in all
emergencies, never hurried nor confused; and. as inaccessible to persuasion
as to menace, his words seemed the embodiment of justice. His manners
were courteous to all; and when he unbent to his friends, his recollections
of men and events were charmingly told.
At the same meeting, the council voted that " the Joint Standing
Committee on Rules and Orders be instructed to have prepared a
suitable memoir of the late John P. Healy, and to insert the same
in the Municipal Register for the current year." The memoir was
prepared by Godfrey Morse, LL.B., and is an able tribute to Mr.
Healy's memory. Besides being inserted in the Municipal Register,
it was printed separately. From this pamphlet we have drawn
freely.* We quote the following from an editorial in the Boston
Daily Advertiser, published the morning after his death, which Mr.
Morse has reprinted in his appendix :
The roll of city solicitors is a memorable one, and John P. Healy leads
them all in conspicuously able service. Pickering, Chandler, Ranney,
Hillard, Healy, are bright names in the official life of the city. His mind
was purely legal, and his tastes were for the law. He was thoroughly
grounded in the principles of the law. He was not, as compared with mere
bookworms, a great student of the books, either in the text-books or the
reports ; but he was well enough in both those lines of legal learning for
all practical purposes. In all the Jaw relating to towns and cities and
municipal corporations he was thoroughly booked on author! r.v and prin-
ciple, and long experience therein made him a thorough adept. His opinions
were sought on such matters from all parts of the State, and deservedly
passed for oracles and models. He was a quiet, modest, and unpretentious
man. He never pushed for place or prominence. The few oScial trusts
which came to him came in every instance without seeking on his part, and
were due solely to the fitness of the man for usefulness in the place. He
more than once declined preferment, desiring to live and die a practising
lawyer, and he has died in harness. He belonged to no rings aud took part
in no cabals. He belonged to no mutual admiration societies, arid he had
no lot with schemes and schemers. He was a downright, good-ca:ured, true,
and upright man.f
* Other authorities are The Historv of Washington, N. H., 1S9S; the VHrht Family,
by Danforrh P. Wight, pp. 82-3; The Wights, by William Ward Wight, Iv-j. p. 43; the
History of Newton, by Francis Jackson, p. 307; the History of Cambridge, by Rev. Lucius
R. £aigc, D.D., pp. 579-*) ; sketches of the Alumni of Dartmouth College, by Rtr. George
T. Chapman. D.D., p. 277; Register, vol. 35, p. 338.
f Morse's memoir of Heaiy, p. 23.
1892.] Otis Family of Montreal. 211
By Isaac J. Greenwood, A.M., of New York City.
The following notes, drawn chiefly from Tanguay's Genealogical
Dictionary of Canada, may serve to amplify the excellent account of
the Otis Family which appears in the 4th and 5th volumes of the
Richard Otis, a son or nephew of John Otis of Hingham, Mass., settled
about 1655 in Dover, N. H., and was there killed by the Indians, towards
the end of June, 1G89, together with his son Stephen Otis, aged 37 years,
who by his wife Mary Pitman left a daughter Mary, born about 1 675,
afterwards the wife of Ebenezer Varney of Dover, and two sons Stephen
and Nathaniel, who were carried away and sold to the French in Canada.
The widow (and third wife) of Richard Otis, was Grizel (called by her
descendants Grizet) Warren, born 1662, daughter of James and Margaret
Warren. The Indians killed her daughter Hannah, a child of two years,
and took her and her infant (female) of three months to Canada. Here
the mother joined the Catholic church, was re-baptized. Tanguay, in his
list of English captives, has: Warren, Jacques, de Berwick, en Ecosse.
Irlandaise, Marguerite (sa femme). Marie-Madeleine, nee le 6 mars 1662
& la jNouvelle-Angleterre; prise en guerre le 18 Juin 16S9; bapt. 9 mai
1693; 1° m ... a Richard (o) Theys; 2° m 15 octobre 1693, h Phillipe
Robitaille, k Montreal; au service de M. De Maricour (or Lemoine). She
was married as Madeleine Warren, veuve de Richard (0) Theys, de
Douvres, Nouvelle-Angleterre, to Philippe Robitaille, son of Jean and
Martine (Carmont) R. from Biencourt, province d'Artois, who was buried
5 Oct. 1740; Madeleine was buried 27 October, 1750: aged 39. Their
children were:
1. Fhilippe, bpt. 5 February, 1695 ; visited bis half-sister in New England and
remained about a year ; but returning to Canada, was buried 18 Decem-
ber, 1720.
2. Jacques, bpt. 29 Januarv, 1695.
3. Jean, bpt. 10 March, 1699.
4. George, bpt. 19 April, 1701; bur. 19 February, 1703.
5. Marguerite, bpt. 2 April, 1703; m. 13 April, 1722, at Montreal to Jean
Baptiste Biron, bpt. 23 March, 1702, son of Pierre and Jeanne (Dumou-
chel) Biron, from Peille, bishopric of Saintes.
The infant, which Mrs. Robitaille brought into Canada at the time of her
capture in 1689, was educated in the Romish faith, baptized as Christine
Hotesse, and married at Montreal, 14 June, 1707, to Louis Bau (or Le Beau),
a joiner, as his second wife. Louis Bau was a son of Jean and Etiennette
(Lory; Bau, and died 26 February, 1713, aged about 35. Their children
1. Louis, bpt. 20 November, 1708; bur. 25 January, 1709.
2. Marie- Anne- Christine, bpt. 14 June, 1710; m. 20 February, 1726. Pierre
Treffle, merchant of Montreal, as first wife: bur. at Quebec, 18 Decem-
ber, 1726, and her infant Pierre on 23 January, 1727, age 1 mo. 13 days.
3. Marie-Madeleine, bpt. 20 May, 1712.
4. Louis, m. 1745, Angelique Besset, and was bur. at Chamblay, 24 October,
VOL. XLYI. 17a*
212 The Gill Lineage. [July,
Taking advantage of an exchange of prisoners in 1714, the widow Lebeau
came to New England, but was not allowed to remove her young children
from Canada. At Northampton she joined the Church, under the Rev.
Solomon Stoddard, and taking the name of her grandmother Warren, that
is Margaret (though she was usually called Christine), she soon married
Capt. Thomas Baker of that place, afterwards of Brookfield, and settling in
her native town of Dover in 1735, there died 23 February, 1773, aged about
84 years. Several of her children by the second marriage survived her, of
whom were Col. Otis Archelaus Sharrington Baker, who died at Dover, 27
October, 1801, aged 75, and Mary, widow of Capt. Benjamin Bean of
Epping, who died at Conway, N. H., G February, 1826, lacking but 10
days of her being one hundred years of age.
Stephen Otis, eldest son of Stephen who was killed at Dover in 1689,
is not mentioned by Tanguay, but as Joseph-Marie-Autes of Quebec, he, in
in October, 1710, conveyed to his bro;her Nathaniel (or Paul) of Montreal,
all interest he might have to any estate in New England.
Nathaniel Otis, born 1684, was re-baptized in Montreal as Paul
Hotesse, and in 1714 released to his brother-in-law Ebenezer Varney of
Dover, all claim to any estate in New England, lie was a cooper of
Montreal, and was there buried, 26 December, 1730. He is styled u fils
d'Etienne (Hotesse) et de Marie Pittman, de Douvres, Nouvelle-Angle-
terre;" by his first wife Elisabeth Ouabert (Hubbard?) he had:
1. Paul- Nicholas, bpt. 20 January, 1712; in. 12 October, 1744, Marie-Gene-
vieve Truteau, and had several children.
2. Ignace-Laurent, bpt. 11 August; bur. 9 October. 1713.
3. Marie-Louise, bpt. 13 December, 1714; bur. 11 January, 1715.
4. Louis, bpt. 14 April, 1716 ; m. 20 October, 1749, Marie Francoise Martineau,
b. 1728.
5. Marie- Catherine, bpt. 20 September, 1717; m. 1st, Feb. 8, 1740, Louis
Pouget; 2d. January 9, 174S, Laurent Bertrand.
6. Joseph, bpt. 8 September, bur. 15 November, 1718.
7. Philippe-Marie, bpt. 10 September, bur. 9 December, 1719.
He married 2d, Oct. 20, 1721, Madeleine Toupin, who was buried Aug.
28, 1722, aged 26, with her infant.
By Prof. James D. Butler, LL.D., of Madison, Wisconsin.
The history of genealogical inquiry in the Gill family has some points
of special interest. Few families can show documentary proof of so early
and continuous effort to trace their lineage. In few families have genera-
tions been so sundered by change of language, religion and nationality. A
search begun without clues has seldom ended in such perfect success.
In 1768, three brothers, named Gill, born in Canada but of New-Eng-
land descent, were anxious to ascertain their origin. Their father had
been captivated in childhood by Indians, as was believed about eighty years
before, and near Boston. The name of the captive's father was said to be
Sam or Sagen. The three brothers, with others of their kinsfolk, chose
one of their number who should go to Boston and its vicinity for genea-
logical research. This representative was furnished with a letter of recom-
1892.] The Gill Lineage. 213
mendation from Guy Carleton, Governor of Canada. He was furnished
with a statement of the traditions then prevailing among the Canadian
Gills, relating to the New England origin of their family, and the following
letter of recommendation from the governor of Canada:
Francis Robert Gill is recommended to all whom the above may concern and
that can assist him to hud out his relatives near Boston.
Guy Carjeton.
Castle of Quebec, Feb. 26, 17G8.
By the Lt. Governor's command.
J. Goldpap, D'y Sec'y.
Whether the purposed journey was made is doubtful. At all events
nothing was then discovered.
But curiosity concerning family lineage was inherited by the posterity
of the fraternal trio. One of their grand-children, Ignace, born 1808,
father of Judge Gill, paid sixteen dollars in New England for a book-
rarity, which he loaned and lost before he had noted its contents narrowly.
According to his remembrance he read in the first pages that Samuel Gill
was carried off from Dover by the Abenakis. His impression was probably
incorrect, as no book with such a statement has been discovered in the ex-
haustive bibliography of Dover, and since the proof ib now conclusive that
Samuel Gill was not made captive there. However this may be, the pur-
chase by Ignace attests the transmission of genealogh al zeal, and his false
memory regarding Dover gave it a local direction which led at last to the
In 1866, the Abbe Maurault published his voluminous work on the
Abenakis, — the tribe by which the child Gill had been carried off. The
Gill history, as there given, abounds in inventions pure and simple. It is
there stated that the captive was taken in Gilltown, Mass., which had been
founded by his father, son of a Corporal Gill, who had emigrated from
England about ] 670. The age of the abducted boy is set down as fourteen
years, and the route of his captors is specified. This romancing of Mau-
rault roused Charles, a son of Ignace Gill, born 184:4, to renew the lineage
hunt, or at least heightened his zeal in that quest. This gentleman, a
lawyer by profession, and now a Judge of the Superior Court at Montreal,
knew that the town of Gill is not yet a hundred years old, and he was every
way more competent than his predecessors for the work he undertook.
The new investigator found conflicting testimonies concerning the era
when his ancestor arrived in Canada. According to writings, connected
with the Governor's commendatory letter, that coming was about the year
1688. But, as standard histories relate, in 1703 the Abenakis ravaged the
New-England coast, from Maiue to the gates of Boston; and so would pass
by Dover — the only place there was any reason to consider to have been
the home of the captive. Judge Gill was disposed to fix the date oi:
captivity between 1700 and 1710. The name Sageu, given in the writing
of 1768 to the father of the captive, the Judge became satisfied was a
corruption, in Canadian pronunciation, of the title sergeant. He rejected
the date 1688, which was indicated in the written document as the year
of captivity, because the captive married young. But, if that date were
correct, his age at marriage was thirty-four years at least, his first child
being born in 1716. The tradition that the captive survived till 1758,
Judge Gill also rejects. Had he been alive in 17o4r, he muct have been
mentioned in the detailed narrative of the captive Mrs. Johnson, who in
that year abode for a month under the same roof where, if living, he must
214 The Gill Lineage. [July,
have made his home, and would have spoken to her in her own language
better than any others with whom she had intercourse.
In 1887, Judge Gill printed, in French, the processes and results of his
research, — Notes Historiques — -a booklet of ninety-six pages. In this work,
he confesses a great lack of certitude as to the time when, and the place
whence, his ancestor had entered Canada. «»
A year or two after issuing his Notes, Judge Gill became acquainted
with Prof. J. D. Builer, of Madison. Wis., and Miss C. Alice Baker, of . ,
Cambridge, Mass. Through them he learned something of what he had
desiderated. Thus it was shown, by those persons, that among the children
of John Gill resident at Salisbury, Mass., there was a Samuel, born 1G52,
and that this Samuel became entitled to write himself "in any bill, warrant,
quittance, or obligation, — Sergeant." It was also made manifest that
among the nine children of Sergeant Samuel there was a son Samuel, born
Sept. 16, 1687.
Moreover, the Salisbury records mention only the birth of Samuel, while
chronicling the marriages and deaths of his eight brothers and sisters.
But Miss Baker discovered that, in 1695, when Samuel was eight years
old, nine captives were taken at Newbury, but were pursued by a rescuing
party "who brought them all back save one boy that was killed"; or, as
another account ran, "all the captives but one which they doubt is killed."
Though the Gills lived in Salisbury and this attack was made in New-
bury, it seemed not incredible that the missing boy was Samuel Gill; since
the towns lay side by side. The boy, too, might have been caught away
from home. Dover also, only thirty miles away, was so near that the re- ^
port of the captive's coming from there was nothing strange.
But Miss Baker further found, in the diary of Rev. John Pike, minister'
at Dover, a native ot Salisbury, this record: "June 10, 1697, John Young
of Exiter slain by ye Indians his son wounded, Luke Wells & a lad at
Salsbury the same day Carried away."* That lad, one would think, might
well have been the young Samuel Gill.
On the whole, Judge Gill was so satisfied with the new particulars,
thickening other proofs which did demonstrate thinly, that in 1889 he printed
them in a pamphlet of thirty pages, as a second part of his family notes.
One link was still wanting to complete the genealogical chain, and turn
its insensate metal into a thrilling electric circle. That link is now no
longer missing. The Massachusetts Archives (vol. lxx. p. 469), as was
learned through Miss Baker, show the petition on June 6, 1700, of Ser-
geant Samuel Gill, of Salisbury, to the Governor and Council, " that they
will take effectual measures for the redemption of his son, Samuel Gill,
carried captive by the Indians to Canada, about three years before."
When the petition was read, three years wanting three days had elapsed.
But effectual measures were not promptly taken, and hence a second petition,
for action " with all speed," was presented by Sergeant Gill, May 29, 1701.
It had always been a family tradition, embodied in a written paper as
early as 1768, that Sergeant Gill had more than once through agents sent
to Canada a ransom for his son, but that the boy, preferring life among the
aborigines, refused to return to his fathers house. Adopted as the son of
the tribal chief, he at length became the chief himself. His first wife,
ancestress of the Judge, was a captive from Maine. Through her, and an
Indian wife after her death, his offspring were so numerous that a large
majority of the Abenak'13 now claim to have his blood iu their veins. Thus
* P. 19. Quint's Edition. Cambridge : John Wilson & Son, 1876.
1892.] Petition of Palmer Gouiding, 215
receiving, thanks to the insight of Miss Baker, "his wish, exactly to his
heart's desire," the culminating key-stone in his genealogical arch, Judge
Gill has lost no time in committing his last discovery, rounding out all that
had gone before into completeness, to the custody of the art which pre-
serves all arts. In March, 1892, he published the third instalment of his
lineage notes with the autograph of his new-fouud ancestor. He muse
have cried eureka with something of the rapture which ran through
His production in all its parts is full of minutiae, curious and suggestive.
But, in the present notice, the sole aim has been to trace in it the hunt of
a Japhet in search of his father. The Gill chase is of such a nature as to
encourage others, who have applied themselves to consider the days of old
in their family annals; but whose way is hedged up, and who thus far,
after endeavors oft renewed but still baffled, find no end, in wandering
mazes lost. It also adds an unexpected illustration to the legion already
furnished, attesting the value of the Massachusetts Archives and the need
of their publication.
Communicated by the Rev. John L. R. Trask, D.D., of Springfield Mass.
Province of the )
Massachusetts Bay )
To His Excellency the Governour the Hon11 Counsell,
and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled September ye
23: 1741.
The memoriall of Palmer Gouiding of Worcester Humbly Sheweth
That your memoralist in his travills, has with a Considerable Cost attained
to Such Skill and Knowledge, in the Curing the bite of a Ratle Snake
that were he present when a person was bit he Could so soon Efectually
Cure it, that ye person would never be Sensible of any hurt, and the Same
medison if ritely aplyed has noles operation on ye Body of men to Cure
any Enflamation of ye blood, or to prevent or Cure any breding Sore
"Whatsoever, a womans Sore brest or fever Sore, — it is allso an infallible
medison to Cure or prevent the Coming of fistilow or pole Evill in horses,
which Knolige he is Very willing to Comunicate for ye good of mankind.
But inasmuch as he was Really at Considerable Cost in gaining ye Same,
he most humbly prays your Excellency and Honers would upon his Sodoing
be pleased to make him a grant of Sum of the wild and uncultivated Land3
of the Province, and your memorilist will Cheerfully Submit, to such terms
or Conditions Respecting the Setling as your Excellency and Honers in
your Great Wisdon Shall think proper & as in Duty Bound Shall ever
pray &c Palmer Goulding.
Note. — In response to the above petition, the orijjinal of which will be found
in the Massachusetts Archives, vol. 105 I Petitions, 1643-1775) p. 1G8, a tract of
land was granted not exceeding two hundred acres on tbe conditions that " he
shall subdue six acres thereof and bring the same too " fit for mowing and plough-
ing within three years of the time of the Grant, and 4i do in fact communicate
this skill in the aforesaid Cures. And such a Description of the Said Medicine
as it may publickly and infallibly be known. And that he brina credible proof
of his having successfully applyed the same in these various Cases mentioned
in his memorial whereof as yet there is no certain demonstration And performs
the same within twelve months after the present sitting of the General Court."
216 Descendants of Henry Crane of Dorchester. [July,
A memorial of like character to the above, and nearly the same in phraseology,
was presented to the General Court, by Mr. Goulding, several years prior,
namely, Dec. 12, 1734, but it was dismissed.
The petitioner produced testimonials from Joseph Freson, of Brimfleld, July
10, 1733, and Joseph Frost, of the same town, August 28th of that year, who
had been, as they alleged, speedily and effectually cured of rattle-snake bites,
on their own persons. Freson says, " in an hour or two I seemed to be well " ;
the remedy, " a small root, the bigness of a walnut." Jacob Holmes, John
Gray, Jr. [?] John Durkin, all of Worcester, of the respective dates Nov. 24,
25, 26, 1734, testified to its successful application on the bodies of a horse, a
heifer, and a steer.
Capt. Palmer Goulding, the 15th child of Peter and Sarah Goalding, was of
Sudbury, Mass., July 17, 1722, when he made a conveyance to "John Biglo,"
of Marlboro', his interest in " land situated in the north part of Worcester, to
which town he removed the next year," " and there carried on the business of
tanuing, shoemak'i.ir, making malt, curing hams &c. on an extended scale for
his day." " Tradition represents him and his children to have been of extreme
size, very ingenious, and ' capable of doing any thing.' " He was " on a committee
to seat the meeting, and was included, with Adam Winthrop, Esq., Judge
Thomas Palmer and 13 others of the aristocracy to whom pews were allowed.
In 1720 and '29, he was chosen constable; selectman in 1730, '31, and '37;
treasurer in '38, and assessor in '32, '33 and '36." " He was at the capture of
Louisburg, June 17, 1745, in command of a company," was largely concerned in
purchasing and disposing of real estate. He married at Concord, Dec. 4, 1722,
Abigail Rice, who died at Holden, Feb. 17, 1773, aged 70: had 10 children,
names given in Morse's Ancient Puritans, vol. i., page 209, from which work
the above facts are gleaned. Mr. Goulding died "at Holden, Feb. II, 1770,
aged 75, and was interred at Worcester."
Compiled by Miss Emily Wilder Leavitt, of Boston, Mass.
The Braintree, Mass., Town Records of 1640, state that James Penni-
man, Thomas Matosan, Stephen Kinsley, Gregory Baxter, Samuel Crane
and William Cheseborough were elected to administer town affairs. This
is the first association in those records of the names of Kinsley and Crane,
and here is all there is of Samuel Crane. Whence he came, whither he
went, who can tell? &
In 1654, Stephen Kinsley, who was at Mount Wollaston, Mass., in
1639, with his sons-in-law, Anthony Gulliver and Henry Crane, were
settled on adjacent farms in that part of Dorchester which was, later,
incorporated as Milton.
Henry1 Crane, who was born about 1621, probably in England, had
married Tabitha, a daughter of Stephen Kinsley, and had purchased a farm
of one hundred and twenty acres of land; with its house standing on the
road which was, according to the selectmen's records of Dorchester, of 1.
7.1654, " on a way laid out through Dorchester woods, from Braintree
bounds to Roxbury bounds; beginning near Henrye Crane's house: the J,
way to lie south west of it, on the old, beaten road wave." This was the
first road over Milton Hill and was laid out from Braintree, now Quincy.
By this we learn that Henry Crane bud been settled there for some time;
but the date of his marriage and the birth of his first two children were not
entered on the town books; the first that we find being the birth of his
third child, John, in 1658.
1892.] Descendants of Henry Crane of Dorchester, 217
In Massachusetts Archives, vol. 30, p. 239, there is an autograph letter
of Henry Crane dated May 7, 1G77. It is written in fine, clear, flowing
lines, and both composition and spelling show that he must have received
some scholarly training. It was a reply to an order from the General
Court. '"Henery Crane hath three Indian Servants, one man, one woman
and one child, which you have ordered to be sent away. The man has
been at Noddle's Island for one month; and your petitioner hath not had
any opportunity to dispose of them, unless he should give them away." He
then pleads for two months' delay that he may make the best advantage of
Shortly after this the General Court summoned Henry Crane to show
evidence why lands at "Blew Hills" should not be disposed of at its
He was chiefly a husbandman ; yet with a tendency to land speculation.
In 1G83, " Henry Crane, of Milton, bought land of Moses Payn, innholder,
at the south end of Boston, which said Moses Payn bought of Henry
Phillips, butcher, and wras bounded, east by the highway to Roxbury* south
by Thomas Smith's land, now Andrew Belcher's, northerly, by the. land
belonging to Theophilus Frary's heirs; together with the beach, and the
flats to the seaward ; " whilst his later years were much employed in giving
and reducing mortgages on his possessions. He was one of the selectmen
of Milton in 1079, 1G80 and 1681, and was one of the trustees of the first
meeting-house built in Milton.
His first wife, Tabitha (Kinsley) Crane, died shortly after 1681, and he
married, second, about 1G83, Elizabeth , who survived him; he died
at Milton, March 21, 1709. His children were:
i. Benjamin, b. about 1656; who, when but eighteen years old, enlisted
in Captain Johnson's company, in King Philip's war, and was
severely wounded in the battle of Narragansett Swramp. Dec. 19,
2. ii. Stephen, b. about 1657.
iii. Hexky, Jr.
iv. John, b. at Dorchester, 30. 11. 1658; m. Dec. 13, 1686, Hannah, dau.
of James and Hannah Leonard; lived in Taunton, Mass.
v. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 11, 1663; m. 1st in Milton, May 23, 1682, Eleazer
Gilbert, of Taunton; he d. March 29, 1701; she m. 2d, April 27,
1705, George Townsend of Taunton.
3. vi. Ebenezer, b. Aug. 6 (10), 1665.
vii. Mary, b. Nov. 22, 1666; m. March 28, 1690, Samuel Hackett of
viii. Mercy, b. Jan. 1, 1668.
ix. Samuel, b. June 8, 1669.
x. Anna C. M., b. 1667; removed to Taunton.
2. ii. Stephen2 Crane (Henry1), born about 1657; married 1st, July 2,
1676, Mary Denison, who was born 1660; died June 17, 1721.;
he married 2d, Aug. 13, 1723, Comfort, widow of Samuel Belcher,
of Braintree, Mass.; he died July 20, 1738; "widow Comfort
Crane died at Milton, Dec. 21, 1745. Children, all by 1st wife:
i. Mary, b. July, 1680.
ii. Tabitha, b. Oct. 7, 1682; d. Nov. 13, 1682.
iii. Elizabeth, b. March 14, 1681; m. Jan. 15, 1718, Samuel Fuller.
iv. Samuel, b. May 23, 1687.
v. Zerviah, b. Nov. 30, 1690.
4. vi. Benjamin, b. Dec. 17, 1692 ; m. Abigail Houghton.
3. Ebenezer* (Henry1) Crane, born Aug. 6, 1665; married Nov. 13,
1689, Mary, a daughter of Thomas, Jr., and Elizabeth (Johnson)
218 Descendants of Henry Crane of Dorchester. [July,
Tolman and a grand-daughter of the Thomas Tolman, senior, who
came from England in 1(335, and was one of the tirst settlers of Dor-
chester; both her father and grandfather were prominent and influen-
tial citizens in Dorchester, where she was born Nov. 26, 1671.
Ebenezer Crane enlisted in the company which went with Sir
William Phips's expedition to Quebec, August, 1600, under the com-
mand of Colonel John AVithington; and he was one of the twenty-
nine men who returned, out of the seventy-five sent by his native
town. The Great and General Court granted, to all who enlisted in
this war, shares in the northern part of Worcester County, Mass.,
which was then called " Dorchester Canada," now the town of Ash-
burnham. " There are many families by the name of Crane in that
vicinity who claim descent from an unknown Ebenezer Crane.'"*
but he himself remained in that part of Braiutree which was, later,
incorporated as the town of Quincy, and all of his children were born*
there. These were: . *
i. Ebenezer. b. Nov. 21. 1692; m. Nov. 9, 1716, Elizabeth Cock.
ii. Ezektel, b. Nov. 28, 1694.
iii. Daniel, b. February, d. March, 1696.
iv. Tabitha, b. Dec. 27. 1697.
v. Mary, b. July 1.1, 1699; m. Robert Swan.
vi. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 17, 1702; m. Elisha Faxon.
vii. Lydia, b. April 2, 1703 ; m. Zachariah Alden of Boston.
viii. Edward, b. Ati£. 12, 1705.
ix. Henry, b. Feb. 29, 1703.
5. x. Thomas, b. May 12, 1710.
xi. Benjamin, b. Oct. 22, 1712; mi May 12. 1737, Anna Bracket*.
6. xii. Abijaii, b. Nov. 2, 1714; m. 1st, Sarah Field; 2d, Sarah Beverley.
4. Benjamin3 Crane (Stephen? Henry1), born Dec. 17, 1692; married
Dec. 27, 1722, Abigail Houghton. They had children:
i. Joseph, b. Feb. 23, 1724.
ii. Mary, b, Jan. 23, 1727.
iii. Benjamin, b. June 4, 1723.
iv. Abigail, b. Aug. 16, 1729.
v. Amariaii, b. March 1, 1731.
vi. Seth, b. July 22, 1732.
7. vii. Stephen, b. May 19, 1734.
viii. Abijah, b. Aug. 11, 1736; d. July 4, 1737.
5. Thomas3 Crane (Ebenezer? Henry1), born in Braintree, Mass., May
12,1710; married Jan. 13, 1732, Deborah, daughter of Nathaniel
and Deborah (Parmeoter) Owen; they were both admitted to the
church at Braintree, August, 1732. They had children;
i. Ebenezer, b. Nov. 12, 1732.
8. ii. Thomas, b. Feb. 16, 1735.
9. iii. Joseph, b. Sept. 11. 1737.
iv. Elisha, b. Sept. 21, 1740.
v. Dorothy, b- March 6, 1743.
6. Abijah3 Crane (Ebenezer? Henry1), born Nov. 2, 1714; married 1st,
March 3 (or May 4), 1738, Sarah Field, who died Sept. 3, 1742;
he married 2d, Jan 7, 1743, Sarah Beverley. They had children:
i. William, bapt. at Braintree, May 27, 1737.
ii. Sarah, bapt. at Braintree, May 27, 1737.
iii. Abijah, Jr., b.
10. iv. John, b, Dec. 7, 1744.
y. Miriam, bapt. Jan. 19. 1750.
[To be continued.]
• From a monograph by Phineas M. Crane.
1892.] Church of New-England People in Nova Scotia. 219
By Rev. Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton*, of New York City.
The first settlers in Kings County, Nova Scotia, after the expulsion of
the Acadian s, landed at the mouth of the Gaspereau sometime in 17 GO,
and the first settlers in the township of Cornwallis, so tradition says,
anchored near Starr's Point, June 4th of the same year. It is said that
the latter came in a fleet of twenty-two vessels, attended by a brig of war,
mounting sixteen guns, captain Pigot. They were principally Congrega-
'tionalists, from Connecticut, with the accumulated traditions of at least five
generations of Puritan ancestors, and the strict religious training of New
England's most Calvinistic colony. The lands they received lay on both
sides of the Habitant, now the Cornwallis river, which they made the
dividing line between the two townships of Horton and Cornwallis.
For five years after their coming the people of Cornwallis were without
a church or a minister, and their religious destitution is very clearly indicated
by the following important minute of the Council of the Colony of Connec-
ticut, under date of New Haven, October 11, 1771. 4* LTpon the memorial
of the Reverend Solomon Williams of Lebanon, in behalf of the Congrega-
tional Church in the town of Cornwallis in the Province of Nova Scotia,
shewing to this Board that the inhabitants of said town were settled there
in the year 1760, and continued five years almost destitute of gospel
administration; that they have since by the general desire of the people
settled the Rev. Mr. Benajah Phelps in the gospel ministry in that town
with the pleasing prospect of a sufficient support, since which their circum-
stances are become very difficult and distressing, chiefly by means of the
fruits of the earth being cut short in 1767 and 1768, and by extraordinary
expense in building a meeting house, and especially in repairing their dykes
to the amount of near 2000 (£), which has involved them so deeply in
debt that except they can obtain relief by the charity of their christian
brethren and friends in Connecticut, the cause of religion will greatly
suffer; praying for a Brief &c as per memorial on file:
" Resolved by this Board that the said Rev. Solomon Williams, in behalf
of the church and town of Cornwallis, have liberty to ask the charitable
contributions of the inhabitants of the several religious societies in the
towns of New London, Norwich, Windham, Lebanon, Colchester, Canter-
bury and Lyme; and said church and inhabitants of said Cornwallis are
hereby recommended to their christian liberality."
The Rev. Solomon Williams was doubtless the former pastor of many of
the Cornwallis people, for not a few of them have recorded themselves as
having came from Lebanon.
It would be interesting to trace the growth of this earliest religious
movement in Cornwallis, but we have no facts or even traditions by which
we may be guided. A quotation from some ancient document of the
church says that they had a strong desire to build " a House for the
worship of Almighty God." But the early records of the church have
disappeared, and much of what follows in this paper has been obtained
with great difficulty, from many widely different sources. The subject is
VOL. XL VI. 18
220 Church of New- England People in Nova Scotia. [July,
of great interest, especially to those whose ancestors (like some of my own)
were adherents of this earliest Congregational Church of Kings County.
Of interest, because as Carlyle says " the chief thing about a man is his
religiou — a man or a nation of men;" and because, to one who knows the
people of this prosperous county, many of the religious characteristics of
their sturdy Puritan ancestors are still apparent in them ; although Congre-
gationalism, in name, has almost disappeared, and in its place have come
Presbyterianism, Episcopacy, Methodism, and the Baptist denomination.
The first religious work in the county, after Nova Scotia became an Eng-
lish province, was done by clergymen of the English Church, acting under
the direction of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign
Parts. In 1762 the Rev. Thomas Wood visited the " interior parts of Nova
Scotia," going twice to East and West Falmouth, Cornwallis, Horton,
Granville and Annapolis; and received a kindly welcome at each place.
The Rev, Joseph Bennett, however, was the first missionary regularly
appointed to the townships of Horton, Cornwallis, Falmouth and Newport;
he took up his residence at Fort Edward (Windsor) in January, 17G3, and
at once began his laborious work in his widely scattered missionary field.
The population of the four townships at that time did not exceed 1717
In 1763 a subscription was opened among the church people of Horton
for a church building, but there was none built until 1776, when John
Burbidge and William Best, esquires, both of whom had formerly lived in
Halifax, at their own expense built a small wooden church at Fox Hill,
near Starr's Point, whose foundation is still visible among the old graves
in the u Fox Hill Burying Ground."
The visits of the Church missionary to Horton and Cornwallis, by reason
of the distance and badness of the roads, did not exceed four or five a year,
so for some time the Congregational minister was the only settled clergy-
man in the township. This minister was, as has been stated, the Rev.
Benaiah Phelps, and the meeting house in which he preached, erected in
1767 and 1768, was at Chipman's Corner, noar Kentville, on a corner of
the Parade and very near the site of the old French church of " River
Canard." It was from the beginning the law that all births, marriages
and deaths should be faithfully recorded in the office of the Town Clerk, a
law not very well obeyed and never enforced, and in the case of marriage
registrations the name of the officiating cleygyman was frequently given.
In the Cornwallis Town Register, the name of Benaiah Phelps often occurs,
spelt there however as in the minute of the Connecticut council, above given,
and in the Cornwallis Land Records, with a j instead of an i.
Mr. Phelps was from Hebron, Connecticut, as the record of his marriage
states ; and it has been ascertained that he was graduated at Yale College
in 1761, was settled at Manchester, Connecticut, in 1780, and was dis-
missed from that church in 1795, after which he went to Nova Scotia,
where he died in 1817, aged about 76 years. If he was 76 year^ old when
he died, he was born in 1741, and Hebron was probably his birthplace.
The exact time of his coming to Nova Scotia I have not ascertained, bat
the Town Book, for many years kept by William Allen Chipman, then by
Ward Eaton, and now by Stanley Eaton, states that Phelps performed the
marriage of Nathan Longfellow and Margaret Bigelow on the 10th of Octo-
ber, 1765. This is the first mention of his name I find, and my impression is
that he had come to Cornwallis a very short time before, an impression
strengthened by the fact that the Rev. Joseph Bennett, the first missionary
1892.] Church of New- England People in Nova Scotia. 221
of the English Church appointed to the townships of Horton, Cornwallis,
Falmouth and Newport, in a letter dated 27th of January, 17CG, informs the
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts that " notwith-
standing the arrival of a Dissenting minister at Cornwallis, a spirit of
benevolence and harmony was kept up among the people of all persuasions
who assemble together for public worship." This would seem to indicate
that he had only lately arrived. The following record is taken verbatim
from the Town Book:
"The Rev. Benaiah Phelps son of Nathaniel Phelps of Hebron in the
Colony of Connecticut in New England and Mary his wife, was married
to Phebe Dennison daughter of Col. Robert Dennison of Horton and
Prudence his wife, November the 19th, 1766, by Rev. Joseph Bennett."
Among the births are to be found the names of their children : Elizabeth
Phelps, born 30th of August, 1768; Phebe, born 7th of October, 1770; Den-
nison, born 24th of September, 1772. Among the marriages at which Mr.
Phelps officiated were those of George Smith and Lucy Rude, Oct. 1765;
Jonathan Rand and Lydia Strong, Nov. 12th, 1766 ; Perry Borden and Mary
Ells, Oct. 22d, 1767; Moses Gore and Molly Newcomb, Jan. 26th, 1769;
Cyrus Peck and Mary English, Oct. 11th, 1770; John English and Christina
Cogswell, Oct. 31st, 1771 ; Mason Cogswell and Lydia Huntington, Oct.
31st, 1771; Ezra Pride and Lydia Bigelow, Jan. 30th, 1772; Peter Pineo
and Eunice Bentley, May 14th, 1772; Ahira Calkin and Irena Porter,
Dec. 24th, 1772; Dan Pineo and Anna Bentley, Oct. 21st, 1773; Oliver
Cogswell and Abigail Ells, Dec. 23d, 1773; William Pineo and Phebe
Bentley, July 18th, 1766; William Allen Chipman and Ann Osborn, Nov.
20th, 1777.
This is the latest, date at which I can be certain of Phelps having been
in the province. He had formally received from Lord William Campbell,
acting for the crown, his grant of land, the 26th of Sept., 1769, and he con-
veyed it to John Robinson July 1st, 1775. This grant of 666|- acres was
one of the original 69-f shares granted by government July 21st, 1761, and
was made to the first minister of the township, whoever he might be. The
location of the lauds can at any time be ascertained by consulting the land
records in the office of the Registry of Deeds, where there is a full descrip-
tion of them.
Mr. Phelps' ministry ended unpleasantly. At this interval of time it is
impossible to know just what the trouble was which dissolved his pastoral
relations, but the name is known of at least one of the adherents of the
church, Mr. Samuel Starr, who was instrumental in having him removed.
With the proceeds from the sale of his property he went back to New
England, and according to the record of his life found in the United States,
was settled at Manchester, Connecticut, in 1780. It is very probable, as
that record also states, that he returned to Nova Scotia, after 1795, and died
there, as that was his wife's home. There seems to have existed some
natural feeling, in Nova Scotia, against his taking with him the proceeds
of the land he had received from government as first minister, and while
tradition concerning his ministrv has almost died out, a little tin^e of
bitterness still remains in what recollections there are of the Rev. Benaiah
Rev. J. W. Cox of Noel, Hants Co., a Congregational minister, says:
"Rev. Mr. Phelps left the church about the time of the outbreak of the
Rebellion. He sympathized deeply with the revolting colonies, and was
poorly supported, which with other reasons doubtless caused him to return
222 Church of New- England People in JWova Scotia. [July,
to New England. Some of the people went with him, among them my
ancestor on my mother's side, John Bigelow, who had built a large dyke
along the Canard River, which bears his name to this day. He left one
son, Amasa, in possession of his mountain property, who it is supposed
built one of the first saw mills, if not the first in the county." If Mr.
Phelps really died and is buried in Nova Scotia, his grave is most prob-
ably in the old burying-ground at Lower Horton, in the rear of the Metho-
dist Church, near which the Dennisons (his wife's family) lived.
In 1770 Mr. Phelps took part in the ordination of Mr. Bruin R. Comingo
in the Protestant Dissenting Meeting House in Halifax, known as Mather's,
later St. Matthew's. The Rev. James Murdoch was at that time preaching
in Horton, Kings County, aud also at other places across the Bay. The
church to which Mr. Phelps preached had its meeting house at Chipman's
Corner, a building used for worship until about twenty years ago, when
it was bought by the Hon. Samuel Chipman and torn down. It was a
large square edifice, unpainted, and with no claim to architectural grace or
beauty. It contained four tiers of pews, beside the wail pews, and would
seat perhaps a thousand persons. It had a high square pulpit and a canopy
sounding board ; the frame of the building was brought somewhere from
New England, possibly from Machias, Maine, whence the frames of the
old gambrel-roofed houses on Church Street are said to have been brought.
It stood, as has been said, on a corner of the Parade, near the site of the
old French Church of River Canard; on land originally laid out to Samuel
Starr, and probably given by him to the town for a Parade. The burying
ground and church lot were taken from this Parade ground.
Whether Mr. Phelps at first preached in Horton as well as Cornwallis,
we cannot tell. His church was called the tk Church at Horton and Corn-
wallis," but that may have been only because the western boundary be-
tween the two townships was not very well defined, or because the people
settled near Horton Corner (afterward Kentville) were naturally adher-
ents of the Cornwallis church. It is very likely that he did occasionally
preach in Lower Horton, to the people who in 1767 became members of
the congregation of the Rev. James Murdoch, the first Presbyterian min-
ister in the county, for in that part of the township of Horton Mr. Phelps
got his wife. The people of Horton were not, however, as were the
people of Cornwallis, entirely without preaching. Dr. Cramp, in his
unpublished History of the Baptists, tells us that in 1763 the Rev. Ebenezer
Moulton, an eminent Baptist minister of South Brimfield, Mass., came
from Yarmouth, where he had been for two years previously, to Horton,
where he remained some time, probably a few years, later returning to New
England, and dying there in 1783. Mr. Bill, in his History of the Baptists,
says that during Mr. Moulton's time a church was formed in Horton, consisting
of Baptists and Congregationalists, but that the church had little prosperity
until it was revived under the preaching of Mr. Alline. The organization
of a Baptist church iu Horton, with Mr. Alline's assistance, is a matter of
history, and is a subject of sufficient interest to be treated in a separate paper.
The meeting house in which Mr. Murdoch preached was situated at Grand
Pre, almost on the site of the present Methodist church, in the rear of
which are the graves of some of the first settlers. It was removed, and a
new one built about the year 1817. The meeting house of Elder Moul-
ton's church was built at what is now Wolfville, very near where the Rev.
Theodore Harding's grave was afterward made, in the old burying-ground
beside the main street of the village. It was used in the week for secular
1892.] Church of New-England People in JVbva Scotia. 223
meetings, and on Sundays for worship, and was replaced in 1820 by a better
one on the same spot, which in its turn gave way to another at the foot of
the College Hill. The distance between these two places of worship was
about four miles.
For some time after the departure of the Rev. Benaiah Phelps from Corn-
wallis, the Congregational church was vacant, hardly knowing where to look
for a minister, and no doubt greatly distressed at the absence of regular
religious services. Communication was broken with the revolting colonies,
and there had never been any connection with the English Independents.
It is possible that tuere may have been some Presbyterians among the
Cornwallis people, as there were probably some in Horton. At any rate,
the difference between the two bodies was not deemed sufficient to prevent
the Cornwallis church, with other churches in the Province, from applying
to the Associate Synod for Presbyterian missionaries to labor with them.
It was, however, rather the scarcity of ministers than, as is sometime stated,
the predominance of Presbyterian sentiment, that led these Congregational
churches to invite Scotch Presbyterian ministers to become their pastors.
The first application made by a Nova Scotia church to the Secession Church
of Scotland for a missionary was presented to the Associate Synod at their
meeting in May, 1765, and it came from the church at Truro. The Rev.
Samuel Kinloch and- the Rev. James Lyon, the former of whom had
preached in Pennsylvania and the latter in Rew Jersey, had for some time,
although possibly not contemporaneously, labored at various places in
Nova Scotia, but had left the Province. With these exceptions the Rev.
James Murdoch was the first Presbyterian minister settled in Nova Scotia.
He was ordained by the Presbytery of New Town, Limavady, Ireland,
in September, 1776, and sent directly to Nova Scotia. He arrived at
Halifax the same autumn, and for a short time preached to the Congrega-
tional Mather's (St. Matthew's) church there. In 1767 he removed to-
Horton and preached there and at Windsor, as also at Parrsboro', Fort
Lawrence, Amherst, Cumberland, Economy and other places, until, a-
few years before 1799, when he removed to Musquocloboit. He was
drowned the 21st of September, 1799, at Meagher's Grant. When Mr.
Phelps left Cornwallis Mr. Murdoch was still in Horton, and among his
adherents were many of the leading Horton families: the Dennisons, Reeds.
Fullers, Woodworths, Frames, De Wolfs, Martins, Dicksons, Davisons,
Pecks, Currys, Whitneys, Calkins, Godfreys, Averys, Cranes, &c. &c. &c.
From this period, therefore, we may regard the Cornwallis church as
entirely separated from the church in Horton. The immediate successor
of Mr. Phelps in its pastorate was the Rev. Hugh Graham, who came to
it in August, 1785, and remained with it until 1799, a period of fourteen
There seem to have been repeated applications from Nova Scotia to the
Glasgow Associate Synod, for ministers, and the Rev. Hugh Graham was
sent in response to an urgent call from the Cornwallis church. There
were at that time, besides Mr. Murdoch, only two Presbyterian ministers
in Nova Scotia — the Rev. Daniel Cock at Truro, and the Rev. David Smith
at Londonderry. Mr. Graham was licensed to preach by the Presbytery
of Edinburgh in 1781 ; he at once received a call to South Shields, in the
north of England, but the Synod thought best that he should go to Nova
Scotia, and accordingly he sailed from Greenock the 22d of June, 1785,
and arrived at Halifax about two months after. Thence he proceeded to
Cornwallis, and preached his first sermon there to a large audience on Sun-
VOL. XL VI. 18*
224 Church of JVeiv- England People in JVova Scotia. [July,
day, August 29th. His ministry of fourteen years is said to have been, on
the whole, a successful and happy one. The Cornwallis Town Records
contain the notices of many marriages performed by him, among others
those of Prince Coffin and Experience Ells. January 8, 1788; Andrew
Newcomb and Sarah Chase. December 22, 1791; George Cummings and
Rebecca Dickie, January 22, 1795.
He was himself married to Elizabeth Whidden, daughter of John and
Elizabeth Whidden, by the Rev. Daniel Cock of Truro, December 15,
1791 ; they had children, Hugh, born November 21, 1792; John Whidden,
born February 22, 1795; Elizabeth, born June 18, 1798.
Before Mr. Graham's departure from Scotland, the Synod had issued an
injunction that so soon as he should reach his destination, the two ministers
who were already in Nova Scotia, Mr. Cock and Mr. Smith, should con-
stitute themselves into a Presbytery along with Mr. Graham. This was
done at Truro in August, 1786, and the Presbytery was called the " Asso-
ciate Presbytery of Truro." Their standards were the same as those of
the Presbyterian churches of Scotland, and at a subsequent meeting they
declared themselves "subordinate to the Burgher Associate Synod in North
Britain." This date, August, 1786, was therefore the date of the formal
change of the Cornwallis church from Congregationalism to Presbyterian-
ism, and one elderly Presbyterian lady tells me that long afterward some
members of the church are reported to have said that they hardly knew
what they were, Presbyterians or Congregationalists.
In an old pamphlet written by the late Rev. William Somerville, in which
he severely censures the church and its then minister, I find this charge
made, which to any reader of my sketch of the Congregational origin of
the church will not seem strange, nor, unlikely, true. The church, he
says, " up till late days, refused to know any distinction among Presby-
terians; to testily their disapprobation of division stood divided from every
Presbyterian body in the empire; and conducted their affairs more upon
Congregational than Presbyterian principles."
Mr. Graham's work in Cornwallis ended in 1799, when he received and
accepted a call from the united congregations of Stewiacke and Musquodo-
boit. He died in April, 1829, in his 75th year, having labored in Nova
Scotia for the long period of 44 years. The cause of his leaving the
church in Cornwallis was its unwillingness to use the Presbyterian version
of the Psalms, instead of Watts's Psalms and Hymns. He made several
attempts to introduce the Scotch book, but the people were inflexible,
and although they were attached to their minister, they loved better their
old Congregational Hymn Book, and preferred to lose the former rather
than the latter.
Mr. Graham's successor in the pastorate was the Rev. William Forsyth,
whom he introduced to the congregation before he left. Mr. Forsyth was a
licentiate of the Church of Scotland, ordained by a college of lay elders in
the United States, and was the minister of the Cornwallis church from 1799
till his death in 18 40. The first marriage I find recorded as having been
celebrated by him is that of Peter Bentley Pineo and Olive Comstock,
September 2, 1802. He was himself married to Mary Beck with, daughter
of Asa and Mary Beckwith, born February 6, 1781, by whom he had seven
children: Mary, who became the first wife of Rev. George Struthers;
William, who became a physician and died unmarried ; Jean, who became
the second wife of the late Mr. Thomas Lydiard; John, who became a
physician, and married Miss Martha Ann Morton, daughter of the Hon.
1892.] Church of New-England People in Nova Scotia. 225
John Morton; Margaret, who was still living unmarried inl885; Bezaleel,
who married first Miss Tupper, second Miss Oakes ; Elizabeth, who died
In the agreement made with Mr. Forsyth, it was expressly stated that
the people should still continue to use Watts's hymns, which they did dur-
ing his whole pastorate. He was not only the minister of the church, but
the teacher of many of the sons of the Cornwallis men, and his school was
the leading grammar school in the western part of the Province. The
Cornwallis people tell of him, that once he said to a prominent farmer,
whose dull son he had been trying unsuccessfully i,o teach : " Your boy
cannot learn ; it is no use for him to try." " Manure (inure) him to it,"
said the father, " manure him to it." " Alack, alas, man ! " said the old
Scotch minister, " if I were to put all the manure in your barnyard on
him he could not learn."
Among those who were educated by " Parson Forsyth " were the three
sons of Dr. Isaac Webster — Dr. William, Dr. Frederick, and Henry B. ;
John and William Robertson of Annapolis County, Dr. Samuel Bayard,
H. N. Chipman, J. Hosterman DeWolf, Peter Delancey, Edward Beckwitb,
George E. Morton and others.
Mr. Forsyth's active ministry ended some four or five years before his
death, although he still remained, nominally, pastor of the church. In
1827 the Rev. George Struthers— who was afterward married to his eldest
daughter, Mary, by the Rev. John Martin, of Halifax, January 28, 1830 —
were sent from Scotland by the Lay Association, and the Rev. Mor-
rison, as missionaries to Nova Scotia. Mr. Struthers came at once to Horton,
and Mr. Morrison went to Dartmouth and later to Bermuda. Mr. Forsyth
needing assistance, Mr. Struthers preached for some time, once a month,
in Cornwallis, but shortly after his marriage went to Demerara, whence
he returned by an invitation from the Cornwallis church, sent him through
Dr. Isaac Webster, to become its pastor. In the meantime the Rev.
William Somerville, ordained May 31, 1831, by the Reformed Presby-
terian Church of Ireland, was settled over the Horton church, and was at
the same time engaged to give a quarter of his time to the church in Corn-
wallis. He had been previously settled in Amherst, but, in response to
the call from these two churches, he began work in his new field April 1,
1833. In August, 1835, Mr. Struthers returned from Demerara, and took
Mr. Somerville's place in Cornwallis, becoming sole pastor on the death
of Mr. Forsyth in 1840. His second wife was Eliza Ann Davidson, to
whom he was married by the Rev. Donald Fraser of Lunenburg. His
ministry lasted, as his tombstone records, for twenty-one years, and his
death occurred March 17, 1857. During the brief pastorate of Mr.
Somerville the Watts's Hymn Book was finally supplanted by the Presby-
terian version of the Psalms. It it said that this minister was on his
wedding tour when he first preached in Cornwallis, in 1833, and that ia
his first service he spoke against their use of '•' uninspired hymns," which
was the only thing about him that displeased the congregation. However,
they at length yielded to his wish, and forever after, until the congregation
broke up, the Psalms of David and the Scriptural Paraphrases in the
Presbyterian version were exclusively used. The manse or parsonage,
during Mr. Forsyth's ministry, was the house which for many years has
been occupied as a Baptist parsonage, and is now the residence of the Rev.
S. B. Kempton. It was sold in 1847, and a new house built near Kentville
for the Rev. Mr. Struthers. Among the earliest elders of the church whom
226 Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrooh and others. [July,
living residents remember, were Elkanah Morton, Abram Webster,
Robert Kinsman, and Abram Newcomb. The oldest records of the church
yet found are in the hands of Edwin Dickey, clerk of session for the North
Coruwallis church, and extend back to May 1, 1843. They relate the
facts of the next pastorate of the church, that of the Rev. Vvrilliam
Murray; and record that a call was issued to the congregation 0f the old
church to meet on Monday, December 27, 1858, at 2 P. M., in reference to
a proposed division of the church.
An act of legislature dated March 30, 1859, authorizes a threefold
division of the dyke lands owned by the church, most of which were be-
quests, and the division is minutely described in the records.
Henceforth the history of the oldest church in Kings County, or at least
in Cornwallis, becomes the history of three separate congregations, — the
Northern, Southern, and Western ; the Northern worshipping at Canard,
the Southern at Kentville, and the Western at Lakeville.
To this original church and congregation belonged the ancestors of the
best known Cornwallis families, the Starrs, Woodworths, Eatons, Chip-
mans, Newcombs, Harrises, Y^ellses, Kinsmans, &c. &e, Tn process of time
some became Episcopalians, some Presbyterians, some Baptists; while a
few, like the Cox family of Kingsport, remained as they have always been,
staunch Congregationalists.
Communicated by "William Blake Tbask, &.M., of Dorchester, Mass.
fContinued from page 144.1
Boston N. E. Jan^ 19, 1724.
Sr. Your Letter, Dated Quebec, Octobr 29ch, pr Henry Edgar, one of
the English Captives, came safe to me, on perusall whereof 1 am greatly
surprised at the matters contained therein, which are so unjustly repre-
sented that I cannot satisfy myself to pass them by unanswered. In the
first place, as to what you say relating to the Death of Mr. Raile, the Jesuit,
which you set forth as so inhuman & barbarous, I seriously acknowledge
that he was slain, amongst others of our Elnemies, at Narrigwaik. And if
he had confin'd himself to the professed Duty of his Function, viz1 to in-
struct the Indians in the Christian Religion, had kept himself within the
Bounds of the French Dominions, & had not instigated the Indians to War
& Rapine, there might then have been some ground for complaint, But
when, instead of preaching peace, Love & Friendship, agreeable to the
Doctrines of the Christian Religion, he has been a constant & Notorious
Fomenter & Incendiary to the Indians to kill, burn, & destroy, as flagrantly
appears by many originall Letters & Manuscripts I have of his by me, and
where in open violation of an Act of Parliament of Great Britain & ye
Lawes of this Province, strictly forbidding Jesuits to reside or teach within
the British Dominions, he has not only resided, but also once & again
1892.] Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others. 221
appeared at the head of great Numbers of Indians in an hostile manner,
threatning & insulting, but as also publicising [publickly] assaulting the
Subjects of His British Majesty, I say, if, after all, such an Incendiary has
happen'd to be slain in the heat of Action among our open and declared
Enemies, surely none can be blamed therefor but himself, nor can any safe
guard from you, or any other, in such proceedings, Justify him : And I
think I have much greater cause to complain that Mr Willard, the Minister
of Rutland, (who never had been guilty of the Facts chargeable upon Mr
Ralle, who applied himself solely to the Preaching of the Gospel), was by
the Indians you sent to attack that Town, assaulted, slain & scalpt & his
scalp carried in Triumph to Quebec.
As to the next Article you mentioned, That S* Georges " River was in
the year 1700, by order of the Two Crowns mark'd as the bounds of the
English & French Lands, whereby it appeared that Penobscot was given
to you, & that one Lafevre had a right to the Land thereabouts. & that all
vessells paid a Duty to him, & that Mr Capon, Envoy of Engld when K.
George came upon the Throne, went to ask the Penobscot Indians to Sub-
mit themselves to England, which they refused," I have no difficulty to
answer to each of the aforesd Points, & as to the Last, relating to Mr
Capon, you labour under a very great mistake, to mention him as an Envoy
of England, he being far below any such Character, & only an Inferiour
Officer, Comissary or Victualler to the Garrison of Annapolis, & some time
after that was taken & yielded up to the English sent by the Lieut Gov1"
of that place to visit the French Settlements within that district & to require
the Oath of Allegiance & Fidelity from them to Queen Anne, but he had
no occasion to come and entice the Penobscot Indians to Submit themselves
to England, for they, as well as the Narigwatk Indians & many other
Tribes had done that long before, even in the year 1693, at a Treaty with
Sr Wm Phips, Gov3" of this Province, by which Treaty, I can make it
appear that they not only submitted themselves as Subjects' to the Crown
of England but also renounced the French Interest & quitted claims to the
Lands bought & possessed by the English , But Since King George came
to the Throne Mr Capon has not been in those parts at all, as I am in-
form'd by the People of that Countrey.
As to S1 Georges River being the Bounds & Lefevres pretended Right,
it seems very wonderfull you should make any mention of those things, or
lay any weight upon them at this time, when, if the Case were formerly as
you now represent it, which I do not allow, all such Claim & protection is
wholly superceded & at an end, whereof you may soon & easily satisfy
yourself by consulting the Treaty of Peace at Utrecht concluded between
the Two Crown [s] in the Year 1713, by the twe[l]fth Article whereof it
is provided, " That all Nova Scotia or L'Acadie with its antient Boundaries
&c. together with the Dominion, property, & possession of the sd Islds lands
& places & all Right which the most Christian King, the Crown of France
or any the Subjects thereof have hitherto had to the Islda Lands & places
& the Inhabitants of the same are yielded & made over to the Queen of
Great Brittain & to her Crown forever." Now, by the afores'1 Resignation,
the French King quitted all Right not only to the Lands but also the In-
habitants, whether French or Indians or whatsoever they were, & trans-
ferr'd the same to the Crown of Great Brittain for ever, whereby you are
entirely cut off from any claim to the Subjection of the sd Indians from
thence forward.
And We are not ignorant how far the French King understood the
228 Letters of Col. Thomas Westbrook and others. [July,
Countrey of L'Accadie to extend Westward by the Patent granted to * * *
* * * though you seem to be a Stranger to it.
"As to the whole Nation of the Indians exclaiming against some of their
Tribe as pretending they were suborned to give Deeds for their Lands, if
it be matter of Fact that they do so, which is hard to be conceded, it is a
most unjust Imputation & must argue a wonderful deceitfulness & self
contradiction in them, since they have upon all Treaties, when the whole
Tribe were together, constantly acknowledged & submitted to the English
Titles & possessions which they had by honor & lawfull Purchase acquired.
As to the building of Forts any where within the Brittish Dominions, I
suppose you will not Scruple to acknowledge that the King of Great Brit-
tain has as good a Right to erect Fortresses or places of Defence within
his Dominions as the French King has in his, & therefore when you shall
please to give me Instances of the French King applying himself to the
Indians for leave to build a Fort or Forts for the Defence of his Subjects,
I shall then give vou a further answer to that Argument.
And in the mean Time I must tell you, We have alwaies treated the
Indians with Sincerity, & never thought it proper to make Apologies for
Building Forts within our own Jurisdiction (as you insinuate), but on the
Contrary, in all our Treaties with them have asserted our undoubted Right
so to do.
You likewise signify that we must blame no Body but our selves for the
Violence & Hostilities committed against our Nation by the Indians, but